A Merchant's Extraordinary Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Merchant's Extraordinary Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 32

by Aria Norton

  Lord Thorne saw him out. "I can't tell you how sorry I am, my boy." He placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed. "I was looking forward to having you as my son-in-law."

  Thomas shook his head. "I was looking forward to it as well. Goodbye, sir. I'll let you know if I can find anything."

  "Thank you."

  Thomas hurried home, hailing a cab this time. He was grumpy from everything that had transpired and from being soaked to the bone.

  "This letter came for you, My Lord," the butler said as Thomas walked through the door. The butler held out the silver tray on which the letter was resting and helped Thomas off with his coat. He took the note and went straight up to his room to change out of his sodden clothes.

  The letter was in Sarah's hand, and it smelled of her perfume. Intrigued, he opened the message, wondering if she would give him any further explanation than she had given her parents. He sat down on the lounge chair near the hearth and began to read.

  My dearest Thomas,

  It is with a heavy heart that I write this news to you…

  Thomas snorted derisively. He doubted her heart was heavy in the slightest.

  I have long wanted to tell you of my true feelings towards you. Do not think that I am ungrateful for the many years of devotion you have bestowed upon me. You have always been kind and generous, and for that I commend you. However, over the last month, I have realised what it means to fall head over heels for someone. Please forgive me for what I am about to do. I must break the promise I gave to you. You will think me impulsive and foolish, perhaps, but I must go where my heart is leading me.

  Sir Ezra Filmore and I are going to be married. He has asked me to go away with him to elope. I am deeply sorry for any pain this news may cause you. Ours was a match of convenience, where my match with Filmore is that of the heart.

  Thomas paused at this, blindsided. He has always thought she returned his feelings for her. Had she been pretending the whole time to please her parents? Had he been deceived by her smiles and blushes for the last four years? What a fool he had been! He continued reading, the rage building inside him.

  The last favor I would ask is that you keep what I am about to write a secret. Filmore and I have eloped to Brighton. Please do not tell Mama and Papa. I know that Papa will not understand why I have gone against his wishes to marry Filmore. I daresay no one will understand. We will be back in London soon. I will explain everything to my parents then.

  Finally, I must say again that I am sorry for the haste in which I write this letter. I wanted you to know the truth from my own words and not those of my father. Goodbye, Thomas.



  Thomas crumpled the letter and threw it into the fire as he finished reading. He stood and paced before the hearth, still in his damp clothes. A guttural roar boiled out of his belly, echoing throughout the chamber. He went to the table in the middle of the room, sweeping everything onto the floor. A great crash ensued as a vase full of flowers shattered, water splashing everywhere. He stood there panting for several minutes, his heart breaking with rage and disappointment. How could she betray him like this? How could he have been so wrong about her?

  He rang for his valet and then sat down again, holding his head in his hands. When the man opened the door and saw the mess, he sucked in a breath. "Are you well, My Lord?"

  His valet began picking pieces of the vase up.

  "Leave it," Thomas instructed. "I need to change. One of the maids can clean that up in the morning."

  His valet gave him a sideways look. What if he got up in the middle of the night and cut up his feet? However, he did not argue with his master. "Of course, sir."

  He changed quickly into his nightshirt, handing over his wet things to be laundered.

  "Shall I have the cook send up a tray for you, My Lord?"

  "No, thank you. I am going to bed, Fetters. Good night."

  "Good night, sir." His valet left the room, gingerly stepping over the shards of glass and flowers strewn about the floor. Thomas did not care that the floor was a mess and would probably ruin the carpets. He climbed into bed, soul-tired.

  He had been so looking forward to being a husband. Since his parents' death a few years earlier, he had been so lonely. He and Sarah were supposed to build a life together, a family. She had taken that away from him now with her selfishness.

  However, wasn't it better to know her true feelings before they had been married? Still, he would have wished that she had had the courage to tell him face-to-face rather than sneak away in the dead of night. All the dreams he had built up over the last few years had come crumbling to the ground.

  Turning over onto his side, his face reflected the flickering flames of the fire, his face turning an ominous orange in the low light. "As God as my witness, I will have my revenge."

  Want to read the rest of the story? Check out the book on Amazon!

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