Seducing the Defendant

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Seducing the Defendant Page 15

by Chantal Fernando

  “She’s taken, Demon,” Valentina says, wrapping her arm around me. “No matter how hot you are.” She lowers her voice and mutters, “Which is pretty damn hot.”

  I have to agree with her, the man is extremely good-looking, with his baby-blue eyes and dark hair, but I don’t feel anything when I look even him, not even that spark of attraction. Everything in me is for Jaxon only, but I can appreciate when a man is very, very handsome.

  “Just being a gentleman,” Demon responds, not fazed by Valentina’s comments one bit.

  “How considerate of you.” Valentina smirks, tucking a curl behind her ear. “I had no idea you were such a gentleman, Demon.”

  “Don’t let the name fool you,” he replies, flashing straight, white teeth. “My mama raised me right.”

  “Thank you, Demon,” I say, meaning it, the unusual name sounding foreign on my tongue.

  “That’s what I’m here for,” he says cheerfully. “To ply you both with alcohol, let you have a good night, and then safely take you home.”

  “Sounds like a good time,” Valentina replies, downing her drink. “What about you? You going to have one too many?”

  “Nope,” he replies, scanning the bar. “I’m going to be an adult and pace myself.”

  Valentina points. “Oh, look. A beautiful woman.”

  “Nice try,” he replies, barking out a laugh. “I’m surrounded by beautiful women every day. Going to need more than that to catch my eye.”

  “If you’re here, you might as well do shots with us,” she says, calling Preston over. “Can we get three shots of whatever you suggest?”

  Preston looks to me. “I know just the shot.”

  Demon flashes me a curious look, probably wondering why Preston gave me a friendly look, but I just shrug. Preston makes the shots, then slides them over to each of us. I notice mine has a little love heart on the top. Demon notices it too, and brings his narrowed eyes to Preston.

  “To new friends,” I say, lifting my shot up. We clink, then down them.

  “That was actually really delicious,” I tell Preston.

  “Thank you,” he beams, then moves on to serve another customer.

  “Someone has a crush.” Valentina grins at me. “Maybe he’ll give us free drinks from now on.”

  “Doubtful,” Demon mutters, nodding his head in tune with the music. “This place is pretty cool, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I like it. Something different,” Valentina tells him, then pulls his arm. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  The three of us stand in our own circle and dance with our drinks in hand. I smile, laugh, and just enjoy the night and the company, feeling free and wild. I see Demon pulling his phone out and sending a text, tilting his phone so no one can read what he’s typing. Maybe he’s sending out a booty call, who knows.

  “Do you want to dance?” Preston asks me, coming up behind me.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Demon tells him, coming to stand next to me. I throw him a dirty look and pull Preston aside. “I’m taken, Preston. But hey, if you want to be friends, I’d like that. I don’t have many of those.”

  “Why are all the hot chicks taken?” he asks, frowning. But then he offers me his hand. “Friends sounds good though.”

  We share a grin.

  “Is that guy your boyfriend?” he asks, nodding to Demon.

  “No,” I say, laughing. “He’s just someone I met tonight, actually.”

  “Mmmm,” he hums. “Come to the bar if you want some free drinks.”

  He walks away, and Demon and Valentina close in on me.

  “Told you,” she says, while Demon just silently broods. “You’re a babe.”

  “Look who’s talking,” I tell her, nodding to the bar. “Want some free drinks?”

  She throws her curls back and laughs. “Fuck yes, I do.”

  We twine our arms together and head to the bar, Demon scowling and following behind us.

  “YOU COULD TOTALLY BE a biker chick. You have the strength of all the women in the MC, Scarlett. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  We’re drunk, really drunk, and having deep and meaningful chats.

  I study her for a moment, wondering if she knows how much that comment means to me. Most of my life I was weak. But I’m not that person anymore. I saved myself. And Jaxon gave me my freedom back. With those two things, I’m now unstoppable, I can do anything I want and be anyone I want to be.

  “I’m so glad I met you, Valentina,” I say, resting my shoulder against hers. “I wish I had known you before, but now . . .”

  “Now works too,” she finishes for me, taking a sip of her drink. “If you need someone, I’ll be here for you, you hear me? You will never be stuck in any situation like that again. Ever.”

  I smile into my drink and nod. “No, I won’t be. But I don’t have to even consider something like that again with Jaxon in my life. He’s the most amazing man I could have ever imagined.”

  Demon makes a sound of amusement, but there’s something else in his blue eyes, almost like he agrees with me.

  “What? He is,” I tell Demon. “He treats me like a princess, except in the bedroom. Does a man get any more perfect than that?”

  Demon starts to choke on his drink, and Valentina starts slapping him on the back. “Nope, doesn’t get any better than that. I always say, respect me out of bed, but disrespect me in it.”

  We both start laughing, like she said the funniest joke in the world.

  “I’m so happy I came out tonight,” I tell her. “Jaxon was worried all the biker men would come.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I think he was jealous.”

  Demon starts chuckling, and I look at him and nod. “I know. Like he has anything to worry about.”

  Riley comes up to us and jumps on the bar counter. “We’re about to close, you three.”

  I see her eyeing Demon, and I don’t blame her. He’s a very attractive man. I wiggle my eyebrows at her, and she just starts laughing.

  “I like you, Scarlett,” she says, then leans closer to me. “Do you have any inside gossip on Hunter?”

  “The family-law guy?” I ask raising my brows. “He’s nice, but I don’t really know him. Although I can tell you he’s an excellent attorney. He was able to get all my accounts and property transferred back into my name after my dead husband stole it. Why? Do you like him?”

  “Just curious,” she murmurs, then pours herself a glass of whiskey.

  I make a drunk mental note to ask Jaxon about Hunter and Riley.

  “I think I’m going to get Jaxon to come pick me up now. I haven’t been out this late in . . .” I try to rack my brain to think of the last time I had a night out. “Jeez, I can’t even remember. So I think I’ve done well under the circumstances. Thanks again for inviting me out; I had a really good time.”

  “We have to do this again,” Valentina says, leaning her body against Demon’s. “I had a good night with you both. I need the distraction sometimes, you know?”

  “I do, trust me I know how you feel,” I tell her. “I know Jaxon was worried about me coming here, but I’m in one piece with no horror stories to tell.” I hiccup. “And I’m not that drunk. My words aren’t slurring or anything. And any time you need a distraction, or to get away, you can always come to my house. We’ll have a great time.”

  I pull out my phone and send Jaxon a quick message telling him that I’m done, and I can take a cab if he’s asleep or too tired to come get me. “I’ll have to have you over for dinner or something soon.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Jaxon responds not even a few seconds later.

  I’m on my way.

  I’m unable to hide my smile.

  I hope he’s not too tired for what I have in mind next.

  chapter 27


p; I PARK THE CAR OUT front of the bar, and just get out to go find her when I see her walking toward me with Demon and Valentina. She looks hot in her outfit, and as she gets closer I can tell she’s a little drunk by the flush in her cheeks and her lopsided smile.

  “You got here quickly,” she says, wrapping her arms around my torso and squeezing me tightly. I hug her back, thankful for her being back in my arms. I see Demon’s amusement at her comment, and choose to ignore it.

  “Well, I had nothing else to do at”—I glance at my watch—“three in the morning.”

  Scarlett giggles a little and glances up at me. “Thank you for coming to get me. I think I’m ready to be tucked into bed now.” She turns and hugs Valentina, whispering something into her ear, then Demon. I raise my brows at him as she hugs him tightly and thanks him for a fun night. He shrugs slightly at me, but then grins.


  I say ’bye to her new friends, one of them my oldest friend in the world, and open the car door for her, patiently waiting for her to get in.

  “You’re a lucky man,” Demon says to me, before wrapping his arm around Valentina.

  “You don’t need to tell me that,” I say, tapping the roof of my car before sliding in. I turn to Scarlett, who already has her eyes on me. “Good night?”

  She nods twice. “I wasn’t so sure at the start, I felt really out of place, and it was a little intimidating, but I’m glad I stuck it out. It ended up being a really good night. I’m glad I went, I need to be pushed out of my comfort zone sometimes, you know?”

  I start the car as I say, “I’m glad you had a good time in the end.”

  “I did,” she assures me, placing her hand on my thigh. I pull out of the parking lot and start taking us back to my place. I can feel her gaze still on me, so I glance at her. From the look in her eyes, I know she’s in a bit of a mood, and the way she bites her lower lip only validates that. She wants some dick. Mine, to be exact. And she wants it now. I pretend I don’t notice all of this, flash her a smile, and return my attention to the road, both hands on the steering wheel. From the corner of my eye I see her shift in the seat a few times, suddenly uncomfortable, and I know exactly why. I turn on some music, the sounds filling the car but not easing the building tension. I know she’s decided to take matters into her own hands when she moves closer to me, as much as she can with her seat belt still on, and presses a kiss onto my neck. I grit my teeth, wishing we were already home so I can have my way with her. She’s not the only one feeling this way, especially after waiting up for her ass all night, hating the fact she was surrounded by fucking bikers.

  “Jaxon,” she murmurs, breathing onto my skin.

  “Yes?” I reply, keeping my eyes on the road. There’s no way I’d allow myself to lose concentration and put us in danger by crashing this car.

  Another kiss to my neck.

  She turns my head slightly toward her so she has access to my lips, kissing me softly at first, than deeper, her tongue peeking out to taste me. I want to take control, grab her face in my hands and devour her lips, but I can’t, so I allow her to kiss me how she wants while I continue to drive. I stifle a moan as her fingers move to my zipper, undoing the button of my jeans, then sliding the zipper down. I’m not wearing anything underneath because I was lying in bed naked when she called and just threw something on quickly to come get her, so it’s easy access for her to take my cock out. She glances at me before stroking it a few times, then lowers her head.


  I don’t move my eyes from the road as she takes my hard length into her mouth, deeper, deeper, all the way to the back of her throat, then makes a humming noise, a noise of pleasure, like she likes what she’s doing.

  There is nothing sexier than that to me.

  “Fuck,” I grit out between clenched teeth, the pleasure hitting me with each swipe of her tongue, each suck, as the woman drives me crazy. A moment later, I mutter “Fuck” again, but this time for a different reason. As I see the lights on, I quickly tell her, “Baby, stop. A cop is behind us.”

  She lifts her head and wipes her mouth. “What?”

  “Don’t look,” I tell her, amusement in my tone. She sits back in her seat and stares forward, her body straight and stiff like we’re both about to get arrested. I quickly do up my jeans, wincing as my still-hard cock is shoved away under the denim, and pull over. I roll down my window and wait patiently for the officer. When I see him walking toward the car, I realize I know the man. He was the first officer called in for a case I was working on, and I had to write down his testimony to use in court. He can probably guess what was going on in here, whether he actually says anything about it is another situation though. Scarlett looks like she’s about to have a panic attack, so I reach over and give her my hand. She has nothing to worry about. Has she forgotten already what I do for a living? This is nothing. I can talk my way out of anything. It’s late and the officer is probably bored and making sure I’m not drunk driving. That, and he probably noticed Scarlett bobbing on my lap, but it’s really his word against mine. For fuck’s sake, I’ll say she lost her earring or some shit.

  Officer Carlton’s eyes widen when he sees me. “Jaxon Bentley. How the hell are you?”

  “Good, thanks,” I reply, smiling. “How are you? How’re the wife and kids?”

  “All good,” he glances into my passenger seat, flashing a tiny flashlight at Scarlett. “You two on your way home from a night out?”

  “She is,” I say, nodding toward her. “I just went to pick her up.”

  “You haven’t had anything to drink?” he asks, and I shake my head. I can tell that he considers giving me a Breathalyzer test, but decides not to. I appreciate that.

  He nods once and steps back. “All right, get home safely you two.”

  “Thank you,” I say, waiting until he walks away before continuing on.

  I look to Scarlett, whose hand is now on her chest, which is heaving up and down. “Holy crap.”

  I bring her hand to me and kiss her fingers. The car is still filled with tension, although it’s different now because it’s mixed with her shock. After a few seconds, I see her shoulders relax.

  “We’re almost home,” I tell her, turning onto my street.

  “A cop nearly caught me with your dick in my mouth,” she whispers, eyes going wide.

  I grin and park in my driveway, turning the car off and getting out. I move to walk around and open her door, but she’s already out and coming over to me. When she jumps into my arms and kisses me, I catch her and press her against the car. I never know how she’s going to react sometimes, and I’m not going to lie, I like seeing what she’ll do next. There was a chance she wouldn’t want to start where we left off after that, but here she is, tongue in my mouth and nails running down my back over my thin cotton T-shirt.

  “I missed you tonight,” she says against my lips, and I can taste the alcohol on her, mixed with mint.

  “I can see that,” I mutter, moving my lips down her neck. The moaning noise that leaves her pouty lips makes me rock-hard again, and I find myself lifting her in one arm and heading for the front door. With my other hand I unlock the door and push it open, closing and locking it before dropping her on the first place I come across, which happens to be the couch. I get down on my knees and lift her long skirt up, sliding the silky material over her skin. I spread her legs apart and slide down her white lace panties. I lift my head to make sure she’s watching me before I pull her ass toward me and bury my face in her pussy, my tongue diving into her, licking, sucking, and devouring.

  “Jaxon,” she moans, and I love hearing my name come out of her pretty mouth, I love her knowing who she belongs to.

  I belong to her, too.

  chapter 28


  I WAKE UP EARLY, MY head hurting a little bit, but nothing too badly. I slide out of bed, brush my
teeth, and drink some water, all while replaying the night’s events in my head. I decide to thank him by waking him up in the best way possible. I slowly lift up the sheet and crawl under it, then kiss down his stomach, his hip, and then his inner thighs before taking him into my hands and gently stroking. Even asleep he gets hard, and I know the second he wakes because his hands tangle in my hair, and he says, “Good morning, beautiful,” in a husky tone filled with sleep. I smile against his dick then take it into my mouth, twirling my tongue around and over it, teasing him a little more. I love the taste of him, the feel of him. Taking him deep into my mouth just like I did last night in the car, I hollow my cheeks and suck as hard as I can, rising and lowering my lips on him. When he comes in my mouth, I swallow every drop without even thinking about it, and then lift my head and smile at him.

  “Good morning,” I say, then climb up and lay on top of him. His arms come around me straightaway.

  “And what a good morning it is,” he murmurs, kissing the top of my head. “That was amazing, baby.”

  I smile to myself and close my eyes. “Glad you enjoyed it. I was going to go make us some breakfast but I don’t see myself moving from this spot for a long time.”

  His arms tighten around me. “I don’t see you moving from this spot, either.” He sighs, and rubs his fingers down my bare back. “So since you had a good time last night, does that mean you’re going to be traipsing voluntarily back into an outlaw motorcycle clubhouse?” he asks in a dry tone.

  My lip twitches as I reply. “I like them, Jaxon. And you saw, I was safe No one made me feel uncomfortable in any way, no one tried to hit on me.”

  Except maybe Preston, but I can’t even take him seriously.

  “Someone stayed with me for the whole night, mainly Valentina. I played some beer pong with Demon on my team, and he even drank some of the beer for me because I knew I wouldn’t be able to drink so much of it without throwing up.”

  “He did, did he?” he murmurs, sounding a little curious.


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