Their Salvation

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Their Salvation Page 3

by May Gordon

  “Say it.” I walk toward her only leaving a small distance between us.

  “Pierce,” It comes out breathy, like a sigh, and instantly I feel the beast in my pants grow solid.

  It’s practically been that way since the moment she walked through my door yesterday. She finally breaks eye contact by looking down before putting on her jacket and grabbing her purse.

  We leave together and I make sure I stand close to her in the elevator, wanting her to get used to my proximity. I’ve been doing it all day. After I help her into my classic car, I head to her apartment, which reminds me of a question I had.

  “Why is your residence the same as your last employment?”

  “The position was live-in. I did their books and was the event coordinator on the weekends.”

  “And what exactly does an event coordinator at a retirement home do?”

  She lets out a little giggle then. “Mostly play Wii and other games with sassy old people.”

  I can't help but chuckle. We continue talking and she tells me how she’s dying to see the new exhibits at the zoo, and loves to cook and read. All too soon we arrive at her building.

  “Thank you for the ride, Pierce.” She gives me one of her billion dollar smiles and goes to leave.

  I gently grasp her hand and say, “I’ll pick you up in the morning.”

  She shakes her head. “Thank you, but I can manage.”

  “Diana, I was serious. I don’t want you taking the bus anymore.”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “Pierce, with all due respect, you can’t decide that for me. Regardless of if you’re my boss or not.” She gives me a gentle smile.

  Shit. I guess I was a little overbearing, and this isn’t the way to get on her good side. I need to take another route.

  “I’m just looking out for you Diana.” I start to rub my thumb over her hand.

  “I appreciate that Pierce, I do,” and she pulls away and gets out, then gives a little wave before she enters her building.

  I can't help but feel the loss when she's gone, and its then I realize I will do anything in my power to have her, all of her, in my life.



  Chapter 5

  Diana~One week later

  “Mom! What about this?” Eli holds up a stuffed frog and I can't help but giggle. It’s Sunday, and we’re shopping for a gift for Rusty who’s turning seventy-one.

  “Do you think he’ll like that, hun?” I ask, knowing the answer.

  “Oh, yeah! He loves frogs!” Eli smiles. Rusty collects anything with frogs.

  “Then we’ll get it!” I tell him. He smiles brightly and cheers as we continue to look.

  I’ve missed him. I’ve been so busy with work I feel like I haven't seen him as much. Like always, Beth and a few others have helped watch him. This past week has seemed like its gone by so fast, but time with Pierce has been nothing but a dream. We’ve worked hard looking over accounts and trying to figure out who’s stealing. In addition to that, Pierce has me reading over his more significant reports and potential companies to buy. He seems to trust my opinion a lot and asks for it often. The morning after he dropped me off, I went into the office and Pierce surprised me with a “company car.” I had to tell him no since it was a sports car. Not only was it too much to accept but it wasn’t functional at all.

  He didn’t seem happy about it, but I put my foot down, I thought I got my way, but the next morning there was another car, this one more appropriate. Pierce made the argument that lots of employees have company cars and he could need me at any time. It must’ve made some sense to me because I accepted.

  Pierce and I have become very close, both emotionally and physically. His light casual touches drive me crazy. They aren’t inappropriate, but intense and I find myself craving them more and more. Its seems crazy to me, someone who has never willingly been intimate with a man. After my attack, I had zero interest in the opposite sex and had trouble trusting them, especially one with lingering gazes. Pierce’s are soft but charged with something hungrier.

  I want to get know him better, all of him, but I'm afraid. He doesn’t know I have a son. It's not like I didn’t tell him because I’m ashamed of Eli. Never that. I’m afraid of what he might think of my son, of me. A child that’s a product of rape and a woman who’s tarnished. If he thought that, just like my parents who threw us away, it’d break my heart. Maybe he deserves a chance, but I’m not sure if I can risk him getting close to us, then him breaking our hearts.

  “Mom! Can we get the cupcakes?” Eli interrupts my thoughts.

  Taking a deep breath to recover, I answer him. “Sure, hun, but we need to pay first.”

  We purchase the frog then head to the bakery. We aren’t that far from work, so once we place our order, I give them the address for delivery and pay for them.

  “Hey, Eli. Do you want to see where mommy works?”

  “Yay!” I laugh at his excitement.

  We walk to the building and for some reason it doesn't seem as intimidating as my first day.

  “Wow! It’s so big!” He gushes.

  “Yeah, pretty cool, huh?” I ask while ruffling his hair.

  “Your here every day?”

  “Only during the week, like school for you,” I explain. “You want a snack before we head back?” I ask and point towards the small café down the street. Pierce has taken me there a few times.

  “I want a cookie!”

  “Well then, let's get you one.” I take his hand and Eli heads straight for the display case to look at all the goodies when we get there. I look around the café and notice its practically empty since it is Sunday and located smack dab in the middle of a business.

  Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, its warm and makes me shiver with pleasure. I know his touch anywhere. I dream of it each night.

  “Diana.” Pierce’s voice is a deep rumble like always, making me want to curl into him and soak it all up. I turn and there he stands in all his ruggedly handsome glory. He’s wearing dark jeans and a gray sweater that molds to his massive body.


  “What are you doing here on a Sunday?” Some people might be put off by his grouchy exterior, but I know better. His core is warm and sweet.

  “Just running some chores. What about you? Don’t tell me you’re working on the weekend?” I scold because he told me he usually does.

  He smirks like he always does when I get on him about something. He told me once no one has ever called him out in his adult life.

  “Mommy!” Eli calls from behind me.

  Shit. This is not how I wanted Pierce to meet him, and I definitely don’t want him to think I was hiding Eli from him.

  “Yes, hun?” I turn to answer him.

  “I want the chocolate ones.” He smiles at me.

  I return to Pierce, his eyes are wide, and he’s staring at Eli. It's not hard to see the resemblance, he's my mini-me for sure.

  “Eli, come here for a second.” I wave him over and he comes right away, all smiles as usual. “This is Mommy’s boss, Mr. Thorne. Pierce, this is my son, Eli.”

  “Hi,” Eli says with no shyness

  Pierce still hasn’t recovered from the news. I know it must be a shock, especially as I haven’t mentioned it over the week I've worked for him, but the way he's looking at him is like I just told him he’s some three-eyed children.

  “Pierce?” I ask with an edge. He seems to snap out of his surprise and clears his throat.

  “Hello, Eli. How are you?” he stretches out his hand and Eli looks at it before giving it a quick shake.

  “I want a chocolate cookie,” he says.

  “I can understand that. They are delicious,” Pierce states with a serious face.

  “Do you want to eat one with me?” he asks.

  “Eli, Mr. Thorne is very busy,” I try to explain, but Pierce jumps right in.

  “I would love to. I’ve been told I work too hard.” He gives him a small smile. �
�How about you find us a seat while your mom and l order?”.

  “Anywhere I want?” He asks excitedly.

  “Your choice, buddy.”

  “Okay!” Eli scrambles away and starts testing the different seating areas.

  Pierce places his hand on my lower back guiding us to the counter where we put our order in then move to the side to wait.

  “You're married?” He growls from behind me.

  I turn to look at him, he seems angry, his jaw is tight, and he’s fisting his hands.




  He seems to relax a little. “You never told me you had a son.” He still sounds mad.

  “Work is work,” I use as a lame excuse.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it,” He snaps out.

  I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Pierce, but when it comes to my son I’m private, and I’ve only known you a week.”

  Pierce pinches the bridge of his nose, apparently frustrated with me. “I don’t want you to keep things from me. I want you to trust me.”

  “I’m sorry.” I look down, ashamed I didn’t tell him, but still cautious about moving forward.

  “Don’t apologize, just trust me.” He lifts my chin with his finger.

  “I’ll try. I don’t have a lot of experience with that,” I tell him honestly.

  “I’m planning to change that.”

  We get our order and meet Eli at the table. I hope this goes smoothly, for some reason I want Eli to like him, but on the other hand, I don’t want him to get too attached. I already am, and it scares me.

  I hope Pierce proves himself, so I don’t have to keep worrying.

  Chapter 6


  A son.


  I didn’t know Diana had a child. When I heard Eli call her mommy my heart dropped out of my stomach. The thought of her married, or having a boyfriend, made me go mad, but once she said she was indeed single a whole bunch of other questions started running through my head.

  Where’s Eli’s dad? How involved is he in Diana and his son’s life? Did she love him? But it doesn’t matter, I've already decided I was going to do everything in my power to make her mine, and if that means becoming a father to Eli, then so be it. I have no clue how to be a father, but I'm sure with Diana's help, I can figure it out.

  Eli has been munching on his cookie and telling me all about how much he wants to see the lions at the zoo, he loves cars, and playing Wii with his friend, Rusty. He’s a smart kid and looks exactly like Diana. He has no shyness whatsoever. I glance at Diana and notice she seems on edge and uneasy.

  Eli and I are busy talking up a storm when Diana excuses herself to go to the washroom, I take the opportunity to ask a question I've been dying to know.

  “So, Eli, when do you usually see your dad?” I ask gently.

  He pauses and looks at me funny. “I don’t have a daddy.” And he goes back to eating.

  “Never?” I press, I probably shouldn’t, but I do.

  “Never. Just me and Mommy.” He gives me a toothy smile.

  I smile back, how can I not? The kid is adorable.

  Just then Diana returns. “Are you ready to get going, Eli?”

  “Yeah, Mommy!”

  “Thank you, Pierce, for the snack.” She gives me a tight smile, obviously still nervous about the whole meeting. I’m a little disappointed they’re leaving so soon.

  I stand and ruffle Eli’s head. “See you later, buddy.”

  “Thanks for the snack!” He smiles up at me.

  Diana comes close to me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Pierce.”

  I want to spend more time with her, but I know today surprised her.

  “Tomorrow,” I agree.

  She takes Eli’s hand, and they walk out, but not before Eli turns to smile and wave at me. I feel like my heart is beating a little fast, something coming awake inside me, like when I first met Diana. I've known Diana a week and Eli about an hour, yet I feel as if they’ve consumed every part of my mind, and possibly my heart.

  The next morning

  Waiting is the worst and I’ve done it every morning this past week. Diana gets in by nine, and I have so many questions for her. The biggest is about Eli’s father. It drives me crazy thinking a man is leaving her alone with a child and I want to find the fucker and beat him to a pulp.

  This last week with Diana has been nothing but amazing. We diligently checked over the companies, while I asked people I trust to track down where these payments are going and who owns the account.

  Diana’s been working in my office because I’ve wanted her close, but over the weekend it was painful not having her by my side for so long, I definitely can’t have that happen again. Then she walks through my office door and the expression on her face makes me instantly concerned.

  I’m out of my chair in a second and going to her. I cup her face in my hands, making her look up at me. “What’s wrong?” I practically snarl.

  She seems shocked for a second then relaxes. “Nothing.”

  “That’s bullshit. Tell me.”

  She lets out a breath, apparently giving up. “Dan stopped me on the way up and was surprised I’m working with you.”

  Dan is the head of accounting and my number one suspect. I don’t think he’s doing it alone though, so he must be the inside man.

  I relax a bit. “What did he say specifically?” I release her face and pull her to the couch.

  “He wanted to know what accounts we’re working on. Why I was considering others. Is there a problem with any. Stuff like that.”

  I let out a growl.

  “He’s a suspect, isn’t he?” She asks.

  “Yes. So, for now, we continue to keep everything private.”

  “How’s it going looking into him?”

  “Slowly, but I want to cover my bases.”

  “Good idea,” she nods.

  We lock eyes, and there’s a silent pause between us. She's nibbling on her bottom lip, which usually would drive me crazy, but I know it because she’s worried about something.

  “Eli is a great kid,” I tell her.

  She blushes but smiles.

  “Pierce, I'm sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m very protective of him. It wasn’t personal.” She looks at me with pleading eyes. I’m assuming whatever happened with Eli’s father made her wary of sharing him with others. I can see that being a possibility.

  “It’s all right Diana. I understand.” I hold her hands tightly and she seems relaxes even more.

  “Thank you, Pierce.” Her breathtaking smile hits me in the heart. It’s at that point I can't hold back anymore.

  I gently grasp her face and pull her towards me, pausing just before our lips touch. “I’m going to kiss you now, Diana.” My breath almost caressing her mouth.

  She doesn’t say anything but closes her eyes. I take that as a sign and kiss her. Her lips are soft and melt against mine. I feel the passion I have for her burn at a rate I didn’t think possible. She presses herself to me, her soft curves feeling like heaven. It causes my pants to become unbearably tight. And suddenly I can't stand the thought of clothes on either of us, but this isn’t the time or place. Pulling away is the hardest thing I ever had to do.

  “I didn’t want to stop, but if not, you’d be flat on my desk,” I growl. Her face turns bright red, but she licks her lips. She must like the idea. “I’m taking you out tonight. You and Eli.” I tell her.

  She looks shocked and stares at me, but then gives me a small smile. “I think we’ll like that.”

  “Good.” I give her a nod then say, “Now let's get to work, maybe it will make the day go by faster.” I lean in and give her a quick kiss before heading to my desk.

  Diana stands and settles into the table she’s been using. She has a smile on her face, and a blush still stains her cheeks. I don’t know why that turns me on so much, but it does. l love knowing I affect her like this. We get to w
ork, and I try everything to keep my mind off her luscious mouth, knowing soon I’ll have what I want.

  Diana, in my life. Forever.

  Chapter 7


  This morning after Pierce kissed me, something shifted. We’re different. He seemed to understand my need to be cautious about Eli, and wasn’t the least bit deterred about me having a son. But he still doesn’t know everything. That will be the real test for us. I guess, if there even is an us, one kiss doesn’t mean anything, right? I shake my head at that, for me, it says a lot. Hell, that was my first kiss if you can believe it. Regardless, this is between more than just Pierce and I. Eli needs to be comfortable with him as well, he always comes first.

  I’m finishing some things in the copy room because after work Pierce has agreed to pick up Eli and take us out to dinner. I told him about the pizza place that does a dough-tossing show while they cook. Eli always gets a kick out of that.

  I hear the door close and turn to see Dan standing there. Fear runs through me, my need for escape crawling through my skin.

  “What do you want?” I have an edge to my voice. I don’t want to show my fear but its slowly seeping through.

  “I want to know what you and Mr. Thorne are doing. And why you’re working with him in the first place. You’re just a newbie!” He seems irritated and outraged.

  “Like I said this morning, you’ll have to ask him. I’m just doing what I’m told.” I pick up my papers and head toward the door. He doesn't move.

  “You must know something!” He growls out.

  “I don’t. I’m just being used for grunt work.” I lie. He looks me up and down and at that point I've had enough. “Let me pass, now!” I say, raising my voice.

  Giving me a final glare, he finally moves out of my way. I open the door and walk out. The further I get the calmer I feel. He could be in on it, it makes sense. Pierce says he's looking into it and I hope he figures it out soon so I don’t have to deal with him anymore. By the time I get to Pierce's office, I've settled down.


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