The Minx Miner

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The Minx Miner Page 5

by Janelle Daniels

  In fact, those things just melted away, leaving Logan, the man. But real life wasn’t that simple. “Thank you.”

  He pulled up in front of the mercantile. “I know my mother offered you several of her dresses, and you’ve said you didn’t need anything else, but why don’t you have a look around and just double-check?” He parked, jumped out of the wagon, and came to her side. “Let me help you down.”

  He reached up for her, and this time, she was ready for the shock of his touch. But instead of lingering as he sometimes did, he released her immediately.

  She really shouldn’t be disappointed. “Thank you.”

  He nodded once. “Would you like me to join you?” The offer was polite, but she knew he wanted to excuse himself.

  “No. I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “All right. But if there are any problems, scream and I’ll come for you.”

  The thought was so ludicrous all she could do was nod. “I will.”

  She stepped onto the boardwalk, and a feminine voice sounded behind her. “Mr. Walburn? I didn’t know you’d be in town today.”

  The syrupy sweet voice had Gemma turning back toward Logan and the woman who was now plastered to his side.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Miss Pollard.”

  The woman’s laugh tinkled in the air, making Gemma want to vomit. Who was she?

  “I’ve told you to call me Eliza.” The blonde woman trailed her fingers up Logan’s chest in a teasing way.

  Gemma wanted to stomp over and flick her hand away from him. Instead, she tilted her chin up. “Mr. Walburn?” Gemma raised her voice slightly to get his attention.

  His focus immediately returned to her. “Yes, Miss Watts?”

  “I’ve decided I might need assistance after all.” She hated saying it but knew it would get the other woman away from him.

  Eliza glared at her from under her lashes, but when Logan looked at her, the sugary sweet expression took over again. “Why, Mr. Walburn, I don’t believe I’ve met your new friend. Who is she?”

  Gemma stepped off the boardwalk. “She,” she said before Logan could answer for her, “is Miss Gemma Watts, and she is in need of her escort.”

  Eliza pouted and looked at Logan as if she hadn’t heard anything Gemma said.

  He sighed. “Miss Watts was the unfortunate victim of a stagecoach robbery. My mother has taken her in for the time being.”

  “Oh dear!” Eliza’s gasp was so over-the-top she could have won the lead in her old high school’s play. “It’s so like your generous mother to take her in.”

  “Yes.” He didn’t say anything more.

  “Taking on a charity case only makes me admire her more.”

  Gemma had dealt with her share of mean girls in school, but none of them could hold a candle to this chick. “I’m sorry, who are you?” Gemma finally asked, done with the entire conversation.

  Eliza’s smile turned condescending. “I’m Miss Eliza Pollard. Mr. Walburn has been courting me the last few months.”

  Gemma gasped, completely unprepared for that bit of information. Logan was courting this horrible woman who was the meanest, rudest person Gemma had ever met?

  Seeing she’d hit her target, Eliza looped her hand through Logan’s arm. “I hope you’ll tell your mother I’m looking forward to the dinner party tomorrow night. I haven’t been to your home in ages.”

  He said something that Gemma couldn’t hear. “Dinner party?” Why hadn’t Gemma heard of it?

  “Yes.” Eliza cooed. “Mrs. Walburn hosts the most exquisite parties with only the most exclusive guests.” Her eyes trailed up and down Gemma’s dirty dress, an eyebrow raising once she saw the inch of mud staining her hem. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”

  It took everything Gemma had not to unleash her tongue. There were so many things she could say, so many things she could do. But what would any of it accomplish?

  Logan had already decided this woman was worth his time. He wouldn’t be courting her otherwise. And if that was the type of woman he was interested in, there was no way someone like Gemma could make him happy.

  She could never be like Eliza, could never put anyone down or make them feel less. She’d never spend her days primping and preening or going to exclusive parties. Honestly, it sounded like the most wretched life she could imagine.

  But instead of saying any of that, she notched her chin up. “You’re right. Such things aren’t worth my notice.” She looked at Logan. “I’m afraid I was wrong. I don’t require your assistance after all.” She spun on her heel and walked into the mercantile, not once glancing behind her.

  Chapter 6

  Confused, Logan watched Gemma walk into the mercantile. What had just happened? One minute she’d been fine, then the next she’d stormed off.

  Was it because of Miss Pollard?

  The woman in question was still making cooing sounds and holding onto his arm. It took all of his patience to allow her to remain hanging onto him when all he wanted was to shake her off and be rid of her.

  He’d only courted her for his mother’s sake, but he wished more than anything to break ties with her completely.

  All her nonsense about his mother nauseated him.

  If his mother knew the things Miss Pollard said, she’d probably throw a fit as well. The most sought-after people? Like any of that mattered to his mother.

  She held those dinners for one purpose and one purpose only: to further the mine’s business. That was it. He could barely get his mother to purchase appropriate clothing let alone host large society parties. She had zero tolerance for fluff and preening.

  Why she insisted he court the ladies in town when they were all like this confounded him. She couldn’t possibly want him to marry any of them, could she?

  “I want to say again that I’m so impressed by you and your mother’s generosity. Taking in a stranger?” She gave him a doe-eyed look. “Such kindness. I’m not sure how many others would take such a risk.”

  He frowned. “What risk is there? She’s a lone woman.”

  She shrugged daintily and looked at the storefront. “She could have an ulterior motive. To steal from you perhaps? You can never be too careful.”

  He disentangled himself from her and faced her. “Miss Watts was a victim of a terrible crime. She came out west to become a mail-order bride. She knows no one, has no family here, and all of her worldly possessions have been taken. I think everyone should show a little kindness.”

  Realizing she’d made a mistake, she nodded her head enthusiastically. “Oh my goodness! I had no idea. The poor thing.” She looked back toward the mercantile with sympathy, but Logan wasn’t buying any of it.

  But instead of arguing, he only nodded.

  “But who is her fiancé? If she came here to marry someone, why isn’t he here taking care of her? Why are you seeing to her needs?” Her face still looked sympathetic, but he could hear the malice in her words.

  He gritted his teeth. “She lost his letters and can’t recall his name since they hadn’t corresponded much. That’s why we’re here today. I’m sure whoever sent for her has been looking for her.”

  “Of course! I’ll do everything I can to help. I’m sure we’ll find her groom before long.”

  He didn’t miss her smile before she left to begin her search. A part of him wanted to call her back, to tell her she’d misunderstood and there was no one waiting for Gemma.

  But it was the truth. Someone was waiting for her. Someone had sent for her and was waiting to marry her.

  And now, with Miss Pollard looking for them, Logan knew it was only a matter of time before the man in question was found.

  He wasn’t naïve. He knew he was a catch for the single women in town. They wanted his wealth and his land. And he was young and handsome enough that their lives would be easy. But he deserved so much more than that. And they did too.

  Why marry if not for love?

  He sighed, looking toward the mercantile once more
. Unfortunately, not everyone felt the same.

  He wanted to go into the shop, to beg Gemma not to marry her fiancé. But he wouldn’t do that. Instead, he turned down the street, heading for the hotel. Surely someone would know something about who was waiting for Gemma.

  And the sooner he handed her over, the sooner he’d be able to move on as well.

  Gemma stayed inside the mercantile for half an hour, pumping herself up enough to walk out of the store and possibly see Eliza again.

  Oh, Gemma understood exactly what had happened out there. Eliza had clearly already staked Logan for herself and was defending her claim.

  It had infuriated Gemma to see her next to Logan, acting as though they were so close and would only become more so.

  How could he court someone like that? Everything she thought she knew about him had to be reevaluated. How could the person she was coming to care for want someone like that? It wasn’t possible.

  But none of that should matter anyway. She’d already determined he wasn’t right for her. Why should she care if he courted someone terrible? It shouldn’t affect her at all.

  But looking at the situation logically didn’t help. She was jealous. There was no getting around it. But what could she do about it? What did she want to do about it?

  She needed fresh air to clear her mind and reevaluate what she wanted in her life.

  She waved to the shop owner and walked out the door, taking a deep breath. No matter what else was happening, she had to remember that she’d chosen to come here and find the love of her life.

  That person wasn’t Logan. So even if she was jealous, she had to get over it. Move on. Decide what she wanted to do and move toward that goal. The right man would show up at the right time, she was sure of it.

  “Miss Watts! You’re alive!”

  Startled, Gemma stopped at the edge of the boardwalk as a man ran and fell to his knees in front of her. He grabbed her hand, placing a wet kiss on the back of it as he looked up at her adoringly. “Darling, I had so despaired! I thought you’d been murdered.”

  Everyone around them had stopped and were watching them. “Um.” She tried to pull her hand away, but the man wouldn’t let her go. “I beg your pardon, but I don’t know you.”

  His face fell, then he jumped to his feet. “But, darling, you must. It’s me, Robert Blaine, your fiancé.”

  “My what?” Her voice rose. “No that’s not possible. You are certainly not my fiancé.”

  He looked at her tenderly. “I was told you didn’t remember my name. Perhaps you hit your head once you fought off the Indians and jumped from the racing carriage.”

  “After I what?” She held up her hands, warding him off. “Oh no. No, no, no.”

  He took her hand again before she could pull it out of his reach. “Yes! I heard all about your ordeal. It’s no wonder you can’t remember. Let us marry now. I’ll take you home and care for you until you remember everything.”

  He started tugging her down the boardwalk before she got her wits about her and dug in her heels. “Where are we going?”

  “To the church.”

  “I am not marrying you!”

  He didn’t release her. “Of course you are. I’m your fiancé. I’ve already explained everything.”

  She was so astounded by his arrogance she couldn’t even scream for help. She tried to talk sense into him for another moment before she jerked her arm away. “I don’t know you!”

  Another man raced over to them, pushing Mr. Blaine out of the way. “Step away from her!”

  Relief rushed through her. “Thank you, sir. There’s been a misunderstanding.”

  He tossed her a reassuring look before facing the man. “Don’t ever presume to touch my fiancée again, Robert. You won’t like what happens.”

  She choked. “Your fiancée?”

  “Sweetheart, I’ll explain later,” he said, not even glancing back at her.

  She’d had enough. “Don’t sweetheart me! I’m not your sweetheart.”

  She took a few steps backward, watching to make sure the men wouldn’t follow her, and ran into something hard. Hands reached out to steady her. “Woah there, Miss Watts.”

  Gasping, she twirled around, looking into the handsome face of another stranger. “Pardon me. I was trying—”

  “To get away from these imbeciles. I knew you’d be smart. Just like in the letters we exchanged.”

  “You’ve got to be joking!” she screeched, moving past him down the boardwalk and ignoring the men calling out to her.

  At the mercantile, she was met with another group of men pleading with her to hear them out.

  They converged on her, and her back met the wall of the building. “Step back, please.”

  They were all speaking at once, reaching out and stroking her arm or trying to take her hand as they all swore to have her letters, to love her.

  But none of them were listening to her.

  She knew there weren’t many women in town, but they’d never get anyone to agree to marry them if they behaved this way.

  She stepped away from the wall, her hands balling into fists at her side. “I said get back!”

  At her yell, the men’s declarations of love ceased, and she glared at them and the other men who flocked to her from down the street. “I want you all to hear me and understand well,” she said, her voice carrying. “I am not marrying any of you! Not today and not ever. If you think a woman wants to be accosted in the street, you sure are wrong about that. I might not remember who my fiancé is, but I guarantee he wouldn’t behave like this. And if he did? The wedding would be off!”

  She nodded once at the end of her speech, grateful she’d seemed to get through to them. But after another few seconds of silence, the men continued on as if she hadn’t spoken.

  One voice rose above the crowd. “I believe the lady has already spoken.”

  Relief coursed through her as Logan stepped through the crowd, asserting himself in front of her so she was pressed to his back.

  “As she said, she’s not marrying any of you. And if you think to harass her again, you’ll have to go through me.”

  “This doesn’t concern you, Logan! You can’t keep my fiancée from me. I have rights!”

  Sweat broke out beneath her dress as she realized one wrong move could cause a riot. How was Logan going to stop them from taking her if that’s what they really wanted?

  “Until Miss Watts finds her true fiancé, she’s under my protection. She is not to be harassed, cornered, or even spoken to unless it’s with her consent. If I hear of anyone doing something like this again, I’ll ruin you.”

  Several of the men grumbled, but then, as if realizing it wasn’t worth it, the crowd dispersed.

  Logan stood as he was, guarding her and warding away the few stragglers who looked as though they wanted to approach her again. But eventually even they must have realized it was futile and left as well.

  When Logan’s muscles finally relaxed, she sagged against him. She’d almost been taken against her will. The shock of it wove through her.

  She’d known it was dangerous coming here, but she hadn’t imagined anything like that happening.

  He turned and looked at her, quickly wrapping his arm around her. “Follow me.”

  He led her between the buildings toward the back, stopping at a shallow nook where no one would be able to see them from the street.

  She stood close to the building as he shielded her from anyone who might’ve followed. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes—I don’t know.” She was shaking. She knew the danger had passed, that everything was okay now, but she couldn’t stop the reaction. “Those men—”

  “Will never harm you. I’ll protect you.”

  She shook her head, not looking at him. “You won’t always be there. At some point, I’ll be alone again.”

  He leaned a hand against the building, using his other to tip her chin up so she’d look him in the eye. “I swear to you,
Gemma, no one will touch you without your permission, no one will ever corner you like they did today.”

  He was breathing heavily, and she could see the promise in his eyes. He would protect her no matter what the cost.

  But why did he care so much? “You can’t promise that. What if you marry soon? Your wife won’t want you looking after another single woman.” She shook her head, thinking of Eliza. “Don’t make promises you won’t be able to keep.”

  He leaned in even closer. “I swear to you. Nothing will stop me from protecting you, from coming for you. Never doubt it.”

  Her heart beat hard against her chest. He was promising her more than anyone ever had in her life. And right then, she didn’t care that he was wealthy, that he was courting Eliza. None of it mattered except that he was here and was saying things to her she’d only ever heard in her dreams. “Logan—”

  And before she could say anything more, his lips were on hers. She didn’t know if she’d reached up for him or if he’d come to her, but the moment they met, an explosion rocked within her heart.

  Never had she felt so out of control and settled at the same time. Never had she felt this kind of burning passion, this need to be connected with someone until they were one heart.

  She pulled at him, wanting him closer, wanting more. She wrapped her arms around his neck, delving into his thick, light-brown hair.

  It was like a trigger for him, and he became more aggressive, kissing her until her toes curled.

  This was what she’d always wanted. This was what she’d dreamed of, why she’d come to the past.

  He nipped her lips, and she opened for him, tasting him as deeply as he tasted her.

  He brought his hands up to hold her, one at her waist and one at the side of her neck. Changing the angle, he slowed the kiss until she felt each lick and pull all the way to her toes.

  The feelings coursing through her were too much, too overwhelming. Her eyes watered. This was right. It had to be.

  She wanted to tell him everything.

  She murmured his name, and as if it were a bucket of cold water, he sprung away from her.


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