Heart of a Stripper

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Heart of a Stripper Page 15

by Harris, Cyndi

  “You ask her that.” He bit.

  “Is it over Kaitlin? Did you kick Nevaeh out?” Adam asked, still watching his friend as he stopped what he was doing.

  “I broke off my wedding for her. I told her I loved her, so you ask her why she’s leaving.” Mitchell snapped, through gritted teeth.

  “Mitchell, you didn’t.” Adam said.

  “I did.” Mitchell barked.

  “Why on Earth would you do that? She broke up with you once already.” Adam pointed out.

  “Because I love her! You once asked me if I did, and I was afraid to admit it, but almost losing her—like really losing her made me realize I don’t want to be without her.” He sighed.

  “If that’s how you feel, she’s right outside. Go get her.” Adam insisted.

  “No. She made me look stupid twice!” he shouted. “Twice! I won’t give her a third.”

  “Mitchell, calm down.” Adam insisted. He’d never seen his best friend so riled up.

  “Why?! Apparently everyone wants me to lose my fucking mind and be miserable!” he shouted, grabbing the things he scattered on the floor.

  Opening the window, he chucked the stuff out and Nevaeh’s clothes flew in the wind before floating to the ground. Looking up, Nevaeh was shocked to say the least as here things fluttered to the ground.

  “Mitchell calm down!” Adam replied.

  “I am calm!” he shouted.

  Pushing past his best friend, he hustled down the stairs and Adam followed. He was more than worried about his best friend. This was the first time he saw him really show his true feelings, and it was scary to say the least.

  “Mitchell, calm down.” Adam insisted.

  “No! I don’t think she understands the sacrifices I’ve made for her, and this is how I get repaid?!” he shouted, slamming his fist through the wall.

  “Bitch!” Mitchell shouted, as pain exploded through his hand.

  Nevaeh froze as her heart sank. Hearing the “B” word fly from his mouth had hurt her. She thought he had meant it for her, but he had in fact meant it for the wall because his hand was leaking blood. Spinning around as his hand throbbed, he saw Nevaeh standing there.

  “What do you want?! I thought you were leaving.” He snapped. “If you’re here to take what’s left of my heart then you can forget it.

  “Mitchell this isn’t what I want for us.” She cried.

  “Save it, if you wanted me you could’ve had me.” Mitchell grumbled.

  “I do want—I just—”

  “Want me when I’m unavailable right? It’s more intriguing when I’m with another woman I’m guessing.” Mitchell pondered.

  “No.” she protested shaking her head.

  “Yeah it is. Well guess what? I’m going to do what everyone wants and marry Kaitlin. This time for real, no more flip flopping. Maybe then you’ll want me more, and by then, I won’t want you anymore!” He snapped.

  Tears burned Nevaeh eyes as he yelled at her. She couldn’t believe that he was being so harsh, and it was her fault.

  “I don’t want you to marry her.” She pleaded.

  “Why not? You persist on throwing her in my face every time I try to be with you. You obviously don’t want me. So go run back to you little boyfriend and the shithole that you call home.” He growled, and the moment he said it he wished he hadn’t.

  Nevaeh burst into tears, and ran from the house as Adam watched. Mitchell wanted to run after her, but he stood his ground. There was no way he was going after her anymore. He felt like he had done enough to show how much he loved her, but she pushed him away. So now he was going to do the same to her.

  “What the hell?!” Adam shouted shoving Mitchell. “That was low, especially coming from you. I know you’re hurting right now, but that doesn’t give you the right to do what you just did.”

  “So it’s ok for her to hurt me though huh?” Mitchell grumbled.

  “Look, I don’t know what happened between both of you, but this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. This isn’t you Mitchell. You’re sounding like your father.” Adam replied disappointed.

  “Good, maybe he’ll learn to respect me then.” Mitchell bit sarcastically.

  “Whatever. I’m going to take her home. Maybe you’ll cool down then and realize how much of a jerk you’re being.” Adam replied leaving.

  Chapter Twenty

  Mitchell stared at himself in the mirror, as he fidgeted with his black tie. He couldn’t seem to tie the darn thing right because of the splint on his hand. Driving his fist through a wall had damn sure been the wrong thing to do. He’d fractured his hand in a few places, and had been in pain ever since. He was in the dressing room of the very wealthy manor that Kate rented out for his wedding. Looking at his reflection, he felt like he was watching his life play out in a dream. More like a nightmare.

  “Let me do it for you.” Adam insisted, walking over to his best friend.

  Grabbing the tie, he adjusted it perfectly and gave it a once over.

  “There, was that so hard?” he smiled slightly.

  “Yeah, it was.” Mitchell replied, sarcastically holding up his splinted hand and Adam chuckled.

  “Look, the wall beat your hand fair and square.” Adam shrugged.

  “Ha-ha.” Mitchell smiled slightly. “Do you think I look ok?”

  “If I weren’t the best looking guy here, you would have the trophy.” Adam smiled. “But, since I look so debonair in this tux, I have to give you 2nd place.”

  “Oh, well thank you for showing me up on my own wedding day.” Mitchell laughed, shoving him playfully with his good hand.

  “My pleasure. Names Bond, Adam Bond.” He laughed.

  Mitchell looked at himself in the mirror again, and sighed. He couldn’t believe how fast Christmas had arrived. Before meeting Nevaeh, he knew this was exactly where he wanted to be, but after meeting her, he knew that walking down the aisle was his ultimate nightmare. She had opened his eyes to things that he was blind to before. She was the sole reason he knew what being in love was, but she also turned his life into a wreck. The things he’d learned, he wished he hadn’t. It killed him to know that his soon to be wife went behind his back and slept with his father.

  Looking out of the window, Mitchell saw the paparazzi swarming outside. He never really understood the whole fascination they had with him because of his father’s money. Ever since he could remember, he had cameras shoved into his face. His mother had always tried to shield him from that life, but his father was against it. So growing up, he watched his mother hide behind fake smiles as she lived in the lime light beside Bruce, but going home he would always see his mother in tears.

  He always knew she hated being married to his father even if she never truly admitted it. It was something she unfortunately took to her grave. Sighing again, his thoughts got cut short by a knock on the door. Adam answered it, and it was the wedding planner. She was dressed in a grey pants suit, and had a head piece on.

  “You two need to be walking like right now.” She demanded, and Adam nodded.

  Looking over to Mitchell he asked, “You ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He sighed, fixing his jacket once more.

  “Then let’s go.” Adam replied, leading the way out of the room, and Mitchell followed.

  Walking down the hallway, Mitchell felt like a prisoner walking down death row for the last time. Walking up to the huge closed double doors, he sucked in a breath.

  “This is it.” Adam said, clearly.

  “I know.” Mitchell said, nervously.

  Looking at his best friend, Adam sighed. Keeping silent about this whole ordeal was killing him.

  “Mitchell, don’t do this.” Adam blurted out.

  “Do what?” Mitchell asked, looking up confused.

  “Marry Kaitlin. You don’t love her, and I doubt she really loves you.” Adam said clearly.

  “You can’t say this to me now.” Mitchell said, shaking his head. “I’m not going back on
my word again. I need to be decisive, besides what do you expect me to do? Run back to a girl who doesn’t want me?”

  “No, you can be single.” He said, dangling the word. “Being married is—this’ll be a prison for you.” Adam said, truthfully, he didn’t want to see Mitchell throw the rest of his life away doing what others expected.

  “Can I talk to my son alone for a minute?” Bruce’s voice interrupted.

  Spinning around, Mitchell bawled his hands into fists as anger took hold of him. He couldn’t believe the asshole had the nerve to show up to his wedding, let alone want to talk to him. If he insisted on acting like nothing ever happened, then he damn sure could shove that notion up his ass. Mitchell wasn’t accepting apologies after what he’d done. Sleeping with his fiancée was one thing, but making the love of is life miscarry his only child was the biggest fault he wouldn’t let go. Adam stepped away quietly as Mitchell and Bruce glared at each other.

  “I know I haven’t been the best example of a father—” He started, but Mitchell cut him short.

  “Save it. I have nothing to say to you.” Mitchell bit harshly.

  “Good because I didn’t come to listen to anything. I said I came to talk to you.” He said, coldly.

  Just by Bruce’s demeanor, Mitchell could tell this wouldn’t end well. How he had come from the bastard baffled Mitchell every day. For him to be so kind hearted when the bastard standing in front of him was so cold was beyond him. Narrowing eyes at him, he got his good hand ready to punch him square in the face—again. Doing it at the hospital had been fulfilling, but it was only the tip of the iceberg.

  “I’m glad you’re finally doing the right thing.” He insisted. “Your mother would be proud of you. Especially if you take this offer at the company that I’m about to give you. ”

  “How dare you? Don’t you dare speak of my mother.” Mitchell snapped.

  “She was my wife way before you entered the picture you little bastard.” Bruce said, through gritted teeth. “If it weren’t for you, she’d be here today.”

  Sucking in a hard breath, Mitchell couldn’t battle that statement. He was the sole reason that his mother had died. Even though it had been an accident, that had meant nothing to his father. From the day she died all he could do was blame Mitchell day in and day out.

  “Don’t act like you loved her, you don’t even visit her grave. You didn’t deserve her.” Mitchell whispered, furiously.

  “I didn’t come here to argue with you.” Bruce snapped, ending the conversation.

  He was good at that. Dodging things was the one thing he was great at, but the truth was the subject stung. Bruce had loved his mother Grace with everything in him, even though he rarely showed it. He knew she resented him and hated that they’d gotten married so young because Bruce was never there. He’d worked hard to build his empire, but once it started getting off the ground, he didn’t know how to slow down. There was no slowing down for him. Work became his life, even after he’d become a father.

  “Then leave.” Mitchell insisted.

  “I’m here to watch my only son get married. There’s no way I’m leaving and missing it.” Bruce replied, as Adam strolled back over.

  “Your honeymoon is paid for, and when you get back a CEO position will be open for you. Your school will still be funded and I’ve found the best person qualified to take over as principal. All you have to do is say I do.” Bruce insisted.

  “Hate to interrupt, but the wedding planner is over there giving you the stink eye.” Adam said softly.

  Mitchell walked off as the double doors opened. Bruce watched and let out a sigh. That wasn’t how he had wanted the conversation to go, but his pride had stood in the way. What he wanted to really do was tell him that Nevaeh was still pregnant. After dwelling on the situation for a few days, he realized it had been wrong to handle the situation the way he had. His options were to either tell Mitchell the truth, or take action and make her get rid of it. The latter seemed better, but his conscience was telling him to tell the truth and he would after the wedding. There was no way he was going to ruin what he’d set in motion.

  Mitchell stared at all the guests that were staring back at him. The camera’s planted around the room put a stamp on how widespread this wedding had become. Things seemed to move along quickly after he stood at the front of the venue. He watched as the bridesmaids strolled down the center aisle, escorted by his other friends Scott and Brad before taking their place on the opposite side of him and Adam. They were draped in salmon pink gowns, with flowers to match. The tempo of the music changed as the minister asked for everyone to stand.

  The double doors opened again and he spotted Kaitlin standing there. She was in a pure white couture gown. Upon seeing it, Mitchell immediately thought she should have had on another dress to accommodate her. The pure white was for virginal women, and Kate was definitely not that. Looking at her as she started towards him, all he could envision was Nevaeh instead. Blowing out a hard breath, he shook those thoughts away. Kaitlin smiled as the whole room oohed and aah-ed at her. Flashes from many cameras were going off in every direction. You would’ve thought they were hosting a fashion event and she as modeling, instead of getting married.

  Her father Paul was escorting her. Mitchell’s dad had been longtime friends with Paul. They worked together for many years, and that was how Mitchell met Kaitlin. At first Mitchell despised Kate because of her values, and the fact that she only wanted to be famous was also a turn off to him. Another thing that made him turn away was the fact that he wanted to have children and she didn’t. He wanted to have an “All American” family, where as she refused to be “strapped down with kids”. She had become interested in dating Mitchell, but Mitchell wasn’t for it.

  Seeing that his son wasn’t interested, Bruce had put them in the same circles and persuaded Mitchell to give her a chance. From there, their courtship had begun. Every time they were out on dates, the paparazzi were there to immortalize the event. It was how her career at modeling really kick started. Her name had become a household name all by dating a mogul’s son. Tucking those feelings into a draw, Mitchell refused to revisit them. He was getting married and had no time for doubts.

  Paul had on a nice black dress suit, and his salt and peppered hair was trimmed properly. You could tell he worked in an office by his manner. When they got to the front, Kaitlin flashed him a huge smile and Mitchell returned it. She was beautiful, her blonde hair was swept up into a bun and she had a ton of makeup on to say the least.

  “You look nice.” He whispered to her.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” the minister asked.

  “I do.” Paul chimed in before kissing her cheek, and placing her hand into Mitchell’s.

  Everyone sat as the music went silent and they both turned to the minister. He read a few things, and then asked them to recite their vowels. Kaitlin started as Mitchell held her hands and listened.

  “I thought a lot about what I wanted to say to you Mitchell.” Kate smiled. “It took a while for us to get here, but we made it. I want to spend my life with you. Where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where my life was dark, you have brought light. I pledge before this assembled company to be your wife from this day forward. Let us make of our two lives, one life, and let us always honor and respect each other.”

  As she fell silent Mitchell glared at her. The words that he was hoping to find to say to her just weren’t there. He had a blank slate. So, he decided to wing it. Looking out at the crowd, he could see everyone anxiously waiting for his response. Sucking in a much needed breath, he opened his mouth to tell her what she needed to hear.

  Nevaeh shut her TV off and sat up. She couldn’t take any more talk of the “McCallister Wedding”. It was on every freaking channel imaginable and very sickening. Grabbing her stomach, she groaned. She had been sick all day and hated it. It was like the nausea refused to pass and she had grown tired of it. As soon as the holidays were over, she was going t
o make a doctor’s visit to see if she was alright. Her dad was being a prick as usual, but she chose to ignore him.

  After cooking him lunch, she laid down for a while hoping to try and rest, but the TV proved otherwise. Seeing Mitchell marry Kaitlin had been the bane of her existence. She knew it was her fault that she had pushed him away, but she hated seeing him make a huge mistake.

  Getting dressed, she headed out because she needed some fresh air. Even though it was Christmas, it had been the worst one she had ever endured. Going back into the routine that was deemed “her life” was depressing. To be alone with her abusive father, and to try and fill the void of every loss she’d experienced was exhausting. She’d fallen in love and in the blink of an eye, she lost that. Watching and hearing about the only man she loved marry another was heart wrenching.

  She wanted so bad to forget the moments they shared, but it haunted her every moment of every day. His lips touching hers, his hands caressing her body, her tender body pressed against his hard chiseled form—every dreaded bittersweet memory refused to fade away. She was hoping the walk would make her feel better. Strolling down the street, she took in the scenery before a car stopped beside her. As the window rolled down, she saw Bruce glaring at her. Anger burned through her quickly as everything he’d done flooded her mind.

  “Get in, we need to talk.” He insisted.

  “Go to hell!” she spat as she continued on.

  There was no way she was giving him the time of day after everything that happened. She hated him to her very core and now knew why he and Mitchell shared a strained relationship. Bruce hopped out of the running car and went after her.

  “Nevaeh stop!” he shouted and she spun around to him.

  “What else do you want from me?!” she screamed as tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Come with me. There’s something we need to discuss.” He insisted.

  “I’d be stupid to get in that car with you. You’re a monster.” She spat as she looked up to him.

  “I’m not going to dispute that,” he said sighing deeply. “There’s something I need to tell you.”


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