Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords)

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Nova: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords) Page 22

by Kylie Gold

  My heart felt sore, still blaming myself for him nearly dying. If I wouldn’t have been in the jungle, he wouldn’t have been there to get shot in the first place. But at hearing the words he loved me too, I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face. Leaning down, I kissed him softly on the lips and he weakly returned the kiss. For a moment, I forgot the shaman and Shan were there. When I realized, I pulled away with a light blush on my cheeks.



  I awoke early the next morning, still in the floor of the shaman’s tipi. They had all been too nervous to let me move so soon after being patched up, so the shaman let myself and Amelia sleep there. With that thought, I glanced to my side to find Amelia curled into my side, still asleep and holding to me tightly. As I relived the events from the day before, looking down to this gorgeous woman next to me, I realized I had had enough. I loved this woman, and she loved me. That tribe was mine, and I was going to be damned if I lived in fear of them. If they wanted to revolt just because I loved a human, then they would be welcome to. They could exile us and it wouldn’t matter to me. As long as this tiny, pale creature was at my side, nothing else mattered.

  My hand ran down her side before back up. When I reached her ribs, she began to squirm and a couple of giggles escaped her lips. My eyes were lit with intrigue then. My fingers brushed against her ribs again, causing her to roll over and laugh. “Quit, that tickles,” she sleepily whined at me through the giggles.

  Well, I wasn’t about to stop then since I found out where she was ticklish. My fingers brushed against her ribs again, making her laugh again and the sleepy, curly-haired woman sat up. “What do you have against sleep?” she asked me with loving eyes gazing down at me.

  I gave a shrug and began to sit up myself. Her hands were immediately on me, forcing me to sit up slowly. “I’m fine, Amelia. I’m fine,” I assured her, despite the fact the pain was rather much; I would live, so there was no reason for her to worry. “And I just needed you awake,” I told her as she helped me to my feet.

  “For what reason?” she asked, her hand around my back as if to help me balance. I grabbed her arm though, lowering it and just holding her hand. She didn’t need to worry so much. I could walk on my own.

  “You’ll see,” I spoke tersely, walking out of the shaman’s tipi. The tribe all sat around the tables, eating breakfast. I walked down the small hill with her and approached the tribe.

  “Let’s not bother them, Dracon… Please,” Amelia pleaded, pulling at my hand.

  I just squeezed her hand and kept her next to me as I approached them. Several had already begun to look in our direction, and by the time we stood at the head of the table, all eyes were on us. “I know most, if not all of you, have spoken out against the thought of a human being in the tribe,” I began, speaking loud enough even for the far tables to hear me. “But I am here to tell you, she has been proven to be my fated mate and a part of a prophecy our ancestors predicted. And unless any of you want to speak out against the words of our ancestors, she will be staying here.”

  A thick silence fell over the tribe, not a single word uttered. Perhaps it was from shock, perhaps in fear of be sacrilegious against our ancestors. Either way, I would be taking advantage of no one speaking up. I spotted the shaman sitting towards the far end of the table. Raising Amelia’s hand I held as high as it could reach, I began speaking, “Before the eyes of our shaman, our elders, and the watchful eyes of our ancestors—I use my power as sole chief of the tribe to claim this human, Amelia, as my mate until the day I die. She is now a member of our tribe. A member who shall be treated equally and fairly. One that will not be singled out because she is of a different culture. She is your sister, and the wife of your chief.”

  My eyes went to Amelia then, who was staring up at me with shock but admiration. “Do you, Amelia, renounce your biological bond to the humans here on Shaviro?” I asked her, still speaking loud enough for all to hear.

  She gave a small nod before speaking, louder than normal but not quite to my volume. “I do.”

  I lowered her hand and still looked to her, “Is there anything you want to say to them?”

  Amelia blinked and then looked around to the people of the clan, a dark blush coming over her cheeks—clearly was not a fan of public speaking. “I-I… I just want you all to know I’m not at all like the humans that live here on Shaviro. I know it may seem weird with me being of the same species, but I do not belong to their colony and never have. And I plan to help in any way I could to free the Navani from the oppression of the human colony here. I want nothing more than to help.”

  I gave her hand a squeeze, she had spoken truthfully and hopefully the tribe would see that. I looked back to the tribe, “And if anyone wants to challenge me and the words of our ancestors, you know where to find me.”

  With that being my final words, I pulled her hand and led her back to my hut. The crowd behind us was still silent from the shock of everything. I was not going to live in fear of my own tribe, not if it was about a woman I truly loved. We walked into the hut and I closed the door. “Welcome home,” I grinned to her, wanting to help her adjust to the realization that it was her home now. She was a member of the tribe.

  Amelia’s big blue eyes looked to me, “I can’t believe this is all real…” she whispered.

  I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to me. “I know… I know things have happened fast, but honestly, I wouldn’t want it any other way. You’re mine now,” I grinned warmly down to her.

  Amelia smiled shyly, “I like the sound of that.” I craned my neck down and gave her a kiss before pulling back and leading her into our living quarters. Walking to the bed, I sat with her on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t know Navani had two hearts,” she spoke, “The shaman said your second heart was almost hit with the shot.”

  I gave a small shrug with a smile, “I didn’t know humans only had one.” I paused and then asked, “Do you want to feel?”

  She gave a nod and I picked up both of her hands. Softly I placed one over the right side of my chest, and then one down towards the lower center of my chest. I laid her palms flat so that she could feel. Both of my hearts had a calm and steady beat. Amelia looked completely amazed, her hands pressing into my skin. “That’s so unreal…” she breathed. “Your heartrate is so slow, both of them.”

  I raised a brow to her, “It feels normal to me. Does your heart beat faster?”

  “Yeah, by quite a bit,” she said before removing one of her hands from my chest and lifting my hand. She placed it towards the left of her chest. My fingers extended and hand laid flat on her chest. Thump, thump-thump, thump-thump-thump. Wow, she was right. Her heart seemed to beat nearly twice as fast as mine.

  “You sure you just aren’t really nervous?” I teased her.

  “Well, I mean I’m a little anxious. But not enough to cause my heart to race,” she told me, her hand returning to my chest.

  We sat there with our hands on the other’s hearts, both in complete amazement. I pondered if perhaps that’s why the humans stayed so mean, with a heartrate like that, they were bound to be worked up about something all the time. And maybe with our people having two hearts and a slower rate for both, that was why we stayed so calm and one with the planet. It was probably a silly thought, but it was an interesting thought.

  It was rather intimate to sit and just feel one another’s hearts beating. My eyes peered down into hers, and when her eyes locked with mine, I felt hers speed up for a few beats; which made me smirk. I leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss. Our hands stayed on the other’s chest as we kissed repeatedly. My lips conquered hers, pressing against her soft lips with all the love I could put into the simple act. The hand which wasn’t on her heart went to hold her cheek. And like all the other times we kissed for more than a few brief seconds, the simple kisses quickly led to more primal needs. Her heart raced under my hand as my other hand grabbed her leg and rolled her onto the bed. With one qu
ick motion, I pulled her clothing off and over her head. My hands explored her creamy skin as we kissed, each hand roaming from her chest and down her sides.

  Her lips stayed on mine, nibbling at the tender skin occasionally. Her hands eventually left my hearts and held my face softly. As my tongue began to press passed her lips, I heard her sniffle. My eyes opened to find her softly crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked her, my hands leaving her body and reaching up to brush her tears away.

  She didn’t speak for a moment, trying to compose herself. Amelia gave another sniffle and spoke softly, “It all just doesn’t feel real. Last night you were bleeding so much… And you couldn’t hold your eyes open… I thought you were dead until Shan made you sit up…” she sobbed quietly, her tears increasing the more she spoke.

  “Shh… it’s okay. I’m okay. I’m right here,” I tried to soothe her. “It’s real. Don’t cry.” I kissed her tears away, kissing all over her face. “If I were dead, I couldn’t be doing this, could I?” I asked in a light-hearted tone. She gave a quiet chuckle. I smiled down to her, “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere,” my tone was serious and my gaze held hers, wanting her to sense how truthful I was being. Amelia didn’t need to fret over my safety. With a small nod, she craned her neck up and kissed my lips sweetly.

  Within moments, we were back at the same intensity we had before—but it was more emotional. Her hands gripped me as though I would slip away, and my touch was soft and loving to soothe her. It made it feel so special. We kissed passionately and let our hands roam one another’s bodies. After a while of it, my erection was starting to press against the fabric of my shorts. I didn’t hesitate to pull them down and kick them to the side. I needed her body, to officially claim her as my own and to prove my love to her. My hands tucked behind her knees and began to spread her legs, when she pulled away, “Wait.” My patience was endless with her, just looking down at her and waiting for her to speak. “Do… do you think I should be on top? You’re hurt, and hurt near one of your hearts. You shouldn’t stress it…”

  I gave a chuckle, “I’ll be fine Amelia, it isn’t like I had a heart attack.”

  But she didn’t even respond with words. Her legs wrapped around my hips and then quickly rolled us over to where I was on my back and looking up at her. She sat on my stomach, looking down at me. “No, that’s not good enough. I’m not just your mate, you’re my mate too. And I want to take care of you,” Amelia spoke as sternly as the little woman could muster.

  I raised a brow at her, my hands gliding up her sides, “Do you really think I’m going to protest that?” While the manly part of me yelled at myself, telling me to prove I was strong to her—she was right, she was my partner and if that made her feel better then I wasn’t about to stop her.

  Amelia leaned down and kissed my lips as I felt her pick her hips up and position them correctly. The next thing I felt was her heat pressing down on the tip of my member. She withdrew and then pressed back down on the tip, and repeated it several times. My muscles tensed a bit at the sensation, the feeling being more of a tease than anything. She then slowly began to press further down onto me, each bounce she made she took in a little more. When she got about half way down, Amelia picked her hips up and then slammed down to the hilt of me. I let out a soft groan, her insides being so warm and wet. She sat up straight then, beginning to work the entire length of my shaft.

  My eyes opened from the bliss to find the best view in the world. Her small frame rode me softly, taking her time. With each little movement, her breasts bounced slightly, and her cheeks were flushed from her arousal. My hands rested on her hips, my thumbs drawing circles over the bones. The previous sexual encounters we shared had been rough and passionate, which had been enjoyable. This, though, was sensual and intimate. She began to moan softly as she moved all the way up before dropping her hips back down.

  I smiled to her, beginning to buck my hips against hers, making her gasp before moaning again. “You feel so good, Amelia,” I called to her.

  Amelia’s blush just darkened at my words, nibbling at her bottom lip as if to keep herself from smiling too big. “You’re perfect,” she replied. Our hips moved in a beat together, her speed beginning to increase as we both became overwhelmed with arousal. My hands moved to her breasts, pinching at her erect nipples.

  Her walls tightened around my member, her climax already starting. She grew impossibly tight around me, my member beginning to vibrate. Her hips moved quickly then, riding me hard. My chest began to heave, forcing myself to hold back, wanting her to come before I did. “Come on, baby,” I breathed to her, my hands returning to her hips to help her move. I was growing so close though, the vibrations intensifying. Her breathing was ragged as her muscles tightened even more, she was so close. My hips rocked into hers quickly, pressing myself as far as I could into her. The vibrations must have hit a sweet spot, because her body immediately began to shudder as she orgasmed. She breathily yelled my name. I groaned and pumped up into her a few more times before I felt my own release. My hands moved her on me as I finished completely, groaning again and again at the sensation.

  Once we were satisfied, Amelia climbed off me and crawled to my side. She let out a heavy, content sigh and cuddled into me. Before her, I was definitely not a cuddly guy. But with her, I never wanted my hands to be away from her. My hand grazed against her side before a curious thought came to mind. Traveling to her chest, I placed my hand back over her heart. Her heart was racing from all of the excitement. I had never felt a heartbeat so rapidly. A genuine smile came to my face realizing that I would be the only one to make her heart race like that ever again. I pulled her close to me and held her, kissing her forehead. She was my fate, my destiny, and my entire future.




  I sat in the rocking chair one of the tribesmen had carved us as Dracon still slept soundly just a couple of feet away in the bed. He had gotten up several times that night, so I wanted him to sleep in. Never in my life had I been so happy and felt like I belonged somewhere as did the Navani. Of course it had been a long adjustment for the people of the tribe, but they came to accept me and accept us.

  I couldn’t stop smiling like a fool at the little creature in my arms. He looked so much like his father with strong bone structure behind those chubby cheeks and even had thick black hair like Dracon’s. His nose was the only feature that clearly came from me, being long and sloped upwards just a bit. His skin was a mix of mine and Dracon’s, being a rogue pink hue. He was perfect to us, and was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen. Even some of the tribe had taken to him, despite him being mixed.

  I couldn’t believe he was already here and already a week old. It had been a long, grueling ten-and-a-half-month pregnancy—I hadn’t been thrilled when I found out Navani pregnancies lasted a year. I supposed with him being half human, it caused the pregnancy to end quicker. It had worried Dracon sick, but by ten-and-a-half-months I was ready to get him out; I had been huge and miserable. And birth… I don’t know why we had even attempted a natural birth. I had nearly died trying to deliver him vaginally. He was simply just too big for my narrow hips. After twenty hours of labor and a near death experience, Kowlow finally buckled and cut him out. Cesarean births were unheard of in the Navani tribe, so he hadn’t wanted to listen to me when I said I would need one.

  But all the pain and waiting had been worth it for him. Our little Con, named after Dracon of course. The little boy wiggled in the silky blanket, stretching his arms. He gave a little noise as he woke up, his brilliant lilac eyes with flecks of blue peering up at me. “Is he okay?” Dracon asked, jolting awake from the tiny noise Con had made.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, “He’s perfectly fine, Dracon. He just woke up.” I soothed the little baby’s hair, having stuck up in his sleep. Dracon sat up then, rubbing his tired face. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. You’ve hardly slept.”

  “Neither ha
ve you,” he rebutted, tossing his legs over the bed. Yawning loudly, he stretched his arms just as Con had, before reaching to the bedside table and putting on his bib-styled necklace.

  “That’s different.”


  “Well, I’m the mom—”

  “And I’m his father,” Dracon said stubbornly, standing up and walking over and peering down at Con with love written all over his face. Dracon was an amazing father, more devoted and loving than any human father I had ever met. “I hate being asleep when he’s awake anyways. I don’t want to miss anything.”

  “He’s a week old, he doesn’t do much but eat, poop, cry, and sleep,” I laughed at him.

  Dracon leaned down and kissed me on the lips tenderly before leaning down more and giving Con a kiss on the forehead. “And I don’t want to miss any of that,” he grinned at me. “Come sit in the communal room. I’ll make us some breakfast.” I stood with Con in my arms, following Dracon into the kitchen area. The little man wiggled in my arms as he woke up, giving little noises of frustration. I sat at the table, cooing down to him to soothe him a bit. “What’s he fussing about?” Dracon called light-heartedly.

  “He’s just hungry,” I told him, reaching to the neckline of my dress and pulled a breast out. I was so grateful for the women of the tribe who helped with my clothing throughout everything. From my everyday tunic dresses, to my maternity dresses, and now the ones with the adjusted necklines to make nursing easier. Raising Con up, I moved his little head until he latched and started suckling.


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