Guarding Light

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Guarding Light Page 7

by Mckoy, Cate

  Both agents remained silent as they continued to study the board. While they looked at the board Jack looked at Catlyn.

  God she was beautiful. A couple of inches taller, hair no longer jet black but a dark brown streaked with a lighter brown, feathered in flattering waves falling past her shoulders. It was what Tasha called salon magic. He didn't even pretend to understand what-all women did in those salons but he had to admit he loved the results. Her breasts were bigger and even sexier if that were possible. Her waist tiny, cinched with a belt. On the belt her weapon looked huge compared to her waist. Her badge glistened brightly in the front. A cell phone was clipped on the opposite side of her gun. With her hands on her hips, it accentuated her womanly curves and highlighted how small her waist was, how nicely curved her hips and ass were. There was something clipped to the back of her pants as well but her jacket partially covered it. Jack assumed they were cuffs.

  Catlyn faced her partner, took off her jacket, draping it across a chair. She gathered her thick hair, creating a tight ponytail with her hand. She put her back to the whiteboard, lining her face up with the victims' pictures. Tilting her chin this way and that she asked her partner, "What do you think?"

  "You're right again." Her partner smiled at her. "It's disgusting how you can pass for twenty-something when you're almost forty?"

  Horrified, realization dawned on Jack. "Hell, no!" He hadn't realized he'd spoken aloud, or rather growled aloud, until all pairs of eyes turned on him with varying degrees of shock.

  "Excuse me?" Agent Sanchez raised his brows.

  "That's right. Excuse you." Pointing to the door he rapped out, "You too Tash."

  "Now just a min-"Agent Sanchez began. Jack grabbed the other man's arm and forcibly led him to the door, Tasha had already left. "Hey, what do you thi-" Jack slammed the door on the rest of Agent Sanchez's sentence. Locking the door, he heard Tasha say something to the offended agent. Jack didn't care what as long as he stayed out.

  "It's a federal offense to assault a federal agent, Chief Gard." Catlyn informed in a bored tone.

  Jack turned from the door and started towards her. He was brought up short when Catlyn's hand rested on her weapon and she took on a defensive stance. He then realized he had been rushing towards her. Taking a deep breath he continued more slowly. She still kept her hand on the gun at her side.

  "Is there a problem, Chief Gard?" Catlyn asked with that I've-got-better-things-to-do-than-humor-you tone.

  "You're damn right there is, if your solution to these murders is setting yourself up as bait."

  "I assure you I've done undercover work many times before." Catlyn's inflection implied she was indeed humoring him. She didn't have to justify anything to him.

  Tough, Jack thought. "I don't give a shit."

  Catlyn's eyebrows rose, disappearing under her bangs, but she remained silent studying him from beneath her long lashes. Damn she still did that. And it still turned him to jelly inside.

  Her silence underlined just how out of line his outburst was, making Jack angrier. Here he was all tied up in knots both physically and emotionally from seeing her again and she just stood there being indifferent. She hadn't even wanted her partner to know they knew one another. His hands shook and she was steady as a rock. Well, he knew her! He knew what would make her unsteady and shake.

  Jack moved in close. To her credit she stood her ground, not giving up an inch. But Jack saw the nervousness in her eyes when she had to look up at him. He was much bigger than her. He knew grown men who were intimidated by his size, the muscular breath of his shoulders. He almost felt bad when he saw her hand tremble when she adjusted it on her weapon, almost but not quite. He couldn't allow her to put herself in harm's way in his city, on his watch, especially not for a fucking serial killer!

  He moved to take her wrist. Before he could take a hold she moved, had his wrist. Quickly he countered, putting her in a restraining hold but not hurting her. She slipped easily out and countered with a strike with her elbow. Jack blocked and swung and found he was blocked. Again and again he tried a move and found himself blocked or her able to break his restraining hold.

  Very quickly, Jack knew Catlyn was very well trained. And, not just in defensive tactics. She had successfully employed several different martial art moves on him, expertly executed. She moved so swiftly and agilely that it was hard to get a hold of her. And her strikes were fast and hard! She hadn't used any below the belt moves but some of her other moves were just as effective. Her main advantage, hands down, was the element of surprise. No one, including himself, expected such power and strength from such a small frame. By the time her opponent realized she was a lot more to contend with, it would be too late and Catlyn would be the victor.

  Jack admitted she was fast. But, although, she had power it was nowhere near his. He didn't want to hurt her and was pulling some of his strength. Realizing he wasn't going to win this way he stopped holding back some. She felt the change in him and tried to adjust her moves.

  As she was coming out of yet another one of his holds, he grabbed her upper arms with brute strength, forcing her back with great speed not giving her a chance to orient. He pushed her down onto the conference table. She almost got up and away. He put both her wrists in one of his hands and pushed her down against the table again, forcing her to lay back with the weight of his upper body. He grabbed her upper thigh with his free hand and pulled her towards the edge of the table, using his thighs to part her legs so he could stand between hers.

  She futilely tried to pull her wrists from his grasp and kicked out as he stood between her legs. Jack put more of his upper body weight on her, stilling most of her struggles.

  She lay beneath him, breathing heavily, hair wild, eyes flashing brown daggers at him. "Chief Gard, get off me right now!" She didn't shout but her voice carried a threat.

  Jack also breathing heavy, his chest against her breasts, put his free hand at her waist, started to un-tuck her shirt from her pants, "Or what, Agent Lyte?"

  Her FBI façade started to crumble, lips trembling and tears in her eyes. She whispered. "Get off me".

  Jack looked deeply into her eyes. She had almost sounded like the sweet Catlyn he once knew. But he made himself ignore his response to her plea. He needed to prove she couldn't handle going up against a crazed killer who was killing people who just happen to look like her.

  "Is that all you got, agent? Think that will work with the killer, maybe add a please?"

  She gave a frustrated shout and renewed her struggle. Jack held her wrists tightly. The more she struggled the tighter his hold. Jack knew she was getting angry. He smiled, hoping she would forgive him later, after she gave up this crazy undercover idea, he teased, "Oh, yes. Move just like that babe. It's turning me on. F.Y.I that is not my gun and I am very happy to see you!"

  Her eyes widen at his teasing remarks. She went still and their gazes connected. Her eyes went to half-mast when she felt his erection against her. Of its own volition his free hand went to her face. His finger stroked her cheek. "My God, Catlyn, you are still so beautiful. You've barely aged. You really could pass for twenty-something." But not in his city!

  She turned her face away. He brought it back gently. "These deep brown eyes I used to drown in, these ridiculously long, thick eyelashes. And, heaven help me these lips and this mouth." His finger lightly stroked each of her attributes as he mentioned them. His finger glided slowly back and forth her bottom lip before tracing both over and over. "This mouth and these lips used to drive me crazy, especially after I got a taste of them, so perfectly shaped, bow top lip, full bottom lip." He moaned and lowered his mouth to hers.

  He just barely touched his mouth to hers then pulling back. He waited to see her reaction. When she relaxed completely and her eyes fluttered closed, Jack moaned again and took her mouth in a real kiss. He rubbed their lips together building that old familiar heat. It ignited. He slid the tip of his tongue across her lip seam. She gasped and opened for him. Jac
k shot his tongue home. And it did feel like coming home. He tasted her like a starving man. And when she greedily tasted him back, and groaned, Jack's cock pushed against his fly.

  Catlyn moved her leg, positioning it against his erection, rubbing it with her thigh, easing some of his ache. Jack quickly opened the buttons on her shirt pulling one side open, exposing her lace bra. He made quick work of the front fastener. His desire to see how she changed was the only thing that could have ended their kiss for him.

  Her breasts were even bigger, but still sexily shaped and wonderfully up-tilted. Her nipple was larger and seemed darker than he remembered. But, it was still so responsive. He watched in amazement as it grew hard and pebbled at his teasing manipulation.

  Catlyn's back arched off the table. Her sexy sighs had him grinding his dick insistently against her leg as he took the nipple in his mouth, sucking hard in time with his thrusts against her.

  Catlyn moaned. "J-jack, Jack. Oh, Jack!" Gone was the formal address of 'chief' in that dead tone. "Jack?" Her voice held a question.

  Reluctantly he left the feast of her breast. He lifted and looked into her face. "Yes, Kitten?" He whispered. She gave him an angelic smile. Jack smiled back.

  His world exploded in pain. Her forehead rammed into his nose. Bright light flashed behind his eyelids. Releasing her wrists he grabbed his nose. Before he could even register that pain fully, she followed with a well-placed knee to his balls, aimed for maximum effect. The dual pain sent him reeling. She shoved him off her. Hard! He rolled to the floor and automatically went into a fetal position.

  Catlyn jumped off the table, snatched his hand from the protective cup he had formed around his sac. She bent his wrist back, twisting his arm until he went on his stomach. Keeping his arm hyper-extended, she planted her foot in the small of his back and then spoke in a furious voice. "If you ever pull that macho b.s. on me again, I will do more than bust your balls." She twisted his arm harder. He gave a shout of pain. "And, if you ever touch me in that manner again when I am not willing, I will take your badge and throw your ass in prison. Got it, chief?" When he didn't answer right away she twisted his arm again.

  Through clenched teeth he said, "Got it, agent."

  From his position on the floor Jack heard Catlyn slam out of the conference room. As he slowly stood and the hot pain ebbed, one thought went through his head: would there ever be a time when Catlyn was willing?

  Chapter 4

  Catlyn rushed into the ladies' room. She was shaking so fiercely she could barely fix her clothes. She looked at herself in the tri-mirror above the row of sinks. God, she looked like someone who had been ravaged, well loved. It took two tries to re-snap her bra. Her fingers felt like clumsy shaking sticks. She re-buttoned her blouse, tucking it neatly in her dress pants.

  She fixed her weapon holster clip, straightened her badge and phone that had gone askew. With trembling hands she brushed the front of her shirt, trying to rid the worst of the wrinkles. Then she put her attention to her hair. It flew in all directions, her part no longer distinguishable, bangs standing on end.

  The door opened and Tasha walked in. Silently she handed Catlyn a brush, comb, hair sheen spray and lip gloss. "The gloss is new. You can keep it." She remembered Catlyn hated lipstick.

  Hesitatingly Catlyn took the items, lining them up on the counter. She washed and rinsed her hands. Cupped her hands and splashed water on her face. Tasha handed her some paper towels so she wouldn't drip on her blouse. Catlyn pat dried her face. Then she wet her hands again, using the excess water on her hair. Running her fingers through her hair until it was damp. Then she used first the comb, sheen and then the brush. Last but not least she opened the gloss, applying one coat. Jack had kissed off the first coat she had put on this morning.

  Tasha didn't say a single word. Catlyn checked her restored appearance. Nice and neat, very professional looking, Catlyn returned the items to Tasha. "Thank you, Ms. Williams."

  "Ahh, nah, I know you're not gonna try that official shit with me." Tasha set her items back on the counter. "I don't believe you even coming out your face like that. No wonder Jack lost it."

  Catlyn turned towards the door. "I don't know what you mean."

  "Bullshit!" Catlyn swung back around squaring off with Tasha. "You know exactly what I'm talkin' 'bout. Jack and I were your friends! Your best friends! We deserved better than you treated us. Jack went out of his mind, so nuts with worry for you he up and enlisted!"

  "I am sure Sara consoled him very nicely." Catlyn smirked.

  "Girl, that lasted about two months." Tasha waved her hand, showing its insignificance. "After graduation he just had to get away. He eventually ended up in Desert Storm. Before graduation he used to come over almost every day. We still did movie nights until he shipped out."

  "Why are you telling me this?" Catlyn wanted to know.

  "'Cause, wench, you should have called us!" Ignoring Tasha's scolding, Catlyn frowned.

  "Did he tell you what he and Sara did to me at the hospital?"

  "You mean, tell the cop you were mistaken about J.T. being the one to hurt you? Yes he did."

  "I was NOT mistaken. J.T. Dark raped me, Sara Dolson and Jack Gard covered it up for him."

  Tasha gave her a compassionate look, putting her hand on Catlyn's shoulder. "Kitty Cat you were always messed up and super emotional when it came to J.T." She hurriedly continued when she saw Catlyn about to erupt. "I'm not sayin' it wasn't justified, just sayin' he was an evil bastard and he affected you badly, your very own personal boogey-man."

  "I was never mistaken in my ID of the person who attacked me. My so called best friend defended my attacker over me." Catlyn nearly shouted.

  "Jack would NEVER do something like that, especially not to you. He loved you." At Catlyn's look of disbelief Tasha nodded. "Why do you think he enlisted? The pain he caused you was tearing him apart."

  Catlyn didn't need to hear how heartbroken Jack had been. Her heart had shattered that long ago day in the hospital. "If he had felt anything for me, he never would have lied to protect a piece of scum like Dark."

  "Jack didn't lie!" Tasha was very quick to defend.

  "Oh, so, what you're saying is that I was the one lying?"

  Tasha paused considering. "No sweetie, not lying, but, confused."

  When Catlyn remained silent Tasha pushed on. "Jack is an honorable man. One of the few I've ever met. And his respect for women knows no bounds. He stands by the women in his life and would defend them to the death."

  Catlyn crossed her arms totally unimpressed. Seeing her cold look Tasha went on, "You know I wish Jack wasn't so honorable. Because if he wasn't he would have fucked you way back when and fucked you right! And then your first time wouldn't have been so horrible and you wouldn't be such a cold bitch right now." Tasha looked her up and down with scathing contempt and then walked out of the bathroom with her head high.

  Catlyn uncrossed her arms, clenching her fists at her side. She was not a cold bitch. Jack's touch had left her feeling very hot. Enough so that she had allowed him to make love to her on a table-top! In a police station! She had been flabbergasted when her body had actually responded to Jack's kisses and caresses. It was because of the surprise that she allowed Jack to continue touching her. In twenty-five years her body had not reacted to any man. Well, except for that one celebrity from that one show. Catlyn never understood why just the image of the star on the screen stirred her. But it did. However, Jack was the only flesh and blood, real life man to affect her.

  It was as if her body had been in dormant stage. And then Jack touched her and it awoke. Her body had come alive just as it had all those years ago when he'd given her a first kiss, first hug, first make out session and her first sexual release. It was the one and only time she had come by the touch of a man. These days she used her trusty vibrator while images of the sexy celebrity doing equally sexy things to her body floated around in her head.

  The rape had left her damaged. She couldn't brin
g herself to be intimate with any man. She had truly tried over the years. But no man had been able to break through her wall of fear and revolution of being touched.

  It had taken several months to heal physically from the rape. And she had had three years of therapy until she couldn't take it anymore. She found physical exertion helped with her emotional pain. She had turned to all things physically exhausting, jogging, running, climbing, martial arts training. It all satisfied a deep need to control her body. And it all worked to keep her in balance, controlled. That was until she met Jack Gard again. Her body had recognized its owner. That is what it felt like. As if, Jack owned a part of her. Catlyn refused to believe Jack Gard was the only man who could stir her passion. It was ludicrous!

  Taking deep breaths to soothe the turmoil in her mind, Catlyn opened the door, heading back to the conference room. It was just silly for her to be upset about something so normal. For twenty-five years she strove to be normal, just like any other gal. So there was no need for her to get all crazy over the fact that she found an absolutely GQ-gorgeous guy- built like the terminator, with bedroom sexy green eyes –sexually exciting. No big deal at all.


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