Eyes Wide Open

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Eyes Wide Open Page 15

by Lucy Felthouse

  Those people didn’t matter anyway, not now. The people who did matter had supported her all along and were pleased for her.

  Which reminded her… She was due to go home at the weekend and work had been so crazy that she still hadn’t booked her train tickets. Navigating away from images of baubles and snow-covered fields, she went onto her preferred rail travel website and began inputting her details. As she did so, she smiled at the thought of seeing her family. It had been a while, and although they understood that she was busy, she was way overdue a visit. Some girly time with her mum and some time out walking the dog with her dad was definitely on the cards. She could hardly wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Leaving the clothing store and heading back into the heaving crowds in Birmingham’s Bullring shopping center, Fiona glanced at her watch, then turned to her mother. “Want to go and grab some lunch? I could do with a break, a drink and something to eat.”

  Caroline Gillespie nodded to her daughter. “Sounds like a plan, chick. Nando’s?”

  Twenty minutes later, having battled through the throngs of people with their many shopping bags, the two women were seated in the restaurant, had placed their order and were supping at the drinks that had just been brought to their table.

  “Ahh,” Fiona said with satisfaction, putting the glass of sparkling flavored water back down on the table. “That’s better. All that shopping has made me totally parched.”

  Her mother smiled. “I’d have thought you’d be competing at Olympic level by now—having all those amazing shops on Oxford Street and whatnot nearby.”

  Chuckling, Fiona shook her head. “You’re having a laugh, aren’t you? I don’t have all that much time for shopping back in London, which is just as well, really. There’s too much temptation… I’d spend a fortune!”

  “Sounds like the job’s still keeping you busy. I hope you’re getting some time to yourself, though, to relax. I know you’ve got your eye on a promotion, but you don’t want to burn yourself out.”

  “I know, Mum.” Fiona returned her mother’s smile. “And don’t worry, I am getting time away from work. Weekend work is once in a blue moon—if something major is happening—and I put in reasonable hours the majority of the time. But yeah, I’m flexible because I want them to know how keen I am on progressing.”

  “So what do you do to relax? Do you still see your old flatmates?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely. Not as much as we’d all like, unfortunately, due to clashing schedules, but as often as we can. Mostly I chill out in my room, reading, watching TV and films. Friday nights I generally go out into town with a bunch of work colleagues. I go running in Hyde Park, sometimes alone, sometimes with a colleague or two. I go to the cinema, the theater. I’m working my way through London’s tourist attractions, the museums, art galleries and so on, though I’m seriously beginning to think I could live in London for the rest of my life and still not manage to see all it has to offer. Once you’ve checked all the obvious places off the to-visit list, you get down to the quirky museums, random ruins and stuff farther away from the center of town.”

  Nodding thoughtfully, Caroline replied, “It sounds wonderful, darling. I’m glad you’re making the most of the opportunity. So,” she continued, way too casually for her words to actually be casual, “no boyfriend yet, then?”

  “Mum!” Fiona said, exasperated. “Were you not listening to a word I just said about how busy I am and what I get up to in my spare time?”

  “I was listening, darling, and I couldn’t help but think that the vast majority of those outside-of-work activities could easily, and indeed preferably, be enjoyed with someone else. So you go to the cinema and theater alone, do you? Visit museums and art galleries by yourself?” Caroline’s eyebrows were raised, and her tone bordered on sarcastic.

  “Sometimes, yes,” Fiona replied, defensively, folding her arms. “But like I said, I go out with friends or colleagues, okay? No boyfriend.” Well, she wasn’t lying. She hadn’t gotten around to going anywhere with James and Logan yet, and even if she had, she wasn’t sure she could put a label on their relationship. She certainly wasn’t going to mention them to her mother. How could she?

  I may not have a boyfriend, Mother, but I do have two gorgeous, successful men who are in a long-term relationship with each other and stay in the hotel on a fairly regular basis. And the last two times they’ve been in town, I’ve shared their bed. Oh, and they’re also into BDSM, have taught me the basics, decided I’m a switch—which means that sometimes I like to be dominant and other times submissive—and are going to take me to a fetish event next time they’re in London. How’s that for a relationship status?

  Shrugging, Caroline said, “All right, all right. No need to get snappy about it. I’m just checking, darling. I only want you to be happy. Though,” she said quietly, as though her words weren’t really intended for her daughter’s ears, “I still think you’re holding out on me.” She picked up her drink and took a sip, glancing around as if to see if their meal was on its way.

  “I am happy, Mum,” Fiona replied, deciding to ignore her mum’s last sentence. After all, it had been muttered, so it was perfectly reasonable to draw the conclusion that Fiona hadn’t heard it, and therefore didn’t need to respond to it. “I love my job, living in the hotel is great. I mean, come on. I’ve got world-famous restaurants and spas at my fingertips, my colleagues are great, both in terms of work and going out on the town, and exploring London is awesome. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. But when I have someone I’m serious about, Mum, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Ah-hah!” Caroline said, way too loudly, drawing glances from the tables nearby. “So there is someone. You’re just not sure if you’re serious about him yet!”

  Shit. Dropping her head into her hands, Fiona groaned, then straightened up and looked her mother in the eyes. “That’s not what I meant, Mum. I just don’t see the point in letting you know every time I go out on a date, or for a drink or a coffee with someone. I could mention someone to you, and yet never see them again because there was no chemistry or whatever. Wouldn’t you rather I waited to tell you about someone who’s actually important, who I might bring home to meet you at some point? Or would you prefer I told you about every single man that so much as smiles at me?”

  “Of course not.” Now it was Caroline’s turn to be defensive. “I’m just interested, that’s all. You don’t want to tell me things? I can’t make you. Now, I think we ought to change the subject before we end up having an argument.”

  Thank fuck for that.

  “Okay, Mum. Sorry.” She reached across the table and squeezed her hand, giving a placating smile.

  “Hmph. I’m sorry too, I suppose.”

  They were saved from any further groveling—or arguing—by the arrival of their food. Thanking the waiter, the two women began eating in silence, both apparently glad of the opportunity to let their irritation wane before attempting further conversation.

  “So!” Fiona said brightly, as they picked up their shopping bags once more and prepared to head back into the bedlam of the shopping center. “Where next? I could still do with a couple more outfits for work. What about you?”

  “I don’t mind, sweetheart. Wherever you like. I’m just enjoying spending time with you.”

  Way to make me feel guilty, Mum. Worst daughter ever, or what?

  Smiling, she said instead, “Me too, Mum. I know I don’t get home often enough. But you and Dad should totally come down to London at some point. Maybe before Christmas, so you can do your shopping, see the city in all its pretty lights and decorations, possibly go ice skating at Somerset House or the Natural History Museum?”

  “Oh, yes, that sounds like a fabulous idea. Though”—she frowned—“I don’t think we’ll be able to stay in the Totally Five Star. It’s a little out of our price range.”

  Giggling, Fiona nodded. “I know, Mum. Don’t worry, I wasn’t expecting you to. My staff di
scount isn’t that good! Maybe once I’m running the place”—she tipped her mother a wink to show she was joking—“I’ll treat you and Dad to a weekend there. But for now, a cheap hotel will have to do. It won’t matter, anyway. London’s a big place, but the Tube makes it small. As long as you’re staying somewhere pretty central, you can be anywhere within twenty minutes or so. I sometimes find it takes as long to get to a Tube station as it does to get to your final destination. You should ask Charlie if he wants to come, too. Make a real family thing of it.”

  “Ask him yourself later, darling.” Caroline checked her watch. “He should be at home right about now.”

  “Oh, seriously?” Fiona let out a little squeal. As long as it had been since she’d seen her parents, it had been longer still since she’d seen her brother, who was away up north in York at university. “He’s home this weekend? You kept that one quiet!”

  “I know.” Her mother grinned. “We did it deliberately. We wanted it to be a surprise. It’ll be nice to have all four of us in the same place at the same time, won’t it?”

  “Absolutely! Come on, let’s go and get the rest of these shops tamed, so I can go and see my troublesome little brother.”

  “It’s a good excuse to buy a non-work outfit, too—we’re going out for dinner tonight.”

  “Even better.” Hoisting her handbag higher onto her shoulder and gripping her purchases more tightly, she galvanized herself. “Right, let’s get on with it, then.”

  * * * *

  “I love it,” Charlie said the following morning as they walked the family dog, a cocker spaniel called Maverick, in the park near their childhood home. It was the first chance they’d had to chat alone since he’d arrived the previous afternoon, and Fiona had mentioned the London-before-Christmas plan. “Actually, it could take a weight off our minds.”

  “It could?” Fiona frowned, then exclaimed as she almost fell over Maverick, who’d stopped dead to sniff something in their path. Giving his tail an affectionate wiggle to chivvy him along, she said, “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you know how Mum and Dad are a complete nightmare to buy presents for?”

  Groaning, she replied, “Don’t I ever!”

  “Well, if they’re going to be in London, maybe rather than buying them a physical present, we could treat them to an experience. Maybe a night at the theater or a posh dinner—or both. Or…” He tailed off, thinking. “Afternoon tea at a nice hotel, a visit to a spa?”

  “Hmm, I like your thinking, Char. Though we’ll have to make our minds up. I’m pretty sure the present-buying budget of a student and a lowly PR assistant won’t stretch to the theater, a meal, afternoon tea and a spa visit.”

  “You’re right there, sis. But they’re just ideas. Maybe the afternoon tea would be a good one. Does your place do them? And is your staff discount considerable enough to make it a viable option?”

  “Possibly. But I could see about pulling in some favors, perhaps. It might not work out, but I can certainly give it a go. Besides”—she waved a hand dismissively—“we’ve got ages to figure it out. Christmas isn’t for months yet. It just came up because of a conversation Mum and I were having yesterday.”

  “Let me guess… The one about not seeing you enough?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Yeah, I get it too. Funny, isn’t it, how we get on so much better with our parents when we’re not living in their house any longer? And we get on better with each other, too.”

  Smirking, Fiona said, “Not really. You know what they say… You can choose your friends, but not your family.”

  “Hey!” Charlie said, mock-punching Fiona’s arm. “That’s not nice!”

  “I’m kidding, little bro. Just kidding.” Reaching out, she ruffled his hair, making him protest all the more and indignantly brush the mop back into place. “I wouldn’t change you guys for anything.”

  Though you might not feel the same about me when you find out I’m bedding two blokes at once. Literally.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  With her tote bag slung over her shoulder, Fiona strode through the back hallways of the Totally Five Star, heading for the staff-only exit to the street. She wore regular clothes—her fetish gear stashed in the bag—but she still preferred not to bump into anyone so she didn’t have to lie about where she was going.

  It had all happened pretty quickly. The previous evening, she’d received a phone call from Logan, letting her know he and James were coming into town for a last-minute meeting on Friday morning and had brought forward some other meetings to make their time in town more productive. They were free on Friday evening, however, and wanted to take her to another fetish event—at a different place, this time, given that the event they attended last time wasn’t on again for another couple of weeks.

  She’d coolly agreed—though inside she was pumping her fists and grinning like a fool at the thought of seeing James and Logan again.

  Now she was sneaking out of the building like a kid skipping curfew, ready to slip into the limo that she’d been assured was waiting for her right next to the staff entrance.

  Taking a deep breath, she pushed at the door, her heart pounding. Anticipation and excitement rushed through her, but she arranged her face into a neutral smile as she stepped outside.

  She’d barely closed the door behind her when the driver scurried around the vehicle and opened the back door to let her in. James and Logan were likely inside the car already, but they were so aware of Fiona getting into trouble for being seen with them that they wouldn’t help her into the car themselves. She didn’t mind, because she knew they were doing it for her benefit—it didn’t make a difference to them who they were seen with, after all. The Totally Five Star was hardly going to turn guests away for sleeping with the staff, particularly as they subscribed to the ethos that the customer was always right.

  Thanking the driver, Fiona slid carefully into the car—a task made much easier by the fact that she was wearing jeans and flat shoes. No danger of tripping up or accidentally flashing her underwear. Not that James and Logan would have minded the latter, she was sure.

  “Hi,” she said, still keeping a lid on her excitement as she turned to the men, who sat opposite each other on the leather seats running the length of the vehicle. She’d settled onto the shorter seat that went across the width of the limo.

  “Hi,” they said in unison, then glanced at each other, grinning. The spark, the chemistry between them was hugely apparent in that moment, and Fiona felt both turned on by thoughts of the two of them together and slightly left out. A third wheel, as it were.

  She shoved the idea to the back of her mind, chastising herself for being stupid. Of course things were going to be different between the two of them than they were with her. They were in love with each other, for heaven’s sake, and in a long-term relationship. She was just someone lucky enough to share their bed once in a while, have a bit of fun with them.

  When they turned their attention back to her, she wriggled in the seat, the intensity of their twin stares making her self-conscious and feeling not unlike the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. Or, perhaps more accurately, like prey in a showdown with two predators—two strong, virile predators. Damn, she wouldn’t even run. She’d give herself over to them willingly any day of the week.

  “It’s great to see you, sweetheart,” Logan said, sliding along the seat so he was closer to her. James did the same on the other side. “And I very much look forward to seeing what treats are in store in that bag of yours.”

  “Well…” she began, her cheeks heating. “I’m afraid it won’t be much of a surprise. It’s the schoolgirl outfit. It’s the only fetish gear I’ve got, and given that you only called last night, I haven’t had a chance to buy anything else. I didn’t even know, after last time, whether I’d get the opportunity to wear this again.”

  Both men grinned widely, making her wriggle again.

  “Personally,” James said, leaning back
in the seat and giving her an appraising look, “I don’t see a problem with this. You’d look gorgeous in a bin liner, my darling. You look gorgeous now. So if you want to wear a next-to-nothing PVC get-up, you’ll hear no complaints from me, whether you’ve worn it before or not!” Pressing a hand to his denim-covered crotch, he appeared to rearrange himself. “In fact, my cock’s getting hard just thinking of you dressed up like that, with those sexy pigtails, long socks and geeky glasses.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Logan added. “Plus, you hardly got chance to show the outfit off last time. So it’s almost like starting over, isn’t it?”

  He didn’t mention the fact that it had mainly been his fault that she hadn’t gotten the opportunity to show her outfit off, but he was clearly trying to make amends now, so she decided not to say anything, either.

  “Absolutely,” she said, nodding. “It’s barely been seen—except at our private party, of course.” She glanced at the two men, gauging their reaction to her words. As they both continued smiling and sported growing bulges between their legs, she knew she’d had the desired effect—giving them a big fat reminder of the kinky fun they’d gotten up to the last time she’d dressed that way.

  “Of course,” Logan purred. “And what a wonderful private party it was.” He grinned, his perfect teeth glinting. “James and I are actually going shopping. We need to replace a couple of bits and pieces, so we’d love for you to join us, if you’re free tomorrow or Sunday.”

  Shrugging in what she hoped was a nonchalant fashion, Fiona replied, “Yeah, sure, why not?” Did this mean they wanted her to go to fetish events with them on a more regular basis? She hoped so.


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