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Unveiled Page 14

by Pamela Ann

  He made a light chuckling sound. “Please do…it would be a shame if you don’t decide to come. See you in less than an hour yeah?”

  “Okay…see you in a bit,” I said before cutting the call short. “Fuck. Guess I’ll have to choose another day to rip you a new hole, Claudine.” I almost growled to myself because I could almost taste how sweet it’d be to throw sparring words at her. She made my blood boil because women like her—one that didn’t care if the guy didn’t love her but was willing to use emotional or mental ways to get their attention—need a hefty reality check. Since Dimitris wasn’t too aggressive on that score, I’d be more than willing to use my “artful convincing ways” to drill it into her hard-feathered brain.

  The good juice that was escalating in my blood simply called hormones upon seeing Claudine because I had someone to unleash all these pent-up emotions and anger towards her, went on a sour turn since Dimitris’s phone call. Turning on the engine with a regrettable sigh, I retraced the route I took beforehand, gearing back towards his villa with a heavy heart.

  It didn’t take long until I was back to where I started almost sad when getting out of the lethal red Enzo before running into the house and onto the stairs to get ready to meet my other half. Since I was already dressed in spades to meet Claudine, I hadn’t bothered with retouching my make-up and such but simply chose a different outfit to meet him in. Changing out of my wool skirt, I chose to don a black wool-blended tights with my black Louboutins over the knee boots pairing it a baby blue cashmere sweater. Since my hair was down, I opted to pile it high atop my head before pulling out my all-black aviator Ray Bans sunglasses. A spritz of some lovely rose scented perfume, I was off to head downstairs to meet Vassilis to drive me down to Dimi’s business headquarters.

  For the entire duration of the ride, I had tried to keep my thoughts at bay, hoping that this meeting wasn’t anything serious.

  My stomach was in knots when we reached his office building, and when I reached his floor, knocking on his door, I was almost in borderline fight or flight mode when he surprisingly greeted me with a large bear hug almost devouring me on the spot.

  As it turned out my fears had nothing to fear from him because he simply planned to take me somewhere nice to spend our New Years together. Alone. Just the two of us…it was something I’d been waiting to happen because he and I needed some quality time together—to heal and fall in love again. Over. And over. And over again.

  Of course we loved each other but sometimes when something causes a rift between the couple, I believed it was best for both parties to spend time together without interruption so they could reflect on how they’ve been treating each other. And it was high time that he and I get to do this because at one point, I thought we weren’t going to work out after all. But upon hearing him tell me this, I knew that it wasn’t easy for him to set aside work so he could spend time lazing with me but he was showing great effort in making amends, and I couldn’t fault him for that.

  After a quick trip with his Helicopter from the building’s helipad, we flew to his mega yacht that awaited us out in the Aegean Sea. Upon landing on his boat, I was giddy as a little kid, wondering what was in store for the next few days for us. “Which islands are we checking out this time?”

  He beamed, making me drool on the spot. “I want to take you to Aspasia first. You know…” he smiled shyly. “I thought it would be lovely to go back to where it all began for you and me. I can still picture you…that very first time I met you in Bass and Emma’s cottage…looking like a breath of fresh air.”

  “Well hey, I always get that kind of reaction to most people since I’m irresistible and all.” I was joking around but he merely growled and palmed both of my butt cheeks, slowly sliding it down his readily hard perfect member.

  “Tonight…there’ll be no escaping me. I’m going to annihilate that naughty cunt of yours with my tongue…slaughter it with my cock.” He informed me with all seriousness.

  And I believed him. Because after last night’s highly charged emotional dinner, though he won’t admit to it, I was almost sure that he was punishing himself for not pursuing me sexually because he felt undeserving after the hurt he had caused. Maybe he did too…but had he taken action, I would’ve given in to him because my barriers always failed to erect when his persistent cock was in question.

  “Promises, promises…we’ll see, shall we, Mr. Kosta?” I challenged him before he guided us towards the main deck. Though the air was a tad chilly, with him next to me, my insides were thoroughly warm, as if to say it’s quite ready for him.

  “I had it refitted. Do you like it?” He asked the second we entered the main salon.

  Slowly spinning in 360 degrees, I marveled at the high end, top of the line décor. “It’s really nice…though I didn’t find the past design horrible.” It was far from that…heck, why would people pour millions upon millions in these palatial floating vessels anyhow? Seeing these things merely proved the kind of wealth he had which was unnerving as it was fascinating. “How wealthy are you, Dimi?” I blurted out loud. “I mean there’s rich…and there’s wealth…” I made a face that portrayed pure and utter wonderment. “My parents and their friends…I mean I’d surrounded myself with rich folks and kids ever since but you and your friends—Callum, Luca, Jacques and let’s not talk about how freaking insane Andrés being a Duke and his net worth…”

  He paused, frowning at me. “This is a joke, I hope?”

  It was my turn to frown. “What do you mean, I’m just wondering, is that so bad? You don’t have to answer me if you feel offended. I know these are sore subjects that are off-limits but since you and I are together, I just thought you know…”

  He shrugged. “You amaze me,” he murmured, staring at me.

  “What?” I frowned deeper.

  “You married and divorced me…and yet you had no idea how much money you let get away.”

  “I wasn’t interested,” I vehemently said. “I didn’t marry you for money to begin with.”

  He nodded, gazing at me curiously. “Okay, I do believe you when you say that. But why marry me in the first place when you clearly didn’t love me hmm?”

  “Honestly?” I raised my brow at him. “Well since we’re already on this subject, let’s air out all the dirty laundry. First off, I was enthralled with your charms and your insane wicked ways of persistence. I had never met anyone like you. EVER. So can you blame me for being so fascinated with you? Second off, you fuck like a stud—”

  “No kidding,” he remarked snidely, appearing bemused.

  I rolled my eyes because he clearly loved this part of the conversation. “Shut up and let me finish. For the stud part—let me emphasize.” I started again, giving him a haughty look that he better not interrupt me again. “You have a stamina of a bull and that’s rather hard to accomplish let alone find a freaking god that’s sex on legs in this day and age. The size of your cock never fails to give me that feeling like I’m about to orgasm when you thrust with the head itself into my pussy—a crazy feat that not most men have honestly. Third off, you adore me to bits and even on my less stellar times that should’ve been a warning for you to run for the hills, you stuck out with me and still pursued me like no man has ever done. Fourthly—your heart purely loves me—in all my wild and wicked shades—you truly just love me.” Giving him a wry smile, I cocked my head to the side, shrugging. “I could go on and on as to why and how I decided to marry even though my heart back then didn’t have you in it. “Maybe it was fate trying to give me a hard lesson…or maybe you were just a force that I knew I just couldn’t pass without experiencing the kind of heaven you’d give me…but I did marry you, and the depth of that kind of commitment didn’t sink in until you asked when I’d move to Athens with you. I think that switched on the bulb in my head and I couldn’t handle that…so I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could, hoping that you wouldn’t come after me…but I should’ve known then that you would’ve. You’re not the kind to ea
sily give up even if the odds were against you.”

  He made a face. “I’m one of a kind, what can I say?”

  “You are…and I will forever try to make up for that,” I murmured, promising him everything.

  “From the last time I checked, my family is worth billions with the double digits. I can get you a precise estimate by tonight if you’re interested upon knowing. I’m worth sixty percent that amount from the company stake. My personal finances without that sixty percent is actually about almost nine hundred million. If you wonder why and how I have acquired so much by being this young, well, from a young age, I would always go with my father to meetings, learning the ropes of the world market and current trends that will be the next best thing. I also learned that being up to date with world news can actually be turned into a monetary investment if I choose wisely. For example, during hurricane season and winter months, disasters are abound most especially in the US, so investing in wood or any materials in the best given time before a major disaster hits, can multiply your investment into millions upon millions. Another point would be legalizing marijuana in some US states. So if one invested a year or two before this ever happened, that very first few days of the bill passing will make anyone an instant millionaire. It’s a skill one need to acquire—learning to one’s gut-feeling and following through it. So that’s basically the gist of how I accumulated much of my wealth in the beginning, the rest of that came a little easy. But yes love, you walked away without a dime to your name. Shames isn’t it, since I was willing to hand you half of that…though I doubt you read much of the paperwork that was handed to you last year during the divorce proceedings.”

  “Should I be insulted that you honestly think I’d change my mind had I truly known your net worth, Dimi? It’s yours…and I wouldn’t dream of taking a dime from you not even if I’m vengeful. I can make you pay in a different way.”

  He bellowed a deep laugh. “Ah, Lindsey…only you can feast on that idea…though you have a mad skill in driving a man crazy. So much so that one could find relief being dead and buried that endure your kind of crazy.”

  I smirked. “Too late to back out now, Dimi—you’re stuck with me for good.”

  “That I am, yineka mou.” He kissed the side of my head before pulling me close. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Crazy or not, you’re meant to be with me. So hand me all the craziness you can muster and take comfort in knowing that I’ll still be standing next to you at the end of the day…I’d still be right there, sleeping next to you in our bed, holding you close bidding you the sweetest dreams. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Swooning sure became a constant thing lately with me. Sigh. “Well then, I’d most likely take you up on your offer soon enough. Just you wait.”

  “I’m sure you would…” he murmured before kissing me whole-heartedly.

  There was meaning behind my threat because once we get back on land, I still planned to pursue a confrontation with Claudine. Come Hell or high water, I will achieve it, no matter the cost.

  Chapter 22


  “Seafood…yum!” Lindsey declared the second she got a whiff of grilled lobsters being escorted to our makeshift table sitting on the sands of island of Aspasia while our toes get awashed by the soft tides of seawater.

  After last night, I had decided that waiting for my schedule to clear up will rather take too damn long before taking her somewhere out of the city. And by then, the damage that was gradually getting wider by the day was stretching, ripping us slowly apart, so after last night’s dinner while in Pappou’s villa while she was being entertained by my family, I took a moment to navigate through my schedule, keeping important meetings to be set-up via video chats while the secondary important ones where going to be handled by my father. The man had retired but after the turmoil I’d been in for the past several days, he didn’t even hesitate when I told him that I need to take Lindsey somewhere without the nuisance of my hectic life and lifestyle. He understood completely and I couldn’t even be more grateful enough to have such supportive parents even though I’d set and made some questionable decisions that would surely raise worry to some but with my mum and dad, these two always had given their support, whether it was good or bad, they unwaveringly stood behind me, loving me unconditionally.

  This short mini vacation with Lindsey meant to woo her again, and I wouldn’t rest until I had her heart in full, that kind of overwhelming love she had for me without those beautiful dark eyes that mirrored fears and doubts that had visibly appeared upon her visit.

  There were developments that I wished to share with her but I had been rather hesitant since nothing’s been fully finalized. There was one vital report, which stated that the paparazzi behind those lurid photos was tipped off by a voice-altering device. Since then, my team had been working on tracing that call. So far, nothing surfaced since the caller had used a dummy phone.

  But even so, I wasn’t one to easily give up. And even though Lindsey was bent on not letting me finish what I meant to tell her, the moment I get everything together, she won’t have a choice but hear my confessional.

  Earlier today, Pappou made an impromptu visit in the office, bearing breakfast with him that was prepared by my mother. Of course I wasn’t shocked that my family already had a plan on its own but it would’ve been great…that for once, they didn’t interfere and let me take care of it? I knew Pappou had become attached to Lindsey and didn’t want to lose her from being a part of the family, but their lack of confidence in me was rather insulting.

  “My boy, you know I don’t like to lecture you because I find you too intelligent at most times, but you’re relationship with Claudine…” he trailed off pausing to vehemently shake his head, disapproving. “Does it need to continue? You have informed your father and I that you haven’t fully told her and she hasn’t taken the inclination to investigate herself…but must you continue on hurting this poor child? Do you even remember the time when you were on your knees, begging this same woman you’ve just hurt, to stay and remain as your wife? Do you recall how you’ve fallen apart when she decided to walk away from you again?”

  Staring at Pappou with grim expression, I didn’t need to clarify that yes—I bloody recalled how often Lindsey had hurt me. I doubt I would ever forget it—those types of scars never go away even though healed. It remains with you until death releases you from its grasps.

  “I like Claudine. I believed she would’ve been a great addition to the family and would’ve done justice to be wife by your side. But you made a choice—a choice that any honorable man should never forget even if temptation seeks your participation, a man of honor always resists.”

  “Pappou—drunk or not, I sure as hell would remember if I had someone the night before.” I grounded out, almost angry that he didn’t even give me a benefit of the doubt that my love for Lindsey, whether belligerent or not, won’t ever sway my decision even if the woman who would choose to tempt me was an angel of beauty. My love was rooted strongly into my decisions and I simply couldn’t fathom committing such a terrible deed.

  “Well…” he studied me for a moment. “That does change things a bit now, does it?”

  I sighed, “it does. I know it does. I would never hurt Lindsey—especially not after she told me the kind of childhood she went through, I would never be that crass as to cheat on her the way her mother’s been treating her father. I’m not a selfish bastard, and if I had chosen that route, I’d rather leave her be to get back to her life rather than ruin more of her bright beautiful flame. She already had a twisted way of handling things, and I won’t be the reason for her to believe that her mother’s action can be a normal occurrence between people in committed relationships.”

  He nodded, those sharp eyes that mirrored so much of my own gaze me immense scrutiny. “Please see to it that this is resolved, Dimitris. We Kosta men aren’t known as cheaters even though most of the male populous running with wealth does most of the time. We are a
different caliber of men and I’d hate to die thinking that you, my precious grandchild, had chosen to taint that honorable belief. When we love, we love hard—so give up all these fanciful ideas of friendships or pitiful ideas of becoming business partners with Claudine. It’s either you want Lindsey or not in your life…and by choosing keeping your ex in your life, Lindsey will leave you for good this time.” He sent me a warning look. “And I do believe that’s not what you want, is it?”

  I grounded my teeth. “I wouldn’t try to argue with you if that wasn’t my intention, Pappou.”

  “Good,” he murmured before taking a long sip of his coffee. “A fiery woman like Lindsey Mason need not of a man who can’t fight for her. Secure her love. Secure it forever if you must.”

  Staring at him, I barely made an audible sound as I tried to weigh in where his thoughts were heading. I was closest to Pappou compared to my own father but sometimes, the old man liked to taunt certain subjects I had no intentions of discussing. He was stubborn as I was, and though I loved him to no end, it was that emotion that he knew so well that made it his privilege to throw “suggestions” as he would likely put it, to my attention.


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