
Home > Other > MisplacedLessons > Page 9
MisplacedLessons Page 9

by Mari Carr

  When she emerged from the taxi forty-five minutes later—idiot man got them lost twice—she stood on the sidewalk for a minute studying the inconspicuous building with a small, tastefully done sign that declared she had indeed made it to Velvet Chains. No wonder the cabbie had struggled to find it. It certainly didn’t stand out in any way.

  Taking a deep breath, she bolstered her courage and walked in the front door.

  A man with a clipboard greeted her inside. “Name please.”

  Amy hadn’t anticipated this. “Um, I’m Amy Wesson.”

  The man consulted his list. She needed to act fast, so she added, “I’m a guest of Andrew Shaw.”

  The man glanced up, taking in her attire. “Mr. Shaw isn’t here this evening.”

  “I know. I’m meeting him here,” she lied. Hopefully Andrew would take her up on her invitation to continue their sex play at the club. After all, they’d already initiated his bed, the shower, several floors in different rooms, the kitchen table and the couch at his house. The change of scenery would be fun.

  “I’m sorry, but he doesn’t appear to have called ahead to give us your name. I’ll have to phone him to confirm.”

  She didn’t want to interrupt—and potentially ruin—Andrew’s business dinner. “Um. He really is expecting me.”

  The man nodded. “I understand. It won’t take me a moment to confirm this.”

  She was about to tell him to forget it when there was a loud disturbance at the front entrance. The doorman’s face flushed with anger and a fair amount of annoyance.

  “Master Turner. I told you earlier. You can’t come in here intoxicated.”

  The newcomer was dressed head to toe in leather, with slicked-back jet-black hair and an earring. Amy had to work hard at restraining her laughter. The guy appeared to have bought into every stereotype in terms of what a big, bad Dom should look like. He and the doorman began arguing, so Amy stepped into the shadows. When another man, the bouncer, arrived, she took the opportunity to move into the club. With any luck, the doorman would assume she left during the altercation and forget all about calling Andrew.

  In the hallway she spotted a bathroom. She quickly stepped inside, grateful for a private place to calm her nerves. She walked to the sink and took in her flushed cheeks. She always blushed something fierce when she got anxious. Time to calm down. Best to lay low in here for a little while before venturing out. Just in case the doorman came looking for her.

  Glancing at her purse, she grinned. Andrew had given her an order. Maybe she’d get submissive brownie points for following it. Stepping into a stall, she pulled the lube and plug out of her purse. It took her several minutes to prepare herself and the toy, to get it into place and manage to stand upright with the bloody big thing in her arse. Walking naturally was going to be a challenge.

  She giggled to herself.

  You’re not in Oz anymore, Amy.

  Returning to the sink, she washed her hands then checked her appearance in the mirror. The color in her face had faded back to normal. She touched up her eyeliner and lipstick then took one more steadying breath as she tried to bolster her courage.

  She peeked out into the hallway. There was no sign of the doorman or the bouncer, so she walked toward the sound of music. Her eyes widened when she entered what appeared to be the heart of the club. It resembled a nightclub, with tables and chairs scattered throughout the room, facing a stage that was set against one long wall. That was where the similarities ended.

  The room was fairly dim, with most of the light provided by the stage lights that focused on a performance unlike anything Amy had ever seen. A naked man was chained to cross. He was facing away from the audience, so every person in the room had a clear view of his bare back and arse. A woman, dressed in a leather corset and skintight pants, wielded a whip. Every few seconds or so, she struck the bound man.

  Amy would have been horrified if it weren’t so apparent that the man loved the rough treatment, and if she hadn’t recently been introduced to the concept of how pleasure and pain can indeed make strange but compelling bed partners.

  She’d never anticipated how much she would like the feel of Andrew’s hand as he spanked her or the tight pinch of the nipple clamps. Her American lover had wetted her whistle and she wanted to see how much more she could take and still enjoy. Hazel had always claimed Amy was her own worst enemy—possessing more curiosity than sense.

  Amy didn’t care. She figured life was meant to be lived and enjoyed. She refused to cower from new experiences. And this night ranked right up there as the mother of all experiences. Bloody hell.

  Amy scanned the room, looking for an empty table. She didn’t expect Andrew to arrive for another hour or so at least. She’d simply find a quiet area near the back, enjoy the show and start a new to-do list. As she watched the lovers at the surrounding tables, she spotted at least three or four new things she wouldn’t mind trying with Andrew.

  She’d just found an empty booth when a man stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

  “Excuse me,” she said, intending to sidestep the large man.

  “Are you here alone?”

  Alarm bells went off in Amy’s head as she glanced up into the man’s imposing face. He wasn’t smiling and his eyes were cold. She’d seen jackaroos on the station who’d turned hard with the work. Men who slowly lost every bit of their humanity until they were as compassionate as a pissed-off cut snake. This man fit that mold.

  “No,” she said. “My date will be here soon.”


  She silently cursed herself for her stupidity. Once again, she’d let her impulsiveness overrule her intelligence, jumping into a situation she didn’t understand without backup. If Marc and Keith were here, they’d read her the riot act for being such a bloody idiot.

  “I’m meeting someone here.”

  The stranger lifted her arm, twisting it from side to side as if looking for something. “You’re not wearing a bracelet.”


  “So as far as this club is concerned, you’re an unattached submissive.”

  She frowned and glanced down at her outfit. “What makes you think I’m a submissive?”

  The man snorted, the sound neither pleasant nor friendly. She had fucked up. Big-time.

  “There you are,” a strange voice said from behind her.

  She glanced over her shoulder as a man she’d never seen before slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her back against his wide chest. Great. Now there were two big bad Doms to deal with.

  “You forgot this,” the man holding her said, as he lifted her arm and slid on a blue wristband. “Paulie tried to catch you at the front door, but you were too quick.”

  “Oh.” While she was still nervous, she decided it was better to play along with the new guy than take her chances with the scary dude. At least this man had a kind smile and friendly manner.

  “She’s with you, Danner?”

  Whoever Danner was nodded. “She’s with me and Shaw. You know the deal.”

  Amy sucked in a relieved breath. This man knew Andrew. Maybe she was saved after all.

  Mr. Nasty Guy didn’t seem convinced. “Shaw’s here?”

  “He will be in a few minutes. Had a business meeting. If you’ll excuse us, Amy and I were about to enjoy a bit of the show while we wait.”

  “You shouldn’t walk around without the wristband.” Then the jerk turned back to Danner. “I hope you and Shaw intend to see she’s properly punished.”

  Amy opened her mouth to blast the arsehole, but Danner’s arm tightened around her middle.

  “It’s up to Shaw and me to deal with our little sub. She isn’t any of your concern, Schuster.”

  Schuster started to speak, then closed his mouth as his eyes landed on something behind her. Amy turned as Andrew walked up to join their little party of three.

  “Is there a problem, Schuster?” Amy had never heard Andrew’s voice so cold, so hard.

“Your sub was walking around without a bracelet. That’s against the club rules.”

  Andrew smirked, unconcerned, though Amy felt guilty for causing him so much trouble. How the hell had he gotten here so fast? There was no way he could have gone home and found her note already. He was still dressed in the smart-looking shirt and trousers he wore earlier, so the doorman must’ve called him.

  From the tension around his eyes, it didn’t appear she was out of trouble yet after all. He was ticked off.

  “Take it up with the owners if you’re upset about it.”

  Schuster harrumphed. “Like that would do me any good. They’re all your buddies.”

  “Then step off. Amy’s spoken for.”

  Schuster shot her a dirty look and walked away from them.

  Amy thought she should be relieved, but without the nasty man around, Andrew’s irate look was suddenly turned on her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”

  She shrugged. “I wanted to see the club. I told you that.”

  “And I said no.”

  Danner released her, moving to stand next to Andrew. “Why did you say no?”

  Andrew took a step back. It seemed as if he’d forgotten the other man was there. “Tom, I just didn’t think this was,” Andrew paused awkwardly before quietly adding, “a good idea.”

  Tom didn’t prod, didn’t encourage Andrew to continue. Instead, his gaze returned to her and she noticed definite interest in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Amy. We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Tom Danner.”

  “You’re the cameraman.” Several times today, Andrew had mentioned his cameraman as they’d watched the show. She could tell from the stories Andrew told, he and Tom were very good friends.

  Tom nodded. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a clue who you are.”

  “I’m Amy Wesson, a friend of Harper’s.”

  The answer didn’t satisfy Tom. “The gal from Australia?”

  Andrew looked at Tom. “You remembered her name?”

  Tom shook his head, laugh lines crinkling around his eyes. “Jesus, buddy. You have the attention span of a three-year-old sometimes. You’re the pen pal friend, right?”

  Amy was impressed. “Yep, Harper and I started out chatting online about the pen pal program, but then one thing led to another and we decided to do a life swap for a couple weeks.”

  Tom turned to Andrew. “Harper’s in Australia?”

  Andrew grimaced. “Yeah.”

  Shock permeated Tom’s features. “And you’re not there? Shadowing her every move?”

  Amy gave Andrew an I told you so look that seemed to add to his annoyance. If she were even remotely intelligent, she wouldn’t poke the bear. But excessive cleverness wasn’t something she’d ever been accused of.

  “I don’t know exactly where she is in Australia.”

  Tom looked from Andrew to Amy then a grin split his face. “You won’t tell him.”

  It wasn’t a question, but Amy answered anyway. “She’s perfectly safe. If I thought she needed rescuing I’d tell him where to find her.”

  Tom released a brief, loud bark of laughter. Amy decided then and there she liked the cameraman. “None of this explains why you’re here. And why you refused to bring her to begin with, Andrew. Guests are always welcome at parties as long as they’re accompanied by a member.”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” Amy said to Andrew. “I left you a note at home.”

  “I never made it home. Paulie phoned to chastise me for forgetting to call and leave the name of my guest.”

  She gave him an embarrassed smile, regret crinkling her nose. “Sorry. Did I mess up your deal with the advertisers?”

  “Dinner was nearly over, so it was no problem for me to claim I had an emergency to attend to.”

  “Well, that’s good, I guess. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Andrew took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips to kiss. It was an old-fashioned gesture, but he still managed to make it feel like pure seduction as he opened his mouth, taking one of her fingers inside to suck on it.

  Tom’s eyes widened. “Looks like you two have become friendly as well.”

  Amy flashed Tom a smile. “Andrew’s teaching me how to be a submissive.”

  Tom choked. “Damn. You’re doing a helluva job so far, Shaw.”

  Andrew narrowed his gaze, giving Tom a dirty look. “Fuck you. I told you to stay home, Amy.”

  “I thought it might be more fun to move our lessons here.”

  “Yeah, well, lucky for you, Tom was already here and able to intervene. Otherwise, you’d most likely be spending the evening with Schuster.”

  “The arsehole? No way.”

  Tom explained. “Amy, you walked into the social room without a Dom or a bracelet. That’s an open invitation.”

  “And I don’t get any say-so?”

  Tom shook his head. “Not tonight. It’s a private party and there are some fairly strict rules regarding the play at this one.”

  She bit her lip. “Oh. Sorry again. I didn’t realize.”

  Tom shrugged good-naturedly. “No harm, no foul. So…are you two planning to stick around for a while?”

  Andrew didn’t respond immediately. Instead he studied his friend’s face before looking at her. His expression was less angry now. If anything, he seemed to be uptight. Then he nodded slowly. “Sure. Why not? We’re already here.”

  Just when Amy didn’t think Tom’s grin could get any bigger, he proved her wrong. “Awesome.” He reached into his pocket for something. “I reserved room seven when I checked in.”

  Andrew looked at him. “I told you I wasn’t coming.”

  Tom lifted his shoulder. “I was horny tonight. Planning my first solo act.”

  Amy tried to follow their conversation, but wasn’t having much luck. For a second, it almost sounded as if Andrew and Tom were a couple. “Um, should I leave?”

  Tom laughed again. “Hell no. This party doesn’t happen without you.”

  “What party?”

  Andrew closed his eyes briefly. “Come on, Amy. We’re going to deal with your misbehavior. Then we’re going to continue those lessons.”


  “Yeah. Tom and I.”

  Amy’s mouth went dry as she tried to process Andrew’s answer. “Um…”

  His face lost its tension, as it appeared he’d made up his mind. “You know your safe word. If you want to say it, say it.” She tried to decide if he was hoping for that very occurrence. She didn’t think so, but she couldn’t tell for sure.

  Then he winked at her.

  Bloody hell. She’d been sleeping with Andrew Shaw for exactly four nights and already the man knew her biggest weaknesses. Her pride wouldn’t let her back down from what felt like a blatant dare and she’d already tested the safe word. She knew he would keep his promise and stop. If she said no to this experience, she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

  She’d told Harper her sexual fantasy was to sleep with a stranger. Now Andrew was offering her another chance to explore that kink.

  She studied Tom’s face. He would walk away if she spoke the word, she could see it in his eyes. She could also read the hope that lingered there as well.

  “I’m not going to say the word.”

  Tom released a long breath. “Thank God. After you.” He allowed Andrew, who still held her hand, to lead her out of the social room and down a dimly lit, but elegantly decorated corridor. They stopped in front of a room and Tom held up a keycard, like those used in hotels. For a sex club, Velvet Chains was certainly more upscale and classy than she’d expected.

  The three of them stepped into the room together. It was a stylish space, well lit with over a dozen candles.


  Andrew squeezed her hand. She hadn’t faced him since agreeing to the ménage. Part of her was afraid of what she’d see. Did he want this? He’d been the one to suggest it, but there was something in his eyes that had appeared hesitant, uncertain

  She forced her gaze to meet his and breathed a sigh of relief. Andrew was the same, his face compassionate, patient, understanding.

  “I have a suspicion this isn’t exactly uncharted territory for you guys.”

  Andrew shook his head. “No. It’s not new to us. We always share at the club.”


  He hesitated long enough to let her know this wasn’t a conversation he was comfortable having. She’d noticed the same reticence when he’d talked about his family. Andrew Shaw was a private man, which made her all the more interested in peeling back the layers. She wanted to know more about him. Everything.

  Which was a bad plan. He was returning to work in two days and she was going home to Farpoint a week later. Better to keep things casual. Fun sex with no strings. Anything more than that was going to be dangerous to her heart.

  “Andrew was the one who introduced me to the club, to BDSM. I was anxious to learn more about domination and submission. He offered to walk me through the paces the first few times, but it soon became apparent we liked sharing women. Since then, whenever we’re at the club, we share.”

  Tom’s explanation sparked more questions in Amy’s mind. Was that why Andrew had refused to bring her to the club? Because he knew the evening would end with Tom in their bed? If that was true and he didn’t want it, then why were they all in this room together now?

  “You only share at the club?”

  Andrew nodded. “We’ve limited the threesome play to here. We don’t indulge in the same games when we’re on the road.”

  “Or whenever you’re in a serious relationship with a woman?” She was digging. Amy hoped Andrew didn’t figure it out.

  Tom chuckled. “I don’t share my girlfriends with Andrew.”

  The answer didn’t satisfy her. Didn’t tell her what she wanted to know.

  When Andrew failed to respond, Tom filled in the other blank. “And Shaw here is a commitment-phobe. Never been in a serious relationship with a woman in all the time I’ve known him.”

  Tom missed the slight wince his words provoked from Andrew, but Amy didn’t. She wasn’t sure how to handle that information. Not that it mattered. She couldn’t be his girlfriend. Time and geography were not on her side. But she couldn’t help wondering why Andrew was reluctant to fall in love, to get close to someone. From all Harper had said over the past year, she knew Andrew loved his sister intensely. So why was he resistant to letting those emotions carry over to someone else?


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