Heart of a Stripper

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Heart of a Stripper Page 2

by Harris, Cyndi

  “This is Nevaeh Sky.” Hillary replied walking over to her, and placing a hand on her shoulder. “Nevaeh this is the principal of this fine school, Mitchell McCallister.”

  “Thanks.” Mitchell choked out. “Um—I have your schedule here.” He replied, grabbing the slip of paper with all of her itinerary on it.

  Hillary frowned, as she watched him fumble with the schedule before he handed her the paper. She had never seen him act so—strange in the whole year she worked for him. He was always so friendly to the kids, going above and beyond to break the ice and make them feel welcome.

  “Have a good day.” He said, sitting down.

  “Is that it?” Nevaeh asked, grabbing the paper.

  “Yup, have a good day.” He repeated, nervously.

  “That color really brings out your eyes.” She winked.

  She saw all the color bleed from his face and found it amusing. Nevaeh chuckled as she got up and sauntered out of the office.

  “Are you ok?” Hillary asked, as he plopped down in his seat.

  “What?” he asked, looking up to her obviously spaced out.

  “Are you ok?” she repeated, slower this time.

  “Fine.” He smiled fakely. “Just—you’re dismissed.”

  Frowning, she turned and left him alone in the room. The moment she closed the door, he grabbed his cell phone and dialed Adam. After a few rings, he answered.

  “Mr. Pussy whipped, what’s up?” he heard, Adam laugh on the other end.

  “Adam I need to talk to you, like right now.” He insisted, seriously.

  “You piss Kate off again already?” Adam replied, sarcastically.

  “No! This is serious.” He replied, whispering into the phone.

  “What is it?” Adam asked, intently.

  “The stripper from the club—”

  “Oh my God, you’re still talking about her? Dude, you didn’t cheat so what’s the problem? It’s not like you’re going to see her again.” Adam said bluntly.

  “That’s just it. She just walked into my office a minute ago.” He explained.

  “Wait, what?! Is she stalking you?” Adam asked seriously now.

  “No, she’s my new student.” Mitchell barked.

  Adam went quiet for a moment and Mitchell waited for a reaction. No more than a minute later, Adam had erupted into a ball of laughter.

  “It’s not fuckin’ funny. I’m going to go to jail or something! I’m like a pedophile.” Mitchell insisted.

  “Dude, re-lax! You didn’t sleep with her, and all you got to do is keep your distance. I got to get going. Call me later.” Adam replied, hanging up.

  Sucking in a breath, Mitchell tried to stay calm. Opening the file, he began reading everything about Nevaeh. The first thing that stood out was the fact that she was eighteen. That made him feel a little better. She was a senior, and a straight A student. She deserved to be in his honors program. Frowning, learning that only put a billion questions in his head. Why she was a stripper of all things was the first one to jump out.

  Maybe Adam was right, there was no reason to fear the girl. So what if they played a little tonsil hockey, that didn’t mean a damn thing. He had no clue she was only eighteen, and it was at a mutual place for Christ sakes. She knew how old he was and still insisted on seducing him. Nothing more had to come of the situation. He was determined to keep it professional, just like any other relationship he had with his students.

  A few hours had passed and Mitchell had gone on with his daily routine. Looking at his watch, he saw it was almost twelve. Taking a lunch break wasn’t really his thing unless he was going to check on a few students. Yawning, he stretched as he heard a knock on the door. Looking up, he saw the door open slightly before Kate slipped into the room. She was bleached blonde, with brown eyes that was covered by dark Gucci shades. Her lips were full from Botox, and were sporting a bright red lipstick. She had on a black pea coat and her hair was swept back in a bun. She was a model who was working hard to be well known. He smiled brightly as she closed the door behind her. Getting up, he walked over to her and went for a hug, but she gave him her cheek instead.

  Kissing it, he swallowed as she walked past him to his desk. She was carrying a Louis Vuitton bag that he’d brought her over the weekend. Checking his desk, she saw her headshot sitting there in a frame. She’d given it to him for his birthday a few months earlier and demanded he put it in his office. She wanted everyone to know that he belonged to her. Taking her sunglasses off, she looked over to him.

  “Did you come to have lunch with me?” he smiled slightly.

  “No.” she scoffed curt, as she shook her head. “I need to borrow your credit card.”

  “But I got you your own.” He insisted as his smile dropped.

  “Mines are maxed.” She replied nonchalantly. “Give me yours.” She said holding out her hand.

  “You maxed out two credit cards?!” he asked a bit ticked off.

  “We’re having the wedding of the century. Not the month, not the year, the century!” she shouted. “So in order for me to get everything perfect I need money.” She barked.

  “Kate I’m not giving you—” he cut himself short as she pouted.

  He hated seeing her frown in any way. It was his biggest pet peeve to disappoint her. If Adam were there, he would’ve flat out called him a pussy.

  “Don’t pout.” He insisted rushing over to her.

  “I just want us to have the perfect wedding.” She sniffled, as he pulled her into his arms.

  “I know pumpkin.” He replied, kissing her cheek.

  Another knock on the door startled them and she grumbled as he let her go and rushed over to open it. Standing there was Nevaeh. She was being escorted by Mr. Porter, the physical education teacher. The look on her face was pure anger and he knew something happened.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Ms. Sky thought it would be fitting to slam the volley ball into Crystal Meyers’ nose, nearly breaking it.” Mr. Porter replied, irate.

  “It’s not like it sounds.” Nevaeh insisted, rolling her eyes.

  Mitchell looked over at her and let out a strangled breath, hoping what she said was true.

  “The poor girl is bleeding in the nurse’s office.” Mr. Porter interjected.

  “Thanks. I’ll handle this.” He replied, pulling her into the office.

  “You.” Closing the door, he pointed to a chair. “Sit.”

  Kate eyed Nevaeh as she did what she was told. Looking up, they caught eyes and Kaitlin sneered at her. Nevaeh chuckled before blowing her a sarcastic kiss as if to say “Kiss my ass”. Mitchell walked over to Kate and pulled out his wallet.

  “You need to get your delinquents under control.” She snapped.

  “She’s not a delinquent.” He mumbled.

  He hated when peopled talked so ill of the youth because he felt there was always a reason for their behavior.

  “Here.” He said handing her his black card.

  She smiled gleefully as she tucked it in her purse.

  “See you at home.” She retorted.

  “I love you.” He replied.

  He went for a hug again, but she kept her distance and gave him an invisible peck on the cheek. Nevaeh watched in awe as Kate walked passed her. Sneering at Nevaeh again, Kate rolled her eyes before disappearing. Closing the door behind her, Mitchell stared at Nevaeh with a disappointed glare before sitting on his desk.

  “Tell me what happened.” He insisted staring at her intently.

  “That was your fiancée?” she asked, dodging his question.

  “That’s not the subject.” He asserted.

  “It is to me.” She responded.

  Sighing, he closed his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew this game all too well, and knew him answering her would ultimately get her to answer him. Nodding, he answered her just like she wanted.

  “How did a nice guy like you end up with a bitch like her?” she asked.

  “She’s not a bitch. Be nice.” He insisted, looking at her again.

  “Ok.” She replied humoring him.

  It was apparent by the way she was dressed, and by her attitude that his fiancée was a stuck up, gold digging bitch. It was unbeknownst to her on how they had fallen in “love”. But she was damn sure getting all of his money without him putting up a fight.

  “So what happened with the girl you put in the nurse’s office?” he asked seriously.

  “She tried to haze me. I don’t accept bullying, so I promptly aimed the volley ball at her face during my spike.” She said truthfully.

  “She tried to bully you?” he tsked. “Normally I would have to call you parents for this, but being that you’re new I’ll let it slide.”

  Shifting in her seat, she was happy to hear that.

  “So how are you a principal so young?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Why are you a stripper at your age?” he snapped back in a whisper.

  Frowning, she let a tiny smile tease her lips.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just I read your file. You’re way too smart to be in a dump like that.” He retorted.

  “Thanks, but like I told you before the money’s good.” She replied looking away from him.

  Letting her eyes wander around the room, she saw all of his trophies and plaques. There was a diploma from Harvard and she smiled knowing he was really a smart guy. Book wise anyway because with women he seemed to suck.

  “Worked hard to be where I am, but in all honesty my father started this school because he knew I wanted to be involved with kids. I only took over last year when it actually opened.” He answered.

  “So, when are you getting married?” she asked trying to change the subject.

  He noticed she liked to do that when she was uncomfortable. Knowing how to roll with the punches, he went right along with her to the next topic.

  “On Christmas.” He replied.

  “Seriously? How cliché is that?” she smiled. “You don’t peg me as that type of guy.”

  “And what type of guy is that?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

  “A “show stopper”.” She replied putting her fingers up to do the quotes.

  “Show stopper? As in thinking it’s all about me?” he asked skeptical.

  “Mm hmm.” She replied nodding.

  “And what makes you so sure I’m not?” he smiled.

  That smile radiated all the way to her because she smiled in return.

  “Because you’re sweet.” She smiled. “Too bad I haven’t found that in a guy my age.” She replied rolling her eyes.

  “Boys should be the least of your worries right now. Nevaeh, you’re smart. Very smart, I’m gonna put you in some honors classes.” He replied getting up and walking back behind his desk.

  Clicking his computer, he pulled up the honor’s classes and started to put her name on the list.

  “No!” she protested. “I don’t want that!”

  He looked up to her, all while frowning in confusion.

  “Why not? You’re way too smart to be in ordinary classes.” He insisted.

  “I just—I want to be normal for a change, and try to fit in. This is my senior year and already I’m proving I’m not a push over.” She scoffed.

  “Nevaeh…” he said in a warning tone.

  She pouted and he sighed. He was always such a sucker when it came to a female pouting.

  “Fine, I won’t sign you up.” He replied and she smiled brightly. “For now.” He added, and her frown returned.

  “But I want you to think about it. It’s a really good opportunity for you.” He insisted, sitting down at his desk.

  “Fine.” She agreed.

  “Now go back to class, and behave—please.” He pleaded with puppy dog eyes and a smile.

  “For you, I will.” She replied, as if she was angelic.

  “Thank you.” He mouthed without actually saying the words.

  Nodding, she got up and left the office. Mitchell smiled to himself as he realized Adam had been right. There was no reason for things to be weird between them. She was an ordinary teenager, that just so happened to have a very unpleasant night job. One he despised. There was no way in hell he was going to let her throw away her bright future to become a stripper.

  Chapter Three

  Mitchell grabbed his things and headed out of his office. Being that he was the last one to leave as always, he had to make sure everything was locked up at the school. He rushed to the exits and checked before throwing on his coat and leaving. He had a date with Kaitlin, so there was no way he could be late. If he happened to turn up late, he was sure she would tear him a new asshole. That was something he couldn’t afford, especially after the whole weekend debacle. She went M.I.A. and hadn’t returned his phone calls until he wooed her with flowers, candy and a shopping spree none the less.

  Heading out into the empty dark parking lot, he hustled to his black Mercedes. Looking at his watch, he saw that he had just enough time to get to the restaurant on time. Shivering, he took a huge breath and saw it in front of him. It was damn sure freezing, but he wasn’t surprised because it was mid-December. Opening the car door, he slid into the driver’s seat before turning on the engine. Cranking up the heat, he flipped on the radio and pulled off. Rolling down the street, he stopped at a light and stared out of the window. To his surprise, he saw Nevaeh standing on the corner.

  She was at a bus stop.

  Frowning, he rolled his window down after honking. Looking over, he saw her grimacing before she recognized him. A smile immediately found her face as she trotted over to the car. Leaning over, she looked into his car and nodded.

  “Nice, you must make a lot of money as a principal to have custom made leather seats.” She teased knowing that teachers and principals didn’t make a heap of money.

  “Where are you headed?” he asked looking at the light that was still red.

  “Work.” She simply said, holding up the duffle bag that must’ve obviously held her change of clothes.

  Shooting her a glance, she could see the annoyance on his face. She shivered as they continued to talk. The wind was ripping past her and the tiny jean jacket she had on damn sure wasn’t enough to keep her warm. The cold wasn’t something she was used to. Growing up in Florida, it was always more warm than cold.

  “You shouldn’t be standing at a bus stop this late. Especially alone.” He snapped.

  “Well, I don’t have a car yet, and I’m new in town remember? I don’t have big bad bodyguards to escort me around.” She chuckled.

  She could tell by the look on his face that he was embarrassed to have her leaning over into the car.

  “What’s wrong Mr. McCallister? Afraid people will think you’re picking up an underage prostitute?” she giggled.

  “That’s not funny!” he shouted looking over at her.

  It was obvious that that was the issue. He was blushing and obviously embarrassed to be in the situation at hand.

  “Well I’m hardly a child.” She scoffed, looking away. “I’m eighteen, and my birthday’s right around the corner.”

  “Shouldn’t you be doing homework or something?” he asked gripping the steering wheel.

  “Nope, finished what I had already.” She insisted, as they heard a honk.

  Looking up, he saw the light had already turned green and he was holding up the two cars behind him.

  “Get in.” he ordered softly.

  “I don’t want to be a burden.” She replied seriously.

  “I’m not leaving you out here to freeze to death, and have God knows what happen to you.” He retorted looking at her again as the cars honked longer this time.

  “Get in!” he barked.

  Not protesting any further, she flipped the car off behind him before sliding into the passenger’s seat. He pulled off as she snuggled up in the passenger’s seat and got warm. Placing her hands in front of the vent, the warm heat warmed her hands. Rubbing them togeth
er, she exhaled, finally relaxing.

  “Thanks.” She replied sincere.

  “No problem. Where do you live?” he asked driving straight ahead.

  “Why?” she asked, looking over to him.

  “Because I’m taking you home.” He responded.

  “You’re not taking me home.” She replied, shaking her head in disapproval.

  “You don’t need to be doing what you’re doing.” He insisted.

  “You know nothing about me.” She snapped, folding her arms over her chest.

  “I know you’re too beautiful and smart to be selling your body to strangers.” He bit back.

  “It was good enough for you.” She said sarcastically, and he looked over at her frustrated.

  “That’s not fair.” He snapped. “You can’t throw that in my face. Besides I didn’t want to be there! I didn’t want anything to do with you! How can anyone respect a person tearing their clothes of for drunken strangers?!”

  With that, she sat quietly as he kept driving. Looking out of her window, she took in his words. Looking over at her briefly, he sighed disappointed in himself. The tension in the car was now high and he felt like a complete asshole. He didn’t mean to let his frustration bubble up and erupt like that.

  “I’m sorry.” He said seriously. “I didn’t mean any of that.”

  “It’s fine.” She shrugged.

  “No, it’s not. I’m a total asshole.” He retorted reaching over and touching her hand so she would look at him.

  Looking over, she stared at his profile, as he turned onto the street where she worked. She smiled as she looked down at his hand touching hers before he removed it. She wasn’t used to getting apologies. Especially ones like that.

  “Forgive me?” he smiled looking at her briefly as they pulled up to the club. He parked in the parking lot and cut off the car.

  She nodded, as he pulled off his jacket.

  “You can borrow this, until you get a new coat with the money you got from me.” He smiled teasing her.

  She smiled slightly, as she took the coat.

  “Thanks, and to set the record straight you’re not an asshole. I get that you want what’s best for me, but I’m not a little girl.” She insisted.


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