Seven Moons Back to the Highlands

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Seven Moons Back to the Highlands Page 19

by Deborah R Stigall

  Rolling thunder suddenly sounded from outside which was unusual since it had been an unseasonably cloudless day.

  “Rachel!” Caelan hissed in warning, squeezing the hand he still held tucked beneath his arm.

  Rachel swallowed hard and took a deep breath, struggling to reign in her storming emotions. It seemed like the farther along she progressed in her pregnancy, the more erratic and volatile she became when it came to the forces of nature. She’d always had an affinity with the natural energies, the ebb and the flow and felt in tune with the world around her.

  With the help of her grandmother, before her parents had torn her away; she’d learned how to join with the natural order of the elements. She’d learned that she was one with the positive force or energy of all things and knowing this could make any number of positive things possible.

  But with the wild emotions of her raging hormones and the psychological upheaval of time travel, Rachel was never really sure when she was going to misfire or just how much dynamite she was about to use.

  “Sorry sorry it’s okay I’m calm I’m calm Oh shit!”

  Rachel squeezed Caelan’s hand as a flash of lightening nearly blinded all in the room and was immediately followed by a clap of thunder so loud that it nearly shook the stone walls of the great hall.

  “What has angered ye so?”

  Caelan followed Rachel’s gaze to the end of the hall to find the object of her heated glare. Roderic stood standing just inside the archway, his eyes narrowed as he returned Caelan’s stare.

  “I wish ta remind the laird that he has not returned to the northern borders of his lands as was promised nigh a year ago.”

  Roderic slowly moved toward the front of the hall as he spoke, each of his steps seemingly calculated to punctuate his words. “Many of the villages suffer such neglect and the people are abused by those who know the laird only pays attention to his lovely violet-eyed wife.”

  With Roderic’s words, the winds outside increased to a howl sending the kitchen maids and the serving boys scurrying from the hall to shutter every opening against the ensuing storm.

  All of the villagers gathered in the hall to meet with the laird began milling about uncomfortably, casting their eyes to the narrow windows cut high into the walls. All they could see was that the sky had gone black with the fury of the storm and then blinding white with the lightening whenever Roderic attempted to speak.

  Emrys suddenly appeared from the stairwell behind the dais and moved quickly to Rachel’s side.

  “Ye must reign in your emotions. I know the man is threatening those that ye love. But he’s baiting ye. Ye mustn’t allow him ta win.”

  Caelan stood, pulling Rachel to her feet as well. “I will not be returning to the northern border of m’lands until my sons are born. ‘Tis not safe to leave my wife alone at this time because she has been threatened. I will, however, have Emrys investigate your claims.”

  Wrapping his arm protectively around Rachel’s waist, he smiled as he felt one of his sons thump him in the side. He privately took that as an inward vote of approval.

  “I think your wife is quite capable of tending to herself, m’laird.” Roderic nodded toward the darkened windows as he spoke. “If she’s nay conjuring up a vicious storm to match her mood, then she’s covering her enemies with bird droppings.”

  At Roderic’s claims, the clansmen in the hall grew quiet as all eyes turned to their laird.

  “How dare ye insult our Lady!” Emrys strode forward his staff raised in the air, his eyes flashing an electric blue.

  “Roderic, ye always were a bit slow the day ye were covered in raven’s droppings; was I not in the garden with Mistress Rachel?”

  Roderic’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the druid standing on the dais, his staff glowing as though it were about to shoot lightening at any possible minute. “Aye ye were in the garden with her.”

  “And am I not here with my staff raised with the rod aimed at the heavens as we speak?’

  “Ye were not in the hall when the storm first broke old man. We both know that.”

  Roderic began fidgeting back and forth as he realized by the rising hum of the voices around him that Emrys was quickly winning over the crowd.

  “Emrys was in the room behind the dais where he always stays during the great hall meetings.” Caelan’s deep voice held a note of challenge, daring Roderic to argue.

  “My father always made ye welcome, Roderic since his blood does run in your veins. But if ye canna refrain from insulting m’wife or making her feel threatened, then ye will no longer be welcome here or anywhere upon my land. If ye’re going to act like a bastard then ye’ll be treated like one.”

  At Caelan’s words, the entire room fell silent as all eyes turning to Roderic to gage his reaction.

  The muscles of his jaw twitched as Roderic’s teeth ground in anger. His eyes narrowed as he slowly flexed the fingers of the hand closest to his sword.

  “Mark my words, Caelan when I choose to darken your hall again ’twill be to lay claim as the chieftain.”

  Drawing his sword in one smooth motion, he deftly began backing toward the rear of the hall just as Yvonna walked thru the archway. Catching the swish of her gown thru the corner of his eye, Roderic quickly sidestepped. Grabbing her up against his chest; he pressed his sword against her throat.

  “Only a coward hides behind a woman let her go Roderic!” Caelan stepped down from the dais, his knuckles whitening where he clenched the haft of his claymore.

  “Aye but I’m a live coward!” Roderic sneered as he backed farther out of the hall, dragging Yvonna as she clawed and kicked to be freed.

  “I’ve had enough of this!” Rachel’s voice rang out over the storm, echoing as though magnified by hidden loud speakers unknown to this century.

  “Rachel! Think what ye’re doing!” Emrys reached out to touch her arm, then drew back as he felt the energy thrumming around her body.

  “Release Yvonna and go in peace harm her and you will die.” Rachel moved slowly from the dais, seeming to float as she moved across the floor.

  “Ye speak bravely for one with a husband with a claymore by your side. I thank ye but I believe I’ll keep the insurance of the fair lady at m’side.”

  Roderic continued to back toward the door, hitching his arm tighter around Yvonna’s waist as he spoke.

  Her lips flattening into a firm line of disapproval, Rachel folded her arms calmly across her stomach as she tilted her head to one side.

  “Step away from him, Yvonna. He can’t hurt you.”

  Yvonna’s eyes widened in disbelief as she peered over Roderic’s arm. “Ye’ll forgive me Mistress if I have a wee bit of trouble believe’n that while the bastard has his blade at m’throat.”

  Roderic sputtered with laughter as he leaned against the archway leading out into the cobbled yard.

  “So ye are as daft as they say ye are! The violet eyed wife of the laird pretty as a picture but as empty headed as a wee bairn no wonder the man’s taken w’ye!”

  One dark eyebrow slowly rising as the only indication that Rachel had heard what Roderic had said, Caelan and Emrys both wondered if a single stone of the castle would be left standing once her temper was unleashed.

  Then ever so slowly, one corner of Rachel’s mouth slowly began curling up in a most innocent smile. It was then that Emrys and Caelan knew the standoff was over.

  “God’s Teeth!”

  Roderic threw his sword to the floor, shoving Yvonna aside. The haft and the blade glowing as though it had been placed in a forge until the steel was shimmering white hot. He bent over, cradling his hand between his knees, the burns blistering and oozing with unbearable pain.

  “Witch!” Roderic hissed as he stared up from his seared hand, his eyes filled with hatred and fear.

  “I prefer Rachel that is my name but know this Roderic, I will protect my own. Do not force my hand. Be gone from here as Caelan has said. Go in peace and live well.”

ing her back to him, Rachel started back to the dais only to find the entire clan watching her as though they were afraid she were going to turn on them at any moment.

  Hearing the slightest sound, she turned just in time to melt Roderic’s dagger in mid air right before it would’ve slid between her shoulder blades. As she melted the dagger, out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Caelan threw his claymore. Sinking it deeply into Roderic’s chest, it nearly cleaved the man in two. Now she would never have the chance to prove that she could be a benevolent laird’s wife and a gentle healing woman of the mystical ways. Fate and her husband had taken that opportunity away.

  “Better to die by the hand of a man then ta lose m’soul to a witch.” Roderic barely sputtered the words thru bloodied lips before his eyes glazed over in death’s stare.

  Standing taller as though daring any man to challenge him, Caelan’s eyes narrowed as he looked around the great hall.

  “As I look around this hall, I canna believe the fear I see reflected in the eyes of the best warriors this clan has ever seen. The MacKay Clan has ever had druid advisors to its laird and ‘tis often that the mysteries have been consulted and followed for the betterment and well being of this clan and its future. So why now, when ye see that your Laird has wed a fine wise woman from across the seas, a powerful Druidess who can protect us, why do ye shrink from her as though she carries the plague?”

  “Why did ye no tell us, Caelan?”

  A deep voice sounded from the far corner of the room. Fergus MacKay stepped forward out of the shadows, his right arm protectively encircling Yvonna’s waist.

  “Ye knew I’d passed thru the Mirrors of Time to win her and claim her as my own. The clan was aware when Emrys returned to secure the final items needed before we all returned together. Ye knew the lass returning to wed your laird was coming from another time.”

  Caelan stood closer to Rachel, pulling her against his side as he continued to speak. He tried to ignore the subtle trembling he felt running thru her body as he addressed his clan.

  Fergus stood taller as he moved closer to the center of the room, gently pulling Yvonna along with him.

  “Aye we knew your bride was coming to ye from another place in time. But we didna know she was to be as that one there.” His dark eyes narrowing, Fergus nodded toward Emrys as his jaw tightened and his fingers clenched.

  “My woman says the lady is truly lovely but canna find a single way to fit in lest she practice druidry.” A husky voice shouted from beside the hearth, talking quickly lest Caelan locate the speaker.

  “They hate me.” Rachel whispered as she clasped her hands together below her rounded belly, one lone tear rolling down her cheek.

  The sight of Rachel’s suffering searing his heart, Caelan felt his blood begin to boil.

  “I would never have believed my own clan would be so cold and unwelcoming to one who so badly needed help in fitting into a new place. I promised her that ye would welcome her with open arms and make her never regret coming here to bear my sons. Ye have shamed me and ye have shamed our bloodline I can no longer bear the sight of ye!”

  Ripping his claymore from Roderic’s body, Caelan starting swinging it around his body in a mighty circle clearing a path thru the hall as clansmen dove to miss the lethal blade.

  “Be gone from this Keep be gone from this hall and may there be a curse upon ye if I ever lay eyes upon ye again. Ye have shamed me before my wife and my unborn sons and your dishonor will be told to them as soon as they’re lifted from their mother’s womb.”

  “Caelan stop!” Rachel stood in the middle of the hall, her hands extended palms up.

  Every clansmen in the hall cringed, wondering what sort of curse the laird’s wife was about to hurl at them. The air was already crackling with the anger of the Laird, Rachel only need add a bit of tinder and the entire room would ignite into a full blown blaze of magical fury.

  “I should be the one to leave. We both know that I should never have come. They’re right I don’t belong here I thought that loving you was enough but it’s not and it never will be. Where I’m going to you cannot follow. I’ll return for the birth of our sons and then I’ll leave forever. When our sons are old enough, I’ll send them back to you and then our break will be complete after all, they’re more yours than mine they’re going to grow to be great warriors I’ve seen it.”

  Rachel stood in the middle of the room, tears flowing down her cheeks. Her chin dropping to her chest, she slowly began turning counter clockwise her arms still slightly extended with her hands palms up.

  “Rachel NO! what are ye saying?” Caelan threw his claymore to the floor and rushed to grab her by the shoulders only to be thrown across the room by an invisible force surrounding the love of his life.

  “Emrys! Stop her!”

  Picking himself up off the floor, Caelan rushed to the side of the open-mouthed wizard staring at Rachel in disbelief.

  “I cannot interfere here, m’laird. She is going to a plane where I am forbidden to even peer into for fear of death.” Emrys pursed his lips and bowed his head as he raised a shaking hand to cover his eyes.

  Rushing to get as close to Rachel as the unseen force would allow, Caelan fell to his knees, his hands raised in supplication as he looked up into Rachel’s face.

  “Don’t leave me. Ye are my heart and my life’s breath. I beg ye, Rachel.”

  “I love you this is the best for you and your clan now I must go ”

  A blinding blue white light suddenly shafted down from the heavens, totally exploding the protective orb surrounding Rachel with a myriad of glittering points of light. When the shaft suddenly disappeared and the room went dark, Rachel was gone.

  Caelan stared at the empty space where only seconds ago Rachel had stood. Still kneeling his shoulders slumped, as his hands dropped helplessly to his side.

  All were silent within the hall, watching Caelan as he sat kneeling where his wife had once stood. No one could believe she’d disappeared in the blinding blue light or fathom to where she had gone.

  Passing his hands over the stones where not moments before, Rachel’s tiny feet had been placed, Caelan pressed his forehead against the cold floor as his heart was torn in two.


  “He won’t eat. All he wants is ale. I’ll not go back in there again the last time I carried a tray of meat in there he nearly took m’head off with it!”

  Ian plopped down on a stool beside the long table lining the kitchen wall as he watched Yvonna preparing yet another tray to take before the laird.

  Rounding on the youth, her paring knife waving in one hand, Yvonna’s eyes flashed in anger as she brushed an errant curl from her eyes.

  “Ye’ll do as ye’re told and I’ll hear no more sass out of your mouth or I’ll have Fergus take a strap to your arse! ‘Tis dark times since the Lady has left the Keep and our Laird is in mortal pain.”

  Turning back to her task, she completed the meat pie tray with a flourish, arranging what she knew as Caelan’s most favorite treats.

  The man had grown drawn and haggard in the days since Mistress Rachel had left. He’d taken to locking himself up in Emrys’ library. Some say that he spent all of his days staring bleakly into the Mirrors of Time searching for the place where his Rachel had gone.

  Others said he’d merely lost his mind and sat staring into nothingness mourning the loss of his wife and unborn sons.

  The entire clan keenly felt the pain of their laird. It had escaped none of them that rather than curse them all for treating her as an outsider, Rachel had merely accepted their judgment of her and had left for the good of Caelan and his relationship with his clan.

  It had taken Yvonna to remind them all that Rachel had not been the one to kill Roderic. She had merely caused him enough pain and discomfort to make him drop his blade. Roderic’s death blow by Caelan’s claymore had been a result of Roderic’s own assault on Caelan’s wife. Would any of the men have done any less had it been the
ir wives being attacked?

  Even Fergus had hung his head in shame as he remembered his own words of accusation only moments after Roderic’s attempt on Rachel’s life and the pain and humiliation in Rachel’s lovely eyes as she watched the entire clan turning against her.

  “Now take this to your laird and shame yourself no more.” Yvonna thrust the tray into Ian’s hands as she sniffed and wiped an errant tear from her eye.

  “I’ll follow ye with this tankard of ale. Perhaps he’ll at least keep the tray in the room with him if we bring them both in together.”

  Winding their way up the cold dark steps of the tower, Yvonna and Ian both shivered as a draft seemed to whirl around them. Ever since Rachel had left, the entire castle had been cast into a dank and gloomy darkness. It was as though the castle was a dead body whose spirit had left and now all that remained was a cold empty shell. No matter how many torches were lit or how many fires were stoked in the hearths, the chill couldn’t be dispelled.

  Finally reaching the uppermost room in the north tower, Yvonna shook her head sadly at Emrys’ sitting outside the door to his own study. The old man’s chin had dropped to his chest and his hands were folded in his lap. The old yellow lab, Maizy lay in the floor at his side, her great head resting on his feet as she slept. Neither of them moved as Yvonna and Ian approached, so exhausted they were in their vigil.

  “Emrys are ye hungry?”

  Yvonna spoke softly so as not to startle the old druid. Although she couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever had to ask Emrys if he wanted one of his favorite meat pies.

  “No. I want nothing.”

  Emrys didn’t even raise his head. He just dropped his hand to Maizy’s head, to softly fondle the loyal lab’s velvety ears.

  “I’d leave him alone as well if I were you. He’s falling deeper into the madness.”

  “I told her ta leave him alone but she wouldna hear of it!” Ian bobbed his head up and down, vindicated to find someone who would believe him.

  “She said she’d return to bare the bairns. She said she’d send his sons back to him. Has he forgotten that? He must stay strong for the bairns.” Yvonna glanced at the bolted door as she spoke, half afraid Caelan would come storming thru it at any moment.


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