Wings of The Wraith

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Wings of The Wraith Page 5

by Khardine Gray

  I wouldn’t dream of even saying shit in front of her when she was alive. And here was this guy, who I thought was some kind of angel swearing at her.

  He turned to me and smiled that sexy half smile I found irresistible.

  “Hello Syph. I’m a sentinel. They are the warrior class of angels who stop mad shit like this from happening. I was possessed by a wraith demon and tossed out of heaven for being tainted. But my little problem seems to be just what we all need now because the spell that got them couldn’t get me. I figure it’s the mix of angel and demon magic. You can’t combine the two. Unless the person in question is you. Syph.”

  He came closer and closer. Brushing against my shoulder he stopped and lowered to gaze deep in my eyes. His eyes turned gold and I wasn’t afraid this time.

  “You’re prettier when you aren’t scared,” he conveyed telepathically.

  I could hear him in my mind again.

  “Just think, and I’ll hear you.”

  “Why are we talking like this?” I thought, and he smiled.

  “I don’t want your grandmother to hear me talk dirty to you.”

  “Stop it.” Grandma stomped her foot and glared at the two of us. “Do not block me. Don’t you dare do that.”

  “Oh Elma, don’t be pissed because I just happen to be more powerful than you.” Dante taunted.

  She glared at him. “Get out. I will deal with you later.”

  He stepped away from me but looked back and smiled before he disappeared.

  I stared at the spot he’d been standing, fascinated, but keeping a hold of my reservations.

  I looked back at my grandmother, who did not look happy in the least by my fascination.

  “Why don’t you like him?” I had to ask.

  “He’s a fallen angel, Alyssa. Possession is one thing but to become a slave to the flesh is another thing entirely.

  “And, we need him?” I offered up.

  “Yes. We do. Unfortunately, we do. He will take you to the Shadowlands and keep you safe. He’s the only one strong enough to do it. The only one who is strong enough to protect you from danger, protect you from being used in the wrong way. When your abilities awaken fully you will be in a very vulnerable state and you will need him the most.”

  I bit the inside of my lip. Worry filled my heart and I was still nowhere close to accepting any of this.

  Nowhere close at all.

  Chapter 5


  This would be very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

  Zeek climbed on board the ship and Neo followed. I left Alec and Porter behind in Piccus. They wouldn’t survive this mission. Not at all. They were the other half of our merry band.

  The Shadowlands were dangerous in the best of times.

  Now that I knew we’d probably have to go in to battle with not just fucking Balmora, one of the most powerful sorceress’s I’d ever had to deal with, but the necromancer, too, I did not have any good feelings towards this mission at all.

  And yet Elma thought we really could do this error free.

  It was a joke. A good plan that I hated, but still a joke. I didn’t believe for one minute that things would run smoothly.

  The necromancer was the one that worried me the most. Maybe we could have dealt with just Balmora. Him though, I didn’t know.

  It was his abilities that threw me right off kilter.

  I couldn’t think of anyone who had the kind of power he had. Power enough to put a curse on the sentinels. Power enough to block out a day when he executed this plan of his so no one would remember.


  He was never known by a name, but the name people had given him was Cain.

  As in Cain and Abel. Adam’s Cain.

  Cain was destined to roam the earth, legend has it that was exactly what he did, but instead of continuing on the path for forgiveness for killing Abel, he embraced evil. Made a deal with the devil and started practicing dark magic.

  Soon he dropped the devil and linked up with beings so much worse I dreaded to think.

  Beings like the hell god Razul.

  Neo sat down in the seat next to me as one of the gargoyles flew into the room. It had been helping me to load the ship.

  “Must that thing come with us?” Neo asked looking at the little creature with distaste.

  “I couldn’t get rid of it.” I laughed. “We can bring it back when we return. Gargoyles can make an excellent feast.”

  “Like fuck.” Neo shook his white blonde head. “I’m not eating anything from that creature.”

  “They’re harmless.”

  “There’s something off about that one.”

  “There’s something off about everyone in your book. Pretty certain you said the same thing about me.” I chuckled.

  “I did. But there is something off about you.”

  I shook my head at him.

  The gargoyle took its position by the control panel of the ship where Zeek was.

  Since Zeek designed the airship, I needed him to harness his skills if we needed him to fly out of danger.

  Neo was the second most powerful person here, next to me. With his half Elvin and demon abilities, he was like my demon side.

  I’d positioned us all in a way that if any kind of attack was launched on us we’d stand a chance.

  Aurora had cloaked the ship with runes and a protection spell. If we were lucky, we’d at least be able to get to the edge of the human realm. There was a portal to the Shadowlands in the space between Indonesia and Australia. The best and most undetectable way to get there was by air.

  I could, of course, blink and I’d be there, but I needed these guys.

  Balmora’s attack last night showed me I couldn’t do this on my own. I could probably fight to the death, which would be one hell of a fight, but I would rather not.

  Also, if that happened, I didn’t know what the results would be.

  I knew there might come a point where I’d have to separate from Zeek and Neo, though. As a team we could achieve a lot, but I wouldn’t risk their lives.

  If it came to it, I would enter the Shadowlands with Alyssa by myself.

  I was still contemplating doing that.

  All we had to do was get her there safe and undetected. But if Balmora and the necromancer found us I wouldn’t know what we’d do then. The whole plan would kind of go to hell and going to the Cave of Endless Night would be for nothing.

  “I should have packed some beer,” Neo said, placing his feet up on the dashboard.

  Zeek laughed. “I should have packed pizza. Little Caesar’s had a special. I thought we’d be going to the human realm today.”

  “We kind of are.” I tried to joke.

  “Sure, as we fly over the sea, I can pretend I’m eating pizza.” Zeek narrowed his eyes at me.

  “And I can pretend I’m having beer. A beer in one hand and a good woman.” Neo chimed in with a smile.

  I was not averse to that idea, especially when Aurora and Elma escorted Alyssa on board. My eyes went straight to her.

  They’d given her better clothes to wear. Not that I didn’t like the tight jeans and the little top she’d previously worn. The khaki pants and black jacket that hugged her frame now were better fitting for this journey. Also gave me a view of the curves I couldn’t wait to explore.

  “Are we all set to go?” I smiled.

  “All set.” Aurora answered for Alyssa. Elma didn’t say anything.

  Elma must have talked the poor girl’s ear off last night bringing her up to speed on what to expect from our world and the realms that coexisted together.

  Unknown to them I listened in. Elma talked for hours.

  Alyssa had that brain fried look on her face which softened when she looked at me.

  If anyone had asked me, I would have said that it was information overload.

  She didn’t need to know all that shit now when there were so many other things to know. Like it would have been more useful if she’d bee
n taught a spell or two, and maybe filled in on the extent of the magic contained in her talisman.

  “Remember if you need me just tap the necklace and say my name.” Elma said to Alyssa.

  “Don’t forget to tell her that that shit doesn’t work in the Shadowlands.” I chimed in much to her annoyance.

  Like the Cave of Endless Night, the Shadowlands itself put a damper on magic as a whole. Only powerful beings like myself could still have access, and it was simply because the magic in the Shadowlands wasn’t more powerful than mine.

  Things like talismans and other charms were nothing but jewelry in such a place.

  The magic in the cave however was different, and no one besides the people who imbued the cave with that magic knew how it worked.

  We just knew that once inside all magic you had would cease to exist until you got back outside.

  It was useful for storing special objects. Or, in our case hiding a being with magical abilities.

  “I can’t talk to you there?” Alyssa looked worried.

  “No sweet girl,” Elma replied.

  “What will I do if I need help?”

  “Princess, I’m all the help you’ll need. Now let’s go before these women freak you out any more than you already are. The clock’s ticking and I’m sure our devilish friends have a head start.”

  No one could argue with that.

  Alyssa hugged Elma. Aurora gave me a sharp look, but I could feel the extent of her worry.

  “Be careful Dante,” she said.

  I responded with a smile.

  Alyssa looked like a fish out of water when they left her.

  She looked at the three of us, nerves building by the minute.

  “Set sail Zeek. This is going to be a long ride. I’ll make sure our guest is comfortable.”

  Her eyes met mine, holding me in place.

  I stared back at her, really wondering how this would all play out.

  I was first convinced to find her and keep her safe because of the prospect of curing myself.

  Meeting her, live and in the flesh shifted my perspective.

  Dare I say it, it wasn’t just about curing myself anymore. Knowing she was my soul mate made her feel like she was mine to protect. It was like an innate instinct that switched on in my soul.

  That was the best way that I could explain my sudden need to protect a woman I barely knew.

  It was such a shame that things had become so much bigger than me in the space of hours.




  Dante took me to a bunk.

  It looked more befitting to something you’d see in a prison cell.

  I sat down on the bed and gazed out the window as the airship lifted off the ground and started its journey in the sky.

  Dante pulled up the little metal desk chair, twisted it around, and sat in front of me.

  He rested his hands on the chair back and eyed me with curiosity.

  “Can you please not read my mind. I just can’t deal with the whole weirdness of that right now.” Because mostly I just wanted to go somewhere and cry.

  “Well, if I can’t read your mind, you’ll have to talk to me.” He smirked.

  “You want me to talk to you?” I widened my eyes, wondering if he was serious.

  I didn’t even know where I was supposed to begin.

  The expression on his face brightened and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crystal. He held it out for me to take. I looked him over and decided to take it.

  “What is it?” I assessed the crystal in my hand. In the hollow of it was a light. A white light that flickered as I turned it and held it toward the light that came through the windows.

  “Remnants of a star.”

  My gaze snapped back to him. “A star? As in a star?”

  “Yes Princess. Happy birthday, didn’t get you a present.”

  My birthday. God, things like birthdays were so far down my list of importance right now. Although Grandma told me that it was my very birthday that set of this chain of events.

  “My birthday.”

  “Hey, that’s from one of my prized collections. It’s no mere star, so don’t look at it like it’s lame.”

  “I wasn’t.” I cocked my head to the side.

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re thinking so I can’t tell if you like it or not with your face like that.”

  “I think it’s beautiful. Thank you. No one’s ever given me a star before.” It was sweet, and it was true I’d never received such a gift before, but it was just as weird as everything else.

  “And no one ever will.” He declared proudly.

  As annoyed as I wanted to be by his silly little remarks, I found them to be the only thing that grounded me. It took away from the crazy reality of the situation that evil beings were after me to use me to harness power from a star, so they could break free a hell god from hell.

  Jesus Christ. What the hell?

  “You know he really doesn’t like that.” Dante smirked.

  “What are you talking about now?”

  “Saying or thinking Jesus Christ. He really doesn’t like that. I mean, of course, if you were praying it would be fine. But, outside that, try to keep it to a minimum.”

  “You weird. What are you really? I know you have the beautiful wings and everything, but you don’t act like a normal angel.”

  He laughed. “So what do you think a normal angel is like?”

  “Just not like you. You’re like a rogue priest on crack.” I snapped. “Also, I told you not to read my mind.”

  “Apologies princess. There’s a lot for you to learn and take in. I may be an angel by description, but I’m no angel.”

  “But isn’t it cool to be an angel? You guard people and guide them on the path of good.”

  He frowned. “Been there, done that. Didn’t really get much out of it.”

  “How come?” I was talking to him as if I really understood what we were talking about.

  “My dear Syph. When I needed good on my side, good never came through for me. So, this is me. Also,” he mimicked my tone and his eyes darkened with desire. “If I were an angel, I couldn’t have sex with you.”

  My mouth dropped. “Oh my God.”

  “Don’t do that either, unless you’re praying,” he chastised.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “You can’t say things like that. What makes you think I’ll be having sex with you?” I didn’t know if I should be livid or embarrassed.

  “Princess what makes you think you won’t, besides I don’t just know your thoughts, I know what your body wants too.”

  I stood quickly, ready to give him a piece of my mind. He rose too and walked over to me, setting his hands on my shoulders.

  “Calm down. Syph.” His lips arched into a sexy smile. “Being playful and embracing the funny side of things stops you from going insane.”

  “I’m new to something I wanted no part of, and I don’t know if you’re making it easier or worse. Where I come from people don’t talk like that. You can’t tell me what I feel, even before I feel it.”

  “Syph. I can assure you I’m making this easier for you. In every sense of the word.” He leaned in close to my ear. “Where I come from, we act on impulse. I don’t like beating around the bush either.”

  “Moving fast at anything makes people crazy.”

  “Depends on the crazy. Some crazy can be good. Now sit.”

  I narrowed my eyes and sat back down, he did too.

  “What’s going to happen? What’s the plan?” I thought a change of subject was in order.

  He shook his head. “You let me worry about that.”

  “And my home? Will I ever see it again?” It saddened me to think I wouldn’t.

  I was supposed to be meeting my friends for dinner tonight. Simply dinner. I didn’t want a fuss. Just something between the five of us for my birthday. Me, Belinda, Sasha, Kelly, and Vanessa.

  Friends from coll
ege who were like sisters to me.

  They wouldn’t know what happened to me.

  “I promised I’d get you back home.”

  “And yet I’m here.”

  “Why? You could have gone home.”

  I pressed my lips together. “And allow those people to get me?”

  “So, this is better then right? Everyone so far has done what’s best for you. Remember that.”

  “Even you? You seem to be against everything. Why are you helping me?” It was strange.

  “How about I tell you some other time. Until then learn.” He flicked his wrists and suddenly we were in a library.

  My mouth dropped again, and my eyes turned to saucers. There were books and scrolls.

  “This is my personal collection, be careful with the pages.”

  “Are we still on the plane?” There was no way we were.

  “Yep, I just astral projected our minds, your mind. I can be in two places at once.”

  “Can I do that?” If I could copy, or sypher, his powers I must have been able to do that.

  “You can, but it takes practice. I recommend you don’t. Just stick to energy balls if you need to use it.”

  “How long do I keep your powers for?” Grandma never really explained those parts.

  “Until you don’t want them anymore. Now read. It will help you to chill out.”

  Chill out?

  Right now, I didn’t think that was something that would ever happen to me again.

  Chapter 6


  This felt like being back at college, when I was studying as opposed to me working at Georgetown.

  I was always curious about everything, and now that I had something to be curious about it was all getting the better of me.

  I thought Dante knew exactly what I would be looking for by giving me access to this library.

  There was a lot to learn, but what I wanted to know most was anything that could help me understand what I was.

  A Syphon.

  My grandmother explained what she could, and I’d listened. I’d listened and tried to move past the fact she was alive and some head witch for a coven of witches who protected the realms.

  I tried to move past the fact I’d been lied to all my life. My family had lied to me and hid this world from me.


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