Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords)

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Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords) Page 5

by Kylie Gold

  As I walked through the entryway, Julia was sitting up on her cot and rubbing her tired eyes. “What was that about?” she asked, her voice croaky from just waking up.

  “The humans attacked a tribe near the village. We’re attacking the guard barrack by the drilling site,” I told her without even thinking about it. I caught myself once the words had already slipped out. Why would I tell her that? She was still an enemy.

  “Don’t do that,” she said in a rushed voice, jumping to her feet.

  I merely glanced at her before going to the weapons above my bed and pulling down my sword. “I don’t want to hear your petty arguments on the matter, Julia,” I warned her as I grabbed my sheath and draped it across my chest.

  “No, I mean it. That barrack is heavily guarded. I know you guys are strong and all, but going there is a death wish. Other than Harp, it is the most guarded fortress the colonists have,” Julia pleaded with me, walking up to me.

  I stared down at her, raising a brow at her, “Oh? And why do you care?” I contested, my eyes narrowing at her. She froze and fell completely silent. After entertaining it for a moment, I scoffed, “That’s what I thought. Stay in the hut.” I walked away then, heading for the door.

  “Nova, listen to me!” she groaned, following after me. But I wasn’t about to stop. I walked outside and shut the door behind me. She was just trying to deter me because she felt protective over the humans she didn’t even know. They attacked the Navani people, I couldn’t just let that slide.

  On reaching the center of the village, I joined the rally of men. Kuro had done well to gather all of the warriors, knowing we would need all of them even without me having to specify. Once everyone arrived and was armed, Kuro, Dran, and I organized a plan and groups, taking our time to be sure we were smart about it. It was around noon before we were ready to leave, making sure everyone was heavily armed and ready for battle. Once we were ready, the men got into ranks, and we led them into the jungle. As we trod through, Kuro took a section of the men with him, and Dran took another section with him and both went in opposite directions. Our best chance of an effective attack was to surround the area and take the humans at every angle. My men and I were taking it head-on while Dran and Kuro attacked from the sides.

  After a while of travel, we approached the barracks which was nestled in the trees. It was a rather large stone building, standing tall with two towers on it. Perhaps they had snipers up there? We would have to be careful and not be spotted until we were ready. My group stayed as low to the ground as possible as we gained distance. Just outside the building was a large group of humans doing drills. We would have to attack them first before getting to the actual building. Looking back at my men, I gave a signal and we all rose to stand straight. Just like the attacks before, we raised our weapons and charged out at the men. Just as we entered their sights, Kuro and Dran’s groups entered from the sides as well, having the same thought as I. The humans already had weapons in their hands as they were practicing, all scrambling to load their massive guns as we neared.

  Shots sounded from the towers, just as I had suspected. I charged at the men, my sword swinging down on the first human I approached; the blade cut into the crook of his neck, slicing down into his chest. The man quickly fell over, but even more swarmed to me. I lashed my sword as skillfully as possible, feeling a few bullets graze my sides and arms as I fought hard against them. Several of my men stuck close to my sides, wanting to protect me at all costs.

  The shelling didn’t seem to ever let up, the smell of gunpowder thick in the air. My ears were ringing from the sound of it all, having never before experienced that. It caused me to look around and notice just how many humans had filed out of the barracks and joined the fight. Just at a glance, it looked like they outnumbered us around five to one. Surely we could still make a difference though; we would retreat soon, we just needed to get them pushed back a little more so that we could.

  But it was too late for that. Thunder-like booms came from the towers, followed quickly by deafening explosions. I watched in horror as two missiles collided with groups of Navani warriors. The impact sent them flying to the ground as bursts of flames covered the area. There was another sound of thunder followed by two more explosions. My warriors fell to their deaths, either dying from the blast or burning from the flames.

  Julia had been right. We had to retreat. Plunging my sword into a final approaching human, I raised my blade and bellowed out, “RETREAT!” The men fought their way deeper into the jungle, using the advantage of the trees to get out of the line of sight of the humans. We all ran as fast as we could, bullets still weaved through the trees in our direction; but the further we got, the less we could hear the gun fire. By the time we got halfway home, the noise of combat ceased and all that was heard was the pounding of the warriors’ feet as we raced home as fast as we could.



  My nerves were fried the entire day, actually worrying about Nova and his men. They had been gone all day and I began to worry that they had all died and that the village would be left in shambles. Why wouldn’t he listen to me? The barrack before the drilling site was the largest barrack on Shaviro. Over three hundred soldiers probably were stationed there and most of the artillery was kept there. We had stopped there when we were on the way to the drilling site, and I remembered just how big that building was. Nova and his men didn’t stand a chance against that thing…

  I stood by the windows in the front part of the hut for most the day, watching and hoping to see them soon. I didn’t let myself spend too much time wondering why I was so concerned, I just knew I was and couldn’t shake it. Finally, in the late afternoon, I saw a lot of movement. Women and the men who stayed behind were rushing towards the west, but out of my sight. What was going on? Had they returned? Surely they had when everyone seemed to be rushing about. But then there was nothing. No one passed by the window, and Nova didn’t come back to the hut. Hours passed and there was nothing still. I began to believe he was dead, but then wondered why the Navani wouldn’t come kill me on the spot if he was.

  I gave up and headed to bed. I laid on the cot and stared up at the ceiling as time passed, my head clouded with so many thoughts. It was like I was fighting myself. Why should I care whether or not he was alive? He had taken me prisoner, chained me, and gagged me. Yet, he had fed me, allowed me to shower, and taken my binds off. And while I had every right to hate him, I knew that his death would be mourned. The tribe needed that hotheaded, stubborn man to lead them. What would happen if he was dead? I couldn’t shut the thoughts out long enough to rest, let alone sleep.

  Then the door opened and I shot up from laying down to sitting on the bed. I looked through the doorway connecting the two rooms and saw Nova walk through the door, slowly closing it behind him. Something shifted in the air, a depressing tension settling in over the hut. He moved somberly to his bed, not even glancing in my direction as he did so. I sat and watched him, relief coming over me knowing he was okay. He didn’t even look badly injured, just a few wounds and grazes from bullets on his arms and sides—nothing that looked fatal. Nova wore a grave grimace, looking completely defeated and depressed. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but that was a stupid question.

  Nova sat down on the edge of his bed, putting his head in his hands. It was almost like he forgot I was there for the moment. He let out a heavy, shaky sigh. His hands then rubbed his face. I thought maybe he wanted to be alone but didn’t have the strength to say it, so I stood from the cot to move into the kitchen area of the hut. As I walked through the doorway, he spoke from behind me, “Why did you try to help me?” he asked, his voice quiet and soft.

  I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. He still sat on the bed with his head in his hands. I tried to find an answer for him, but I didn’t have one. “I don’t know…” I whispered.

  “There had to be a reason to it,” he snapped, standing from the bed. “You wouldn’t have warned me if there w
asn’t a reason. Why did you try to help me?” he pressed.

  “I-I…” I stammered, trying to find my words. I tried to clear my thoughts and give him an answer that was honest. “Just because I hate you doesn’t mean I want your tribe to be in danger. I know they need you as a leader…”

  His eyes narrowed at me and he slowly began to pace towards me, “I’m attracted to you too.”

  My eyes widened and jaw dropped. What the hell? “I didn’t say that…” I managed to get out, my cheeks burning a scarlet red. How in the world did he get that from saying I hated him but didn’t want his tribe to be in danger?

  Nova neared me then, his form towering over me. “I know that’s what you meant, though,” he breathed. He stood against me then, a new tension rising in the air. What in the hell was going on? My heart was pounding in my chest; I couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or anxiety. My eyes were locked onto his, not even realizing I was holding my breath. His head then dipped down and his lips were on mine. If I wouldn’t have been holding my breath, I would have been breathless at that point. His lips were firm but moved tenderly against mine.

  It was as though all of the doubts and questions that had been attacking my mind since I arrived in the village melted away. No longer did I question my attraction for him—that kiss proved that I was. It was almost instantaneous, like something connected between the two of us. His lips moved against mine in a feverish passion, mine matching his ferocity. I felt his hands go to my lower back, pulling me tightly against him. Hesitantly, my hands lifted and went up to the sides of his face. I could feel his muscles flinch from my touch, but quickly eased.

  His tongue grazed against my bottom lip before pushing to part my lips, caressing against mine. Nova’s hands then bravely traveled to my bottom, groping and massaging the flesh. My hands trailed from his face down to his neck, holding his head down to mine, the height difference making it a little awkward. It seemed as though he took notice, reaching further down and gripping my thighs before hoisting me up to where my legs wrapped around his hips. I gasped a little, not expecting it; I could feel him smirk against my lips at it. He then walked backwards towards the bed, seeming to know where he was going even without looking. The back of his knees hit the side of the bed, causing him to fall backwards onto the plush, silky bed.

  Nova kept me laying on him, his lips leaving mine and trailing kisses on my cheek and jaw as he worked his way down to my neck. His hands seized my body, roaming and groping my curves. I was lightheaded from it all, my senses completely overwhelmed by the sudden act. I then felt him unbutton the front of my shirt with nimble fingers, the fabric parting to my sides. I pulled back a bit to pull the shirt from my arms, but as I did so, Nova quickly pulled down a cup to my bra and began to suck on the sensitive flesh. A small moan left my lips, as I reached behind me and unhooked the bra, tossing it to the side. I glanced down at him and couldn’t believe the sight. I was actually fooling around with an alien. Perhaps he felt my gaze, his intense citrine eyes opening and locking onto mine. His mouth peeled away from my breast as I felt his hand brush down my stomach, reaching into the waistband of my pants and into my panties.

  He didn’t seem to hesitate much as he pressed a finger into me. My eyes looked down to him, his lips parted lightly from arousal, his eyes dark and hazed. For a moment I wondered if this was just a way for him to decompress after what I could only imagine to be a bloody battle, that it wasn’t him being attracted to me but just needing some relief. But the thought was brief, quickly dismissing it because I could be doing the same thing to him. I had been kidnapped and lost the only good friend I had in my adult life, perhaps all the attraction I felt for him was my human instinct to seek comfort. Not much time could be spent thinking about that possibility as I was pulled away from it by him withdrawing his finger before pushing back in with two. His hand moved slowly, his fingers curving upward as he reached into me, hitting a sensitive spot within my pussy. I let out a slow breath, trying not to get overwhelmed by the arousal. His other hand reached to unbutton and unzip my pants before beginning to shrug them down my legs. I awkwardly assisted in pulling them off, his hand remaining in my panties. I then turned my attention to undressing him, reaching beneath me and pulling down his shorts.

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head at the sight of his cock. While the men I had been with in the past hadn’t been small, Nova was huge, larger than any human male I had ever seen. A throaty chuckle sounded from him, my eyes lifting to see a smirk on his face. He pushed his fingers deeper into me, moving his hand faster. I could feel myself grow wetter as I got worked up. He suddenly withdrew his hand from my panties before ripping them off and tossing them aside. Nova’s hands were on my hips then, turning me to face the other way. For a moment, I was confused, not understanding why he was turning me. But then, he pulled me down against him, the tip of his cock pressing into me. Oh.

  His movements suddenly became rougher than before, his hips bucking up to push his cock deep inside me. At first, all I could feel was uncomfortable pressure. I nearly pulled off of him, it being a little too uncomfortable, but he started pumping his hips, drawing his cock in and out. I bit down on my lip to bear through the pain, the pressure slowly turning to pleasure as I got used to him. Nova’s large hands stayed on my hips, lifting me and bringing me back onto him. Once I adjusted, I began to move on my own, moving against his rough movements with speed. My hands gripped his thighs to keep my balance. It wasn’t the gentlest of sex, but by god it felt amazing. He bucked his hips into mine as I moved down, sending his cock all the way into me. He groaned, mumbling a single fuck.

  It only intensified from there, Nova pushing his hips up to meet mine roughly and quickly. The walls of my pussy hugged his cock tightly, feeling as though he could hardly fit inside me. Each time he brought his hips up to go all the way in, the tip hit the perfect spot, making moans erupt from my lips. I had never been a loud person in bed, but I couldn’t hold them back. Nova gripped my hips and began to forcibly move me against him, keeping himself all the way in only to pull back enough just to hit the spot again. I felt myself tighten around himself, groans pouring from me. He continued his routine of hitting the spot again and again. Feeling a little daring, I reached between his legs and gently caressed the soft skin below his cock.

  There was a snarl from just behind me, before he pulled me off of his cock and then tossed me onto the bed. I didn’t even have time to look up or adjust any at all before he was behind me and forcing my bottom into the air. He plunged back into my warm pussy, the walls growing even tighter around him. My bottom moved back into his movements, my face in the blankets. Just as he hit the spot again, I felt myself beginning to build to a climax. Suddenly there was a vibration from deep within me, prodding at my walls. I took a sharp intake of breath. It wasn’t until he began roughly pounding into me that I realized it was his appendage vibrating. Well, if that wasn’t perfect… Waves of pleasure built on top of one another, unable to stand the sensation of his vibrations. I felt myself panting as my climax neared, Nova pulling all the way out before pushing back in. His grip growing tighter and tighter on my hips as he kept his pace. I felt his hand slap against my ass, making me jolt a bit. The vibrations grew stronger and stronger, both of us moaning loudly. Within an instant, I felt my body shudder around him, gasping loudly as I orgasmed. Nova still moved within me, pumping in and out quickly before he finally reached climax.

  Once he finished, he pulled out and flopped down on the bed next to me. I lay flat and looked over to him, still trying to catch my breath. Nova’s face was turned towards mine, but his eyes remained closed. At first, I thought he was just resting to catch his breath, but after a couple of minutes I realized he was already fast asleep; he must have been exhausted after battling for so long and using the rest of his energy for sex. For a moment I thought about standing and returning to my cot, but just as I thought about it I realized how comfortable his bed was. It was plush and so soft compared to the cot
I had been sleeping on. We did just have sex… surely he wouldn’t care if I slept in the bed. That was all the convincing I needed, pulling the blankets down and cuddling up in them. I managed to get Nova under the covers without waking him before laying my head back and drifting to sleep.



  I had never slept so hard in my life. By the time I stirred the next morning, the sun was already completely out and bleeding into the room through the thick curtains. I lifted a tired hand to my face and rubbed at my tired eyes. Finally, my eyes opened and I glanced about the room. My eyes widened at the sight of the pale human vixen in my bed, sleeping soundly at my side. The night before came crashing down upon me. I had actually slept with a human… I became frozen by the realization, just staring down at her. It had happened so suddenly… I had just been consumed by my attraction for her and the small little inkling that she cared about me and my well-being, I couldn’t help myself.

  And it had been…. Great. Rough and dirty from her being an enemy. Her human sex organs were so tiny and tight, making it unbelievably enjoyable for me; and with how vocal she had been, I knew she had enjoyed just as much. As I sat reflecting on the night before, I realized something—I wasn’t comparing myself to Dracon. Before Julia, Dracon and his little human and their child had completely sickened me, making me want to spit in disgust. But then, after experiencing it first hand, I began to understand how Dracon could feel that way about a human; how he could fall in love and actually have children with her. Julia had opened my eyes to a better understanding of humans. Whether or not she was willing to admit it, she did care for me and was certainly attracted to me. And it was then that a realization dawned on me. I cared for her as well. She was stubborn, pigheaded, ignorant, and selfish… but there was something about her I couldn’t shake no matter how hard I tried. Was it possible she was my fated mate?


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