Southern Seduction

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Southern Seduction Page 51

by Alcorn, N. A.

  “I didn’t wear this for him,” I said fluffing my hair, indignant. Sure, I spent hours on my make-up and even more hours on my hair. Waxed, shaved, and lotioned every inch of my skin. Wore the sexiest pair of lace underwear I owned along with the tallest heels I had, but it didn’t matter because you couldn’t shake crazy. And JR certainly had me in the crazy category.

  “Of course you didn’t, doesn’t mean he won’t eat it anyway.”

  “Brayden, stop it.”

  “What? I’m not hitting on you,” he was smirking, “come on the gun show thing was a joke.”

  “Duh, I know that, I just want you to stop talking about JR, okay?”

  “Alright, fine, but you have to tell me what happened between you.”

  “Can we save that conversation for another day?”

  Brayden shook his head. “No. I need to know why I gotta kick JR’s ass.”

  “Brayden, don’t be stupid. It’s not his fault I’m a freak, that I’m special.”

  “What are you talk—”

  “I told him about Wesley. He knows why I’m special.” I kept emphasizing the word special but Brayden wasn’t getting it.

  “Yeah, so what, the story about Wesley isn’t exactly secret and—” my brother was slow on the uptake but just then it clicked, “—oh, you’re not talking about the story are you.”

  I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Oh,” he said again lost in his own track of thought.

  “Where’s dad?” I asked trying to move the conversation to safer water. I wasn’t in the mood to discuss JR or my specialness anymore.

  “He’s running late, supposed to meet us there,” Brayden said absently.

  “All right, well then, let’s go.”

  I started walking across the foyer to the garage when Brayden stopped me. “Wait.”

  “What?” I kept walking.

  “Why are you so closed off to it?”

  “To what?”

  “You know.”

  I did know but why was he so afraid to say the words? Great, he thought I was a freak too. No doubt that’s why he told Drew I was special. “No I don’t so spell it out for me.” He was uncomfortable. Too bad I was going to make him say it anyway.

  Brayden rubbed his neck, “Why do you still hide your ability to talk to the dead?”

  I stopped and turned around. “Are you kidding me? Do you know why I haven’t had a boyfriend in years? Because nobody wants to date Ghost Girl. Tanya is my only friend and I think she sticks around because she’s afraid I’m like Carrie. Gram admitted it freaks her out, JR stopped speaking to me. And you refer to me as special to your friends. Oh yeah I think talking to the dead is really working in my favor.”

  Brayden mumbled something I couldn’t make out.

  I shook my head and continued walking to the garage. Brayden caught up, grabbed my arm stopping me, “So what.”


  “Yeah, so what, fuck them. Stop hiding, just be who you are. The ones who can’t handle it, well, kick their ass to the curb. And who did I tell you were special?”



  “Yeah, I heard some girls talking yesterday and they said you told Drew I was special, they figured special needs or something.”

  Brayden went serious a moment before a smile broke across his face and he started laughing.

  “Glad it amuses you.”

  “Maddie, the only thing I have ever told Drew about you is that you’re special to me and he better stay away from you.”


  “Yeah. Now come on we need to get going.”

  We made our way out to the garage. Brayden picked the black Bentley and we were off. The rain from yesterday carried into today.

  The Rutherfords only lived two miles away in a house comparable to Villa de Scott, but far more modern looking. Steel and wood along with brick and mortar. At the valet, Brayden handed over the keys and took my arm. I glanced around at all the parked cars along the street, driveway and garage but didn’t see JR’s pickup truck around. Was he with that brunette whose name I still didn’t know? I shouldn’t even care if he was, but I did. I wanted him to be with me not her.

  We were met at our car by two men carrying umbrellas. They escorted us up to the front door. There, two more gentleman waited to take coats and hats. I leaned over, “Promise me you’ll stay close.”

  “Of course,” Brayden whispered back. He handed an invitation over to the gentleman to the left of the door who nodded and opened the door for us.

  Inside was warm and inviting. Soft ambient light, classical music filled the air, while suits and gowns fluttered back and forth past the doors. Most attendees were gathered into groups of five or six talking animatedly while trays of champagne or wine and hors d’oeuvres floated around them by waiters who knew how to be invisible. A few people were even dancing in designated areas, though most of them would regret their actions in the morning.

  One thing I learned at a very young age, you never, ever, danced at one of these gatherings even if there was a DJ and dance floor. It opened you up to scrutiny and gossip. In this world—one of money and power—everyone had an opinion and it was never favorable. Brayden and I had to be the youngest people here. It was going to be a long night.

  No sign of JR. Not that I was scanning the crowd for him or anything. He never called or texted back. A hint couldn’t get much clearer than that. A waiter passed by Brayden and he grabbed two glasses. “Here,” he said handing me one, “I suggest chugging it if you can stomach it.”

  I finished my glass in two swallows then placed the empty glass on an empty tray as it passed by and wiped my mouth. Brayden’s eye were wide. “I’ve been to a kegger or two.”

  Brayden let out a chuckle, “We don’t talk enough.”

  We made our way deeper into the crowd of people making our first circuit. Brayden said hello to the right people, introducing me, making small talk then with great flourish saying goodbye and moving on. It was as we were coming back around to the front door I caught a glimpse of black and white plaid. Right behind a group of grey haired men in suits talking I saw the plaid again. Then Wesley’s face popped up over one of the men’s shoulder. His brown eyes met mine before popping back down and disappearing again.

  “Excuse me,” I said to Brayden.

  “Where you going?”

  Did I tell him the truth or lie?

  “To find the ladies room.” Lie. I wasn’t ready to take ghost girl on full time yet.

  “Yeah, okay.” The way Brayden eyed me I’m pretty sure he didn’t believe me though.

  I made my way through the crowd keeping an eye out for the black and white plaid as it weaved among guests. I caught a glimpse of him by a punch fountain. Then he was over by a group of ladies all wearing red. At one point he stopped, looked over his shoulder, caught my eye again before disappearing behind a large woman in a pale blue gown. He was making sure I was following. I moved around the woman. Saw him again near the left back corner of the room.

  Wesley gave me one last look then ducked out a door that blended in with the paneling. When I got to the door he went out of I looked back at the party. Nobody was looking at me and I quickly opened the door and went out.

  Music and laughter were silenced when the door closed shut behind me. Where was Wesley? The hallway was silent. Eerily still. “Wesley,” I whispered.

  He appeared at the end of the hall, a troubled look on his face. Then he disappeared around the corner. I followed at a slight run. I rounded the corner and slammed into something hard but soft. “Sorry.”

  “Maddie?” Shit. Shit. Shit. “What are you doing back here?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. “JR, sorry, um I was uh, looking for a rest room.”

  “It’s not back here. You shouldn’t be here. Guests aren’t allowed in this part of the house.”

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. Thank goodness it was too dark for him to see me blushing.
I turned and hurried back around the corner. JR’s voice calling after me.

  “It’s back the other way.”


  “Maddie, wait.” I stopped. “I’ll take you.”

  Shit. Not what I wanted at all. First off I didn’t need a restroom I needed to find Wesley (I had some questions for him). Second I didn’t need another ice bath. And I so did not need the butterflies storming in my stomach right now. JR lead me further down the hallway to a staircase. He climbed and I followed constantly looking over my shoulder in case Wesley was following.

  He wasn’t.

  On the second landing JR stopped in front of a set of towering mahogany doors. He opened one door and ushered me inside. The room was dark until JR flipped a switch. Recessed lighting overhead turned on.

  “It’s through that door,” he pointed to a door on the other side of the room right beside a king size bed. I hurried into the bathroom and shut the door. I braced myself against the marble countertop and exhaled. There was a bottle of Armani next to the sink. I picked it up. Mmm smelled like JR.

  Besides the cologne was a jar of Palmade. I turned away from the counter and leaned against it. The butterflies fluttering in my gut needed to calm so that I didn’t do something stupid. Like hanging out in a bathroom smelling cologne wasn’t stupid.

  That’s when it hit me. This wasn’t any bathroom, it was JR’s. The butterflies turned into a storm and I struggled to breathe. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, flushed the toilet, washed my hands and opened the door.

  JR was standing by the bed, his back to me. He shrugged off his jacket and tossed it on the bed. As he turned around to face me he pulled of his bow-tie and tossed it on top of his jacket.

  “Hey.” He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his tux shirt. Ignore the fact you can see the start of his collar bone. Get out.

  I let go of the doorjamb and stepped into the bedroom. “Thanks,” I said. As I passed by him I made sure too keep my eyes on anything but him. Mmm, I could smell the Armani on him. One foot in front of the other. Halfway to the door his voice called to me, “Maddie …”

  “Yeah” I turned the doorknob. I would not let butterflies or my desire to kiss him keep me from leaving this room. Even if he smelled really good. “I should get back to the party.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I let go and turned around. “Sorry for what?”

  He ran his hands through his hair. His brown locks sticking up. “Is it true?”

  “Could you be more specific?”

  “Do,” he paused, dropped his hands to his side, “did you …” he made a fist, flexed it, his words came out in a rushed whisper, “… did you really talk to Wesley, can you really …?”

  “Yes,” I whispered in answer. He stared at the carpet. So did I. No reason to lie, not to him at least. “That’s who I was going after when I bumped into you.”

  “I see him too.”

  “What?” My eyes snapped to his.

  “That’s why I booked it the other night. When you told me about Wesley,” he sat down on the bed, elbows resting on knees hands clasped together, “you confirmed I wasn’t crazy and I freaked.” He dropped his head into his hands and sighed heavy.

  I sat down beside him, “Okay so that explains the other night.”

  With his elbows resting on his knees he turned his head to look at me, “Why do you sound pissed?”

  “Because I’m not sure you aren’t messing with me.”

  “Why would I mess with you?”

  “Because it’s what guys like you do.”

  “Guys like me?” He sat erect, “I think I’m insulted.”

  I sat more rigid too, I was about to remove my mask for him and it scared the shit out of me. I took a heavy breath and exhaled, “Being ghost girl has never won me any favor. And you’re all over the place, one minute you act like you sort of like me and then in the next it’s like you can’t get away from me fast enough. I don’t know who told you about my disability but you’re making fun of it,” I stood up, “and I can’t help what I can do. Have a good night.”

  I got the door halfway open before JR’s hand came slamming down next to my head shutting it. “I’m not making fun of you—” he put his other hand against the door caging me in, “—I like you a lot, Maddie. Too much even, so I would never make fun of you.”

  I wasn’t listening. His chest was pressed into my back, and his breath tickled the back of my neck.

  With his arms on each side of me his scent filled the air around me. All I could think about was him. His lips.- His lips placing soft kisses all over my body.

  “I’m sorry, Maddie, forgive me?”

  I nodded.

  His hands slipped from the door to my waist turning me around to face him. He delicately pulled my chin up so I was looking at him. He didn’t wait for an invite before kissing me. As his lips caressed mine I could feel my body melting into him. My hands entangled in his hair pulling him closer to me. Our kiss, deepening, almost panicked like there wasn’t enough time.

  His body pressing into my front, the door pressing into my back, his hands squeezing my sides, his mouth exploring mine made me lost. Lost in him.

  He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the bed where we fell together in a heap, him on top. He trailed kisses down my neck. Along my shoulder pulling my dress strap down with his kisses.

  For some reason my brain chose that moment to remember my brother was waiting downstairs for me. I sat up pushing JR off me. “Brayden.”

  “Huh?” JR said. His breaths unsteady.

  “He’s waiting for me.”

  JR sat up besides me wrapping his arms around me, “Okay, call him and let him know you’re with me.”

  “I didn’t bring anything with me.” I shot off the bed, “I have to go.”

  JR grabbed me around the waist pulling me backwards onto his lap. “I have a phone.” He reached over to a dresser near his bed and grabbed it. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Unless you want to go.”

  I snatched the phone out of his hand, pushed him back on to the bed and straddled him. “I want to be right here with you.” I started a text to Brayden while JR did his best to distract me by kissing a trail up my neck.

  “Are you done yet?”

  I pressed the letter R and hit send. “Yes.”

  “Finally,” he took the phone from my hand and pushed me back onto the bed. He kissed my lips then moved across my cheek and down my neck. One of his hands slid up under my dress gripping my thigh tight while his mouth explored my neck. His kisses were gentle. The hairs on my neck tickled each time he exhaled warm minty air across my skin. It tingled.

  I started unbuttoning his shirt. “You drive me crazy,” he said. His voice was gravelly, turning me on. Before I could get the last three buttons. He sat up and stood before me, “Come here,” he said and grabbed the back of my legs pulling me towards him. When I reached the edge of the bed he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me off the bed to him. He turned me so my back was to him then very slowly he started to unzip my dress. He slid each strap over my shoulder and down my arms, his fingers gently caressing my skin. Next came my panties.

  Kisses rained down along my neck, my shoulders, my back. His hands splayed across my front pulling me to him. Fingertips danced along my skin. Warm breath along my neck. Wet tongue behind my ear. He cupped my breasts, tugged at my nipples and gave them a little twist. I could feel his erection growing harder. Feel myself getting wetter.

  He turned me around, picked me up and carried me over to the bed, “If I recall correctly I promised to make you scream.”

  I couldn’t find my voice and simply nodded. He lay me down on the bed as he stood over me looking at every inch of me. My skin heated beneath his gaze. I took the moment to admire his muscular physique. “See something you like?” I purred ready to see those muscles in action.

  His voice was hoarse when he said, “Yes. Very much,” th
en climbed onto the bed. “Fuck.”

  “What,” I said. Please don’t tell me he was going to go cold fish again that what I wanted to happen wouldn’t happen.

  “I just can’t get over how beautiful you are.” He bit his lip and shook his head, “Fuck.” He started at my knee trailing kisses up my thigh while his hand took my other leg and wrapped it around his waist. He sucked on the top of my thigh. I moaned. His tongue trailed down the inside of my thigh and then …

  “Oh god!” I cried. One hand fisting the comforter the other entangled in his hair.

  His mouth continued its assault, my back arched off the bed, my breathing growing ragged, my vision blurring. My body was humming. Every inch of a live wire ready to … “JR. I’m … Oh! God!” My body exploded.

  Before I could gather my thoughts his kisses moved upward over my stomach. When I came down and opened my eyes his grey eyes were watching me, that smirk in place. “I knew you were a screamer.”

  My face caught fire. Didn’t get a chance to retort because he resumed his kissing assault. His fingertips caressed my thighs, my stomach, his lips caressed my breast sucking on my nipple giving it a playful bite. I moaned. Getting wet again. He repeated the same thing on my other breast. He broke contact for one-second removing the final barrier between him and I.

  He was magnificent. I bit my lip. His lips trailed across my chest up my neck and paused. Hovering above me, his pupils wide the grey barely a line, he said so much without saying anything. I wanted him. All of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to me. We kissed and he rocked his hips pressing his erection against me. Fuck …

  His voice was husky, low, “God, I want to be inside you, Maddie.” He was big, hard. I needed him inside me—too.

  When he pulled away for a moment I managed to huff out, “Do you have a … a condom.” I said the last word in a whisper. I did not want to think about him and any of his flavors of the week doing what we were doing right now. I closed my eyes trying to remove the image of the brunette who chose then to pop into my head.

  He stopped squirming and stilled, “Shit. No. What about—”


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