Battleship Avenger (Conquest of Stars Book 2)

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Battleship Avenger (Conquest of Stars Book 2) Page 12

by Sid Kar

  Chapter 12: On Conquistador

  Commodore Raptor and Vice-Commodore Barryett had returned to the command room. Raptor had asked Col. Jarvyk to send him a copy of the report of Nolfus’ autopsy and he was reviewing it on his terminal. He had found it unusual when he had first heard that the leader of the coup had been found dead but the battle against Mercurians had totally occupied his mind. He had meant to read the report then, but now he had some free time. Half of the command room officers were on break. Raptor had decided to reward his crew and to get them rested and recuperated. He had ordered the Crew Admin section to be generous with grants of furlough. Conquistador was floating in the orbit around Nestor like a leisure resort space cruise and the only required work were the minor repairs on the shields and routine maintenance.

  “VC Barryett, I didn’t realize that Col. Jarvyk thinks the coup leader Nolfus Berrum had co-conspirators,” Raptor said. Barryett hadn’t seen the report yet and he walked over and up the stairs to the Commodore’s station.

  “That is interesting,” Barryett said, “Unfortunately we can’t do anything about it.”

  “I know and I don’t like it,” Raptor relaxed back in his chair, “They could try again and we will have to impose ourselves again.”

  “You can make a request to the Nestorian chancellor to carry out an extensive investigation,” Barryett said, “after all he owes his chancellorship to you.”

  Raptor laughed, “I won’t save him next time if he allows another insurrection to fester.”

  “You won’t have to,” Tollvyk chimed in from his section, “He is bringing in his own soldiers to save his hide.”

  “Huh?” Raptor blurted.

  “Tune your terminal to any Nestorian channel,” Tollvyk said, “I was scanning their motion picture relay stations to see what type of entertainment these folks make and all of them are carrying the same news.”

  One of the commodore’s assistant sitting below the station sent him a channel frequency and Raptor switched his terminal to receive transmission from it. Their starship carried powerful receivers to grab an entire planet’s signals.

  The Nestorian news broadcast was announcing that Chancellor Solus was scheduled to speak in a few minutes and asking everyone to standby.

  “Commodore, we are picking up twenty-five troop transports just outside the solar system on our long range gravitron scanners,” Horyett said, “Computer indicates Nestorian manufacture, largest transport ships in their inventory, and total capacity is ten thousand soldiers per ship.”

  “Just as Col. Tollvyk said,” Barryett said, “Solus is cleverer than we give him credit for.”

  The local news channel now changed focus to the inside of the Senate building where Chancellor Solus was standing behind a podium getting ready for his speech.

  “Capitan Dorrvyk, put chancellor’s speech on one of the big screens,” Raptor said.

  Dorrvyk switched the display of one of the big, front screens to show Solus live on air fiddling with his mic.

  “I will bet thousand stars that the first word out of his mouth is peoples,” Tollvyk chuckled.

  “Peoples of Nestorian Republic,” Solus began and the Starfirian command room guffawed.

  “We were beset upon by two enemies,” Solus said, “One from the outside whom our brave soldiers in our battleships defeated.” Many Starfirians scoffed at his negligence in mentioning their role. Solus continued, “and as I have always said, soldiers are just peoples with fancy costumes.” This elicited a small laughter from many including Raptor and Barryett.

  “But we also have an inside enemy. Its name is elitism and the coup is just a manifestation of it. Some in this Republic think they are better than others,” Solus scoffed on the podium, “their types were behind the coup attempt. The Republican Guard is an organization that is staffed by their types. Children of the rich, the wealthy and the officers. It is not the common peoples army. The Senate has prevented my bill to disband it from passing. However, the Senate cannot stop me as a Chancellor from commanding the army. I have ordered two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers of Nestorian Infantry Corps to Nestor and they should be here in a few hours. They will protect this peoples republic from the elites.”

  Solus gave a final serious look to the cameras and then walked away from the podium.

  “Cut it off,” Raptor said to Dorrvyk and he switched the screen back to the original display. “What do you think?” Raptor turned to Barryett.

  “Like I said, Clever,” Barryett said.

  “But he doesn’t trust their Army,” Raptor said, “We put him up to it.”

  “Look at this screen Commodore,” Barryett pointed to a terminal showing the troop transports in space with identifications and numbers attached to them. “Their call sign: N-27; that is their 27th planet Hope, home planet of chancellor Solus, he is the senator from Hope.”

  “Not much hope for those poor folks,” Tollvyk chuckled.

  “Toll…” Raptor said and Tollvyk muttered sorry under his breath but he was still grinning.

  Raptor pressed a few keys and pulled up information on planet Hope. “Population is around 700 million, one of the five most populated. The strength of Infantry Corps there is half a million, or was before Solus grabbed half of them.”

  “We gave him lemons and he made lemonade,” Barryett said, “The way it is, Nestor is protected by a hundred thousand strong Republican Guards while rest of their 59 planets have garrisons of Infantry Corps. What is significant is that the entire infantry force on a planet is made up of soldiers originating only from that planet. That means they are very sympathetic and loyal to their own senator.”

  “Solus has his own personal army and elections are coming fast,” Raptor said, “Nestor has the largest population and most votes and it is here that Remus can win big and win the chancellorship. But Solus’ loyalist troops could stuff ballots and we can’t do anything but watch, gawk like owls from above.” Raptor slammed his fist on the table in front of him, “I installed Solus expecting him to lose the coming election. Now the Constellation is going to flip out on me.”

  “Don’t worry Raptor,” Barryett put his hand on Raptor’s shoulders. Raptor turned to look at him and realized that Barryett could have been a much older brother. “Constellars can grit their teeth, but you won a huge battle and Starfirians have always loved a warrior hero above every other type of man, above even gods when our ancestors believed in such.”

  “Commodore,” Dorrvyk spoke excitedly, “A direct message from House of War by the Supreme Commander. Topmost priority.”

  “Secrecy level?” Raptor asked.


  “Read it aloud,” Raptor said.

  “Starfire Empire is dispatching fifteen starships from the Sixth Frontier to Nestorian Space to protect it from any further Mercurian incursions and invasions…”

  Before Dorrvyk had even finished reading the full message there were joyful cheers in the room and Raptor and Barryett smiled at their officers.

  “… and they have appointed Commodore Segwyk Rafter of Starship Masterpiece as the Battle Star Commander of all Starfirian forces in Nestorian Republic.”

  Raptor instantly turned his head to look at Alvina who bit her finger at the mention of Segwyk and appeared disturbed, looking around restlessly.

  The cheers in the room died down right away and many officers looked at the Commodore.

  “Hell? Segwyk has no battle experience…” Tollvyk blurted out.

  Raptor was angry but he kept his face calm. He looked at Barryett whose face muscles had all tightened displaying a completely serious expression and his eyes were wide with anger of his own.

  “It is good news that our Supreme Commander has decided to send a large force to reinforce us,” Raptor announced to the room. He didn’t say anything about Segwyk. “I will be in my personal quarters for those who have scheduled an appointment,” he said glancing at Alvina and catching her eye for a second, “VC Barryett, you have the

  Barryett saluted him and Commodore walked down to the command room floor and walked out. He couldn’t wait to meet Alvina. He had apparently misjudged her and she had some explaining to do.

  Raptor sat in his large, spacious living room behind the round table smoking his cigar and waiting for Alvina. He was going to offer her whiskey but the latest revelation had made him change his mind, it had even made him angry at her. He had thought of her as a sweet and lovely lady whom he yearned for. But at this moment he felt no desire.

  Alvina knocked on the door and Raptor pressed a button on a remote to open it for her. She walked inside and stood in front of him in attention.

  “At ease, Capitan,” Raptor said and she relaxed a bit. But he did not offer her a seat because he intended to grill her. He looked at her carefully. She was a tall girl and he liked tall girls. She wore her long, lush hair in a ponytail. She had a long face that narrowed triangularly at her chin. She was attractive but no great beauty. But Raptor had no eyes on any strikingly beautiful women. He had always wanted a woman who would be a great companion not one who would be an arm candy. But all these thoughts had to take second place now.

  “What did you want to tell me about Commander Carvyk?” Raptor asked matter of factly.

  “It is him…” she stuttered, “and Segwyk too.”

  “It cannot be a coincidence Capitan Alvina,” Raptor said, “That you were romantically involved with Commodore Segwyk, then get assigned to my spaceship by Carvyk and now he picks him, a man with no battle experience, to lead a war? He must have planned it out in advance, to send him over here. And that strange ambush…what to say of that?”

  Alvina did not say anything but stayed quiet and bit her lips. She tried to speak a couple of times but could not start. He saw that she was getting distraught.

  “I am sorry…Commodore,” Alvina said, “I did not know it would come to this.”

  “Tell me what were you planning on saying to me about Com. Carvyk?” Raptor said.

  “I wasn’t demoted because I had a falling out with Segwyk,” Alvina said while fiddling with her fingers, “That was Commander Carvyk’s idea. He told me that he had a special mission for me. He told me that certain army officers were taking big bribes from smugglers to allow contraband to pass through the frontier space during their patrol duties. He said he had a plan to pack them all on one starship and catch them red handed working with the smugglers.”

  “Commander Carvyk said having us – allegedly the corrupt crew – all together would mean that we would turn our starship into a smuggling ship?” Raptor asked incredulously.

  Alvina nodded her head.

  “Ridiculous,” Raptor stood up. He threw his cigar at the wall, “Conquistador has a total crew of 50,000; you couldn’t have believed Starfire Army would have that many crooks and all packed in one fleet.”

  “I had to follow orders,” Alvina said.

  “And how did he plan to catch us in cahoots with the likes of Jiggermaster and other space junk?” Raptor asked.

  “The ambush…” Alvina stopped, “That is when I started doubting him. That was supposed to be a stop and search, just like we do to the spaceships suspected of ferrying contraband. When they attacked us without warning I couldn’t believe it. I thought there might have been miscommunications or misunderstanding. But the war with Mercurians was real and after your words over the dinner, I decided I had to come clear. Corrupt soldiers or not, we can’t fight and kill each other.”

  Raptor could not believe what he was hearing. He wished Tollvyk was here to say it out loud what he himself was thinking but dare not express: Carvyk was one cunning rat bastard! It was impossible that officers like himself and Tollvyk could aid the smugglers; they were stuck on a starship that was reduced to permanent orbital patrol of planet Bravo. But then again Alvina would not have known this.

  “And what was supposed to be your mission? To disable the LaserStorm system?” Raptor asked.

  “No, that would have been pointless, the juniors can take over,” Alvina said, “And you and VC can override. I was to provide my codes and access cards to another of his officers whom he put on this spaceship to disable its superweapons.”

  “That’s who attacked Com. Antrar,” Raptor said. He walked over to his terminal and raised his finger at her, “I am not arresting you, but you are as of now reassigned to help find this saboteur.” Raptor turned on his terminal, entered his code and connected to Capitan Styx who appeared on the screen a couple of seconds later.

  “Capitan Styx reporting sir,” he said.

  “Capitan, round up ten starship guards and come to my room at once,” Raptor said, “And bring Detective Hartar along with you. But wait outside the door till I call you in.”

  “Yes sir, will be there right away,” Styx saluted him and disappeared from the terminal. Raptor turned around to face Alvina.

  “I am sorry sir, but I never saw this man or even talked to him,” Alvina pleaded, “Carvyk has given him the duplicates of my codes and cards.”

  “Very cunning,” Raptor said, “he can go about the starship and its systems would leave him alone mistaking him for a command room officer. But it still doesn’t explain how he could open the door to Plasma Weapons. You don’t have that privilege.”

  “I don’t know that sir,” Alvina that.

  “Detective Hartar will figure all of that out,” Raptor said.

  “I was also to serve as a witness in all of your court martial,” Alvina spoke hesitatingly.

  “It is Carvyk who needs to be court martialed for treason,” Raptor said, “You do realize you have unwittingly aided it?”

  “They betrayed me too,” Alvina protested.

  “They?” Raptor asked.

  “Segwyk,” Alvina said, “It was he who was going to stop our ship for inspection. Carvyk had given Segwyk command of three starships for that.”

  “Damn,” Raptor exclaimed and then sighed, “you are still his fiancé, aren’t you?”

  “I am,” Alvina, “But I don’t know now. Him and Carvyk lied to me; they tried to kill me too. I thought Segwyk loved me and he knew I was going to be inside Conquistador. He was there when Carvyk gave us our orders. How could he lead an attack on us?”

  “His profession of love was false,” Raptor said and surprised himself with such a stark statement. For the first time tonight he felt pity for Alvina.

  “Oh I don’t know Commodore,” Alvina said and her eyes were teary.

  “Compose yourself, Capitan,” Raptor said. He pulled open a drawer and handed her one of his fine, silk handkerchief to wipe away her watery eyes. “You are an officer of the Starfire Army.”

  “I apologize,” she said, dried her eyes, straightened her posture and returned his cloth.

  “Sit down,” Raptor said and pulled out the chair for her. “Do you still care for Segwyk now? After knowing all this?”

  “Oh I don’t know,” Alvina said, “I still have feelings for Segwyk, I know I shouldn’t but…” she paused for a few moments. Raptor saw on a screen that Styx and Hartar had arrived and were waiting outside his door but he let them bide time.

  “I would like to confront Segwyk,” Alvina said, “Ask him why? Why he betrayed me and all of us?”

  “I don’t think that is wise,” Raptor said, “He is the Star Commander.”

  “He is also my soon to be husband,” Alvina said, “That is how I will face him.”

  “Alvina,” Raptor said placing his hand on her right shoulder and leaning down to where his mouth almost touched her hair, “there will be other men who will love you, if you give them a chance.” She turned her neck to look at him and their eyes matched for a few seconds then Raptor pulled himself up straight, “Meanwhile, first you must help us find Carvyk’s spy.” Raptor turned to intercom and flicked on its switch, “Hartar, Styx, step inside.” He opened the door for them and the two of them walked in and saluted him and watched Alvina wearily.

  “Capitan Alvina, wa
it outside with the Starship Guards,” Sthykar said. Alvina got up and crisply saluted him, put up a smile on her face and left the room.

  “What is going on, Commodore?” Hartar said, “There are rumblings and rumors whirling in the spaceship.”

  “Of what kind,” Raptor asked.

  “That there was something ‘wrong’ about the attack on us in our transit,” Hartar said, “And I do apologize, I still haven’t been able to locate this imposter on board.”

  “Not your fault, he had duplicates of a command officers’ codes,” Raptor said.

  “Yes, that would certainly make it a lot difficult to trace him, command room officers have the highest level of privilege and access across the Starship,” Hartar said.

  “I need to take you in confidence about the ambush,” Raptor said. He walked over to his terminal and typed in personal messages to Barryett and Tollvyk to meet him in his quarters. While they were on their way, Raptor told both of them all the details he had disclosed over the officer’s dinner and his conversations with Com. Antrar suspecting the attackers to be other Starfirians.

  Hartar and Styx were both shocked. They had both seen and heard of many devious schemes in their long durations with the Army, but this was uniquely malicious.

  Barryett and Tollvyk pressed the buzzer outside the door and Raptor let them inside.

  “I have taken Detective Hartar and Capitan Styx in confidence,” Raptor said to them.

  “I was going to suggest that much myself,” VC Barryett said, “We need them to be in the know if they are going to prevent leak of this information into the general crew.”

  “I will certainly see to that,” Styx said.

  “Commodore, you did right by involving me in this,” Hartar said, “All of you on this starship are under linear command from the Starfleet Commander in the House of War through the Regional Star Commander to Starship Commodore and the rest of the officers. But it is different for me and my section. We are under your authority on this starship but our command goes through a different chain to Chief Army Detective for Frontier Regions and all the way to Commander of Army Investigations Department, another member of House of War. Commander Carvyk’s ability to order me around is limited and I can go to the superiors in my own department.”


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