by Marc Secchia
Twitter: @marcauthor
Email: [email protected]
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Other Books by Marc Secchia
Shapeshifter Dragons: (Young Adult and older readers) Three allied series of bestselling Dragon adventures. Prepare to wing away to a unique world of mighty Dragons and volcanic Islands above the deadly Cloudlands!
Shapeshifter Dragons series: Aranya, Shadow Dragon and Part 3 is planned.
Shapeshifter Dragon Legends series: The Pygmy Dragon and The Onyx Dragon (coming in 2016)
Dragonfriend series: Dragonfriend, Dragonlove and Dragonsoul (coming in 2016)
The IsleSong series: (Young Adult and older readers) A story for anyone who loves the ocean and its whales, salt water in their hair, and the gentle rasp of beach sand between their bare toes. This story will transport you to a beautiful, unspoiled ocean world where people have to rely on Whales to travel between the islands. A world where danger can, and does, lurk beneath any wave.
The Girl who Sang with Whales (IsleSong Book 1)
The Shioni of Sheba series: (Middle Grades and older readers) Unique African historical fantasy adventures set among the myths and legends of ancient Ethiopia.
Shioni of Sheba #1: The Enchanted Castle
Shioni of Sheba #2: The King's Horse
Shioni of Sheba #3: The Mad Giant
Shioni of Sheba #4: The Sacred Lake
Shioni of Sheba #5: The Fiuri Realms
Epic fantasy (New Adult and Adult readers) Epic length tales of unique worlds and powers.
The Legend of El Shashi