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Thomas Page 8

by Amy Robyn

  “That’s amazing,” I say as I reach out and run my fingers over them.

  “You taste so good.” He growls again, and my cheeks heat up. He pulls the mask off and runs his hand through my hair before reaching under my arms and pulling me over him. He holds me pressed against him and I can feel the hard length of him between us. I shake my head.

  “I can’t believe you’re aroused after being injured so badly.” He chuckles.

  “I’m not dead, love and you’re in the same room. I will always be aroused when you’re near.” He kisses my neck before taking my mouth in a searing kiss.

  A knock sounds on the door making Thomas growl at the intrusion.

  “Sorry, but we need to decide what to do about the General before he goes into hiding again,” Terrance says as he pokes his head back in. Now, I know why he gave me privacy while Thomas fed on me and it makes my cheeks bright red. I’m sure I could be seen from space station I’m so red.

  “Go pick him up and bring him here. Be careful we still don’t know where Eric is. Expect an attack.” Thomas tells Terrance.

  “I’m leaving Scott with you. He can keep an eye out for you while I’m gone. I’m taking the rest of the team.” Thomas starts to protest until he feels me squirm against him. He finally just nods before Terrance leaves the room.

  “Baby, you have been so brave.” He tells me before kissing me again. I don’t feel very brave. I feel as though my world has come crashing down around me and the only life raft is Thomas. I cling to him as I’m certain I always will as I think about what will happen to the father that wants me dead.

  Chapter 12. Thomas

  This can’t be easy for Ava. Not only did she just discover there are vampires in the world but also discovered that her father is more of bloodthirsty animal than the vampires. That must be a tough pill to swallow and, yet she does it with dignity. We decided to shower because I was covered in blood and she didn’t want to let me out of her sight. Of course, once we were naked and wet, we did a lot more than wash each other. She is still flushed with the warm water and the multiple orgasms she had. She has never been more beautiful than she is now.

  She helps me dress as she touches every inch of my skin. I know she needs that right now, so she can see for herself that I’m healed. She may not have told me she loves me yet, but I feel it in every touch. She runs her hands down my chest as she pulls my shirt together and starts buttoning it in place. I love the feel of her soft skin running across my heated flesh. She’s driving me crazy and she doesn’t even know it. I finally can’t contain the groan as her hand grazes over my hard length.

  “You’re insatiable.” She giggles, and I can only watch her with hooded eyes as she finally finishes with her examination and I’m fully dressed. She’s still in only her towel. She lifts her dress and sniffs it making her dainty nose curl.

  “I wish I had brought some clothes with me.” I grab my earpiece and press the button.

  “Terrance, what’s happening?” Terrance comes through a little out of breath.

  “We have the General. You were right. He put up one hell of a fight but nothing we couldn’t handle. We’re on our way back to you.” I bet it was more difficult than he lets on, but I let it go.

  “Can you grab something for Ava to wear?” I look over at Ava.

  “Do you have clothes at your father’s house?” I ask her.

  “Yes. They’re in the closet in the last bedroom on the right.” She says.

  “Did you hear that, Terrance?”

  “On it,” Terrance says and I smile at Ava.

  “Thanks, Terrance. See you soon.” Terrance is one of my closest friends. He was found a month after I was, and we trained together. The bloodlust was a bitch in the beginning and we had a difficult time being around humans for a little while. It was especially difficult for me because I had been surviving off drinking directly from the source. It’s a dangerous endeavor because removing memories can be difficult to do and if it’s a particularly long memory, it can damage the human’s brain. Terrance is the strongest of us in being able to delve into memories and wiping them and even he doesn’t like doing it.

  “Terrance is grabbing something for you to wear.” I let her know as I pull her against me. “How should we kill some time?” I give her ass a little squeeze as I grind my cock against her. She shakes her head and giggles again. She starts to say something, and I press my mouth against hers, stopping her from saying anything. We don’t have long before we have a room full of people and I need to make sure she knows she’s mine. I want her fully satiated and smelling like me before other men surround her. I know I just had her, but we washed my scent away and the beast in me needs it there and now.

  “I want my cum dripping out of you when they return,” I whisper on her lips. She mewls but doesn’t protest as I lay her back on the bed. I pull away her towel so she’s bared to me. She pulls her knees up and slowly lets them fall apart, showing me her pink, dewy center. I groan before I open my pants, freeing my cock. The beast is already weeping at the tip from how sexy she looks laid out for me the way she is. I want to devour her yet there’s no time for that. I pull her legs around my waist and thrust into her in one single glide, embedding myself deep within her. Her back arches off the bed and she screams my name.

  “You are mine and I want every man who comes here to know that,” I say as I start moving fast and hard into her tight body. Her breasts sways with every movement and tempt me beyond my control. I lean down and suck one of her ripe berries into my mouth and moan around her flesh. She tastes better than she ever has before. She only grows more tempting each time I have her. Her flavors grow stronger and her pussy seems to be more formfitting with each new session of lovemaking. This beautiful, intelligent woman might very well be the death of me. I wonder if it ever wanes though judging by the other mated vampires, I would say it doesn’t. I will just need to grow used to constantly craving her, not that it’s a hardship.

  “I want you to fall asleep each night filled with my cum only to fill you again in the morning.” I punctuate the statement with a hard thrust. “I want to cum all over you and rub it into your skin, so everyone smells me on you,” I growl as I pound into her in a way I never have before. I take her the way I have wanted to since I first saw her across the room at the party. I didn’t want to hurt her because she had been a virgin. Those restraints are off now as I plow into her with a hunger I have only just now tapped into. She’s right there with me as she moves her hips to meet me. Our bodies crash together as our sounds of pleasure fill the air.

  “I love you.” She whispers in my neck and I stop moving. I grab her by the back of her neck and held her in place until she opens her eyes.

  “Say it again.” My voice comes out sounding gruff as emotions clog my vocal cords. She stares into my eyes.

  “I love you.” She says it with such conviction and my body trembles on the verge of erupting. Who knew that three little words would have this much power over me. I’m so close to cumming that if she moves at all I will explode. That’s when she does the unexpected she leans up and bites into my neck.

  “There, now I have marked you. Now, you’re mine.” A strangled groan falls from my mouth as I start to cum. I pound into her as ropes of my cum splash her walls. Her nails dig into my back as the heels of her feet press against the cheeks of my ass. I lean down and sink my teeth into her breasts knowing that’s the only way to get her to follow me over. Her pussy clamps down and starts massaging the rest of the cum out of me. I’m growling against her breast like a beast as we both ride out the most intense orgasm I have ever had. Her little clit rubs against me as I grind against her. She finally collapses on the bed and I follow her down.

  “I love you so fucking much. Please come home with me to Northridge.” I ask her, and her eyes flutter open.

  “Yes.” She says before kissing me with such passion that I feel it in my toes. I’m still so damn hard that I’m tempted to start moving inside of her
again. Just as I’m considering it, I hear the main door open. She looks startled, so I slowly pull out of her with a moan. She giggles.

  “Are you always this horny?” She giggles again and I love that sounds so much that I pull her against me and lay my head against her chest. I’m still nearly fully dressed while she’s completely naked. I wish now I had taken the time to remove my clothes, so I can feel her skin against mine.

  “Never before meeting you.” It was one of the things that let me know what I had with Polly was wrong. I never needed her like this. We only had sex a handful of times in all the time we were together. It wasn’t that I didn’t desire her, it was more like trying to have something with a best friend, not a lover. I cherished her friendship, but I was never in love with her.

  “Really?” She sounds surprised.

  “I will never lie to you and I mean every word I’ve ever said to you. I never wanted a woman the way I want you. I didn’t have this kind of desire until I saw you across the room at that party. You’re all I will ever want.” I kiss her again before Terrance knocks at the door. I know it’s him by his scent. Thankfully the gas has cleared out and my senses are back to normal. I run my hand across my face before I cover her with the sheet. I tuck my rigid cock back into my pants before I open the door a crack and block the view of the bed by placing my body in front of it. I love Terrance, but I would have to kill him if he sees Ava in the state she’s in. Terrance looks exhausted. There are dark circles around his golden eyes and his dreadlocks are covered in beads of moisture. It must be raining out. He hands me a bag and I open the door further to pull it through.

  “Come out when you’re ready. We have the General trussed up in the dining room.” I grab his shoulder before he turns away.

  “Have you fed?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

  “I will when this is over. I just don’t trust all these men yet. I want to make sure you guys are safe before I leave you alone long enough to feed.” I never realized just how good of a friend he’s been to me until now.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “Hopefully, someday you’ll be helping me with my mate.” I really hope so. I didn’t understand just how important a mate is to a vampire until I found Ava. She brings out the good in me and softens me where I was jagged around the edges. She cures the lonely ache at the pit of my stomach that yearned for something that felt incomplete. Ava is the miracle I had quit believing in.

  “You will find her man and when you do, I got your back.” I give his shoulder one final squeeze before he turns away and I shut the door. I take the bag over to Ava who is sitting up now with the sheet wrapped around her.

  “You guys really do put a lot of stock in finding your mates.” I nod my head and give her a small smile as she reaches into her bag.

  “They give us our hearts back and with it, strength to meet each day.” I run my fingers through her tangled hair. Her head jerks up and her eyes fill with tears.

  “I do that for you?” I cup her cheek and softly press my lips to hers. I kiss her ever so gently before pulling back and staring down into her bright blue depths.

  “That and so much more.”

  “What happens when I grow old and you stay the same?” Her eyebrows pulled together as though the idea is unappealing to her.

  “We have bonded now. You will stay this young for as long as I live.” She gasps in surprise. I guess I should have mentioned that a while ago. She smiles up at me after a few seconds.

  “I guess we’ll have a long time together.” She pecks my lips quickly. “I hope you never get tired of me,” I growl and press her back on the bed.

  “Never,” I say harshly as I grind my hips against hers. She just giggles again. I love when I’m the one eliciting such a beautiful sound.

  A knock sounds at the door reminding me that we’re not alone.

  “I’m sorry to do this to you but your father is in the dining room and we need to decide what to do with him,” I tell her as I pull away from her and stand up. Her flushed cheeks pale instantly and I regret taking this respite from her.

  “You don’t need to go out there if you don’t want to. I just wanted it to be your decision since he’s your father.” She seems to consider it for a moment.

  “No, I need to face him.” She looks determined and pride swells on me. My mate is damn brave. She also reminds me of why I would love nothing more than to take her back to bed as she stands up and lets the sheet drop away from her gorgeous body. I groan as my cock jerks behind my zipper. She looks over at me with a smirk. She knows exactly the effect she’s having on me. How could she not? The woman is a goddess.

  She starts dressing to my dismay as she covers her body. I stare at the bed for a moment mournfully. I will have her again as soon as this is over, I tell myself, so I’ll get moving.

  When Ava is finished I grab the comb from my bag and carefully comb out the tangles from hair that our lovemaking caused. I love the look though I’m sure she would be embarrassed by it. I love my woman looking just fucked and smelling like me. I must settle for just smelling like me for now.

  She takes my hand as I lead her out of the room and down the hall. We present a united front as we face her father. Her father looks up with the same blue eyes, only hers are far brighter and not glazed with fanaticism. His eyes are also yellowing in the whites with old age. His wrinkled face doesn’t change a bit with seeing his only child standing in front of him.

  “What, dad, not happy to see me?” She asks sarcastically. “Oh, that’s right I’m dead to you. Your only child.” Her nose curls as though she’s smells something bad.

  “No child of mine would lay with the dead.” He growls and spittle flies from the corners of his mouth.

  “What would you like us to do with him?” Terrance asks. Ava stares down at her father with a mixture of shame and disgust.

  “I think you should turn him into the very thing he hates.” She says as she watches her father. The General cringes, showing the first sign of emotion.

  “I like that idea. I really do. There’s only one problem with that.” Terrance says, and Ava looks up at him curiously.

  “What’s that?” She asks.

  “I have been in his mind and I have seen all that he’s done. I would never unleash someone like him in the world with extra abilities. I wouldn’t unleash him in the world as he is, but could you imagine a monster like him with super strength and speed.” Terrance shakes his head. “He hates women especially. He has already killed his fair share of prostitutes and some of them in front of your mother. That is why she demurely sat by and let him do whatever he wanted. She was scared out of her mind of him.” Terrance says. Ava pales even further and with her porcelain skin that’s saying something.

  “I always thought my mother was just weak. She never put up a fight and seemed incapable of moving on.” I cup her face.

  “You couldn’t have known. I’m sure he went great lengths to hide it from you.” I tell her as I stroke her cheek with my thumb.

  “He threatened and tormented her so much that I’m sure she’s just scared to draw his attention. You might see a very different woman once he’s out of the picture.” Terrance tells her. I can tell he wants to place his hand on her shoulder but fears I might not like it. Vampires are very possessive of their mates. I bite my lip before nodding to him that it’s okay. Terrance places his hand on her shoulder and Ava smiles up at him. I find myself growling even though I know there’s nothing about the simple compassionate touch to warrant it.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, and Terrance removes his hand with a shake of his head. Ava hits my shoulder with her delicate hand, but she’s smiling, so I know she isn’t too put out by it.

  “Terrance will you please take him out of here before you do it this time.” She doesn’t look at her father as she says this. Terrance nods his head as he goes to lift the General out of the seat.

  “You’re choosing these creatures over your o
wn flesh and blood.” The General shouts and Ava finally look at him.

  “My father died when I was still a child. Whoever you are now I can’t stand to even look at you anymore.” She turns around and walks out of the room as her father shouts obscenities at her.

  “Make it look like an accident,” I tell Terrance and he grins.

  “I already have it ready to look like General Bendix shot General Cypress before turning the gun on himself,” Terrance says as the General starts pleading for his life. We will show him as much mercy as he’s shown us. I nod at Terrance before leaving the room. I find my mate sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands, softly crying for the man who had once been good to her. I sit down beside her and rub her back. She climbs into my lap and presses her head to my chest as she cries out so many years of misery.

  “I hated my mom for being a doormat. I hated him for treating her so coolly. I never understood what happened to him. He wasn’t always bad.” I rub her back and kiss the top of her head.

  “I’m sure he wasn’t. It could have been a mental illness that struck him when he hit his middle age. Who knows.” I kiss her head again as she rubs her face against me. I don’t care that my shirt is soaking through. I only care that my beautiful Ava is hurting.

  “I made the right decision.” She says it more to herself than to me.

  “Yes, my love you’re protecting a lot of people and it doesn’t sound like it’s just vampires but women too.” She nods her head at me as she sniffles.

  “How could I have not known he was such a monster?” I shake my head.

  “Don’t take that on. Madmen have a way of hiding their truths from the people closest to them.” She nods her head at me again and falls silently. It isn’t until her breathing evens out that I realize she had fallen asleep. I pull the blanket down and lay her down. I remove the clothing that she just put on before removing my own. I crawl into bed and pull her back against me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. It only takes a few minutes for sleep to come, after all, it was an exceedingly long day.


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