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Transcend Page 7

by Sandra R Neeley

  “I am very aware, sir.”

  “Excellent. Now, get your things moved into my quarters, request anything you need to get your job done. And tell me where I may locate the Consul’s quarters.”


  Kol walked purposefully down the hallway Elisher had directed him to. When he arrived, there was an armed guard outside the door that apparently belonged to Consul Diskastes.

  “These quarters are off limits, Ambassador,” the guard said, having come to attention as soon as Kol set foot in the hallway and started toward him.

  “Are these quarters Consul Diskastes’s?” Kol asked.

  “They are.”

  “Then I will speak with him. Now,” Kol said.

  “No one is allowed to disturb him once he’s retired for the night,” the guard responded.

  “Announce me and instruct him to open the door,” Kol ordered.

  “I will not. I will not disturb him,” the guard answered, irritation in his voice. Then he made the mistake of stepping toward Kol as though he thought to intimidate him.

  “You will. Or I will. Tell him I’m waiting,” Kol demanded.

  “You will leave these premises now, Ambassador. No one is allowed to be here unless personally invited by Consul Diskastes, regardless of the importance they believe themselves to be,” the guard said, scoffing.

  Kol thought about how exactly he wanted to handle this situation. He had a momentary flash of a standoff between Vivi and Quin. Vivi stood on their sofa her hands braced on her hips as she taunted her mate when he told her she wasn’t going to the dance club she’d made without him that night and instead she was going to bed early, with him. “Make me,” she’d shouted.

  Kol smirked at the guard who’d been foolish enough to come so close to him that he could reach out and touch him if he wanted to. “Make me,” he said with his smirk firmly in place.

  The guard’s eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together. He advanced on Kol, obviously planning to show Kol who was boss and in control of this situation.

  Kol chuckled, and sidestepped the guard who was now far too close. A few minutes later, the loud banging of the guard’s body on the walls and floor, and his repeated curses reduced to whimpers, as Kol stood over him, daring him to stand again, filled the hallway. “Would you like to try to make me again?” Kol said politely, not even winded.

  “You’ll pay for this,” the guard threatened.

  “I highly doubt it,” Kol responded, then he reached out and knocked on the door.

  “You’ll regret that. No one disturbs the Consul,” the guard said, ending on a gasp as Kol pressed his foot into the guard’s kidney from behind.

  There was no answer to his knock, so he pounded on the door.

  Suddenly the door was whipped open. “You know I am not to be disturbed!” Diskastes shouted, his words fading away as he took in his guard on his stomach face down, controlled by the Cruestaci Ambassador he’d been forced to accept at his base. “What have you done to my security?” he snapped. “Let him up this instant!”

  “No,” Kol replied simply with no tone at all.

  Diskastes sputtered, not accustomed to being totally disrespected and disregarded.

  “I’ve come to advise you that I’m moving my attache’ into the spare bedroom in my quarters. He is under strict instructions and guidance from me. He is not to be interfered with. If you or any of your people try to inhibit his access to the records I need, or in any way try to obstruct him or harm his person, you will be brought up on charges by not only the Cruestaci people, but by the Unified Consortium Defense as well. I will be away from the base tomorrow. Elisher will remain unaffected, unaccosted, and working busily away, exactly as I leave him.”

  “You do not come to my quarters after working hours and instruct me on how I will run my base!” Diskastes screamed, his face turning red.

  “Apparently, I just have. I wish you a good evening. And if I may be so bold, you should consider a real security force,” Kol said. He glanced down at the male still lying face down on the floor, gasping for breath. “I believe this one has broken ribs, possibly a ruptured kidney.”

  Kol smiled at Diskastes, then turned on his heel and walked away with no more concern than as though he’d just paid a personal friend a visit.

  Chapter 8

  Kol and Elisher walked into the base’s cafeteria. The scent of sweet treats and something salty and smoky assaulted his nose. “I do not know what that is, but I will eat it this morning,” Kol said to Elisher.

  “It’s waffles and bacon,” Elisher answered, smiling at the enthusiasm Kol showed for the foods he grew up with.

  They approached the buffet style breakfast, and Kol looked at all the different options laid out before them, not sure exactly how to start.

  “Here, like this,” Elisher said, taking a plate and putting a waffle on it. Then he paused at the butter dish and used a small spatula to spread butter across the waffle. He waited while Kol did the same, but Kol put three waffles on his plate. Once Kol had finished spreading more than a healthy amount of butter on his waffles, Elisher moved to the next station… syrup. He poured a bit of syrup across his waffle, then moved out of the way and waited for Kol.

  Kol lifted the bottle of warmed syrup and sniffed it. He grinned then upended the entire bottle of syrup over his waffles, drowning them in maple syrup.

  Elisher laughed and Kol glanced at him.

  “What is funny?” Kol asked.

  “Not a thing, Ambassador. You ready for the bacon?”

  “I believe so,” Kol said, looking down at his plate.

  Elisher walked to the next station and lifted a set of tongs from a large flat platter of bacon. “This is bacon. It’s pork actually, salted, smoked and cured. Everything is better with bacon.” He placed several slices on his plate and again stood aside.

  Kol used the tongs to place a half dozen strips on his plate. Then he lifted one and sniffed it. He took a large bite and dropped the rest of the strip to his plate. He chewed the crunchy, smoky, salty meat and instead of turning his head to face Elisher, just rolled his eyes in Elisher’s direction, while approaching the bacon again. “All things are certainly better with bacon,” he said, putting another dozen strips on his plate before mimicking Elisher and grabbing an individual sized carton of milk from the ice bed at the end of the buffet line.

  “Join us!” Buchanan called out, waving to them.

  Elisher and Kol each took a seat at the table Buchanan was sharing with Zhuxi. “Good morning,” Kol said brightly.

  “Good morning,” both males replied.

  “I hear you had an eventful evening,” Zhuxi said, chuckling.

  Kol had been cutting up his waffles as he’d watched Elisher do. He glanced up at Zhuxi before looking back down at his waffles while completing the task. He stuffed almost half a waffle in his mouth and chewed appreciatively. Kol grinned at Zhuxi and Buchanan while he chewed. “Hmm?” he asked, without opening his mouth.

  “You assaulted one of Diskastes’s personal security guards?” Buchanan said.

  “Oh, that,” Kol said, after he swallowed. “Yes. He seemed to think that he could intimidate me. In fact, he told me to leave. I invited him to make me, and, he couldn’t.”

  Buchanan and Zhuxi both filled the cafeteria with laughter.

  “And Diskastes?”

  Kol crunched away on two pieces of bacon at the same time. “He was warned that Elisher will be working under my direction in my quarters, and he is to be undisturbed and unaccosted. If he is, it will be seen as an attack on the Cruestaci as well as the Consortium, as I represent both.”

  “And he said…” Zhuxi asked, still in the throes of his gurgling style of laughter.

  “Nothing. He sputtered quite a lot. I think he is not accustomed to being spoken to directly,” Kol said.

  “I don’t think he’ll be stupid enough to try anything with you here,” Buchanan said, still laughing.

  “Yes, but
I will not be here at all times. Just as today, I will be off base,” Kol said.

  “We’ll keep an eye on Elisher. He won’t get hurt,” Buchanan said.

  “We will be sure that he is protected,” Zhuxi promised.

  “I will be most appreciative of your efforts. All work he is doing is at my direction. I am responsible for any repercussions, but I cannot be in two places. And I must be off base today.”

  “Don’t give it another thought. We’ll protect him in your absence,” Buchanan said.

  “I am very pleased to have your assistance,” Kol said, taking his last bite of waffle. He glanced over his shoulder toward the buffet, someone had refilled all the serving trays. “I am going to get more food,” he announced, standing and lifting his plate.

  “No,” Elisher said, reaching out to place his hand on Kol’s. “You get a fresh plate each time.”

  Kol looked around at everyone and realized there were numerous plates stacked near their places at each table. “Okay,” he answered, and walked away from the table.

  “I like this male,” Buchanan said, chuckling.

  “As do I,” Zhuxi agreed.

  “He could be a really good addition to this base,” Buchanan said.

  “He’s going to make everything right,” Elisher said, smiling. “I think he really is.”


  “I will arrive at the repatriation center in ten minutes time,” Kol said as soon as Bart’s face was displayed on his transport’s commications screen.

  “We’ve got a problem, Kol,” Bart said.

  “Yes. I am aware that not all data is entered into the computer systems as it should be. Elisher is gathering as much data by hand with any hard copy paperwork he is able to obtain. Elisher advised me of it shortly before I left Base 28 this morning,” Kol responded. “He had the forethought to gather all the current data yet to be scanned into the system. We still hope to access all past information via the computer, but we are not sure how accurate it is. Hopefully between the boxes housed in my quarters and what is available on the computer system, it will be enough to provide proof.”

  “Wonderful,” Bart said sarcastically. “Just wonderful. But that wasn’t the problem I was referring to.”

  “What is the new problem?” Kol asked, his forehead wrinkling up with confusion at Bart’s unexpected announcement.

  “Diskastes complained to his people of your abuse of his security forces, and they in turn filed an official complaint with the Consortium.”

  “And how is that a problem?” Kol asked.

  “You are not supposed to attack the Consul’s security forces,” Bart insisted.

  “I did not. He attacked first. I finished it!” Kol explained, his voice rising in volume with each word.

  “Why did he attack?” Bart asked.

  “Diskastes runs the base as though it is a royal court. He places security guards outside his residence and refuses to see anyone unless it is during his ‘court’ hours. He plays favorites and allows them free rein. Nothing his security forces do can be brought up as complaint because they are almost always acting on his behalf.”

  “Why did you go to see him?” Bart asked.

  “To inform him that I was moving my attache’ into my quarters so that he could work uninterrupted and unaccosted, and that I would be off the base today.”

  “Is that all you said?” Bart asked.

  “I may have said, or possibly implied that I would react in a non-pleasant way should I return and Elisher has been harmed or interrupted in any way.”

  Bart sighed. “Look. I know you basically did nothing wrong. And I know Diskastes thinks he’s a god on earth, but, we have to play the game a little longer. Until we have all the proof we need at the very least,” Bart said.

  “Elisher is working on that now,” Kol answered. “I did not leave him unprotected. Buchanan and Zhuxi are watching over him,” Kol said.

  “Alright. I’ll calm them as best I can. I’ll advise them that complaints have been made by several of those that have experience at Base 28, and that the Consul needs to be aware that this is not a royal court. It is instead a diplomatic localized government of Base 28 for the protection and welfare of those living within its borders.”

  “Excellent,” Kol agreed, watching his controls since he could see Washington D.C. up ahead through his windshield.

  “But you will have to back off, Kol. Until they can be removed from power, you have to at least pretend to respect his position,” Bart said.

  “I cannot.”

  “Why not?” Bart asked.

  “Because I do not lie! I will not lie! I will not respect Diskastes at all in any way. He is a despicable male and should be ejected from the planet face at once.”

  “Just keep your mouth closed for a day or two? Can you do that much?” Bart shouted.

  Kol raised his eyebrows and leaned toward the com screen. “Are you shouting at me?” he asked.

  Bart glared at Kol’s image projected on his own side of the com. “Not intentionally. Please listen. I’ve requested assistance for you at Base 28. They should arrive in two to three days. In the meantime, please, avoid conflicts with Diskastes and his security forces. Once you have additional support, I believe Diskastes will most likely take to his residence and stay there. Especially since I’m planning to announce that we’re auditing everything in and out of the base for the last ten years as soon as your assisting personnel arrive.”

  Kol thought about it. “I will try.”

  “Try harder. And in the meantime, have all the documentation and records you can locate rounded up and placed somewhere safe.”

  “We have already begun to do so,” Kol said scowling.

  “Good. Enjoy your day,” Bart said, sounding more stressed than genuine in his wishing Kol a good day.

  Kol immediately grinned. “I will! And do not forget to reclaim my Ehlealah’s land for her.”

  “I said I’d try, but didn’t know if I could,” Bart answered, his voice raised and filled with frustration.

  “Goodbye, Bart!” Kol said happily before ending the vidcom before Bart could say anything else.

  Kol spied the repatriation center and circled it once before deciding to dock his transport far from the buildings, in the outer holding yards. He powered down his transport and stood at the exit door looking out at the repatriation center. It was impressive. It was very large with very clean lines. Cement, glass, and chrome. “Missy. I shall return shortly with my Ehlealah. Please engage security measures upon my departure.”

  “Done, Ambassador Kol,” Missy answered.


  Ada Jane actually slept in for the first time in recent memory. When she woke, it was already almost 10:00 A.M., and she hurried to get ready for Kol’s arrival. She dressed in a pair of running shoes, blue-jeans, a teeshirt and a lightweight jacket just in case she needed it. She pulled her long, straight, blonde hair up into a messy bun and headed downstairs for breakfast.

  She was excited, even giddy about Kol’s arrival. She’d fallen asleep with him on her mind the night before and it resulted in the most wonderful dreams. She didn’t wake one single time with her night terrors as she’d done regularly since she’d been rescued.

  Ada sat at a small table alone, enjoying her Frosted Flakes and sipping coffee, waiting patiently for Kol to arrive. She was reading through an e-magazine on a tablet and not paying too much attention to her surroundings, until she realized someone was standing beside her.

  Ada looked up suddenly as adrenalin coursed through her, then just as suddenly dropped off when she saw that it was Jason. “You startled me!” she said, smiling.

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to surprise you. I was waiting for you to look up so I wouldn’t startle you,” he said.

  “I’m still pretty jumpy. It’s not your fault.”

  “So, what’s going on?” Jason asked.

  “What do you mean?” Ada asked in return.

We received a call from the powers-that-be. Someone pretty high up must be a friend of yours. They’ve ordered us to release you and give you a full bill of health.”

  “Well, honestly, I wasn’t sick to begin with. It’s about time I was able to make my own choices,” Ada Jane said, smiling and trying to remain pleasant. She didn’t like anyone telling her what to do, especially since she’d just gotten her freedom back.

  “No one was trying to make your choices for you, Ada Jane. I was only trying to be a friend.”

  “I didn’t say you weren’t. I didn’t complain about anything. I’m just ready to move forward with my life. I don’t want to be in a hospital any longer. It’s that simple.”

  “I can understand that. But, the world is different now. You need someone to guide you through it,” Jason said.

  Ada Jane raised her eyebrows. “I don’t need anyone to guide me through it. Maybe it’s hard for you to understand, but the entire universe is different now. I know. I’ve been a part of it. I’ve lived, suffered, and breathed even, at another's whim. I don’t need a man here on Earth deciding when I am and am not ready for certain activities. I know myself when I’m ready.”

  “Ada Jane, I didn’t mean to keep you from anything you wanted to do. I just hoped to experience those things with you. Just to be there for you, since you don’t have anyone else,” Jason said.

  “Ada Jane?” a deep voice said from behind her.

  Ada glanced in that direction and her whole face went from indignant to smiling and happy. “Kol!” she said, moving from the table to rush into Kol’s arms.

  Kol grinned and held Ada close, tilting his head to kiss her head as she hugged him. “I have missed you,” Kol said softly.

  “I missed you, too. I’m so happy you’re here,” Ada Jane said, smiling at him happily.

  Jason watched Ada Jane hurry into the alien’s arms. They seemed to know each other well. He took a moment to really study the alien male. His skin was a deep blue. His eyes were practically the same color as his skin. Even his finger nails were blue as well. If he wasn’t seven feet, he wasn’t missing it by much. His shoulders were so wide he’d have to turn sideways to get on some transports.


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