Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords)

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Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords) Page 11

by Kylie Gold

  After long talks with Julia, along with the warriors of my tribe, I realized that finding peace with the humans would be the only way to keep our tribe from being eventually wiped off the map. I also realized that attacking them and damaging their equipment would only postpone their destruction of Shaviro, not stop it. So no matter how much it pained me or the other warriors, we had to make a truce with the humans.

  One morning, just after breakfast, a group of my men, Julia, and I met at the edge of the village to travel to Dracon’s tribe. We would go and talk about making an alliance with them, to gain numbers before going to discuss peace with the humans. I held Julia’s hand as we began our journey. As we walked, I couldn’t help but think of how much things had changed in the past month. I had gone from craving the blood of the humans, to mating with one, and wanting to seek peace with the rest. Dracon had gone from making me nauseous, to giving me hope for change. Julia was worth all the change. Something from within me, too, told me it was for the better; that if we would have kept on the path we were heading, then our village would have eventually been annihilated by the humans. Perhaps her being there to motivate me and push me towards making peace was what would keep my village going for generations to come.

  We made it through the small patch of jungle which separated my tribe from Dracon’s. Before the humans had arrived, our tribes had been almost kin to one another. We freely exchanged goods and services, and went on hunts together. When the war started, we had made an alliance with Dracon’s people to protect one another. But when word had come back to me that he had mated with a human, I had cut all ties to his tribe. Now that times had changed and my outlook had changed, it was time to make an alliance again.

  We made it through the village, people turning and staring at us. I hadn’t been there in two years. Just like most villages, not a lot had changed, I couldn’t spot a single difference. With Julia’s hand in mine, I walked to Dracon’s hut and gave a quick knock on the door. After a few moments, the door opened and before us was a petite female human with a pink baby on her hip. She looked over our group with confusion. “We’ve come to speak to Dracon and you,” I told her.

  The woman paused before turning and calling into the hut. Dracon then came into view, an arm going around his human. His lilac eyes scanned over Julia and me, his gaze lingering at our hands. “What’s this about?” he asked, a bit of bitterness in his voice. I understood his disdain, we had once been good friends only for me to turn my back on him because he claimed a human—and now there I was at his door, doing the exact thing I disowned him for.

  “I want to sit and speak with you and your wife,” I told him simply. “Things have changed, Dracon. I’ve changed. I just want you to hear me out.”

  He stared at us, seeming to analyze and debate for a few long moments. “Fine. Go to the communal table and we will be there shortly.”

  I gave a nod and then turned with them and headed to the long table in the middle of their village. Dracon’s tribe had always been a little more communal than ours, we never really ate together unless it was a special occasion or if someone had gotten a big kill. I walked with Julia towards the front of the table, wanting to be close to Dracon and his wife when we spoke. My men filled some of the empty spots among the table. My arm went around Julia, my hand rubbing her arm to try and keep her calm. She was silent, and the woman never was unless she was anxious or nervous. After being acclimated to my people, I knew it wasn’t them, but rather being around Navani that she didn’t know. Even within the tribes that sought out peace, there were still some that wanted all the humans dead—so her nervousness was comprehensible.

  Dracon, his wife, and child joined us. They sat side by side at the head of the table, the baby in the woman’s lap. I couldn’t help but think if Julia’s and my future children would look similar to the baby. He had rosy skin with a fluffy tuft of hair on the top of his head. He chewed on his hand as he sat quietly in his mother’s lap. My eyes went back to Dracon. “So what is this about?” Dracon asked.

  I sighed softly before finding my words to begin with. “I firstly want to apologize for cutting ties between our tribes. I know it wasn’t right of me now. But at the time, I was just completely devoured by my hatred for the humans. I mean just look at what they’ve done to our planet, and think of all the Navani bodies that are lying in the jungle somewhere in a mass grave. And—” Julia’s hand placed over my knee. I was going down a different path. Letting out a sigh, I tried to redirect myself. “The point of all of it is that I found out that Julia here is my fated mate. The prophecy which detailed yours and your wife’s love, we share it with you. Our shaman explained that it wasn’t exclusive just to one tribe.” Dracon’s brow creased at that, but he didn’t comment. “And after speaking with Julia about the humans and understanding the people we are actually fighting, I’ve decided to seek peace. It isn’t right to make a body count of humans who are fighting a war waged by their leaders. And I realize now that there is no way to win. They outnumber us ten to one. I would like to bring our alliance back and seek peace together. No tribe should have to go against this war alone, and I apologize for turning my back on you. I truly do.”

  There was silence over the table, Dracon just staring at me as I spoke. The baby was the one to break the tension, cooing as he grabbed for the table. Dracon crossed his arms, “So let me get this straight. You cut ties to me and my tribe, basically damned me and my wife, but now that you have fallen for a human yourself, you expect me to just forgive all which has happened?”

  I shook my head, “I know it isn’t that simple, Dracon. But you know how our people are and you know how strongly most of them feel about humans. And while a simple apology doesn’t right my wrongdoings, for the sake of our people, I would like us to make amends and work towards bringing peace to Shaviro.”

  His wife looked to him then, her hand on his arm. Dracon’s eyes slid to her and looked over her and his son for a long moment. He then looked back to me, “Fine. I’ll set aside our differences in the sake of peace. But the moment you waver from the words you have just said, I will be the one to cut ties with your tribe,” he spoke sternly, his eyes not even blinking as he held eye contact with me.

  I nodded my head, “Understood.”

  Dracon was silent, looking over to his son before taking him and placing him in his own lap. He held the little boy carefully, the baby standing up and wobbling as he did. “Have you claimed her yet?” he asked.

  I looked to Julia before my gaze shifting back to him, “Not yet.”

  “Do that as soon as possible. It’ll show that you are serious about her being your mate, and more Navani people will be open to accepting you. It was the only way my tribe accepted Amelia,” Dracon explained. “We’ve been trying to organize a meeting with Harp’s leader, Lyle Grain, to speak to him about a treaty—but we can’t get ahold of him without going into the city.”

  I thought for a moment, trying to think as to how I could assist with that. If it was a mission of peace, I couldn’t use my specialty of violence—that would send the wrong message. I looked over to him, “I could perhaps offer some assistance when it comes to that,” I began. Dracon raised a brow at me before I continued, “Julia was a hostage of ours, she’s a valuable asset to them in means of drilling. We could use her to draw them into a meeting, and perhaps use her to help discuss terms when it does come to extracting our resources,” I suggested.

  Dracon contemplated for a moment, occupying his hands with bouncing their son. “Would Julia be alright with that?” he questioned, not looking up from his child.

  My eyes fell to Julia, who looked up to me before looking in their direction, “I would be. Anything to help bring the war to an end. But if they want a meeting with me, they are going to want their drill site approved if they will even consider meeting with us or making any sort of treaty,” Julia spoke, her voice soft from the bit of intimidation from being around the new tribe.

  Dracon made a bit of a face
but then sighed. “We could discuss perhaps letting them have that one dig. Once they are done there, no more drilling. That way they get what they want, and then they leave the rest of our planet alone.”

  “They should be able to make enough to keep Harp thriving for probably… forever,” Julia spoke up again. “They could actually agree to that.”

  There was silence, realizing we actually had a chance of giving a proposal to the leaders of Harp that they would consider. Dracon nodded then, “Alright. Let me meet with my council of elders, and you all come back tomorrow. We will then have a solid plan, and if you guys come up with anything you can of course bring ideas to the table. We will then plan together as to when to go about these. Just make sure before we go about it, that you claim her and you two are officially a couple.”

  I gave him a sharp nod. I then stood, pulling Julia’s arm with me gently. My men stood as well. “We will be back tomorrow at noon.” Dracon then stood, placing his son on his hip. I reached and grabbed his wrist, shaking it. Julia shook Amelia’s hand and then we all turned and walked back home. I was more than elated that Dracon had been willing to begin to forgive me for cutting ties with him in the name of peace. Perhaps we could truly find peace with the humans after all. We walked from the village, my hand around Julia’s, hope lifting my heart.




  Times had never been more stressful, but never so joyous. Never in my life had I been so happy. I felt as though I was doing the correct thing by helping the Navani gain their power back on their planet. Lyle and Mason had agreed upon ceasing attacks on the Navani as long as they did not attack the drill site again. While they didn’t agree on not drilling anymore, Mason had agreed to meet with me and other Navani council before opening anymore sites. Needless to say, Lyle hadn’t been too thrilled about it. So while negotiations weren’t going exactly as planned, and there were still human militias forming to attack the Navani, supposedly without Lyle’s consent, we were actually making headway. And for once, Nova felt as though there was hope to get their planet back.

  I thought over the progress we had made as I fought to get a dress on. Needless to say, I wasn’t at all happy about having to wear dresses, but they were the only things to fit me these days. Pulling my shoes on with a great deal of struggle, I finally was ready and walked outside to find Nova. I walked through the village until I found him at a roasting pit, a giant kawrun on a spit. Nova’s back was to me as I approached him; I tapped his back as I came up from behind him. He turned and his face went from flat to a beaming smile. “I thought you were home napping,” he spoke to me, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him.

  “I woke up,” I shrugged, smiling back at him.

  His hand was then on my stomach, his hand rubbing over the surface of the protruding flesh, “My little man didn’t wake you, did he?” he questioned, a foolish smirk on his face.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “You don’t know if it’s a boy, Nova. If it’s a girl, you better believe I’m going to be telling her this when she’s old enough,” I teased.

  He couldn’t help but laugh. “A man can dream can’t he? I’ve always wanted lots of sons.”

  “And if it is a girl?” I questioned, my cheeks starting to hurt from smiling.

  Nova’s smirk faded into a sweet smile, pulling me into an awkward hug, my seven months’ pregnant belly separating us. “Then I only hope she has her mother’s beauty,” he cooed to me. A dark blush covered my cheeks, turning to complete mush at his words. Never in my life had I been so completely enthralled by a man, nor so in love. And I had never been one for romance, but I indulged in the romance Nova provided—from the sweet nothings to the back massages and dinners. He was a wonderful husband, and a devoted father to our unborn child. Never in my life would I have thought that my life would turn out the way it did, but I wouldn’t change any of it.

  Giving him a kiss and then pulling away, I poked at his chest, “I want to go with you to meet with Dracon,” I told him. He gave a bit of a glare. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I overheard you talking to Dran.”

  He lifted a strand of hair from my face, pushing it back to the rest of my hair, his lips making a bit of a frown, “I just don’t want you to stress any more than you already do.”

  I couldn’t help but sigh. While he had a right to worry, he was overreacting a bit. I had started to have false contractions halfway through my sixth month, and he swore it was because of stress and worried it would cause me to have the baby early. And no matter how much I tried to tell him that all women got them and that it didn’t really indicate anything, he wouldn’t listen. “I won’t be stressed. It’s meant to be a good meeting, right?” I pressed him.

  He groaned a bit, clearly not wanting me to accompany him. But after a bit of pouting, he finally gave up. “Fine, fine. And the meeting isn’t there, they are coming here. Perhaps pregnancy hasn’t made you stupid, but maybe a little hard of hearing,” he teased, leaning in and giving my cheek a kiss. “They will be here soon. I suppose asking you if you are hungry is a stupid question,” he smirked.

  I gave him a playful hit on the arm, smiling like a fool. Oh yes, make fun of the pregnant woman for constantly being hungry. He just better be happy that I wasn’t a crier, I could have made him feel so bad. With his arm around me, he guided me to the tables that the men had set up for everyone to eat together. Nova walked us to the largest table, helping me sit at the head of the table with Nova sitting down next to me. We sat together, watching as the members of the tribe brought out platters of food, filling the tables to the brim.

  Soon after the tables were set and everyone had found seats, the sun began to set in the distance. Then over the hill came a small group of people, Dracon and Amelia leading the way. They made their way to the center of the village where all the tables were set up. Nova stood and I began to, Nova putting a hand on my back to steady me. “Welcome,” Nova greeted Dracon and Amelia.

  Dracon and Nova shook wrists. I looked to Amelia with a smile. “You’re getting so far along!” she smiled brightly. Con was walking at that point, holding his mother’s hand as he walked.

  I smiled shyly, “Yeah, it shouldn’t be long now.”

  “Well, she still has seven weeks,” Nova added in, clearly wanting to stress that it wasn’t too soon. I just rolled my eyes and motioned for Amelia to sit next to me. Amelia moved around the table and sat next to me, Con sitting between her and Dracon. Nova and I sat once all of his men had. I looked to Con, having been completely fascinated with him ever since I figured out I was pregnant. It was so interesting to see the outcome of two species mating, and it was also special to get sort of a sneak peek of what our child could potentially look like. And Con was absolutely adorable. He was rather tall, being the size of a human three-year-old, despite only being a little over a year and a half old. His eyes were stunning pools of lilac with a ring of crystal blue and flecks of blue within the lilac.

  Con reached his little hand to the table, grabbing for some of the fruit. “Not yet, Con,” Amelia spoke to him, taking his little hand away. Con made face that was half pout, half frustration—his lower lip puffed out, but his brow creased.

  Dracon leaned down to his level, “Don’t you give your mother that look,” he warned the little boy, before play biting one of his chubby cheeks—causing the little boy to squeal in laughter. My heart swelled from the cuteness of the scene.

  Nova stood once again, raising his cup of wine. As he stood, the entire village fell quiet. “We are joined here today, to celebrate peace in the making. Never before have our people had a glimpse of hope of being freed from the wrath of the corrupt humans in charge of their settlement here on Shaviro. And while there is still progress to be made and treaties to be signed, we are hopeful that our people will prosper for generations to come. Peace has been made over the land, giving us the freedom to walk in our land free of fear
. Enjoy the food and speak along with our brother tribe!” The people raised their cups and cheered.

  Nova sat then, I couldn’t help but give him a look, “So you were planning on keeping me from a celebration? I thought this was a meeting.”

  He chuckled at me, wrapping an arm around me, “Yeah, you’re gullible,” he smirked, kissing my temple. “I was actually going to surprise you with it, but you came out before I could come get you. Little did I know you were eavesdropping on me before.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him, smiling a bit. “Well, it’s a nice surprise to know it’s a celebration. I was a little worried that something had happened since I thought there was a meeting.”

  “See? You stress over nothing, which is why you shouldn’t stick your nose in things until I give the clear.”

  “Yes, master,” I replied sarcastically. Nova grinned and gave my head another kiss before beginning to make us both plates.

  “Now mama?” Con asked, looking up to Amelia with big, shiny purple eyes.

  Amelia smiled down at him, “Yes, sweetie.”

  The little boy stood on the bench and reached for the fruit, immediately putting it into his mouth rather than putting it on his plate. Nova, Dracon, Amelia, and I erupted in laughter as little Con stood with his rosy cheeks stuffed with food. He brought such life to the tribes. Amelia had explained to me that he was thought of as an abomination at first among the Navani, but as people actually grew to know him, he seemed to capture all of their hearts. While the Navani didn’t exactly like the thought of Navani and humans mixing being a norm, I could understand how Con and Nova’s and my future child would be the face of peace on Shaviro. Navani and humans getting along well enough to have a child could show both sides that peace and love was possible between the two.


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