To Kiss A Cowboy (Hunks and Horses Book 1)

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To Kiss A Cowboy (Hunks and Horses Book 1) Page 1

by Maggie Carpenter


  Title Information

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  A Word From Maggie

  Title Information

  Hunks and Horses

  Book One

  To Kiss A Cowboy

  Maggie Carpenter

  Copyright © 2018 Dark Secrets Press

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Dark Secrets Press LLC.

  Cover Image


  Cover Design

  Rebecca Hamilton

  OTOH Books



  Staring down at the riding ring from his office window, Heath Boyd watched the fiery woman he'd just married trying to give a lesson to an important client, Connie Masters. The two women were not getting along. Hastily leaving his office he called Andy, his barn manager.

  "Hey, Heath," Andy said cheerily. "What's up?"

  "You need to get over to the ring. It looks like things between Carly and Connie are gettin' heated. I'm on my way, but you're closer."

  "Dammit. I'll be right there."

  Marching outside, Heath jumped in his ATV and set off at a fast clip. When Connie Masters had called to complain about Domino, the gelding she'd bought just a couple of months before, he invited her to visit. Though Carly, his beautiful bride, could ride and train better than just about anyone, it appeared Carly and Connie were oil and water. Zipping down the driveway, he saw Andy entering the ring, but as he pulled to a stop he discovered his right-hand man may not have arrived in time.

  "For goodness sake, Connie, breathe," Carly yelled.

  "I'm already breathing. If I wasn't I'd be dead," Connie snapped back. "Goddammit. This is so frustrating."

  "Connie, pull up," Andy called, striding forward. "Jump off for a minute."

  "Gladly," Connie retorted, sliding out of the saddle and handing the reins to Carly.

  "You're stiff, Connie," Andy said as she walked up to him. "That's why Carly's askin' you to breathe. Carly, get on. Walk him around. Let him relax."

  "Sure, Andy."

  "She just wasn't communicatin' right," Andy continued, speaking to Connie in a calm, measured voice. "See how her hips are movin'? She looks straight and tall, but she's relaxed. You've gotta move with the horse."

  "I know that, but I couldn't. I was feeling so stressed. I'll get back on and try again."

  "Nope. You stay right where you are," he said firmly, then softly added, "Things will be okay, Connie. You just need a break. And so does Domino."

  "Uh…okay. Yeah, maybe you're right. Thanks, Andy."

  Heath smiled a knowing smile. Connie and Carly were cut from the same cloth. They were both strong women who responded to an understanding, but authoritative man. Relieved things were under control, he was about to head back to the house when he heard an unfamiliar voice. Turning his eyes up to the viewing platform, he spotted a stranger talking on his phone. Dressed in designer jeans with pressed seams, a blue silk shirt, and loafers with no socks, the man looked completely out of place. Waiting until the call ended, Heath stepped from the ATV and climbed up the steps to introduce himself.

  "Hey! I'm Heath Boyd, Carly's husband. This is my ranch."

  "Hi. I'm Jerry. Jerry Goldstein. I came with Connie."

  "Good to meet you, Jerry."

  "Nice spread you've got here."

  "I bet you'd rather be on the golf course," Heath said with a grin. "Or lazin' by a pool."

  "Either would be preferable to watching Connie go around and around in circles. What's the point?"

  "I could explain, but I'm guessin' you're not real interested. How about you come up to the house for a beer?"

  "You bet."

  "Hey, Connie?" Heath called as they left the platform and climbed in the ATV. "I'm takin' Jerry to the house. Come on up when you're done."

  Connie waved and smiled, then immediately turned her attention back to Andy. She looked much happier.

  "What happened to Connie's trainer?" Heath asked, starting up the driveway. "I think his name may have been Mark. I don't recall."

  "Malcolm. He and Connie had a falling out. She can be difficult sometimes, especially when it comes to her horses."

  "She doesn't have anyone helpin' her?"

  "She can't find anyone she likes, and the whole thing has been a real pain in the ass."

  "Huh. I'm gettin' an idea," Heath said, pulling up at the front door. "Come on in. Are you hungry?"

  "That depends. What's on offer?"

  "Let's see what Theresa has hidden away. She's our new housekeeper, and she's an amazin' cook."

  Leading Jerry through the dining room and into the kitchen, Heath pulled two beers from the refrigerator. As Jerry gratefully took a long swig and settled on one of the high stools at the kitchen island, Heath disappeared into the pantry.

  "I think I just struck gold," he said with a grin, quickly returning with two plastic tubs. "I found an almond cake and some brownies."

  Opening the containers and placing them on the kitchen island, he fetched a few napkins, then reached for his phone.

  "There's a fella I know who's at loose ends," Heath declared. "His name is Caleb King. The show barn he worked at just sold. I've known him for years and he's an excellent trainer, though I'm not sure how far he'd be willin' to drive for just a few lessons. Does she need any other kinda help?"

  "She does!" Jerry exclaimed. "Malcolm ran the barn. Now she's doing it and she's driving me nuts. She's always busy."

  "Maybe this will work," Heath said optimistically. "Caleb! Hey, this is Heath."

  "Hey, Heath. What can I do ya for?"

  "I have a client here who's havin' trouble with her horse. Do you remember Domino?"

  "Domino? Sure. He's a good boy."

  "Yeah, he is, but she lost her trainer and she needs some help."

  "What about Andy or Carly?"

  "Andy's workin' with her right now, but once she leaves she'll be on her own again. She might also be in need of a barn manager. Would you be open to somethin' like that? Trainin' and runnin' things?"

  "I've got nothin' keepin' me around here."

  "Can you stop by and meet her?"

  "Sure. I'm at the feed store. I'll be right over."

  "If the ring's empty come on up to the house. You still have the gate code, right?"

  "Sure do, and thanks for thinkin' of me."

  "You betcha."

  "What did he say?" Jerry asked hopefully. "Is he interested?"

  "Yep. He's on his way."

  "Oh, man, that's great! I really hope this works out. I've
been wondering how we'd get away for the honeymoon."


  "We're engaged."

  "No kiddin'. When's the big day?"

  "Six months. I swear, planning a wedding is like having a second job. By the way, these brownies are fantastic," Jerry remarked, reaching for a second. "I hope I get to meet this Theresa of yours."

  "She should be back soon. She's just in town runnin' a few errands. I think I heard the front door."

  "They're done already? No more circling?"

  "I'm guessin' Andy told Connie to wait until tomorrow before gettin' back on. The horse needs to settle just as much as she does."

  "Hi, you two," Carly said, ambling into the kitchen. "Andy's helping Connie with Domino in the barn."

  "I need to call him. Caleb's on his way."

  "Caleb King?"

  "You know another Caleb?" he quipped with a wink as he placed the call. "He's been lookin', and Connie needs help. I think it might be a fit."

  "You could be right. Connie responded much better to Andy than to me."

  "So I noticed. Hey, Andy. Got a minute?"

  As Heath left the kitchen to finish the call, Carly picked up the beer he'd left, took a swallow, then smiled across at Jerry.

  "So, Jerry, are you enjoying your visit?"

  "The change is good. Great property you've got."

  "I'm sorry I couldn't help Connie."

  "She's not the easiest woman in the world."

  "Are any of us?"

  "Now that you mention it, you have a point," he said with a chuckle.

  "Okay, Andy's in the loop," Heath declared, walking back in. "He and Connie know Caleb will be here shortly. Jerry, would you like to watch the game? You can relax in my den."

  "That'd be great. I've got money on it."

  "You've got a bet goin' and you're not glued to a set?"

  "When I said I needed to stay home to watch football, it didn't go down too well."

  "Ah, I see. I can understand her point though. The drive is a long one, especially haulin' a horse. Grab your beer and follow me. Carly, I need to talk to you. Tag along and we'll go to my office."

  "I like this house," Jerry remarked as they started down the hall. "The decor is horsey but not hokey."

  "Horsey but not hokey," Carly repeated. "I like that."

  "Here's the den," Heath declared, opening a door. "The remote's on the coffee table. I watched the first few minutes, then left before I got sucked in. The refrigerator is behind the bar, and there's a bathroom through there."

  "This is great. Thanks!"

  "No sweat. Make yourself at home."

  Leaving the city slicker to enjoy the game, Heath closed the door, took hold of Carly's hand, and continued down the hall.

  "That Connie," Carly grunted as they walked into his office. "What a pain. I used to think I might enjoy being a trainer, but that lesson could put me off for good."

  "You're still wired."

  "Hell, yeah, I'm still wired."

  "Come here and get a hug."

  "Yes, please, but I'm not sure even that will help."

  "You do realize clients like Connie keep this place runnin'," he reminded her, taking her into his arms. "You've gotta hold it together and play nice."

  "But she refused to listen!"

  "When things started gettin' difficult, you should've called me or Andy."

  "I guess."

  "She's gonna be comin' up to the house before she leaves. You'll have to apologize."

  "What?" she said, pulling back and staring up at him. "She was totally rude. She should be the one apologizing. I just tried to help."

  "Doesn't matter."

  "The hell I will. There's no way."

  "You need a little help calmin' down," he said with a frown. "And you've gotta lose this attitude."

  "I suppose you want to spank me."

  "You know a spankin' will calm your nerves."

  Carly felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach, and the warm flush cross her face.

  "But, uh, Jerry's down the hall."

  "He's wrapped up in the game, but don't yell too loud."

  "Will I want to?"

  "I'm gonna use the stick."

  "The stick?"

  "Yep, and you'll still be feelin' the sting when Connie gets up here. A nice reminder to behave."

  "I didn't mean to lose my temper, but Connie became so frustrating."

  "Hey, beautiful," he purred, hugging her tightly. "I love you to bits. I don't wanna see you upset like this, and a hot seat will make you feel better."

  "I don't know why or how, but you're right."

  "You know the drill."

  As she slipped from his arms, he walked around his desk and pulled a short thin twig from his top drawer. It looked innocent, but with just a flick of the wrist it delivered a hot sting. Looking up, he watched her drop her jeans and panties, then bend over and grasp the arms of a chair. He found himself wishing he could use his hand. Nothing compared to the satisfaction of his palm bouncing off her gorgeous backside, but that would make too much noise, and take too long to deliver the desired effect.

  "This will take less than a minute," he said, walking across the room to stand alongside her.

  "Just as well."

  "You can be such a brat! You'll get a couple more for that."

  He knew his threat was the response she wanted. She constantly pushed the envelope, and he happily played the game.

  "Can't you let me get away with something once in a while?"

  "I'll pretend you didn't ask me that. Are you ready?"

  "I hate that stick."

  "I'll take that as a yes."

  He began flicking the twig lightly across the center of her bottom. It didn't need much to make an impression, and after the first half-dozen she stamped her foot in protest.

  "I'll be nice. I swear, I'll be nice."

  "That didn't take much."

  "When you're right, you're right," she declared, staring at him over her shoulder. "And that thing stings."

  Poking the stick into his back pocket, he touched between her legs. She was drenched. Hastily unzipping, he pushed down his jeans, freed his member and placed himself at her entrance.

  "You want me, Carly?"

  "God, yes. I want you to fuck my brains out."

  "I'll do what I can, darlin', but we have to be quick."

  Sliding inside her, he pumped with slow, hard strokes. He wanted to build their orgasms slowly, but he didn't have the luxury of time. Leaning over her, he moved his fingers to the front of her thighs, and pressed his fingers into her pussy.

  "Climax when you're ready, but keep the noise down," he crooned, his lips at her ear.

  Urgently massaging her tiny nub, only a few minutes passed before the orgasmic spasms seized her, but Heath continued thrusting, chasing his release. Her convulsions were waning when he suddenly erupted, and moments later, breathing heavily, he slipped from her depths.

  "Feel better, babe?" he panted, slowly turning her around and wrapping her in his arms.

  "So much better," she replied with a long sigh. "Like I could sleep for a week."

  "You should take a nap."

  "Can I stretch out on the couch in here?"

  "Sure, but Caleb will call when he's done talkin' to Connie. If you wanna take a longer nap you might wanna go to the bedroom."

  "I think I will, and I might take a quick shower. Thank you, Heath," she purred, pulling back and gazing up at him. "You always know how to make me feel better."

  "I'm glad," he said softly, and placing his finger under her chin, he tilted up her head and lovingly brushed his lips against hers. "Go on. You rest. I know you'll be nothin' but sweetness and light when Connie comes up."


  Driving through the gates of Dream Horse Ranch, Caleb couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so optimistic. Since the sale of the show barn he'd received several offers, but they were at large facilities working with other tra
iners, or assisting an already established barn manager. Neither situation appealed to him, but managing and training a private ranch sounded ideal. As he passed the house, Carly was walking in the front door, and cruising slowly towards the barn, Andy and a dark-haired woman were leading Domino out of the ring. Coming to a stop in the parking area, he climbed from his truck just as they walked by.

  "Perfect timin'," Andy declared, moving up to welcome him. "Connie, this is Caleb King. Caleb, this is Connie Masters. You already know Domino."

  "Sure do. I've sat on him. Good to meet you, Connie," Caleb said, doing his best to hide his instant attraction. Younger than he'd expected, he found Connie extremely attractive, and her dark hair and sparkling blue eyes an intoxicating combination. "Heath tells me you've been havin' a tough time."

  "I'm so frustrated. I can't seem to do anything right. When you said you've sat on Domino, do you mean you've ridden him?"

  "Yep, and Connie, we all feel frustrated from time to time. That's the nature of the sport, but I've learned aggravation usually comes from tryin' too hard."

  "Amen to that," Andy exclaimed. "Why don't you two get acquainted? I've gotta get back to Salvo. I left him in the middle of repairin'' some fencin'."

  "Fine by me," Caleb replied, trying to ignore the uptick in his pulse. "Okay with you, Connie?"

  "Sure, but Andy, can I put Domino in that empty field over there?"

  "You bet. The horses on either side know him. There won't be any problems."

  "Great, thanks, and thanks for your help today. Carly may be a fabulous rider, but she doesn't know how to teach."

  "We can't be good at everything," Andy said diplomatically. "I'm glad I was around to step in. Bye, Caleb."

  "Bye, Andy."

  "I can't believe you've ridden Domino," Connie exclaimed as Andy jogged away. "What did you think of him?"

  "He never gave me any trouble, but I do remember him bein' sensitive."

  "How do you mean?"

  "Let's walk and talk. Looks like he's had enough for one day."

  "Oh, right. So, what do you mean, sensitive?"

  "He knows his job, and he doesn't like bein' messed with. Less is more with this horse."


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