Lake Magic

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Lake Magic Page 25

by Fisk, Kimberly

  “May I be direct?”

  “By all means.” He shifted his weight, planted his other boot on the tire.

  “Something tells me I can ask, but you may not answer.”

  Jared remained silent.

  Catherine let out a sigh. “Jenny means the world to us, Mr. Worth. Or should I say Commander Worth. Paul told us you are a pilot in the military.”

  He wasn’t a commander anymore. “Jared, please.”

  “Jared.” Catherine gave a slight nod of her head. “We don’t want to see Jenny hurt. She’s suffered enough already.”

  “I have no intention of causing your daughter any harm, Mrs. Beckinsale. Jenny and I have a business relationship. That’s all.” That kiss sure as hell hadn’t been about business.

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word on that.”

  “You have it.”

  Catherine Beckinsale’s face seemed to relax ever so slightly. “Thank you,” she said before opening the driver’s side door of her car and reaching inside. She handed an envelope to Jared. “As Jenny’s business partner, please accept this invitation to come to the museum’s charity event. It’s formal—black tie—so I’ll understand if—”

  “Will Jenny be there?”

  “Yes.” Catherine paused. “Her father and I plan to pick her up.”

  Jared pushed away from the truck. “Don’t bother. I’ll bring her.”

  Catherine would have said more, but just then Cody and Jenny came out of the house carrying his backpack and small suitcase.

  “All ready,” Cody said. “Bye, Aunt Jen. Bye, Jared.”

  “Bye, kiddo,” Jared said. “Don’t forget this.” He grabbed the baseball bag out of the back of the pickup, waited for Catherine to pop her trunk, then placed the bag, backpack, and suitcase inside.

  Cody opened the passenger door, then looked at Jared over the hood of the car. “Maybe . . . if you’re not busy, you’d like to come to my game Thursday.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he hedged.

  “Sweet.” Cody slid into the car and shut the door.

  Catherine gave Jenny a hug then turned and stared at Jared for several moments. He easily read the warning in her gaze.

  “I’m bushed,” Jenny said as her mom drove off. “Good night.” She didn’t wait for a response before hurrying into the house.

  Jared watched her leave. He wanted to follow her inside. And not for the same reason he’d been staying close to her all week. This wasn’t about the business or about getting his money back. There was only one reason he wanted to follow her: to be near her, to see her smile, to hear her laugh.

  More lights went on inside the house. A warm glow spilled outward from the mullioned windows. Upstairs, the light in Jenny’s bedroom came on.

  Keep your eye on the prize, he reminded himself, thinking of Mexico.

  But what if he was after the wrong thing?

  Swearing, he turned and went into the hangar. Thoughts like that could get him into a hell of a lot of trouble. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and a heavy flannel coat off the workbench. As he left the hangar, he made his way to the beach. He dragged one of the camp chairs over to the cold fire pit. Slouching in the seat, he propped his boots on the charred rocks surrounding the pit, crossed his feet at the ankles, and twisted the cap off the Bud.

  Stars packed the inky sky, and an owl hooted behind him. As he took a long drink, he listened to the waves sloshing against the dock and the rustling of critters in the underbrush. On the far side of the lake, house lights flickered through the trees. He kept his gaze straight ahead, refusing to look at the house behind him. The house that glowed like a damn Christmas card, making him feel welcome when he knew he was not.

  My nana always told me this lake was magical. This water could heal almost anything.

  Has it healed you?


  He might want Jenny with a passion that burned through him, but he knew he wasn’t what she wanted. Today as he’d tossed the ball back and forth with Cody and sat in the stands with Jenny, he let himself fall into a fantasy. One where he was more than just a stranger passing through. Where he was a part of something, part of a family. A part of Jenny’s life. He let himself wonder what it would be like to have her waiting for him when he came down from the sky. But he wouldn’t be coming down from the sky. Ever again. Jenny and his days as a top gun were as out of reach as the stars overhead.

  He took another drink. Silhouetted in the moonlight, the seaplane rocked gently at the end of the dock. He waited to feel the same disgust he did every time he looked at the bulky, cumbersome plane, but tonight, looking at the plane bobbing in the water, he couldn’t make himself forget what it had meant to fly. He tried to push the memories away but found it impossible. With the wide-open sky overhead, he could almost hear the roar of the jet engines, smell the jet fuel. There had been a time when he’d been up in that endless sky going eight hundred miles an hour. He’d thought he could walk away, find a bit of peace on an isolated stretch of beach in Mexico. Now he wasn’t sure.

  In one gulp, he drained almost half his beer and pulled the invitation out of the front pocket of his jacket. The heavy card stock was intricately engraved. He glanced at the date. Two weeks from today the event would take place. His thumb rubbed over the embossed words, and he wondered what had prompted him to say he would go. But he knew. Just like he knew that he needed to get out of here, as far away from Jenny as possible, and from everything that reminded him of what he could never have.

  I have no intention of causing your daughter any harm, Mrs. Beckinsale. Jenny and I have a business relationship. That’s all.

  He’d meant what he’d said. Hurting Jenny was the last thing he intended. If he could just walk away, he would. But if he left, he’d leave with nothing, and, more importantly, Jenny and this damn business she was trying so hard to keep afloat would still go under. He’d heard the calls she’d been making all week. He also knew nothing would ever come of them. Twice now, he’d seen how much her family worried about her. It was obvious they would do anything for her—even bail her out. Just like Steven had said.

  Jared looked at the invitation again. Maybe this event was just the ticket. Maybe, with her family’s help, she would finally accept the truth: there was no way she could save this business. The sooner she accepted that, the better off they’d both be. Then he could leave, get out of her life, and get her out of his mind.

  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number he thought he’d never call again.

  “Hello?” The voice was raspy from sleep.

  “Hart? Wake up.”

  He could hear a female voice in the background: “Sugar, come back over here. I’ve got something special I want to give you.”

  “Worth, is that you?” Kenny Hart asked, apparently ignoring his female companion. “Christ, man. I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks. Hang on.”

  There was a rustling noise like Kenny had gotten out of bed and was pulling on some clothes. The woman whined some more as Kenny let her know she was free to leave.

  Jared could only imagine the woman’s frustration. Lieutenant Commander Kenny Hart was a top-notch pilot and certified ladies’ man. For as long as Jared had known him, women had lapped up his good looks and open smile.

  “Okay, Ghost. Talk.”

  “Hope I didn’t take you away from someone important.”

  “They’re all important,” Hart said with a chuckle.

  “Does she have a name?”

  “Same as all the others. Baby. Only with you gone, I get the pick of the litter.” Kenny paused. “Listen, Worth. I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for weeks. Hell, the whole squadron has. The CO’s been looking for you. He wants to see you ASAP.”

  “I’ve got nothing left to say. The CO saw my ass for the last time when I resigned my commission. Now drop it,” Jared said with a finality that left no room for further comment. “That’s not why I called. I need a favor.”

  There w
as a long pause. “Shit, man. I’ve never heard you ask for anything. Name it, and it’s yours.”


  It was only Wednesday, and already Anna felt as if she’d put in an eighty-hour week.

  “Dr. Adams,” a resident called out to her, “you’re needed immediately in the ER. Probable head injury. Mom is at twenty-seven weeks and unresponsive. Fetus may be in distress.”

  “Tell them to get an electronic fetal monitor on her stat. I’m heading down right now.”

  She rushed to the elevator and hit the down button. As she waited impatiently, her beeper went off. She glanced at the number. Cody’s school.

  In the ER, she took the chart from the triage nurse and studied it. “Get me an update on her vitals and the readout from the fetal monitor.”

  “Right away, Dr. Adams.”

  Anna picked up the phone and dialed Cody’s school. Worry spread through her. His school had never found it necessary to beep her before.

  The secretary put her through to the principal.

  While she was on hold, Anna turned, the phone held to her ear as the attending trauma physician handed her the updated information she’d requested.

  “Thank you.” She scanned the readout. “Keep monitoring the mother, and I’ll be there momentarily.”

  The principal came on the phone. “Hello, Dr. Adams. This is Mr. Strickner. I’m calling regarding Cody.”

  A flutter of panic hit her. “Is he okay? Did he get hurt?”

  “He’s fine. Physically. I’m sorry to have to call you at work, but we’ve been trying to reach you at home, and our messages and notes have gone unanswered.”

  “I wasn’t aware you were trying to get in touch with me.”

  “I thought that might be the case.”

  A door slammed down the hall, and the hushed sound of crying could be heard. Anna’s shoulders stiffened. There could be only one reason she hadn’t received the calls or letters. Cody had been hiding them from her. Her panic turned to anger.

  “I’ve been approached by several of Cody’s teachers,” the principal continued. “They are concerned. There’s been a distinct change in Cody’s performance and attitude over the last few months. I was hoping you could shed some light on the situation.” The principal paused, then continued. “Is there anything at home we should be aware of?”

  A nurse rushed by Anna as the paging system went off. She looked down at the chart in her hand and felt her agitation grow. “No. Everything is fine.”

  “As you know, the school year is almost over. At this point, Cody is missing nearly half of his assignments in three classes. I’ve spoken with his teachers, and we are all in agreement that if he can complete the list of missing schoolwork that was sent home with him today, he will get credit and pass those classes. If not . . .” The principal let his voice trail off.

  “Rest assured, Cody will have the assignments completed and turned in well before the end of the school year.” Anna saw the ER resident hurrying toward her. “Thank you for the call. I’ll make sure to take care of this.”

  She hung up the phone and rushed to ER Room Number Five.

  Six hours later, Anna arrived home feeling every bit as frustrated and angry as she had earlier. “Cody,” she called out the minute she entered the house.

  Marie wiped her hands on her apron. “He’s in his room.”

  “Thank you, Marie. I’m sorry it’s so late.”

  “It’s no problem.” Marie untied her apron, folded it, and placed it in a kitchen drawer. “Your dinner is in the oven,” she said. “Cody hasn’t eaten. He said he wasn’t hungry.” Her face creased with concern.

  “Thank you,” Anna said again. “I’m sure he was just waiting until I got home.” She wondered if Marie saw through the lie.

  After Marie left, Anna made her way up the stairs. She didn’t bother knocking on Cody’s door. As usual, he was lying on his bed, tennis shoes and all, a sketch book in his hands and a bad attitude in his expression.

  She came directly to the point. “I received a call from your principal today.”


  “What did you say?”

  “Mr. Strickner.”

  “This isn’t a joking matter, Cody. You are on the verge of failing several of your classes.” Anna didn’t sugarcoat the seriousness of the situation, but Cody continued to look unconcerned. “Get me the list of missing assignments. I know you were sent home with it.” When he didn’t move, the irritation she’d felt since receiving the call boiled over.

  “Now. And consider yourself on restriction until this is resolved. No iPod. No TV. And no baseball.”

  That got his attention. “You are so unfair.”

  “I heard everything I needed to.” She held out her hand for his iPod. She waited until he finally withdrew it from his pocket and tossed it on the end of the bed.

  “You don’t even want to hear my side of the story.”

  “Believe me, I heard your side. Actions speak louder than words.” She picked up the iPod. “Also, you’ll be staying home this weekend. While I was supposed to be doing my job, I was on the phone hiring you a tutor. Ms. Thorton will be here each afternoon after school and on the weekends until all of your assignments are in.”

  She opened the door and stood with her hand on the knob. “Also, I know about the phone messages you erased and the notes from your teachers you never gave me.”

  “Yeah? So what? You’re not home long enough to call anyone. Not even Dad.”


  “Forget it.”

  “Come downstairs and let’s have dinner. We can talk—”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Anna stared at her son, at a loss as to what to do. “Fine,” she said quietly. “Suit yourself.” She shut the door and went downstairs to eat another meal alone. As she picked at the shrimp pasta Marie had made, she once more felt a stab of resentment toward her husband. How could Phillip have left her to deal with all of this?

  Cody waited until his mom went downstairs, then he sneaked into her room. Carefully picking up the phone, he made sure she wasn’t on the downstairs line. As quietly as he could, he dialed his aunt’s number. Jared answered on the third ring.

  “Hi, Cody. I’ll get your aunt.”

  “N-no. I called to talk to you.”


  “Yeah.” Cody sat down on the edge of his mom’s bed. He could hear the TV in the background. “Don’t bother coming to my game tomorrow.”


  Cody kicked at the leg of his mom’s nightstand. “No. I can’t play ’cuz Mom is a hard-ass, and school sucks.”

  “That bad?”

  Cody squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to cry like a big baby. At least Jared didn’t tell him not to say ass. “Yeah. Just because of some stupid assignments.”

  “Sorry, kid.”

  “Hey, Jared?”


  “Have you ever screwed up so badly everyone was mad at you?”

  “Too many times to count.”

  Cody stared at the silver-framed picture of his mom and dad on their wedding day. “I wish my dad was here.”

  “I wish he was there, too.”

  “If my dad was here,” Cody started, feeling a lump form in his throat, “I wonder what he’d say . . .”

  Jared didn’t say anything for a moment. “I wish I knew.”

  “Did your dad ever leave you?”

  “Your dad hasn’t left you, Cody.”

  A tear ran down Cody’s cheek. “That’s what my mom says, but he’s been gone a long time. Maybe he’s not coming back.” Cody wiped his face. “Tell Aunt Jenny for me, okay?” The tears were coming harder, and he had to get off the phone. “And tell her I won’t be there this weekend either. I’m stuck here with a tutor.”

  “Hang in there, slugger.”

  Cody could only nod.

  Jared hung up the phone. He flexed his hand, not realizing how hard he’d been grip
ping the receiver.

  If he’d known the reason for Cody’s call, he would have ignored Jenny’s call from upstairs for him to pick up and let the answering machine get it.

  If my dad was here, I wonder what he’d say.

  Jared leaned back in the chair. God damn it. Why did the kid have to call him? Couldn’t he see that Jared wasn’t qualified to give advice, especially to a thirteen-year-old boy who needed his father?

  “Was that Anna?” Jenny said, coming into the family room. Lately, she’d taken to bundling herself from head to toe in her pink robe with only the bottom cuffs of her pj’s peeking out from the hem. Wet hair hung down her back and over her shoulders. A few strands were beginning to dry and curl around her face. It didn’t matter what she wore. Just being around her was enough to drive him crazy.

  “No. It was Cody.”

  “Cody? What did he want?”

  Jared forced himself to stop trying to find her breasts buried under the thick robe. “To tell us he can’t play in his game tomorrow, and he won’t be able to come this weekend.” The telephone call should have made him feel relieved. The kid would be out of his hair.

  Jenny walked into the kitchen and put the teakettle on. “How come?”

  Jared wanted to blow off her question, tell her he didn’t want to be dragged into her family drama. “Because he’s missing some schoolwork, so your sister has him on lock-down.”

  “I doubt it’s as bad as that.”

  Jared ran a hand through his hair. “Not according to Cody.”

  “He’s been a bit of a handful lately. I’m sure Anna is doing the right thing.”

  Jared stood and walked to the fireplace. He picked up the poker and jabbed at the cold ashes. “It’s only a couple of assignments. Cody seems like a good kid.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?”

  Jared turned from the fireplace and faced her. He knew it was none of his business, and he should keep quiet, but he couldn’t. “It sounds like your sister is making a mountain out of a molehill.”


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