The Masters: RE: The New Cast (The Crisis in Time Series Book 1)

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The Masters: RE: The New Cast (The Crisis in Time Series Book 1) Page 2

by Matthew Weldon

  I approached them and Ayla said, “Hi dear, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay. Thank you,” I answered with a smirk.

  “That is to be expected from you,” Ryuu added, with a smirk.

  I looked at him with curiosity and asked, “What does that mean?”

  Ryuu chuckled, and replied, “You’ll know one day, Tana.”

  Not really knowing how to respond to that, I looked at Vlayru and asked, “Are you doing, okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m little sore, but no worries.” He answered, reassuringly.

  Vlaykre then stated, “Try and get comfortable kids, because this might not be easy to take in.”

  “Vlayru you sit on the couch next to Katana. this concerns you as well,” Ryuu commanded to his son.

  Vlaykre crossed his arms and waited for us to get situated on the couch. I sat upright and Vlayru slouched back.

  “The nations are starting to get in a bad situation again. What Hana, Ryuu, Ayla and myself do when we go to the Central Union is first to go the tower to pray to The Creator. At first, that was all we did, but as of recently, after we finish with praying, we go to the Central Union capital building. We have been trying to call a meeting between all the nations’ leaders to get them to unify under a peace treaty and bring back the use of elemental powers again. Currently, the use of these powers is abolished and has been that way for over a thousand years. it’s to the point where most people say it’s myth”, explained Vlaykre.

  “Elemental powers?!” Vlayru and I said together.

  Vlayru sat up straight and we looked at each other for a moment out of concern and confusion. We then turn our attention back at Vlaykre.

  Vlaykre nodded, “Yes. Do you know what happened when one of those creatures tried to hurt you?”

  “Yeah, there was this blue aura-like thing around me that blocked the attack. It kind of looked like a bubble that was made of water, I guess,” I answered, trying to describe what I saw by using my spread-out arms.

  “That is what happens to people when they try and protect themselves with their powers. Their element that they are born with is channeled through their bodies. This happens either with or without trying. It bursts out from their bodies to protect them. You channeled your inner power Tana and created a shield to protect yourself and Vlayru without even thinking about it,” My mother explained.

  “So, what you’re saying is, that everyone has elemental powers?” Vlayru asked.

  “Yes exactly, some people don’t use them. Others never find their power at all. It was originally used to help with everyday living before it was then discovered as a means for fighting. But the fighting almost led to the destruction of the planet, then to it being abolished and forgotten,” Ryuu explained.

  “This is awesome! What is mine?” Vlayru said in amazement.

  “Well, I have a special rare element. It is light and I was the first person ever to be born with it. you have the same element as well, Vlayru. I felt it,” Ryuu explained to Vlayru.

  Vlaykre chimed in, “Mine is a special unique power, for the same reason as Ryuu. My power is gravity. It’s so great I’m am king in another realm. Also, because I’m royalty, but I’ll get around to telling you that another time.”

  “Pshh, show off,” Ryuu said quietly, grimacing and rolling his eyes.

  “So, then what is mine?” I said.

  “You have Water powers. That’s why the dome you created looked it was made of water. I was really hoping you would have gotten fire powers, like me,” My mother told me.

  I was shocked and amazed. Me with powers? I would never have guessed it. Is this a blessing? Maybe it is a curse we all share? Is this even for real?

  “It’s true. Everyone has powers, some even untapped powers. We need you, Katana.” Vlaykre said as if he read my mind.

  “Okay well, if everyone has powers, why am I so special? Why not Vlayru or his dad since they have a special rare ability to use light powers.”

  “Katana, you have a special ability that is even rarer than light powers. Have you ever heard of the casts?” Vlaykre questioned.

  “Yes, I have. There were three, I believe. One was good, one was bad, and one who was kind of both. In the end, it was the good one who saved the world in the last war. He used special powers and was joined by his friends who also used…” I paused and then it hit me, “…Wait! It was you guys who were in the war. You knew the ‘Good Cast’!” I answered back in excitement.

  “Very good, you know your history. Yes, it was us who helped the ‘Good Cast’ save the world from destruction sixteen years ago. It was his leadership that saved the entire world,” Vlaykre revealed.

  I was in awe.

  “So, why were you keeping this from us?” I asked them.

  My mother sat on the opposite side of me from where Vlayru sat.

  She explained in a soft voice, “We thought you would live normal lives if we kept it secret, and we thought that we could get the nations lift the forgot ban on elemental powers. It was something that the ‘Good Cast’ wanted to do but never got a chance to accomplish. We also hid you away from the world fearing that something would trigger your powers in public.”

  Alya continued, “Right now, the public isn’t ready for elementals yet. But after lifting the ban, we hope to show the world that element powers are good. We thought that evil has balanced out with good sixteen years ago. That was until now We were attacked by the same creatures that attacked you two were earlier at the same time. They are called Shadow Dwellers. They are from another realm, called the Shadow Realm.”

  Vlaykre then added, “We have decided that it’s time to go with plan B, and have both of you guys helped us. Our hope is that if the cast can gather the orbs and have that be a metaphor for harmony, then things can continue to be peaceful.”

  “Okay, but back to my question. Why am I important? What does it have to do with the casts?” I responded.

  They paused for a moment, then My Mother broke the silence, “Because, Katana, you’re the new cast.”

  My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. I was speechless. Vlayru looked a little worried. The adults waited for a response from me. My mother also looked worried.

  “Uhmm, can you repeat that?” I said, in need of hearing it again.

  Ayla got closer and said, “We were told that you were the new cast after you were born by the Creator. We didn’t want to believe that something similar to what happened sixteen years ago would happen again. So we took action by unifying the nations and making the use powers a way of life again.”

  “I…..I’m……….I am the new Cast?!” I said still in awe, kind of shaking.

  “Yes, you are. We need you to go on the Cast Pilgrimage, same as the ‘Good Cast’ did, to find all the orbs of the Masters to help us fight this new evil and get everyone to use elemental powers again.” Vlaykre explained.

  I sat there comprehending everything. I looked over at Vlayru, who was processing everything as well.

  He then spoke, “You said that nations are in a bad way. What do you mean by that?”

  Ayla then spoke, “Even though the Nation’s leaders are considering a treaty, they still have trust issues. Especially with the Dark Empire, since they had something to do with all the past wars, excluding the Heaven and Hell War in past happened. They have been trying to make amends for the past sixteen years, after electing a new emperor.”

  Vlaykre continued, “This talk of a peace treaty has stirred what we think is a rebellion. But, it is also just a rumor, so we are unsure. It's worth at least preparing for though, which is why more ever we need you to collect The Master Orbs.”

  Ryuu added, “Now it seems we have to deal with the shadow dwellers again, which means someone opened the portals to the Shadow Realm again. Makes me wonder if there is a connection.”

  I then remembered something when we were attacked.

  I exclaimed, “Oh! That guy appeared when we were attacked. He was in a black cloak and
had his hood up, so I couldn’t tell what he looked like at all.”

  “Did he say anything?” Ayla asked me.

  I answered, “Yeah he said, “That it was just the beginning for me.” What do you think that means?”

  The adults looked worried. We all fell silent, I escaped to my thoughts for a few moments.

  “How about you guys think on a decision whether to go or not. We’ll give you some time to do so,” My mother asked us.

  We both agreed and Vlayru left with his parents and Vlaykre disappeared into the purple aura. I looked at my mother.

  “Hey, Mother. If you have fire powers, how did I get water powers?” I asked her.

  My mother was silent for a minute and was looking around the room. She her attention back to me.

  She started to smile and answered, “It is because of your father. He had water powers. He is also why we live in the Aquis Republic. He was from Waterfall City. It is where we met. We were only kids then. He said wanted to live in this house that he had built. He told me he loved this forest and that he would play in a lot as a kid since it was right outside the city.” Her smile then turned to a frown and continued “He died before this house was done being built. Ryuu and Alya wanted to be close, so they had their house built near ours.”

  Questions started filling my head.

  I asked her, “So, did Father really die or are you lying about what happened to him?”

  I got a little upset when I started to think that my mother was lying to me this whole time. I had asked her the same question when I was little. Back then, she just told me he joined military and was killed while on a mission. My mother started to look sad.

  “Your father did die on a mission. It was shortly after you were conceived. He was part of our team, sixteen years ago. He died on the battlefield. He died a hero though,” She explained, sobbing.

  She looked away, but I could see a tear roll down her cheek. I gave her a hug to comfort her. I started getting teary eyed myself.

  “I’m sorry,” I softly said to her.

  I felt her arms squeeze me tighter.

  Chapter 3 – Reach Out

  They gave Vlayru and I some time to take in all the information they gave us, we decide on whether to go on the pilgrimage or not. In the meantime, we both decided that we wanted to learn how to use our powers. The next day, we met up outside, out front of Vlayru’s house.

  “Valykre!” yelled Vlayru.

  Vlaykre appeared behind us out of purple aura moments later. I jumped a little and almost lost my footing.

  “You have to stop doing that,” I said, sternly.

  I also tried to regain my composure.

  Vlaykre chuckled a little, “I’ll consider that. Now, did you decided on what you are going to do?”

  Vlayru and I looked at other, then back at Vlaykre.

  Vlayru spoke, “Not yet. What we actually want to do right now though was do some training with you.”

  “We want to know how to use these powers we have,” I added.

  Vlaykre examined us for a moment, then smirk.

  “That would be an excellent idea,” Vlaykre said in agreement.

  “I second that,” Said someone from behind us.

  We turned at saw Ryuu walking up to us. He looked ready to go train, holding a bow staff in his hand.

  Vlaykre looked over at Ryuu, “Alright then, let’s do this. Ryuu, you take your son. I’ll take Tana.”

  “Sounds like a perfect idea to me. Let’s go, Vlayru,” Ryuu commanded of his son.

  Vlayru didn’t look happy about it. He rolled his eyes and walked towards Ryuu.

  “I’ll see you later, Tana,” Vlayru said to me in a dull tone.

  Ryuu turned around and started to walk off in the distance with Vlayru following.

  Vlaykre turned to walk in the opposite direction then paused.

  He said to me, “Follow me, Tana. We are going to river.”

  He continued walking forward and I followed. We made our way through the forest and arrived at the nearby river. Vlaykre stopped right next to the water then turned to look at me.

  He spoke, “Go ahead and sit with your legs crossed by the water.”

  “Why am I doing this?” I asked, making my way closer to the water and sat down on the rocks.

  Vlaykre explained, “Since you’re a water user, you should be by water. Training without water is possible, but it makes it harder. This is what the ‘Good Cast’ did when he trained his powers. What you are going to do is meditate and feel the flow of water. Empty your mind.”

  I studied the river trying to figure out exactly what Vlaykre was telling to do.

  “Okay, I’ll I guess I’ll try,” I replied.

  I sat down near the water and closing my eyes. I emptied my mind and reached out to the river. I felt the flow of the river. I did this for the next twenty minutes. Vlaykre was meditating as well. I started to lose my patience. I didn’t understand why I was doing this, so I gave up. I stood up and gave a huff as I turned around and stomped away from the river.

  Angerly, I said, “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can. I know you can because you are your father’s daughter.” Vlaykre argued.

  I stopped, crossed my arms, and questioned, “What do you know about my father?”

  Vlaykre looked at me for a minute then spoke, “He was bravest, strong willed person I have ever met. He never gave up. He was also my best friend. There was a time that he didn’t want any part in what he was told to do either but then realized that what he had to do was for the greater good. He gave up his life to make sure we all could live. I see a lot of him in you. You just need to uncover it.”

  Vlaykre moved his focus to the river. I couldn’t really see his face from the hood he had on, but I could tell he was upset.

  Looking back at me, Vlaykre continued, “The point of feeling the river is to feel the flow of water aura that is in you. Once you feel that, you can then manipulate it and release it out of your body.”

  I thought of what Vlaykre told me. He was right. If I was going to do this, I need try harder. I made my way back next to the water, sat back down. I closed my eyes again and reached out to the river once more. I started to feel something resonate from my necklace. I then started to understand the flow Vlaykre was mentioning.

  “Good, I can feel you starting to feel it. keep it up,” Vlaykre complemented.

  After an hour, I started to feel something flow through my body.

  “Are you feeling your power, yet?” Vlaykre asked

  I responded, “Yes I do. I get this feeling of calmness from it.”

  Vlaykre explained, “That’s normal. Water users are normally calm and collected people due to the nature of water. now that you feel it, put your hand out. You need to take control of that flow and channel it out of your hand.”

  “Got it,” I said softly, trying to concentrate.

  I put my hand out with the palm of my hand facing up. I imagined myself grabbing a hose that water was blasting out of, waving around furiously out of control. I then imagined me grabbing hold of it and directing it into a hole in the wall that was in front of me.

  Vlaykre the said, “Tana, open your eyes”

  Opening my eyes, I saw water droplets rising up from the palm of my hand into the air and vanishing. I was amazed. I looked over at Vlaykre with a big smile. Vlaykre smirk and nodded his hand.

  “I told you that you could do it. We still have more training to do though,” Vlaykre told me.

  A week went by, and I learned how to use water powers in combat and how to exhibit a technique where you create a beam of water from your hands called Water Blast. Vlaykre told me this technique can be used with most element powers. I got together in the living room of my house with everyone else. Vlayru was wearing loose clothing and had a cloth around his neck. I can also see some bruises on his arms. He must have had some intense training.

  “Have you decided on what to do?” Vlaykre said while stand
ing off to the side of the room.

  I look down at the floor for a moment then back up.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I want to help, but following a destiny blindly isn’t something I really want to do,” I replied.

  Vlaykre gave a quick chuckled and said, “He said that same thing too”.

  “Who did?” I asked him.

  He replied, “The one you call the ‘Good Cast’. You will learn why soon enough. Just be patient.”

  After a long pause of contemplating and thinking of a final decision, I broke the silence.

  “Okay, I’ll do it,” I spoke.

  “You mean ‘we’ will?” Vlayru said, correcting me smiling.

  I smiled back and said, “Oh yeah, sorry. We will do it. If the fate of the world is at risk, then it seems like it’s up to us to fix it.”

  “Great, it’s settled. You will leave tomorrow, then,” Vlaykre said, after standing up from his leaning position.

  “Your job is to collect all the spirit orbs of The Masters throughout the continent. After the ‘Good Cast’ used them they left his body and scatter across the continent,” My mother added.

  “Wait, who are the Masters?” I asked.

  “The Masters were a group of people who were around over a thousand years ago. Each member was a master of each of the elements, and they were considered chosen ones. That was until one battle, they all had to fight the one who almost brought destruction to the planet. They couldn’t win against him so they used an ultimate technique called the element blast that sacrificed themselves by locking their spirits into orbs. The orbs get spread out after being used all at once. The ‘Good Cast’ used this same technique before the orbs got spread around. Also, before I forget, only casts can have more the one orb. Anyone else can only have one. Having more than one will kill you because the normal human body can’t handle it.” Vlaykre explained.


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