Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Julie Shelton

With a grunt of satisfaction, Adam positioned the tip of his cock against her steamy portal and drove himself into her in one hard thrust, like a key into a well-oiled lock.

  She screamed at the shock of his penetration, feeling as if her tissues were being ripped apart. He’s so huge! Her inner muscles clamped around him, throbbing almost painfully as they struggled to adjust to his thickness. Jesse’s hands twisting and pulling the chain attached to her nipple clamps added to the torrent of pleasure cascading from deep within her core.

  Adam groaned. “Christ, Sarah! Your body is heaven! Hot and wet and tight! So goddamn tight!” He was so hard his climax was going to be almost painful. “I’m afraid this is going to be very quick,” he warned in a low growl. “I’ve never been so close to coming in my entire life.”

  Jesse straightened, releasing her breasts. Moving one hand to the base of his stalk, he stroked slowly up and down as he lifted her chin with the other. The head of his cock was red and angry-looking and dripping pre-cum. He tapped it against her lips. “Open up, sugar,” he demanded, his voice tight with lust.

  Obediently, she opened her mouth and he fed her his cock, sliding it along her tongue until the tip bumped against the back of her throat. She gagged. “Relax your jaw, baby,” he urged. “Breathe through your nose.” She struggled to comply, wriggling her hips in a vain attempt to get Adam to start moving inside her.

  “Be still!” A sharp slap on her right ass cheek stopped her movements.

  Jesse chuckled. “Just hold still, baby. Let us do all the work. All you have to do is enjoy it. And you have our permission to come. As many times as you want.”

  She swallowed. A moan fell from her throat as she fought to catch her breath. Holy Moley! She was stuffed full of cock, fore and aft! Hot, hard man-meat, filling her. Claiming her. Possessing her.

  Pleasure bombarded her as they began to pump their hips, in alternating rhythm, one pushing in while the other pulled out. It felt as if she were being fucked with one long cock, long enough to reach from her cunt to her throat. As both the force and speed of their strokes increased, their movements became more and more frantic. Grunts and groans and the animalistic sounds of mating rent the air. Within less than a dozen strokes apiece, both men were shouting and coming, pumping their hot seed simultaneously into her mouth and cunt, even as her own orgasm erupted from someplace deep inside her, a place she’d never even known existed, tearing through her like a runaway freight train.

  And just when she thought she was done, Adam released the nipple clamps. She let out another scream as the excruciating pain of returning blood mixed with the excruciating pleasure of her violent release, snatching her up in one gigantic whirlwind of rapture and ecstasy.

  Adam collapsed over her back while Jesse had to brace his hands on the cross to keep from falling on her head. The room was filled with harsh gasps and grunts and sighs as their convulsing bodies slowed, then, finally, stilled. Sarah cried out in protest as Jesse pulled his dwindling cock out of her mouth, even as Adam’s fell out of her still-spasming cunt, releasing a cascade of their mingled juices onto the concrete floor. Nuzzling her cheek against the wooden cross, she heaved a sigh of pure satiation before floating off into the warm, black oblivion awaiting her.

  Chapter Five

  “Wake up, sugar.” Jesse.

  Hunching her shoulders, she ducked her head, trying to brush away the annoyingly persistent, gentle tapping of fingers against her cheek.

  “Come back to us, sweet pea. Open your eyes.” Adam.

  Her eyelids fluttered, but the effort to keep them open was too much, so they drifted shut again.

  “No, baby, stay awake.” Hands at her shoulders pulled her up into a sitting position. The fingers stopped tapping and began stroking instead, hard male calluses rasping against the satin smoothness of her skin. Lips brushed against her other cheek. “Don’t go back to sleep.”

  Drawing in a shaky breath, eyes still closed, she simply sat, unmoving, for several long moments as she tried to jump-start her sluggish brain and process the sensations that were bombarding her. She was in the hot tub, sitting sideways on Jesse’s lap with her legs draped over Adam’s thighs. The wooden ledge around the tub was filled with dozens of flickering candles, the only light in the room.

  The two men were just holding her, stroking her arms and legs rhythmically as the whirlpool jets and the Epsom salts in the hot water soothed her sore, aching muscles. She was still “flying,” but could feel herself gradually descending as Jesse and Adam kept her connected to them with their voices and their soft, gentle touches. Reeling her in like a kite, she realized. Head spinning, she drew a deep, shaky breath, letting it out slowly as she took stock of herself.

  Her ass was on fire, warming her to her core. Her nipples throbbed, and her breasts felt hard and swollen and achy. Her pussy still tingled. Hell, her entire body tingled as though she’d been plugged in. Even her hair felt fried. And she was totally sated, in a way she’d never been before. Her body was a limp rag, completely drained of energy.

  With a deep sigh of contentment, she snuggled back against Jesse’s chest. He bent his head to place a lingering kiss on the top of her head. “You were fuckin’ incredible, baby,” he whispered in awe. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Me, too,” Adam chimed in, turning his head to look at her, lifting his hand out of the water to cup her cheek. “You blew me away, sweet pea. I’ve never been with a woman as responsive as you. I can’t wait to see you wearing my ropes.”

  “Ropes?” she squeaked. “As in…‘ropes’?” Holy Moley!

  “Shibari ropes,” he explained. “It’s an ancient form of Japanese bondage torture.” He chuckled at her horrified gasp. “Don’t worry, sweet pea. You’re going to love it.”

  Yeah. Right.

  Jesse handed her an ice cold bottle of water. “Here, baby, drink this. I know you must be thirsty after all those orgasms we gave you.”

  “Yes, and thank you for those,” she said demurely. She took the bottle, draining it in several deep gulps before handing it back to Jesse. Chuckling, he handed her another one. When she’d had enough, he put the bottle down on the ledge and picked up something else. “Open,” he instructed, and when she did, he placed a double square of Hershey’s chocolate in her mouth. She moaned in ecstasy as the silky chocolate melted over her tongue. “Oh, my God, who knew a mere Hershey bar could taste so good? More, please?”

  He pushed another square into her open mouth. While she was chewing and moaning her pleasure, he pushed her back far enough to be able to look into her eyes. “What did you like about our Play Room session, sugar?”

  “What makes you think I liked anything about it?” she asked, her voice sharp, but lacking any real heat. Heat required energy, and her batteries were dead.

  He chuckled. “Well, judgin’ by how wet you were and how many times you came, I‘d say you liked it just fine. Just answer my question, and be honest.”

  God, how well he knew her. She sighed. “Okay, it was the most amazing experience of my life. I felt like my whole body was going up in flames, I was so hot. I’ve never been so aroused or come so hard in my entire life. If you two keep this up, I’m never going to survive. My tombstone will say ‘Died from Excess of Pleasure.’”

  Another chuckle. “No such thing. How about the floggers?”

  “Oh, God, the floggers…”A look of sheer bliss stole over her face. “Totally awesome. Like being massaged by dozens of long, soft fingers. It…it was…” She shrugged, shaking her head helplessly. “There are no words.”

  Jesse palmed her breast, giving it a squeeze. “Find some.”

  “It was like…an out-of-body experience—not that I’ve ever had one of those, but—I was flying over the most beautiful landscape, soaring high above the clouds. I knew you were there. I could hear you and feel you touching me, pleasuring me, but you seemed so…so far away…so…” She sighed, frustrated at her inability to accurately describe the indescribable.

dam leaned toward her to give her a kiss. “You did have an out-of-body experience, sweet pea. It’s called subspace. It’s an endorphin rush that’s the ultimate high for submissives.”

  “Endorphin rush?”

  “Endorphins, chemicals released by the brain to help the body deal with pain. When the pain is erotic and mixed equally with the utmost pleasure, the resulting high is better than any drug. You feel like you’re lighter than air, literally “flying.” Sometimes the effect can last for days.”

  “Well, it was wonderful. I can’t wait to go there again.”

  “And we can’t wait to take you there, sugar.” Jesse stood with her in his arms, letting the water sluice off their bodies as he stepped out of the tub. Adam turned off the jets, then led the way to the shower, adjusting the water temperature before moving aside to let them step in.

  There was more than enough room for all of them as they stood under the various jets and cascading shower heads. Sighing languorously, Sarah stood under the spray, leaning back against Jesse while he massaged shampoo into her hair. Kneeling in front of her, Adam soaped her up from head to toe, paying special attention to her breasts and pussy. By the time they were ready to rinse her off, she was moaning with pleasure and they were both hard again.

  Tilting her head up, Adam stared into her half-lidded eyes, his own dark with renewed lust. She held her breath as he slanted his mouth over hers in a slow, languorous kiss, pulling her tightly against him, cushioning his growing erection against her smooth, softly rounded belly.

  Jesse shortened the distance between them, closing his arms around her from behind, tucking his rigid penis into the crease of her buttocks. Holy Moley! With a tiny whimper of frustration, she lifted her hands to Adam’s broad shoulders, her fingers clutching helplessly at the smooth, wet curves. “How can you be hard again so soon?”

  He gave a nonchalant, one-shoulder shrug. “What can I say? You’re hot.”

  She laughed. “The same could also be said for the two of you.” A sigh heaved through her as happiness welled up inside her.

  Reaching out, Adam turned off the shower. “Come on, let’s get you dried off so we can give you your massage.”

  Massage. Oh, God. Would the pleasure never end? She groaned as she stepped from the shower stall straight into the heated towel Jesse held out for her. Her knees buckled as he wrapped it around her and began drying off her back and her ass. With another towel, Adam blotted her hair dry.

  “You guys,” she murmured, nearly overcome with emotion at their tender care of her. “God, I love you so much.”

  “We love you, too, baby,” Jesse murmured, tossing the towel into the hamper.

  They led her into the bedroom. “Lie on your belly in the middle of the bed,” he ordered. Sarah sank gratefully into the mattress, resting her cheek on her crossed arms and closing her eyes with a tremulous sigh. She felt the mattress dip on both sides as the two men joined her. Adam knelt above her head while Jesse straddled her hips, sinking down onto her thighs.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know,” she murmured, her voice muffled by the bedclothes. “I’m fine, really.”

  Something warm dribbled up her back, followed by goose bumps, making her shiver. The smell of jasmine floated to her nostrils. Four hands began stroking her, spreading the oil until it coated her skin with a fine sheen. “Oh, God,” she groaned in ecstasy, “I take it all back. You do have to do this.”

  Then the massage began in earnest, Adam covering her upper back, shoulders and arms, Jesse her lower back and buttocks. They pushed and kneaded and manipulated her flesh, wrenching deep-seated moans of pleasure from her as they soothed away all her aches and pains and stings.

  Jesse squirted a line of numbing cream across the cheeks of her ass. As he flexed and squeezed and stroked the soothing cream into her pliant flesh, he stared down at her, grinning. Her buttocks were a nice shade of pink, with just a few of the marks from the floggers still faintly visible. He knew that both the marks and any residual pain would be gone by morning. But for right now, he loved seeing his and Adam’s marks on their beautiful submissive.

  Moving up to straddle her hips, Jesse turned around so that he was facing her feet. She felt the dampness of his groin against the skin of her back, the warmth of the scented oil dribbling onto the backs of her thighs. “Spread your legs,” he instructed, soothing the oil into her skin before he began kneading the tight muscles of her inner thighs and calves until she was a boneless puddle.

  By the time they finished their massage, Sarah was sound asleep, slack-jawed and snoring softly. Ignoring their raging hard-ons, they cleaned up quickly, Adam the bathroom, Jesse the Play Room, before joining Sarah in bed. Rolling her onto her side, Jesse pulled her unresisting body toward him, facing him. He hooked his knee between her legs. Adam slid in behind her, spooning his body around hers, his chest tight up against her back, hooking his leg over both hers and Jesse’s. Jesse curved his arm around her shoulders, Adam draped his around her waist. They fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle, as if they had been sleeping this way their entire lives.

  “I think we wore her out.” Adam chuckled softly after a few minutes of relative silence, broken only by the sounds of their breathing. Sarah’s was heavy and regular, attesting to the depth of her sheer, utter exhaustion, the after-effect of the level of satiation her body had achieved.

  “Hope so, ’cause I’m gonna have to leave and I’d just as soon she not know about it,” came Jesse’s quiet reply.

  “You’re going to Porterfield, aren’t you?”

  “It’s been four days since Wildfire’s heard from Solo. He’s worried. I said I’d check on him.”

  Adam pulled his head back and stared at him over the top of Sarah’s head. In the pale glow of moonlight streaming through the skylights overhead, Jesse’s expression was hard, flat, the way it always got when they were preparing to go on a mission. “Why you?” he whispered. “We’re not part of Alpha.”

  “I’m still the best infiltrator they ever had. Besides, as the police chief of Marshall’s Creek, I need to keep this shit outta my town.” Unable to lie still any longer, Jesse got out of bed and began pacing the room, still keeping his voice low. “You think I’m just gonna sit around here on my ass, twiddlin’ my thumbs while a buncha anti-government, skinhead militia types are runnin’ around out there spoutin’ a buncha radical, hate-filled, racist shit and spoilin’ for trouble? Especially if that trouble includes distributin’ drugs, runnin’ guns, and threatenin’ my woman? ’Cause if you think that, bro, you got another think comin’.” He scrubbed his hand through his hair and down his face. “Jesus, Adam, this situation has clusterfuck written all over it. What if Malone actually manages to get his hands on Sarah? What if that cocaine winds up on our streets? What if—”

  “What if the earth suddenly loses its gravity and we all go flying off into space?” Adam mimicked. “What if Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter? What if masturbating really does make you go blind?”

  “Okay, okay, point taken.”

  Adam sat up, checking to make sure Sarah was still asleep. “Calm down, Jess, before you have a stroke.”

  “Sorry, Adam. I gotta be doin’ somethin’. I can’t just sit around here waitin’ for them to act.” He headed through the door into his and Adam’s enormous closet to get dressed. Once inside, he pressed his thumb against a pad and the entire back wall of the closet pivoted open, revealing a hidden room. Hanging from hooks on the wall was an arsenal of lethal-looking assault weapons. Cabinets below held ammunition and state-of-the-art combat gear.

  Swiftly, he began to assemble the items he would need for tonight’s mission, including a Sat phone and both infrared and night-vision goggles. This time, in addition to the Sig he strapped to his right thigh, the Beretta 9 mil he tucked into the small of his back beneath his long-sleeved black knit shirt, the Makarov in his ankle holster, and the two K-Bars tucked into his combat boots, he stuffed ammo clips, half a dozen flash b
angs, a dart pistol, and a box of tranquilizer darts into the pockets of his utility vest and night-camouflage cargo pants. He’d kill if he had to. He’d just rather not have to.

  When he came back out, Adam was dressed and standing by the side of the bed. “I’ll make you some coffee,” was the only thing he said before leaving to go downstairs. The only light in the room was the moonlight, falling in silver slabs across the comforter. Jesse approached the bed and stood looking down at Sarah, lying half in shadow, half in the faint spill of light. She was on her side, curled up in a ball, one hand beneath her cheek.

  His gut clenched. God, he loved her so much. He loved everything about her. He loved looking at her, touching her, holding her. Making love to her. Dominating her. Making her do things that pushed her to the limits of pleasure and beyond. He loved how beautifully and enthusiastically she responded to all the things he and Adam did to her. He would never have his fill of her.

  He needed her with a need that was bone-deep. A need for more than just sex. He needed her for his soul’s ease. She lit all the dark and haunted corners inside him. And he made a silent vow right then and there that he would do whatever was necessary to protect her and keep her safe from harm. His throat thick with nearly paralyzing emotion, he tore himself away from her and went downstairs to join Adam.

  Less than half an hour later, the two men were standing in the kitchen, heads together, speaking in low, furtive voices as they studied the satellite map spread out on the countertop, when Sarah’s tentative, “Jesse?” startled them into jerking around. She was standing at the foot of the stairs, wearing a gray “Property of the United States Navy” T-shirt.

  “Sarah,” he said, moving toward her, intending to head her off.

  She stopped abruptly, her smile fading at the expression on his face. Uh-oh. Not good. This was not the face of the Jesse she knew and loved. This was the face of a hunter, a stone cold killer, primal, predatory. Lethal.

  Her gaze lowered to take in the rest of his appearance. What was he wearing, for crying out loud? Utility pants made of some kind of dark camouflage material. A camouflage vest whose mesh pockets were crammed with so many ugly, deadly-looking gadgets, he looked…lumpy.


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