Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Julie Shelton

  She was on fire, flames licking her skin, scorching her soul. Sucking air into her lungs until they could hold no more, she held her breath as she soared up, up, up, toward the sun. Her back arched higher and higher, drawing her body up tighter as Adam and Jesse held onto her, urging her toward the peak of pleasure.

  “Come for us, baby,” Jesse entreated softly in her ear. “Fly apart. I’ve got you. Adam’s got you. We won’t let you fall.”

  Lungs bursting, consumed by fire, she shattered in a starburst of scintillating white lights as her orgasm exploded through her. The air blasted from her lungs in a scream that could have scorched paint from the walls. She wrenched and bucked violently with the fury of the convulsions buffeting through her.

  And they held her, her two loving men. They cradled her body between them as she rode wave after endless wave of an orgasm that shook her to her soul. They held her as Adam’s pleasuring tongue attacked her anew, wringing another shattering climax out of her before she had even come down from her first.

  They held her until her frantic gyrations eased and her breathing gradually slowed. They held her while she drifted slowly down from her peak, until she was finally able to open her tear-filled eyes and gaze into the raging turbulence of Adam’s blue ones. The need she saw blazing there wrenched her heart in her breast.

  “Christ, Sarah! When you claim your pleasure like that, you are so fucking beautiful! You have no idea how it makes us feel knowing we’re the ones giving that to you.”

  Angling her head back to look up at Jesse, still bending over her, holding her, she saw the same raging inferno of need mirrored in his eyes.

  “I love you,” she whispered tremulously, drawing a jagged, shuddering breath. Tears were streaming unheeded down her face as she looked back at Adam. “I love both of you so much. I never want to live without you. Either of you.”

  Murmuring reassurances, Adam wiped his face against the insides of her thighs before lowering her shaking legs to the floor. He stood up and closed the distance between them, his large hand covering her mound, his two middle fingers scraping beyond her clit to thrust deep into her sheath. She let out a yelp as fresh pleasure wrenched through her exhausted body. Still fully dressed, both men walked her slowly backward toward the bed in the corner of the Play Room, keeping her naked body sandwiched between them, Adam’s hand still hard on her mound, fingers stroking in and out of her dripping cunt. “God, Jess, she is so wet! So hot!”

  Another moan, a mangled sound, ripped from the depths of her soul. These men gave her pleasure beyond anything she had ever known. Beyond anything she had ever dreamed. Beyond anything she could ever have dared to hope or imagine.

  Still holding her under her arms, Jesse sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her bottom onto his thighs, her back to his front. He scooted backwards until he was sitting on the pillows at the head of the bed, knees bent, leaning up against the headboard, with her butt against his groin in the V of his widespread thighs. His erection was a hard ridge against the base of her spine. Adam’s hand left her sex and she let out a whimper of disappointment.

  Jesse’s hands moved to her knees, which he lifted and spread wide, draping her legs over his powerful thighs, exposing her pussy and anus to Adam’s rapacious gaze. The scent of her arousal filled the air around them. “Christ, sugar, Adam’s right! You smell wonderful! So sweet.”

  She let out a shaky sigh, looking down her body at Adam standing naked at the foot of the bed stroking his enormous erection. He was the perfect specimen of a human male, broad shoulders, deep chest, narrow hips, his arm and shoulder muscles flexing as he moved his hand up and down his shaft. Releasing himself, he placed his hands flat on the mattress and leaned forward, resting his weight on them. In the room’s muted lighting, his rippling muscles gleamed like polished bronze. He looked like a Viking raider, wild and barbaric, preparing to ravish his helpless captive.

  Her lungs seized. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He grinned, and her heart stopped beating. She was suspended in time, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to think. In the grip of an arousal so intense, every part of her body was throbbing with uncontrollable lust.

  Licking his lips, a gesture that had hot juices flowing out of her onto the sheets, Adam started to crawl slowly, deliberately up the mattress toward her, toward that swollen, dripping sweetness between her legs, pink and juicy and aching with need. He was grinning, a diabolically wicked grin that stole her breath away. And then he was between her legs, blowing on her sopping slit, making her shudder and jerk. Her hips lurched up off of Jesse’s as Adam licked her, sliding the flat of his tongue in one long hard lick from her dripping portal to the throbbing clit at the top of her cleft.

  Her flavor exploded against his taste buds, sweet, fruity, delicious. And he knew it was a flavor that he would crave for the rest of his life.

  She screamed as his tongue flicked rapidly over her clit, her body combusting at his touch, flames scorching her heaving lungs, burning her alive. She arched back against Jesse’s chest, her thigh muscles bunching and tightening until they were so weak they were trembling. She let out a sobbing, shuddering gasp. “Adam!”

  Behind her, Jesse closed his eyes with a groan. He was caught up in a tidal wave of love and lust so powerful, it robbed him of his ability to breathe. His cock was about to explode, especially with Sarah grinding her buttocks so hard against it as Adam built her climax with every lascivious stroke of his tongue. The sight of her with her wide-spread legs dangling over his, and his best friend’s head between them as he feasted on her pussy, was the most erotic, the most ravishing, and the most arousing thing he had ever seen in his life. And he’d seen plenty.

  He moved his hands up to cover her breasts as Adam feasted on the banquet between her thighs, licking, sucking, slurping, his tongue lapping against her sensitive skin like waves lapping against the shore.

  Gripping her hard nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, Jesse played with them, twisting them, pulling on them, and squeezing them gently. Then not so gently.

  “Oh, God, Jesse!” Lightning bolts of pleasure forked through her entire body straight to her sizzling clit. “Oh, God! Don’t stop. Don’t stop! Oh, God!” She was thrashing, moaning, grinding her hips against Adam’s face as he pleasured her with the lashing whip of his agile tongue. Rasping it around her clit, thrusting it into her flooding sheath, applying just the right amount of pressure in all the right places until the coil tightening inside her ruptured and her entire body went rigid as she desperately sucked air into her lungs until they were so full she thought they would burst. Her body froze. She hung there, poised on the threshold of a climax that threatened to annihilate her.

  Then she exploded. Her scream seemed to last an eternity as her entire body snapped in a series of violent convulsions that had her gasping in sharp, painful breaths, as she literally blew apart. A million blazing starbursts detonated in the blackness behind her tightly closed eyelids. She drew in huge, shuddering gulps of air as the spasms shook her like a dog shakes a chew toy. Her womb contracted almost painfully, as the bruising pleasure of her orgasm washed over her in wave after wave of ecstasy before Adam finally stopped moving his tongue, allowing her seizures to ebb, then diminish, leaving her drained and depleted.

  She tried to sit up but her bones had melted, leaving behind nothing more than a sack of flesh and blood held together by skin.

  “Guh.” Limbs flopping, she sagged back against Jesse, but Adam wasn’t through with her yet. As soon as the breath she’d been holding left her body in a sigh of pure satiation, he began lapping at her again, scouring his tongue over her ripe flesh, flicking it over her quivering clit. She writhed and bucked, trying to twist away from his mouth. That little pearl of flesh was so sensitive, his touch was painful. Pure, unadulterated torture. Until, all of a sudden…it wasn’t. Until, all of a sudden, her body somehow recycled that touch into something it sought rather than something it rejected. Something that catapulted her int
o another rapturous escalation of sensation until her helpless body was jolted by the fury of yet another savage climax that left her shattered and sobbing with pleasure. Tiny swipes of Adam’s tongue against her clit, tiny tugs of Jesse’s fingers on her nipples kept her shuddering with aftershocks for what seemed like eternity until, finally, her body simply gave out,

  As she lay there on top of Jesse, utterly ravaged, Adam rose above her, face shiny with her juices. He leaned down to claim her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her moist cavern, letting her taste herself on his lips and tongue. “Christ, Sarah,” he exclaimed, pulling back his head to stare down at her, his expression filled with love, “you are so delicious! I love the taste of your cum on my tongue.”

  Blood pounded through Sarah’s veins, thundering in her ears like a herd of stampeding horses. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was as dry as dust.

  Never taking his eyes from hers, Adam bent his head and placed his mouth firmly over her swollen, throbbing clit, a movement that sent her back arching in a rigid bow as a shriek exploded from her lungs. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Adam! That’s—hn-n-ng!” She bucked her hips, trying desperately to evade the torturing tongue, but both men held her fast as Adam flicked the sensitive little nub with his tongue, working it with his lips, making her jerk and shudder with a pleasure so profound it bordered on pain. He took Sarah right to the edge of ecstasy, her body surging upward, desperately reaching for orgasm. “Please,” she begged incoherently. “Oh, God, please…”

  “Not yet, love.” With exquisite timing, he lifted his head, hearing the breath whoosh from her lungs, even as her body deflated like a punctured balloon at the denial of her release.

  Unable to hold back a sob, tears filled her eyes. “God, Adam, please. Please let me come.”

  “Not yet, sweet pea.” He brushed her hair back off of her sweat-damp face. They stared at one another for what seemed like eons as her orgasm slowly retreated, leaving behind a tingling, sizzling sensation in her sex that made her feel electrified, as if she’d stuck her finger into a light socket. She wondered if her hair was standing on end.

  Levering himself to his knees, Adam stretched sideways, reaching for the nightstand drawer, his long, lean body a visual feast of bunching, flexing muscles rippling beneath skin the color and texture of bronze satin. It made Sarah’s mouth water. Her eyes avidly following his every move, she had to force herself to wait for his command as she watched him settle back into place, a tube of lube in his hand.

  “Hands and knees, Sunny.”

  Jesse grabbed her by the shoulders, simultaneously straightening his knees and pushing her upper body forward so that she wound up straddling his hips, her dripping pussy just above his cock, her mouth just above Adam’s. Lost in a thick haze of arousal, she very nearly forgot herself and bent her head to lick up the pre-cum dribbling from the slit in the tip of Adam’s cock, a move which, had she completed it, would not only have cost her her next orgasm, but would surely have earned her a punishment as well. As if denying her her orgasm wouldn’t have been punishment enough. Holding her breath, she watched through slitted eyes as Adam handed the lube to Jesse. As soon as she felt those thick, callused fingers spreading the cold substance around the puckered rim of her anus, she let out a blissful sigh, thrusting her hips backward as Jesse penetrated her with his slippery fingers, first one, then two, then three.

  He let out a chuckle. “I do believe you like havin’ my fingers up your ass, don’t you, little sub?” Her only response was a sudden, sharp hissing intake of breath as those self-same fingers withdrew, leaving her empty. “Just look at that wet, shiny hole,” he mused almost absently, stroking the smooth curves of her ass cheeks with his other hand, “just waitin’ for my cock. Are you ready for my cock, little sub?”

  Stupid question. “Yes, Sir.” Squelching sounds behind her told her he was lubricating himself just before his hands came around to grip her hips and lift her into position above his cock. Presenting the satin-smooth head at her gaping rear entrance, he slowly lowered her down onto him, filling her ass with his rigid length until she was sitting upright on his groin, impaled to the hilt.

  “Lift your knees, Sunny.”

  Awkwardly she complied, lifting her legs so that her feet were flat against the mattress and bending her knees outward, a move which embedded Jesse’s cock even further inside her ass and rendered her swollen pink pussy, dripping with her juices, completely accessible to Adam.

  With a low groan, Jesse reached around her and fell back against the pillows, pulling her down on top of him. His hands shifted to her knees, opening them wide and holding them in place even as Adam rose to his knees in front of her. With a wicked grin, he guided the head of his cock to her dripping portal, penetrating her in one long, slow, steady glide, stretching her tender tissues as he scraped along the entire length of Jesse’s cock through the membrane separating the two passages. He let out a gasp. “Fuck, I’m coming! Oh, fuck, I’m coming! I’m coming, I’m coming! Fu-u-u-u-u-uck!” His body went rigid, the tendons on his neck standing out like iron rods as he emptied himself deep inside her sheath.

  “Oh, God, Adam,” she screamed, arching her back and grinding her clit desperately against his groin as she felt the hot, ropy bursts of his cum splash against her womb. Her neck arched, slamming her head back against Jesse’s chest as her body went rigid, catapulting her into an orgasm so intense, she was literally blown apart by shockwaves of pleasure

  At the same moment, Jesse’s cock exploded, sending hot cum jetting so deep inside her ass, she swore she could feel it hit the back of her throat.

  For a long moment they remained frozen in place, necks thrown back, backs arched, bodies rigid, a living tableau. Then, as if their strings were suddenly cut, they collapsed to the mattress in a groaning, boneless heap as relentless spasms of pleasure continued to heave through them like the rolling tremors of an earthquake.

  When Sarah came back to full awareness, she was lying on her back in the bed next to Jesse, who was lying on his side, facing her, up on one elbow, resting his head on his hand. He was watching his other hand as it plumped and shaped, and fondled her breast. For a long moment she just studied him from beneath her lashes. God, he was the sexiest man on the face of the planet. With that blade of a nose—languidly lifting her index finger, she brushed it down his nose—those full, sensuous lips—she stroked her thumb idly across his perfect lower lip—those killer cheekbones—she curved her palm around his cheek, making him smile.

  Holy Moley! The man was lethal! Adam was on the other side of the bed, gently wiping between her legs with a damp cloth. She turned her head to look at him—God, he was lethal, too, day to Jesse’s night, angel to Jesse’s devil, light to Jesse’s shadow.

  His grin turned into a frown. “What?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how much I love you guys, that’s all.” She gave him a goofy grin. “And about how hot I think you are.”

  He laughed. “I take it that met with your expectations?”

  “Oh, my God, yes!” she agreed with a vigorous nod. ”That was so hot, it’s a wonder I didn’t spontaneously combust!” She looked down at herself. “I didn’t, did I?”

  Jesse chuckled, released her breast and knifed up into a sitting position. “Pull her up, Adam. Have her go stand in front of the St. Andrew’s Cross while I gather a few things.”

  Dropping the washcloth on the floor, Adam lifted Sarah in his arms and carried her over to the cross. He set her down gently, holding her by the shoulders until he was sure she could stand without falling.

  Jesse approached, carrying a tray full of items he’d selected from the armoire. Adam picked up a pair of large nipple clamps, linked with a silver chain. As instruments of torture went, they were actually quite beautiful. They looked like intricate Japanese knots.

  Blinking her eyes rapidly in an effort to clear her vision, Sarah held her breath. Those were going on her breasts. Her swollen breasts that were so tight they ached, her pucke
red nipples so hard they throbbed with every beat of her heart. Biting her lip, she lifted her apprehensive gaze upward only to find Jesse just staring at her, his gaze hot and hard.

  “You didn’t think we were through, did you?” Adam asked with an upward curve of his lips.

  “Um…”Actually, she had. She was beyond exhausted. Not even the indefatigable Dolores could summon up any energy or enthusiasm. She just lay there in a stupor, moaning softly. Okay, no help from that quarter. “N–no,” she lied.

  “No…” He waited patiently.

  “Um…” Oh. “No, Master,” she amended hastily, straightening her spine and assuming the Present position.

  “Spread your legs wider, Sunny,” Jesse ordered. “Put your hands behind your neck.” The pose thrust her breasts out like ripe, succulent melons. Adam’s hands closed over them, squeezing them together. He bent his head to take one berry-like nipple into the wetness of his mouth, tugging and pulling the turgid flesh until she was moaning and whimpering with a pleasure so deep it was almost painful. Pleasure that sent curling ribbons of sensation straight to her clit. Which should be completely numb by now, from all the stimulation it’s received, but, for some strange reason, isn’t. Really? For crap’s sake, how is that even possible? Even Dolores seemed bewildered.

  Sarah frowned, confused, watching Adam as he did the same with her other nipple, alternating back and forth until she was moaning and jerking beneath his touch. She was so focused on her breasts, she flinched when two thick fingers glided through her cleft from behind and circled her opening.

  Jesse. Without warning, he thrust them deep inside her sheath, his thumb resting lightly atop her puckered anal opening. With wicked skill, he quickly restoked the fires of need in her sex, which she was sure had been extinguished, yet were still somehow, mysteriously there, burning just beneath the surface. A thin, high wail escaped her lips as pleasure swallowed her whole.


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