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Transcend Page 23

by Sandra R Neeley

  Kol shrugged with one still blood covered shoulder as he watched Ba Re’ with Elisher in his arms. “I did not see it. You are the only female I see, my Ada Jane.”

  Chapter 27

  Bart paced back and forth in the main conference and media room of the Consortium’s headquarters. He’d seen and heard every moment of the vidcom of the military operation at Earth Base 28. He understood every single moment of it, as did most of the other heads of state and the ruling houses of the various planets and worlds that made up the Unified Consortium Defense.

  The problem was that the Planet Quisles and its ruler had watched Diskastes, who was also his son, be ripped to pieces on live vidcom feed. He was calling for the arrest of Elite Commander and Ambassador Kol Ra’ Don Tol, and he expected him to be charged with war crimes. His argument was that honorably dying in battle was one thing, being ripped to pieces by the animalistic cruelty of a warrior race known for their brutality was quite another.

  “Fuuuucck!” he shouted before pressing a button and waiting for his secretary to respond.

  “Yes, sir,” a soft feminine voice answered.

  “I need to speak to Sire Zha Quin Tha Tel Mo’ Kok, and I need it to be completely private and unscreened. Do not ask the computer to place the request for com. Do it yourself and advise that he will want to be somewhere private and secure when he takes my call.

  “Yes, sir. I will begin the process now. Will you be in the media room when I have the com secured and on line, sir?”

  “Yes. I’m waiting here.”


  Kol exited the shower in his quarters and found Ada Jane lying across his bed, waiting for him. He smiled and went to her as she raised up on her knees and opened her arms to him. “Are you well, my Ada Jane?” he asked, his voice still growly though his Psi had retreated.

  “I am. A little shaky in the aftermath when I think of what could have happened, but it didn’t happen, so all in all, I’m fine,” she answered as he held her tightly in his arms.

  “I am sorry you have had to go through so much in your short time home,” Kol answered.

  “I’m not. It showed me how strong I’ve become.”

  “I have missed you since I left your cottage,” he said, releasing his hold so he could see her face and rub his thumb across her lower lip the way he liked to do.

  “I missed you, too. When I didn’t hear from you, I was worried about you. That’s why I came,” Ada Jane answered.

  “I was fine, my Ehlealah. You should not have come, you put yourself in danger’s way. I would have destroyed all in sight had you been lost to me,” Kol said, his voice going gruff.

  “No worries,” Ada Jane said. “I had a plan.”

  “Your plan was terrifying,” Kol answered.

  A knock at the door interrupted them. “Kol, Zhuxi is here to see you,” Elisha called to him through the closed door.

  “I shall be right there,” Kol answered, looking down at Ada Jane. “I still cannot believe she is a female,” he muttered, none too happy at not noticing it himself.

  “She is. And you were focused on other things. You’ve been busy and distracted,” Ada Jane said as she watched Kol walk over to his closet and take out clothing before beginning to put it on. Ada Jane made a soft sound when he leaned over to pull his pants on.

  Kol paused and looked over his shoulder at her, one eyebrow raised.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Did you moan?”

  “Maybe just a little,” Ada Jane answered, grinning at him.

  “Why?” he asked, now standing and buttoning his pants.

  “Because the view… the muscles in your back and legs and…” she stopped trying to explain as she suddenly realized what she was about to say. “Your body is just very beautiful when you move, okay?” she asked, smiling but slightly embarrassed.

  Kol grinned at her while he pulled his shirt on and tucked it into the waistband of his pants. “I am very pleased that my female finds my form attractive. But I am not beautiful. I am handsome. Or, stunning perhaps. Or magnificence may even apply,” he said teasing her.

  “You’re not the least bit sure of yourself are you?” Ada Jane asked, laughing.

  Kol tapped his chin just to the left of the spike that grew out of his jaw there. “You know… god-like may apply.”

  “God-like? Really? What god?” Ada Jane asked, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

  “Adonis, I believe. Is he not the most beautiful of the gods?” Kol asked seriously, before falling into a fit of laughter. “I could not hold back my smile any longer,” he said, trying to catch his breath as he laughed at her expression.

  Ada Jane giggled. Then she stepped off the bed and went to him, clasping her hands behind his neck as he held her waist. “Adonis wouldn’t do.”

  “No?” he asked. “You said you thought me beautiful.”

  “Adonis is not beautiful enough. You outshine them all,” she said, pressing her lips to his.

  “As do you, my love. You outshine every female that draws breath. I am not even aware of them.”

  Ada Jane paused. “You called me your love,” she said, smiling softly at him.

  “You are my love,” Kol answered.

  “And you are mine,” Ada Jane replied. “I love you, Kol.”

  Kol kissed her tenderly, sliding his hands up her body to hold her head gently in his hands as he took his time kissing her mouth. “I love you, Ada Jane. I will always love you.”

  Ada Jane kissed his lips then hugged him to her as she rested her head on his chest. She was tall for a female, so it was easier for her to reach him than it would be for most women.

  Kol’s attention was taken by the voices in the shared space of his quarters. “Are you ready to go see what’s happening out there?” Kol asked.

  “May as well. They don’t seem to be going away,” Ada answered, smiling when he let go of her to take her hand and lead her from his bedroom and into the living room.

  “Kol,” Zhuxi said, rising from the sofa he’d been sitting on.

  “Zhuxi, thank you for your patience while I dressed,” Kol said, switching Ada Jane’s hand to his left so that he could shake hands with Zhuxi using his right hand. “May I introduce my mate, Ada Jane Andersen,” Kol said.

  “I am honored to make your introduction, Ada Jane,” Zhuxi said, inclining his head to Ada Jane.

  “And you,” Ada Jane answered, smiling at the small light-brown alien with the slanted feline shaped eyes and shiny black hair. Zhuxi was only a little over 5’6” tall, but he gave off a dangerous air regardless. Yet, Ada was not the least little bit afraid of him. She liked him right away. His smile and his mannerisms indicated an honorable male.

  “Kron is still working with those who were incarcerated until we can determine who is handed off to the Consortium and who is to be released?” Kol asked.

  “He is,” Zhuxi answered. “But for now, we were just about to hear Elisher’s explanation of why she misled us all into believing she was a he,” Zhuxi said, but there was no offense in his voice. He actually seemed rather entertained by the turn of events.

  “Elisha,” Ba Re’ corrected.

  Kol glanced over at Ba Re’ and found him sitting beside Elisha, so close he had no doubt if they were any closer, he would have to be sitting on top of her. His hand was holding hers, and Ba Re’ kept looking proudly at her as though he couldn’t believe his luck.

  Elisha, on the other hand, wasn’t looking anyone in the eye except for Ba Re’, and then only when he forced the issue.

  “Of course, forgive me. Elisha, why did you perform such a grand ruse?” Zhuxi asked.

  Elisha just barely shook her head, still focused on the coffee table between the sofa and the love seat. “I wanted to be accepted into the diplomatic corps. I wanted to get off this planet and see what all is out there more than I’ve ever wanted anything. And Earth stopped accepting female applicants for service off the planet when it became apparent
that they were at risk of being kidnapped and worse. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I didn’t mean to lie to anyone. I just wanted a chance at my dreams,” she said, pulling her hand out of Ba Re’s. “Doesn’t matter now. That’s over.”

  Ba Re’ reached over and took her hand in his once again. “Do not pull away from me, Ehlealah. There is no reason for you to feel as you do.”

  Elisha looked up at Kol. “I’m sorry, Kol. You were not only my employer, you were my friend. I lied to you. I willfully misled you. I’m sorry,” Elisha said, just briefly meeting his eyes before glancing down at the coffee table again.

  “You are still my assistant. You are still my friend. Stop this ridiculousness at once,” Kol said, watching Elisha.

  “But, I lied,” she said, raising her eyes to his and daring to look directly at him this time.

  “And I was so distracted that I didn't even notice. You performed your duties well beyond any assistant I’ve ever had,” Kol said.

  “Exactly how many assistants have you had?” Elisha asked.

  “Beside the point. My point is, you never at any time abandoned your duties or your responsibilities. In fact, you went above and beyond that which is expected of you. You should have no shame. You have done well, Elisha. I didn’t even notice you were female because I was so focused on my own mate, and trying to balance her, my duties here, and my pursuit of Diskastes. Who do you think has performed better?” Kol asked.

  “You saved us all. You and your friends,” she said.

  “And you kept my responsibilities here addressed and performed perfectly.”

  “How did you make the Consortium believe you were male?” Zhuxi asked.

  Elisha gave a half-hearted shrug and didn’t seem like she wanted to answer.

  “You do not have to say if you prefer not to, but I would like to know as well. I thought I was losing my mind when I arrived and could think of nothing other than you. I will confess I was much relieved when Ada Jane told me you were female,” Ba Re’ said.

  “You knew?” Elisha asked, looking up at Ada Jane.

  “I did. I knew when I saw you the first time on the vidcom with Kol. Or, I suspected. A little research later, and I knew,” Ada Jane answered.

  Zhuxi, Kol and Ba Re’ looked from Ada Jane to Elisha, waiting for her to enlighten them.

  “I had a twin brother,” Elisha began. “When we were still in high school, he was killed in an accident. He always wanted to leave this planet just like I did. Once the Consortium changed their guidelines about accepting human females into their diplomatic corps, and I decided that I wanted to go — needed to go, to get away from this planet just as I always dreamed, just as he always dreamed, I started to plan. Our names are similar. I’m Elisha, he was Elisher. It was a simple thing to combine all our records, school, medical, everything. Taking out everything that was a reference to me being female, and assuming his identity. So, I did, and Elisher was reborn.”

  “And no one ever questioned?” Kol asked.

  Elisha shook her head. “No. My family is gone now. Our parents had us late in life. I have no close friends. So, by all records available to any who may look, I’m Elisher. And I qualified to the diplomatic corps, and was on my way toward eventually proving my worth and achieving my dream.”

  “And then I found you,” Ba Re’ commented, finally understanding her obviously mixed emotions about him.

  “It would be the same no matter. After I did all the research, I’m sorry to say that I was coming to tell Kol. I suspected you of lying about who you were for nefarious reasons. I am sorry,” Ada Jane said.

  “It’s alright. It would have come out at some point, be it now or later. At least now I don’t have to hide anymore,” Elisher said. “But, I made sure I covered all traces of Elisha. How did you find out who I was?” Elisha asked.

  “Missy. I asked for all information on you and that could even be associated with you loosely,” Ada Jane explained.

  “Ah, yes. Missy has access to all records. She is quite a bit more advanced than any artificial intelligence here on Earth,” Ba Re’ commented. “And once Kol told her you were his Ehlealah, she’d have given you access to anything that didn’t reference Cruestaci security,” Ba Re’ said to Ada Jane.

  “She already knew my Ada Jane from when she was on Command Warship 1,” Kol said. “But, I did tell her that she should give Ada Jane anything she needed. I even left Ada Jane one of our tablets, not one of the base’s tablets.”

  “That’s all it took,” Ba Re’ added.

  “So, basically, I’d have been found out as soon as I managed to leave the planet anyway,” Elisha said.

  “Yes,” Ba Re’ answered.

  “I am sorry your dream is out of reach for the time being,” Zhuxi said sincerely. “Perhaps with time, and recommendation from those of us who have worked with you, we can eventually obtain an exemption for you. Perhaps not all is lost.”

  Elisha offered Zhuxi a reserved smile. “It’s alright. It was obviously not meant to be. And, not everything that’s happened is sad,” she said, lifting her hand still clasped in Ba Re’s. “I’m not alone anymore,” she said.

  Ba Re’ leaned toward her and kissed her lips — just a soft, gentle touch of his to hers. “I’m going home soon,” he said.

  Elisha’s smile fell. “What? When?” she asked, feeling like she’d been gut-punched. “I am happy you’re here. I just, I need a little time to adjust to my new reality.”

  “I know that. But, I am leaving as soon as this base is back to rights and I am given permission. I will be happy to get home to Command Warship 1. But, I will not be returning alone. You are my Ehlealah. You will be at my side,” Ba Re’ said, smiling ever so slightly, waiting for it to click in Elisha’s mind. He could tell from her expression the moment she realized what he was implying.

  Her eyebrows rose, her mouth fell open. “You mean… I’m going with you? I’m going to leave Earth?” she asked, her heart beginning to pound in her chest as her adrenalin pumped.

  “Your dreams will all be fulfilled, my Elisha. I will see to it,” he said, lifting her hand to kiss her knuckles.

  Elisha gave a girly squeal and placed herself in Ba Re’s lap, hugging him and kissing his face. “So, I get you, and I get space, too?” she asked.

  “And I get you,” Ba Re’ answered.

  “But, I falsified Consortium employment records,” Elisha said. “They will end my employment with them.”

  “You don’t need them, Ehlealah. You’ll be aboard a Cruestaci warship. You’ll no longer be under Consortium rule.”

  “Which reminds me,” Zhuxi said. “I got caught up in the conversation here, and forgot the reason for my visit,” he said, getting to his feet. “You are needed in the cafeteria,” Zhuxi said, looking directly at Kol.

  “Is there a problem?” Kol asked.

  “Not at all. Buchanan and I are in the process of restructuring the base. We’d like your assistance,” Zhuxi said.

  “I'm not sure what I could add,” Kol answered.

  “You are the reason this base is now in a position to truly help the people in its sector. Every living thing in this sector now has a renewed chance at a better life because you decided to get involved. We have no doubt the Consortium will arrive soon to perform their own assessment. We plan to be prepared to present them with our vision and our plans for a fully functioning Earth Base 28. We’d be honored if you would join us and help us with the plans for our future.”

  “I will be happy to,” Kol said smiling.

  Chapter 28

  “You cannot be serious,” Zha Quin said, shaking his head in frustration as he glared at Bart through the vidcom in his personal quarters.

  “I wish that I were not,” Bart said. “But, I’ve had more than one inquiry. While I know all inquiries are made based on their association with Quisles, they are still officially logged in as individual inquiries.”

  “What do they expect to happen?” Quin asked.

p; “They expect Kol to be taken into custody. They expect him to be tried, found guilty and to serve time for war crimes,” Bart answered. “I’ve drafted the first warrant for him to be taken into custody personally because I wanted it drafted with certain language left out.”

  “Such as what? Isn’t the fact that you drafted it at all travesty enough?” Quin asked, his voice rising in irritation.

  “Such as a death penalty. Such as a life sentence. Such as going before a judge who had full discretion in finding him guilty or innocent,” Bart answered.

  Quin sat quietly for moment absorbing Bart’s words. “He did nothing wrong. All was done in battle. He hunted down a criminal Consul, incarcerated his criminal security forces, and in so doing liberated those who’d struggled under lack of provisions and proper leadership,” Quin said.

  “I am aware,” Bart answered. “And were it simply my own decision, I’d laugh off the complaint as an emotional request by a grieving father. But I represent all peoples of all planets and all worlds. I have to address every complaint that is filed. And this one has video to support it,” Bart said.

  “I cannot believe this,” Quin said. “I will not allow him to be imprisoned over this. He did nothing wrong.”

  “We are investigating Diskastes’s past. We’ve expanded on Kol’s investigation. We’ve found much illegal activity. We’ve confirmed theft, embezzling, failure to provide for and protect those in his quadrant, maleficence in office, and I’m sure there will be additional charges to be determined after the investigation of all evidence had been completed. But, there is nothing to support his violent death,” Bart said.

  “There is! He took Kol’s mate, and Kol’s assistant both hostage. He and his males were threatening to kill them, and Kol and the rest of those that had removed him from power. And you saw it yourself, he’d drawn his weapon after Kol’s mate fired on him and was only seconds away from killing her as Kol rushed to her side.”

  “I saw it. I know,” Bart answered.

  “And there’s so much more. The vid we saw of Vivi chained in that room. Those males…” Quin snarled.


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