Their Salvation

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Their Salvation Page 5

by May Gordon

  That seems to relax her even more. “That sounds amazing. Anything to get my mind off today.” Finally, her smile comes back, and my heart starts to recover.

  We leave after Diana washes her face then drive to Eli’s school. I do my best to distract her from thinking about her father, but I know it’s still stewing inside her. We check in at the office before we head to his kindergarten class. The kids seem to be having free time. The teacher sees us and calls Eli over. He comes running to me and gives me a tight hug.

  “Did you bring the bullet?” He asks referring to my Mustang.

  “Of course.” I grin at him.

  “Diana, can I speak with you a moment?” The teacher calls out.

  “Sure. I’ll meet you guys in the car.”

  “You heard the boss.” I tell Eli with a grin, then take his hand as we head to the parking lot.

  “Will you be my daddy?” Eli’s question stops me in my tracks. I look at him, his eyes exactly like Diana’s. I feel the last little bit of ice around my heart melt. I kneel so we’re eye to eye.

  “Eli, I’d love to be your daddy,” I tell him truthfully. I want to be his father more than anything. I want us to be the family I never had. “Can you keep a secret?”

  He nods vigorously. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to marry your mommy.”

  “Really?” He shouts in excitement.

  “Yep. But it's our little secret until we can surprise her. Okay?”


  “What’s this surprise for mommy?” We hear Diana ask behind us.

  “The secret is your surprise,” Eli giggles.

  Diana raises an eyebrow, but we just smile at her. “How about some ice cream?” I ask, trying to get her off the topic.

  “Yay! Ice cream!” Eli shouts.

  We pile in, and head to the nearby shop. After ordering, we sit outside on the bench and talking about some of the houses we’ll be looking at this evening. When Eli is focused on his ice cream, I whisper in Diana's ear.

  “Everything okay with Eli’s teacher?”

  “Yeah, she was telling me how Eli seems advanced for his age and asked what I thought about a more advanced school for him next year.” This definitely peaks my interest. Some of the schools near these houses have advanced programs.

  “What are your thoughts?”

  She shrugs and says with a tight smile, “I need more time to think.”

  “I’m here if you need an ear.” I lean over and kiss her forehead.

  We finish so we can meet the realtor. The first couple didn’t wow Diana. She said they were new, with no character. I finally understand what Diana might be looking for. When we get to the last house I see her eyes light up. She couldn’t stop smiling the whole time and Eli loved the big backyard as well.

  “I’ll take it,” I tell the realtor.

  “What?” Diana gasps.

  “What’s wrong with it?” I ask, raising my eyebrow at her.

  “Nothing at all, it's amazing. But you can do that? Just buy it?” She seems shocked.

  “I can, and just did.” I smile at her.

  Hers is huge, then she shakes her head. “I don’t know why I'm so excited. It's not like it's mine.”

  I don’t correct her since I still have time to convince her, but I'm running out of patience.

  “You’ll spend a lot of time here if I have anything to say about it.” I pull her into my arms and kiss her. She melts into me, and I have a vision of us doing this once we live here together.

  We spent the evening at the retirement home where Ellen, Rusty and the other residents joined us. Like always, leaving Diana and Eli is hard, but it seems to get worse every time.

  It’s then I decide to take the chance this weekend since we’ll be alone and spend every second showing her what life with me could be like.

  Chapter 10


  “Mommy, when will you be back?” Eli asks as we finish breakfast.

  “Sunday night, hon. Ellen will watch you until then.” I smile at him.

  It’s Saturday, and the gala is tonight. Pierce will be picking me up in a few hours. I should be nervous about leaving Eli alone for so long since we haven't ever been apart overnight. But I'm too excited to be spending time with Pierce.

  “Will you be with Pierce?” Eli sounds excited.

  “Yes, hon,” I pause and ask what’s been burning my mind, “What do you think of Pierce?”

  “I want him to be my daddy,” he blurts out and I almost drop my spoon in the cereal.

  “So, you like him?” I press. I assume he does because a kid wouldn’t want someone to be their dad if they didn’t, right?

  “I love him. He’s the best and he drives the bullet.” He smiles brightly.

  “I love him too.” I smile, trying to bypass the Daddy statement. It’s too early for that isn’t it?

  Eli and I finish and I take him to the hall where Ellen is working and some of the tenants are enjoying their Saturday afternoon.

  “Eli, my boy, come help me win at checkers,” Rusty calls from where he’s playing with a friend.

  “Bye, mom.” He hugs me and runs to Rusty.

  “You sure you're okay with this?” I turn to Ellen.

  “Of course! You have fun with your tall, dark, and handsome man,” she smiles at me.

  “Thanks, Ellen. It means a lot.” I hug her.

  Then I feel strong arms pull me against a solid wall of a man. “Diana.” Pierce’s low voice rumbles in my ear behind me. A big smile spreads across my face as I turn and look at him.

  “Pierce,” I breathe out. He's so handsome. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

  “Pierce!” Eli calls and runs up behind us. He goes straight into Pierce's arms and I can't help but melt at the sight.

  “Hey, bud. You’ll be good for Ellen while we're gone?” He asks him.

  “Yeah, I will.” He grins at him.

  “Good man.” Pierce pats his head.

  “You ready?” He asks to which I hold up my small overnight bag.

  “Yep.” I’m almost giddy.

  “Shall we?” He holds out his arm and I take it before we wave good-bye.

  He drives to his apartment where there’s a whole team to do my hair, makeup, and nails, as well as a massage therapist.

  “Am I that ugly?” I joke to Pierce, who didn’t take it as such. His face gets hard and a frown forms on his face.

  “Fuck Diana. That’s not what I meant,” he growls. “You're beautiful. I want to pamper you.”

  “Pierce, relax. I was joking,” I say to soothe him. He seems to relax a bit.

  “Not funny.” He growls then pulls me in for a kiss, though he releases me all too quickly. “Now go enjoy your time. I’ll be in my office.”

  And so, I spent the next few hours getting pampered, something I've never done in my whole life. By the time I'm dressed and ready for the gala, I feel like a different person. When I walk into the living room, Pierce is on the phone with his back toward me. He sure does fill out a tuxedo nicely. I clear my throat to gain his attention and when he turns, I don’t know who ‘s reaction is louder. God, he looks fantastic, like James Bond. He takes my breath away and I seem to impact him just as much. His eyes roam over me, warming me from across the room.

  “I need to go.” He tells whoever he’s talking to and hangs up. “Diana, you look like a dream come true.”

  “Then why do you sound so angry?” I giggle as I walk toward him.

  “Because I’m taking you out in public and think I need a team of security around you at all times.” He runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath.

  “Like with one of those fancy pieces of jewelry celebrities wear out? They have their own security.” I’m only a step away now.

  “Better than that.” He growls and pulls me towards him.

  Our kiss is hot and heavy. I feel his hands roam my body then he kneads my ass and one of my breasts through the thin material of my dress
, making me moan. And suddenly I don’t care if we go to the gala I was so excited about. Abruptly Pierce pulls away, and I feel the loss like a bucket of cold water.

  “We need to leave before I blow my load in my pants.” His words make me laugh. I never knew I could have this kind of power over a man, but it’s not just any man. Its Pierce.

  “Okay, but maybe we can leave a bit early and enjoy some time to ourselves?” I ask nervously.

  “I’d give my left arm for some alone time with you.” He gives me a hard kiss before taking my hand and leading me downstairs to the car. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself. I feel like Cinderella, and I'm scared to death I’ll turn into a pumpkin before the night ends.

  The gala is like nothing I've never experienced. There’s even a silent action. It feels like another world. The people seem perfect and some of the dresses must cost more than a car! I should feel out of place but standing next to Pierce, I feel at home. He’s been practically glued to my side the whole time. His possesive attitude scared off a lot but not all. His go to move is to openly kiss me silly whenever a man looks at me. I'm sure my lips will be bruised in the morning.

  I can see why he usually doesn’t attend. He’s definitely not a people person. We’ve been mingling for the last few hours. Well, I have. Pierce, like always, is a man of few words. I thought they’d stick their noses up since I'm not high society though I used to be, but they don’t know that. Instead they’ve all been nothing but kind. Everyone flocked to us because Pierce is a big name in business but never attends social events, so everyone was more than excited to get a crack at him.

  I seem to handle these prominent businessmen better than anyone and am currently talking to a small group of them and their wives about Eli and some advanced schools. Most of their children are much older than Eli so they had great suggestions.

  “Pierce, you must be so proud of your son,” one of the men smiles at him. I’m about to say something when Pierce jumps in.

  “Of course, I am. He’s a smart boy.” The most words he’s said all night. He lays his arm over my shoulder, hugging me closer. I’m not all that shocked he didn’t correct him, and if he’s not going to, I definitely won't either.

  “I suggest Gillard,” one of the wives says.

  “That’s right by the house we just bought and it’s on my list.” Pierce tells her. Again, I'm not surprised, and Pierce has been talking about school for Eli. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I want to take this beautiful woman dancing.” Okay, this time I'm shocked.

  “You know how to dance?” I ask with a smile.

  “It’s easy enough to learn from watching,” he grunts.

  I can't help but giggle as we sway to the slow music and I lay my head on his chest. Over the last two weeks, I’ve learned a lot about him. He’s had a lonely life and being a military man, losing everyone he’s ever cared about, is probably why he’s so guarded with everyone else. He’s cold, grumpy, and stern, but when he spends time with me and Eli, he's all smiles. I don’t care what he’s like with others, so long as we get the sweet side. After a few songs, Pierce pulls me to the bar and orders a whiskey for himself and champagne for me.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Pierce whispers in my ear, then kisses the side of my neck.

  “So much fun.” I grin at him. “See giving back isn’t so bad, huh?”

  “If it means you’re getting dressed up like this then I’d give all my earnings to charity.” He jokes. I can't help but lean up and kiss him. “I want you and Eli to move in with me,” he says out of the blue when our kiss ends.

  I'm stunned and stare at him in shock. “I… we… It’s.” I’m tongue-tied.

  “I know it’s fast Diana, but I’m a man who knows what he wants, and that’s you and Eli in my home, our home.” His eyes show so much sincerity, and it is fast, but it doesn't feel that way, it feels natural. “You love the house, it’s close to that private school, the yard is huge, and it’s a perfect place for a growing boy.” Pierce keeps trying to convince me. He has no idea I’ve already decided yes. “We can have Ellen, Rusty, and the others over any time,” he adds.

  I put my drink down and wrap my arms around his neck, mostly to make him stop talking, but I want to kiss him again too. I feel him run his hands down my back before giving my ass a squeeze for all to see. I pull back and smile, cupping his strong jaw in my hands.

  “Yes, Pierce. We’d love to.” His eyes all but radiate with happiness.

  “You’ve made me a very happy man, Diana.”

  “I aim to please.” I wink at him.

  “Well, I can think of a list of ways,” he growls then brings my body flush against his.

  I start to tingle all over. “Can we leave now?” I whisper breathlessly.

  “Yes,” he says and gives me a hard kiss then throws back the rest of his drink.

  “Diana?” My mother's scratchy voice says from behind me. I turn and there she is in all her glory. She’s always been a beautiful woman. Too bad her personality isn’t the same.

  “Mother?” I question, but shouldn’t be all that surprised. She’s always about image and social events, so a charity gala is right up her alley. She all but flinches when I call her mother.

  “What on earth are you doing here?” she sounds outraged and starts looking around, like I’m some dirty secret and she’s wondering if anyone is watching. I guess to her I am though.

  “Mrs. Woodworth.” Pierce grunts, pulling my back to his chest.

  “Mr. Thorne.” My mother practically makes a pass at him, causing my skin to crawl. Her eyes finally take in the position Pierce and I are in. At first she appears confused than a look of disgust crosses her face. “Pierce, please tell me you aren't keeping company with her,” she says acting familiar with him and suddenly ignoring me.

  “Of course I am, not that it’s any of your business,” he growls out.

  She seems taken back by his apparent anger, but collects herself. “Pierce, she’s just in it for your money. We cut her off a long time ago. Besides, you don’t want a tarnished woman,” she snaps out.

  “I couldn’t agree more Tiffany,” my father says as he stands next to my mother. “Even if you are my business rival, I think having a damaged woman on your hands would be frowned upon.” He laughs then continues, “You are being used to pay the way for that son of hers.”

  My mother gasps and her nose crinkles. “You had a boy?” “Oh god, how can you even stand looking at him?” She spits out in disgust. I know what she's referring to. When I first found out I was pregnant, my mother would go on and on saying how horrible it would be to possibly have a child that looked the father. I never saw his face but seeing what I assume are his looks in my child's face every day is a sickening thought to my mother.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Pierce’s voice is very loud.

  It shocks my parents and me too. I've never heard him this mad before, and thats saying something.

  “I don’t know why you have such a fucking problem with Diana and Eli, and at this point, I don’t care. You're done. I'm going to ruin you. You’ll be out of business before the year is up,” his tone is low, deadly.

  He grabs my hands and drags me away from the two people who I never really thought of as parents. He leads me to the limo, and we get in. He all but barks at the driver to take us to his apartment. He’s breathing heavily and clenching his fist.

  “Pierce, please calm down, its okay.” I scoot over and clutch his hands.

  “It’s not, Diana. They're your parents. How can they treat you in such a way?”

  “They’re not good people. You'll have to accept it like I did,” I try to reassure him.

  “You shouldn’t have to. You deserve parents who love you, Eli deserves grandparents.” He pauses and lets out a deep breath. “A father.”

  I catch his face in my hands and bring it to look at me. “Pierce, my parents haven't been in my life for a long time, and I have never felt loss because of it,” I tell him. “All I need i
s you and Eli.”

  “I’ll give you everything you’ll ever want and so much more, Diana.” He pulls me onto his lap and devours me. I moan at the contact, my lips already feeling well loved. We don’t stop, barely enough to get from the limo to the elevator. When we reach his apartment we still don’t separate, then he closes the door and pushes me against it.

  He pulls away from my bruised lips and starts to kiss down my neck. I feel a burning through my veins, pleasure like I've never felt radiating all over me.

  “I need you, Diana. Please.” I feel his deep rumbling voice against my collarbone.

  I should be scared, every time I’ve thought of sex since that day its terrified me. I've had one horrifying experience with intimacy, and believe it scared me for life until I met Pierce. I’d just assumed I’d never feel like getting intimate with anyone. But with him, I want everything, sex, love, and passion, and I know he can give it to me.

  “Yes, Pierce,” I moan.

  He lets out a growl and lifts me in his arms and walk towards his bedroom where he places me in the middle of the room before shutting the door. It’s as if he’s afraid I’ll try to escape. He turns back to me and leans against the wall, his eyes roaming my body. I now wish I wasn’t wearing any clothes at all.

  “You look so beautiful tonight. You were the most breathtaking woman there,” he tells me and prowls towards me, taking off his jacket and tis along the way then throwing it on the chair. When he gets to me, he runs his hands down my arms.

  “Turn around.” His voice is low like a purr. I do what he says, and hear the zipper being pulled down. He pushes the straps off, and it falls to the floor, leaving me in my underwear and stilettos. I step out of my dress and kick it to the side, then feel Pierce press himself behind me. Every hard inch, including his rigid cock is touching me. He caresses me until his hands reach the back of my bra, and he undoes it. I let out a little gasp as the cold air hits my erect nipples.

  “Turn around.” He says again, his voice now a growl.

  I do as he says, baring myself to him. I don’t feel shy or scared, but powerful. He takes a small step back and sucks in a deep breath. “You're stunning.” He makes me blush, but I feel energized from his gaze.


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