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Thomas Page 5

by Amy Robyn

  I slide on my bracelet and smile in the mirror as it catches the light. I can’t stop smiling as I remember last night. I press my finger to my lips as I think about his kisses. My lips are still slightly swollen and red. He kissed me so many times that I have constantly been glossing them today, so they won’t chap. Every touch and every taste of his skin is imprinted in me. I’m glowing with the love he showed me last night. I hope he does equally so tonight. I sigh.

  It’s still a half an hour until he picks me up and I can hardly sit still. What will he think of my dress? I wore it for him when he said he loved the color red. I knew this would be the dress I would choose when he said those words. I want him to know that I’m paying attention to his every word as he obviously does mine. I have never felt so cherished as I have in his arms. He tells me over and over again that I’m his and he’ll never let me go. I really hope he means those words because the love that I thought was so elusive and unattainable is exactly what I’m feeling for him now. It’s frightening as much as it’s titillating. He has the power to crush me in ways my father never had.

  A knock sounds at my door shaking me out of my thoughts. Damn, he’s early. I smile at myself in the mirror before grabbing my handbag. He’s obviously as eager to see me as I am him. I rush over to the door and throw it open. My purse falls to the floor with a clatter when I see who it is. It’s General Cypress and he’s holding a gun. I step back as he laughs the evilest sounding laugh I have ever heard. I go to slam my door and his foot lodges in it preventing it from closing. I go to scream, and his hand covers my mouth. The black leather glove bites into my flesh pressing it hard against my lips splitting the skin. The coppery taste fills my mouth.

  “Now, now, dear. You don’t want to inform those nasty little beasts that I’m here.” He says as he pushes me back and slams the door shut behind him. I groan as I realize what is going to happen to me now. He’s probably here to rape and kill me. I just let the lunatic into my room. He finally drops his hand. I lick my injured lip and wince as a jolt of pain surfaces from the raw flesh.

  “I hear the corpse was in your room yesterday. Did you let a dead man fuck you? Did you, Ava? Even though you’re promised to me.” He grabs me and tilts my head painfully to the side. “Did he drink your blood?” He keeps searching my neck and not finding what he’s looking for he finally steps back.

  “What do you want?” I ask, and he laughs again as he holds up his gun.

  “I want to know what that beast said to you while you were alone in here.” He lifts the gun and points it at me. “Don’t think for a moment that I won’t shoot you now that I know that you let a dead man fuck you.” He clucks his tongue at me as though he’s ashamed. He’s talking about Thomas. He’s mad if he thinks that Thomas is a vampire. He does like to bite but he never left a mark on me and our lovemaking was gentle. I know for a fact that I heard his heart beating as I lay in his arms early this morning. General Cypress’s cheese has slid off his cracker if he thinks Thomas is the walking dead.

  “My father will hear about this.” I lift my chin defiantly even though I’m shaking in my boots right now. I have no idea how to talk to a madman. He laughs again.

  “Who do you think sent me? He says you’re no daughter of his if you let one of those nasty creatures touch you.” I flinch.

  “He wouldn’t” I shout only to be laughed at again.

  “Of course, he did. Who do you think it is that told me about these dead men who steal our blood and women.” He smiles, and his yellowing teeth look more like the teeth of a shark right now with the evil look in his eyes.

  “My father loves me,” I say quietly though I’m unsure of the statement.

  “I’m sure he did before you laid with the enemy. You stupid girl. I would have given you many children. I was even planning to get rid of both of my girlfriends for you. At least for a couple of years until you became too fat and stretched out for me to enjoy.” He smiles again, and I nearly gag. He calls Thomas a monster. Perhaps he should look at himself in the mirror. Another knock sounds at the door and I whimper because I know this time it’s certainly Thomas and I don’t want to drag him into this mess. General Cypress pulls me against him and I groan as he covers my injured mouth again.

  “You tell that vampire that you don’t want to see him again. You get rid of him and maybe I’ll let you live long enough to give me one of those children.” He licks my cheek and the smell of his breath brings vomit up into my mouth. I nod my head that I’ll do what he said. He moves over toward the door to stand on the other side. He holds his gun up pointed directly at me before giving me a nod.

  I open the door and Thomas is standing there with an odd expression on his face. I take a deep breath and prepare for what I need to do even though I would rather die than to hurt him. It’s better if he’s far away from here where he can’t get hurt. It would kill me if my father and his friend’s fanaticism is the death of him. It would destroy me in ways that the bullet from the gun never could.

  “You ready to go?” He tilts his head to the side as though he’s listening to something other than my voice. I’m probably just reading more into it with everything going on. I’m surprised I’m as steady as I am right now and not a trembling mess.

  “I can’t go with you. I can’t see you anymore.” I roll my eyes to the side trying to let him know that I’m not alone. I want him to call for help. He looks at the spot beside the door as though he can see through the wall.

  “Go away and leave me alone.” I step back as he gives the slightest nod of his head. I shut the door and General Cypress laughs cruelly before stepping back in front of me.

  “You really are the heartbreaker I pegged you to be. It’s a good thing that you’ll never get close to mine. No woman ever will.” He laughs again, and I cringe. Now, what do I do? I need to buy some time until help arrives. I know Thomas understood my message. I could tell he knew something was going on. I just need to buy as much time as possible.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I tell him, and he rolls his eyes as he follows me over.

  “Fine but I’m listening at the door and my hearing is nearly as good as your boy toy.” He grins that shark grin again. “If you’re not out in five minutes I will start shooting through the door.

  Chapter 8. Thomas

  I knew before I even knocked that something was wrong. I listened at the door to the man talking to my Ava. He’s deranged and probably as much of a zealot as her father, maybe more so because he seems to be enjoying her fear. I knock knowing it will go the exact way it did. My perfect mate gave me a signal that was unneeded but let me know just how incredibly brave she is. I step away from the door and move down the hall though still not far. No way in hell am I leaving my woman alone with a madman. I press the button on my earpiece.

  “Terrance, we have a rat. Someone tipped off the General last night. General Cypress is holding my woman at gunpoint in her dorm room.” I release the button and take a deep breath.

  “I will be there in two. Do not move in without me.” I press the button again after he’s finished.

  “Is anyone else on this frequency?” I ask him because I don’t trust the others. Someone was in contact with General Bendix last night and I’m pretty sure I know who it was.

  “Negative. It’s just the two of us. The others are on three. They are already in route to the General’s house to get into position.” I can tell his running as the wind whips around making it sound like he’s near the ocean. I press my fingers to my eyes. This has just turned into a fucked-up situation. I see no way out without getting injured.

  “Which window is hers? I’ll go through it and you come through the front door. We’ll take him more by surprise that way and he can’t shoot at two targets at the same time.” I grind my teeth together. I don’t like the idea of any of us getting hurt. It looks like my mate will be getting a crash course in vampirism whether she’s ready for it or not. Fuck.

  “It’s the thirteenth window
from the front of the building on the south side toward the middle.” I let him know. It’s a good thing I counted doors the day before yesterday when I walked her home. I spent that night below listening to her movements until she went to sleep. I hated leaving her alone that night, but it was even worse this morning though I knew I needed to meet up with the men. Little did I know, Eric would be reporting everything I said to her father. When I get my hands on that rat. I will choke the life out of him and enjoy every moment of his misery as I watch the light dim in his eyes.

  “I’m in position,” Terrance says in my ear as I creep back over to the door.

  “Now,” I say quietly before kicking the door wide open. Shots fire before Terrance wraps his arms around General Cypress. I growl as I feel the burn of the bullet as it slices through the side of my arm. It’s only a flesh wound and luckily, I won’t need to dig the bullet out. I use vampire speed and wrench the gun from his hand. I hear the bones break in his hand as I remove the gun. The General shouts out in pain. I have no sympathy. Terrance pulls his hands behind his back and uses the flex cuffs on him before he starts searching him for weapons. I look over at the doorway to the bathroom and see Ava standing in the doorway with her mouth hanging open. I reach for her and she doesn’t step away from me. I take that as a good sign.

  “You moved so quickly.” She says as she wraps her arms around me. I hold her against me as I stare down at the man who would hold a gun to my Ava.

  “Oh my god. You’re hurt.” She pokes her finger through the hole in my jacket. “You’re bleeding. We should call the police.” She goes to move away, and I pull her back.

  “It’s just a scratch. We can’t call the police.” I tell her as she looks up at me shocked. I notice her torn lips and I lean down and lick them sealing the wounds. She jerks back and then presses her fingers to her lips. They probably tingle from the healing agents in my saliva.

  “How did you… That’s why I didn’t have teeth marks this morning.” She steps away from me until she hits the wall. “You are what he said you are.” She swallows audibly, and I wish I could tell her differently.

  “I am a vampire, but we’re not bloodthirsty beasts as he says we are.” She whimpers when I take a step toward her, so I stop. I drop my head. This isn’t going well, so I turn my attention to the General who would dare hurt my mate. I growl at him and his head comes up and fear shows in the depths of his depraved eyes. He sees his death coming and stares it down knowing it will be the end of him. His fear is nearly tangible as it permeates the air with its cloying scent. He may put on a brave front, but my senses will not be deceived.

  “You, filthy beast. Release me this instant.” I laugh at his audacity.

  “Why would I do that. Your fanaticism will just get more men killed. I know you care nothing for your men, but we do. Every life you have wasted comes at a price to your very living soul until it’s nothing more than swiss cheese.” The General’s eyes narrow as he stares down his own death.

  “What would you know about souls? The undead has none.” He growls and spittle flies from the corners of his mouth. His eyes glazed with crazed indignation.

  “I know you believe we have no soul but that’s where you’re wrong. I have a soul and even a beating heart now that I have found my mate. She’s my soul.” I look over at Ava who gasps at my proclamation. I turn back to the evil man sitting with his hands cuffed behind his back. “Don’t worry about my soul. It’s safe now that you are no danger to her. You, on the other hand, should be very worried.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Who have you told about us?” The General grins though there’s nothing nice behind it.

  “Everyone.” He gives an evil sounding laugh that sends chills down my spine.

  “He lies,” Terrance says with a shake of his head. “He tried to tell several people and they didn’t believe him. They are trying to get him to agree to a psych evaluation. He even fears that it will be forced soon.” Terrance says as he shakes the General in agitation.

  “Are you in his mind?” I ask Terrance and he nods his head. It’s a special gift that Terrance has that none of the rest of us have except Garbriel. Sure, we can enter minds, but it takes a lot of concentration and normally wears us out quickly. Not Terrance. He enters a mind sometimes without even trying. His ability is only surpassed by Gabriel.

  “General Bendix doesn’t know any of this or he would break his association with him and he wants Ava. He plans to breed her until she’s used up and then find another. He’s disgusting. His views on women are nearly as bad as he views us.” Ava squeaks as she listens to Terrance. I turn to her.

  “He told me as much before you came. He says my dad has washed his hands of me because I was with a vampire.” She looks up at Terrance. “Is that true or did he just say that to upset me?” Ava asks Terrance.

  “Are you sure you want to know the answer?” Terrance asks, and I wince because I know what that means.

  “I need to know.” She says firmly. I reach over and take her hand and surprisingly she doesn’t pull away. I am finally able to breathe knowing I might have a chance.

  “Your father sent him here. He considers you dead to him.” I can hear the sympathy in his voice. Ava stiffens her spine as a single tear slides down her cheek. I’m unsure of what to do. I want to pull her into my arms and give her comfort but I’m unsure if it would be welcome or not.

  “What will we do about him?” She asks as she jerks her head toward General Cypress.

  “It would be best to destroy him because even if we wipe his memory, but it could damage his mind more than it already is,” Terrance tells her. One thing you can always be certain with when it comes to Terrance. He will always give you an honest answer.

  “What would you have us do?” I ask her because her input is valuable to me but even more than that, I need to see where she is with all of this and her answer will tell me a lot. I guess it’s the counselor in me that comes out in times like this.

  “I think you’re right. What he planned to do to me he will do to some other woman and I can’t stand the idea of him hurting someone else when I could have prevented it.” She says firmly, and I know in this instant that she is absolutely everything I believed her to be and more. She’s as protective of others as much or maybe more so than the rest of us are. She will be a great addition to us in Northridge if I can convince her to join us.

  “What about your father?” I press her hand against my beating heart. “Before you answer that let me tell you what he has done to so many humans.” I give her hand a squeeze and she nods her head. “He has been training military units to come after us and they are as fanatical as he is. They don’t stop coming until we have killed every last one. He trains them and sends them out to be slaughtered without any regard to them. We are only trying to protect ourselves and the mates living with us.” She pulls her hand away from me and I feel at a loss of what I should do. She looks so lost that I would do just about anything to take that look away and see her smiling again. She destroys me with her eyes when she finally raises her chin again.

  “You drink blood.” Her hand went to her neck. “You drank mine last night, didn’t you?” Terrance gasps and shakes his head. Like he would have been able to control himself. I send him a dirty look before turning back to Ava.

  “We do need blood to survive but most of us survive off bagged blood. It’s a little more difficult when a vampire finds his mate. One drop of a mate’s blood and the vampire will no longer be able to ingest any other.” Her eyes widen.

  “Are you saying I’m your mate and what exactly does that mean?” She asks and there’s a slight tremor in her voice as though she fears the answer.

  “A mate is like a soul-mate. A vampire doesn’t have a beating heart or any sexual desire until he or she finds their mate. I knew you were my mate as soon as I heard your voice and then our eyes met and there was no doubt what you were to me. I didn’t know you even existed yet, so nobody was more surprised than I was.” She drops her e
yes away from mine and it feels like a physical blow. A pain radiates from my chest and I ache to have her in my arms just once more before she turns her back on me completely, but I know that’s out of the question now.

  “Do you drink bagged blood?” She asks Terrance and he gives her a sour look.

  “Of course I do. I’m one of the few that has never tasted human blood directly from the source. I was fortunate enough to have had access to it when I was turned. There’s something you should know about us.” He stands from his crouched positioner near the General. He walks over to Ava. “There is more blood in the human body than we could possibly drink. A pint is our limit so for us to kill a human by draining them it would take multiple vampires to feed on them at the same time and even then, there’s usually too much. We don’t kill indiscriminately. We only kill when necessary to save our lives.” He tells her, and she glances over to where the General is sitting. He seems quiet at the moment and it makes me nervous. I know he’s plotting though I don’t see what he could possibly do in his current situation.

  “They lie.” He hisses toward Ava and she doesn’t even flinch from the venom.

  “I would believe them over you. They never threatened my life or wanted me as a prisoner as I was raped repeatedly. Only you wanted that.” She squares her shoulders before turning back to me.

  “What were you doing at that party the other night? Were you planning on using me to get to my father?” Fuck she had to ask the one question that the answer guarantees she’ll never look at me again.

  “Yes, but hear me out.” I step in front of her, so she has nowhere to run. She doesn’t move but the look on her face says I might just get punched. I don’t care if she hits me as long as she hears what I have to say. “I was sent here to get to know you so that you would invite me home to meet your father. We needed to find out what he knows and if he had told anyone besides the units he’s having trained. I did it to protect those humans he keeps sending after us. You have no idea how many lives are being lost because of him.” I cup her cheek and this time she just looks up at me with a lost expression. It pierces me how desolate her eyes are.


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