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Tanner Complete Series

Page 16

by Olivia Jones

  Time was moving so fast. One day I was a drug addict, getting high as much as possible. The next, I'm married, pregnant, and happier than ever.

  I eventually called my parents and explained everything that happened. Locke insisted on it after the engagement. He had been insisting on a lot of things lately. They weren't too enthused about me getting married so quickly but their minds changed when they met Locke. I even invited Sarah, making her my maid of honor.

  Once thing I didn't understand was how we were able to afford so much. I was almost done with school and Locke still hadn't found a job yet. We had just bought a four-bedroom house in a nice suburban neighborhood. A small cry from the crack house I lived in while I was an addict. I didn't think to question it. I just thought that Locke had some money saved up. But this was different.

  “How are we paying for for all this?” I asked, motioning to the entire house.

  Locke grinned and felt my belly again for the baby. “All thanks to the O'Malley brothers.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  The baby kicked and Locke felt it, keeping his hand on me. “I was the only one that knew where the O'Malleys kept their money. We inherited it all, baby. We have enough to live on and never work again.”

  “Holy shit! Why didn't you tell me before?”

  Locke looked down at the floor. He thought I was mad. “I didn't want you to quit your dream of finishing school.”

  I lifted his face by his chin. “I love you more than anything, Mr. Matthews.”

  “And I love you, Mrs. Matthews.” Locke kissed me, his hand sneaking down my shirt and feeling my up my breast. “God damn, your tits are absolutely gigantic now.” Locke pinched my nipple and I felt that familiar desire between my thighs—that same desire that led me down this pregnant path in the first place.

  “We've christened every room but this one,” I said, twirling my hair with my finger.

  Locke bit down on his bottom lip. “Mrs. Matthews, you're a dirty girl.”

  I giggled as he kissed my neck.

  Life couldn't get any better.

  I couldn't be with a better man.

  The End

  Copyright 2015 Olivia Jones

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  To Hell With Her...


  I'm a doctor and my job is to save people. My life is way too busy for men.

  When the hot-as-hell outlaw, Tanner, lands on my operating table, I'm bound by my oath to save him.

  I can't stand his cocky attitude and arrogant charm. He believes he's God's gift to women. All I can do is roll my eyes and refuse his advances.

  Trouble follows him wherever he rides and I can't get involved—but the blazing fire behind his eyes, his hard body against mine…


  My only love is the road and women are just pit stops.

  I wake up in the hospital after another bar fight and she's standing over me—tall, busty, and begging to be touched.

  But she thinks her degree makes her better than me. To hell with her.

  My MC is my life and my brothers always come first. So why the f**k am I letting Grace get so close?

  Thank you for reading another of my MC books! I really appreciate all the support.

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  Chapter One


  My fingers danced around the rim of the shot glass. I lifted it up to eye level and swirled the clear brown liquid around. The shot of Jameson burned as it ran down my throat, warming my insides. I slammed the glass down on the bar and waved the bartender over.

  Randy and I had known each other since we were boys. I remembered us playing cops and robbers in the trailer park, the old people yelling at us to keep it down. Those were carefree days. Now Randy owned the Stinky Goat and I joined the Black Widow MC. It's weird how things turned out.

  “Want another, Tanner?” Randy grunted, wiping the bar with a white towel. His long brown beard almost touched the floor.

  I nodded and watched as he poured me another shot of whiskey. I nursed this one slowly, taking a few sips at a time. My head was already fuzzy and the room was spinning. Soon enough I'd be in the restroom puking my guts out into the nasty toilet. Maybe Janine's number was still scrawled up on the bathroom stall. I wouldn't mind licking that wet slit of hers again.

  “Anymore and you won't be able to drive home,” Randy said.

  I grinned stupidly. Randy knew me too well. “I think we passed that point a long time ago.” Randy smiled and left the bottle of whiskey next to me. filled my glass again and took another drag. The alcohol churned in my stomach.

  “Who looks good tonight?” a voice to the side said to me

  I looked over to find Caleb sitting next to me at the bar. I wasn't sure if he'd been sitting there the entire time or not. He wore the same leather cut as me with a big black widow spider on the back. He ran his hand through his shoulder-length blond hair and scratched the stubble hugging his chin. Caleb was the Vice President of the motorcycle club and he was the one that pushed me to become a prospect. Now I was a full-fledged member and there was no turning back.

  I looked around the room at all the chicks. It was Friday night and the bar was almost half-full. The Stinky Goat had become a become a popular hangout over the years for outlaws and degenerates. Randy wasn't entirely pleased by the type of customers but he loved the cash it brought in.

  I scanned through the crowd and recognized most of the women—that meant I'd slept with each and every one at least once or twice. I glanced back at Caleb. “Looks a little boring tonight.”

  “How about that one?” Caleb pointed over my shoulder. My eyes followed his finger and landed on a brunette with tattoo sleeves.

  “Been there already—twice.” I took another sip of whiskey and let the alcohol relax me.

  “And that one?”

  “She likes to call me Daddy in bed.”

  Caleb chuckled and seemed impressed. “Gotta love a girl that has Daddy issues.”

  I could get any girl I wanted. It just came naturally to me. I had the uncanny ability to get panties to drop to the floor. I'd been neck deep in pussy ever since.

  Caleb put his hand on my shoulder. “Okay hot shit, how about that looker over there?”

  I gazed over and locked eyes with a curly red head I'd never seen before. Her large round tits were pouring out of her under-sized bra and her short shorts stopped right at the bottom of her ass cheeks. She held a pool cue in her hands and bent over to take a shot. The view was glorious. I would definitely remember if I fucked her before.

  “Now Caleb, that is one chick I've never had.”

  Caleb slapped me on the back. “Go get em' champ.”

  I lifted my butt off the bar stool and had to hold onto Caleb to steady myself. My stomach was turning over and over again and it took all the willpower in the world to keep myself from throwing up. I took a deep breath and waited for the nausea to pass. I swaggered over behind the girl and slipped my hands around her waist.

  I used my best line. “How about you come home with me and I'll show you a good time.”

  She turned around and flushed, her chest heaving up and down. My pants tightened as my erection stiffened. This chick was smoking hot. She'd be moaning my name soon enough. Tonight was going to be fun.

  A hand came down on my shoulder from behind. “You talking to my girl, motherfucker.”

  Me? A motherfucker? Nobody talked to me that way.

  My hands left the girl's waist and I clenched my right fist. I spun around, swinging m
y elbow in the air until it connected with the man's face—except he stopped me. The guy was at least a foot taller than me, giant muscles breaking out of his tight shirt. I'd taken on bigger guys. The whiskey must have made me slow, because next thing I knew I was on the ground and his fists were pummeling my head. I tried to block as many of the blows as I could. Good thing about alcohol is that the more you drink, the less pain you felt.

  I gathered myself and threw the attacker off me, slamming him into a table. Glasses of beer fell to the ground and shattered. Randy was yelling at me to stop but he knew it was hopeless. A crowd had formed around, cheering us on. Everyone loved a good bar fight. The MC had taken notice and they were taking bets. I better get a cut of the money after I smashed this little guy into the ground.

  I stood up and wiped blood from my lips. This guy was going to pay. The girl we were fighting over looked right at me and gave me those doe eyes. A new fuel powered me. Taking her home and flooding her with my cum was the only thing keeping me going. I swung right and left, hitting him over and over again in the jaw. My knuckles became bloodied and broken. I wouldn't be able to take much more without permanently damaging my hands. I needed them for riding.

  Caleb threw me a beer bottle and I smashed it over the boyfriend's head, sending broken shards of glass flying. The man doubled over and fell to his knees. I used the opportunity to spit blood onto his head before ramming my knee into his face, knocking him on his back. I raised my hands over my head like a boxer winning the title.

  I didn't even notice him grab a piece of the broken bottle.

  Sharp, scolding pain hit my side and I screamed. I looked behind to find the boyfriend stabbing me again in the back. Another spike of pain and blood leaked out of me everywhere. My rage was uncontrollable. I swung around and broke the man's nose. The crunch was clearly heard throughout the bar. My vision was getting blurry and I was able to get one more punch in, dislocating his jaw. I fell to the ground, my own blood staining my white wife-beater. I'd won.

  My MC came flying in, kicking and spitting on the boyfriend. They always had my back.

  Randy bent down over me and whispered in my ear but I couldn't hear a thing. That redhead was going to feel every inch of me between her legs tonight. I went to claim my prize but everything went to black.

  Chapter Two


  It was the eleventh hour of my twelve-hour shift and my feet were really feeling it now. Three in the morning at the ER could be really slow and a quick power nap would help me get through to the end. I went to an empty room and shut off all the lights, closing the blinds. The hospital bed was hard and smelled funny but it felt better than anything in the world right now.

  I let out one big breath and my eyelids slowly fell. Sleep was much needed.

  Not even a moment later, the door opened and a burst of light blinded me.

  “Doctor Holmes, we got incoming.”

  I shielded my eyes and noticed it was Nurse Fiona. “Okay, I'll be right out.”

  I rubbed my face and combed my hair with a little travel comb I kept in my pocket. I knew I looked like a mess but I didn't have time to fix myself up. At least my appearance might keep Dr. Green away from me.

  The ER was in a stir as nurses ran around frantically trying to prepare for the 911 call. I found Nurse Fiona behind the desk. Her short brown hair barely grazed the top of her shoulders. She wore the same blue scrubs with white sneakers that all nurses wore.

  “What do we have coming?” I asked, putting my hair in a ponytail.

  “Bar fight at the Stinky Goat.”

  It figured. Where else would lowlifes be this late at night? At least with bar fights, the injuries tended to be minor—concussions and lacerations to the face from broken glass—nothing I couldn't handle.

  Doctor Green sidled up next to me. “You're looking really good tonight, honey .” I was wrong about my looks deterring him. Green was the sleazy doctor that tried to sleep with every nurse—he was successful most of the time. His smug look and wandering eyes were the biggest turnoff.

  I was the only female doctor at Sacks General and Green made sure to focus on me like I was the ultimate conquest. I hated how unprofessional he was—always calling me by a nickname that made it seem like we were lovers—we weren't. Why couldn't he call me by my last name like everyone else?

  I never let men get the better of me. I had been put through everything imaginable while at med school. One arrogant doctor was nothing. “Please Dr. Green. We need to focus on the 911 call.”

  Green put his hands up in defense. “Sorry, just trying to give a lady a compliment.” Luckily he was harmless.

  The ER doors opened and a gurney with two EMTs burst into the hallway. I swung my stethoscope around my neck and ran to them. “What do we got?”

  The young EMT yelled out. “Male in his late twenties—two stab wounds to the back.”

  Stab wounds. Fuck. Most bar fights were broken hands and bloody noses. Tonight was going to be interesting.

  Another gurney with a man with a broken face came rolling in. “Dr. Green, you take that one.”

  He winked at me and checked the man's pulse.

  I quickly checked my patient's pulse and it was faint. He had already lost a lot of blood. “Get him to OR Two right away.”

  The EMT rushed him away and Nurse Fiona came over. “What do you need, Doctor Holmes?”

  “We're going to need some O-Negative right away.”

  Fiona nodded.

  “Try to keep Dr. Green away from me too while you're at it.” Fiona smiled and ran off.

  A whole herd of bikers came in through the doors and tried to rush past me. “Everyone stop,” I yelled, looking at the security guard by the door for help.

  “Where's Tanner?” one of the men with long hair asked.

  I recognized the leather jackets they wore as the same as my patient's. “Tanner is being taken to the operating room now. I'll give you all an update when I have one.”

  The security guard held them off as I went to go wash my hands. I entered the OR and Fiona helped me put on my disposable surgical scrubs and mask. I was so used to them that they felt like my armor. I spent so many hours with this uniform on that real clothes felt foreign to me. I'd wear scrubs all day long if I could.

  The patient was already vented and breathing normally. A crowd of nurses were running around with their heads cut off. One nurse was poking his arm with an IV to give him a blood transfusion. He would need more than one tonight if he was going to survive.

  First order of business was to cut off his clothing to see how much damage there was. His leather cut slid off but I needed scissors to cut away at his bloodied wife-beater.

  Oh my. His skin was covered in tattoos. A huge black widow spider dominated his chest. I lost my breath for a moment as I stared at his perfectly formed pecs. This man must work out—a lot.

  “Doctor, we need to flip him over,” Fiona said, snapping me back to reality.

  I nodded and helped flip him over. Two stab wounds lay at the bottom of his back—right above his nice ass cheeks...Holy shit, Grace! Get a hold of yourself. It's just a man. You've seen a million of them before. Nothing special about this one.

  I needed to focus. My drought of men couldn't interfere with my job. There was so much blood that I couldn't see the full extent of the damage. “Nurse, I need some suction.”

  Fiona came to my side and used what she called “The Little Sucker” to vacuum up some of the blood. I got a clearer view of inside and realized that the major organs were all intact. Whatever he was stabbed with missed everything. The patient was going to be fine and all he needed was a good sewing job.

  With the blood transfusions, his vitals were returning to normal. I stitched up his wounds gently, not wanting to add to the enormous amount of scars that already decorated his back. This man had been through a lot. I looked down and saw the leather cut on the floor that resembled the ones I saw outside. A white patch with the words Black Wid
ow MC sat below the spider. No wonder he had so many scars.

  I finished stitching his wounds and the nurse dabbed the sweat from my brow. “We're all done here,” I announced.

  A man with blond hair burst into the OR wearing the same leather cut as the patient. “Sir, you can't be in here,” I calmly said. We always got a family member or friend who didn't follow the rules.


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