Their Salvation

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Their Salvation Page 7

by May Gordon

  “That sounds awesome. Let’s do it.”

  I’m still standing there in shock. “Eli, why don’t you clean up and get your shoes on so we can head out,” I tell him, trying to stay calm.

  “Okay, Mommy.” He gets up and leaves the table.

  Pierce brings his coffee cup to the sink. “What’s wrong?” He asks concerned.

  “He called you Dad.”

  A grin spreads across his face. “Yeah, he did.” He seems so happy about it.

  “You're happy?” I state the obvious.

  “Hell yeah, I am. When he asked me yesterday if he could call it was the best feeling in the world.” He tells me.

  “He asked you this yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me.?”

  He crowds me against the kitchen counter, bracing his arms on either side of me. “Because, in case you’ve forgotten, we were busy after Eli went to sleep.” He kisses me.

  “You don’t mind?” I ask when he releases my lips.

  “Diana, I feel honored. I love that boy like he’s my own, and I want us to be a family.” He cups my face, bringing his lips close to mine again. “And to add some more children to the equation.” My eyes widen with shock, but he kisses me again.

  “Mom, Dad. I’m ready! Let's go.” Eli calls from the front entryway. My heart blooms with happiness, finally, after all this time Eli has a Dad, and a great one at that.

  The next morning

  “How’s birthday planning going?” Jen asks as we’re in the staff kitchen making some tea.

  I give her an eye roll as I answer, “Pierce is spoiling him rotten.”

  “That’s what Dads are for.” She gives me a wink. “Pierce is like a new man ever since you and Eli showed up. It's so nice to see him alive again.”

  “Alive?” I ask

  Jen gives me a sad smile. “I’m sure you noticed Pierce could be a tad grumpy.” I snort at the comment. “He’s been closed off, and hard, not letting anyone in. He’s been alone for so long I worried about him terribly. But now, I’ve never seen him smile so much in the ten years I’ve worked for him. He was even showing Eli’s picture to some CEOs he was meeting with last week. He’d do anything for that boy, and you as well. It's just so nice to see you all as a family.” She beams at me and her little speech almost brings me to tears. “You saved him.”

  “He saved us too,” I tell her with teary eyes.

  She gives me a brief hug before stepping back. “We should get back to work; you know how the boss can be.” She playfully rolls her eyes.

  I chuckle and finish my tea before heading back to Pierce’s office. When I pass by one of the conference rooms, I see my father inside. I stop short, debating whether to go in. I don’t want Pierce to have to deal with him anymore so I decide to step in, and straighten my backbone.

  “Dad?” I ask with annoyance clearly in my voice.

  “Diana, just the woman I wanted to see.” His voice is as fake as ever.

  “What do you want?”

  “To see you of course. Can’t a father visit his daughter at work?”

  I snort. “A real father maybe, you never.”

  “How can you be so cruel? We’re family after all.”

  I'm starting to think he’s gone crazy, acting like the last six years never happened. “What do you want?” I ask again.

  “To bring you back into the family, return your last name, and welcome you with open arms,” he tells me.

  Now I know he’s crazy, but I also know the only reason he’s offering this is so he can get something in return. But what?

  “And what do you want for this very kind offer?” Sarcasm oozes from my voice.

  He drops the act now and says, “All you need to do is slip some account numbers my way.”

  “And then just like that, you’ll except me and Eli?”

  “Of course, dear.”

  “Go screw yourself.”

  The change in him is instant. “Diana, he won't keep you for long, and when he throws you away you’ll need a place to go,” he tries to reason with me.

  “Pierce loves me and Eli. He won't leave us, and I won't help you hurt him.”

  “You're so naïve!” He yells. “Do you think a man with any respect will claim a tarnished woman and a dirty bastard of a son as his own?”

  It takes all my power not to scratch his eyes out, but I know that will solve nothing. He’s losing against Pierce and grasping at straws to find a leg up.

  “If there isn’t anything I can help you with, then leave.” I head toward the door, but his voice stops me.

  “When I ruin him, I won't take pity on you because we’re family,” he all but snarls out.

  I turn to him and say before leaving, “We are not. Pierce and Eli are my family.”

  Chapter 13


  “It looks perfect. She’s going to love it. Thanks, George,” I say as I finish my call to the high-end jewelry store. A few weeks ago, I custom ordered an engagement ring, and it was just carried over. Its spectacular, and I'm chomping on the bit to ask her to be my wife. Diana walks in and I quickly hide the box in my desk before she sees it.

  “Here are the books for that company you wanted me to consider.” She drops a folder on my desk. My eyes shoot to her face, her voice sounding a little off.

  “What’s wrong?” I demand.

  She looks at me for a few beats, then smiles. It’s genuine and reaches her eyes.

  “Just feeling a little tired is all.” I can't help but grin, I did keep her up late.

  “We’ll call it an early day and go to our favorite pizza place for dinner,” I suggest.

  “That sounds great.” She leans over the desk to kiss me.

  “Let me finish filing, and we can leave,” I say, grabbing the folder from my desk.

  She takes a seat and asks, “Have you heard anything from your tech guy?”

  “He traced the name of the account to a company which is owned by another and so on. He’s close, though.”

  “I can’t believe its taking so long,” she muses.

  “Whoever it is has been at it for years, so he's had all that time to protect himself. But we're close Diana, don’t worry.”

  “And then we can give Dan the boot?” She asks hopefully.

  I can't help but chuckle. “Yes, and I’ll be pressing charges on him as well.”

  “Good.” She lets out a sigh of relief. “I’ll call the school to let them know we’ll be early.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I look over the numbers Diana wrote up, perfect as always. I sign off on while Diana makes her call and get up to pass the folders to Jen.

  “We’re calling it an early day and so should you,” I tell Jen.

  “Any fun plans?” She smiles at me taking the folder.

  “Dinner at our favorite pizza place,” I tell her with a grin.

  “Have a great time,” she smiles back.

  “Pierce!” Diana’s yell puts me on high alert. “The school said you sent a driver to pick Eli up.”

  “What?” I bellow. “I did no such thing.” I dial my security men, telling them to get to the school and house.

  “Come on, we’re going to the school. Jen can stay here and coordinate with the team coming up now.”

  “Of course,” Jen agrees right away.

  I grab Diana’s hand, and we head out.

  “Pierce, what’s happening?” She sounds scared and I don’t blame her. I feel the same way.

  “We’ll figure this out, love. Don’t worry.” It seems ridiculous for me to tell her to calm down when I'm freaking out myself.

  We arrive and some of my security team are already there. Diana practically jumps from the car, and I’m right behind her. The principal and a teacher are waiting out front.

  “Boss,” one of the men greet me before saying, “I have men checking the security cameras.”

  “What happened?” I bark at the principal.

  “Mr. Thorne, I can't apologize enough,” he says qui

  “Don’t apologize. Just tell me how a stranger was able to pick up my son!” I demand.

  “Sir, the man was wearing a Thorne Inc. baseball hat and uniform along with a security badge,” one of the security guys informs me.

  “And he said he was a driver for me?” I glare at the principal.

  “Yes, Mr. Thorne. It's not uncommon for children to be picked up by drivers as this is a prestigious private school after all.”

  “Why didn’t you call me first? Or Pierce?” Diana yells, her emotions flying off the handle. I grip her shoulders trying to calm her.

  “I apologize again,” he says.

  “With the amount I pay for this school, I expected you guys not to be complete idiots,” I snarl out. “Stay here, we’re heading home to coordinate with the authorities,” I tell the security. I grab Diana’s hand and lead her back to the car.

  “Pierce, are we leaving? Shouldn’t we stay here?” She’s in a full panic mode now.

  “My team is here, and the police are on their way as well as to our house. We’ll figure it out with them there,” I tell her.

  I practically speed home and see some of my security men there as well as two detectives. When you’re one of the wealthiest men around you get fast responses. I greet them and tell them what we know from the school.

  “Was there anything out of the ordinary lately? Any threats on you or your family?” One of the detectives asks me.

  “No, nothing like that.” We’re in the living room and I'm pacing the length of the couch while Diana sits there, tears clinging to her eyes. She’s scared shitless.

  “Ms. Hemway, what about Eli’s Father?”

  “I’m his father,” I bark out, annoyed he asked in the first place.

  “No. He’s never been in the picture. It’s not him,” Diana tells her.

  “Are you sure?” He asks again.

  “Dammit, we just told you it’s not him.”

  “Pierce,” Diana’s voice cuts through my anger. “Something happened this afternoon.”


  “My father stopped by the office. He wanted me to give him some account numbers.”

  I feel a low growl in my throat. “In exchange for what?”

  “Letting Eli and me back into the family.”

  “How did this convocation end?” I demand

  “Me telling him to screw off, and him saying I’d regret it.” Tears spill over her eyes.

  “You hear that? Fred Woodworth should be brought in.” I tell the detective.

  “Are you and your father on bad terms?” They ask Diana.

  “Yes, I haven't seen them in almost six years, and then Eli disappears the same day he shows up asking for insider info on Pierce's company?” She cries out.

  “We’ll get someone to pick him up,” the detective says.

  Diana gets up and goes to the kitchen, I follow when I see her hands shake as she turns on the kettle and I reach over to help.

  “Pierce could this have anything to do with the stolen money?” She whispers.

  “I’m not sure, I called and asked Josh to look into it faster,” I tell her.

  “It has to be my father.” She turns towards me and asks, “He wouldn’t hurt him, right?”

  “What motive would he have to kidnap Eli?” I ponder.

  “He wants information, so now he has leverage.”

  “Yes, but then everyone will know how he got it and he’d get caught,” I tell her.

  She takes a shaky breath, more tears spilling from her beautiful eyes. “Oh god Pierce, I'm so scared,” she cries into my chest.

  “Diana, I will do everything in my power to get him back,” I promise her.

  Suddenly, I hear Diana’s phone ring. “That’s probably Ellen.” She steps away and I let her go, knowing she’ll need some time to talk to her.

  I return to the living room as the detective is just getting off the phone.

  “So?” I grunt.

  “We have people going to pick up Woodworth. They’ll take him to the station and start questioning him. We also have people at the school gathering information, going over security tapes, and anything else that could be helpful. And we’re ready to trace any calls that come to your cell,” He tells me.

  I let out a deep breath and ask, “Do you think this is for ransom?”

  “Mr. Thorne, you’re a mighty rich man who has never had any family to use as leverage to get to you. You do now though.” I know he’s right and it does make sense. I'm pissed at myself for not doing a father’s job of protecting their son.

  “What’s our next move?” I demand.

  “We’ll question Fred and keep exploring other avenues as well.”

  “I want to be there when you do,” I tell him.

  “Sir, that isn’t authorized.”

  “I wasn’t asking!” I yell. “I’ll drive there now, just let me tell Diana.” I leave before they can argue. I go to the back door where I assume Diana went to talk to Ellen, but she's nowhere to be found. “Diana?” I shout, going back inside. No answer. I run upstairs and look through the bedrooms. I say her name again, starting to freak out.

  “Mr. Thorne, is everything all right?” The detective asks.

  “Diana is missing,” I explain as I dial my tech guy.

  “Pierce,” he answers. “I was just going to call you.”

  “Diana is missing. I need you to track her cell.”

  “I am, like I said I was just about to call. I know who took Eli and Diana is going right to him.”

  And just like that, my heart stops in my chest, and fear as I've never felt before overcomes me and one thought pulses through my mind.

  I need to safe my family.

  Chapter 14


  I wipe the tears from my eyes as I pull up to the meeting place I was given. I know it’s dumb to have taken off and left Pierce, but I had no choice. When my phone rang, I thought it was Ellen, but it was a blocked number, and the man’s first words were, “I have your son.”

  I would’ve done anything in my power to get Eli back, which is exactly what I'm doing. He told me to come alone, no Pierce, no cops. So here I am, in a sad part of town at an abandoned parking lot meeting whoever has Eli. I see a car pull up and get out of mine, trying to see if Eli is in it. He isn’t. Oh god is he in the trunk? The driver parks and I realize I know the man in a baseball hat and glasses, which he takes off.

  “Dan, what is this? Where’s Eli?” My voice is shaky.

  “I want my money, Diana,” he yells.

  “Your money?” I’m guessing this is about the stolen money.

  “He sent you in to watch me, didn’t he?” Dan isn’t making any sense.

  “Dan, please. Give Eli back to me,” I try to plead with him.

  “Tell your Dad I want out with no repercussions, and my share of the money,” he shouts.

  “My dad?” Then it all clicks. He’s the one stealing from Pierce and Dan is his inside man. I try to play it cool because I don’t want to upset him. “Okay, I will and I’ll get you your money, but please give me Eli. Where is he?” I try to get any information from him I can.

  “He’s safe for now. Just get my money, and the promise that your dad will leave me be and he’ll go free. I'm tired of working for him, I know Pierce is getting close, and I don’t want to go to jail,” he rants.

  “I understand. Just tell me how much and where to meet you with Eli,” I plead again.

  “Five million in three hours. I’ll call with further instruction,” he says before turning to leave.

  I’m standing there stunned. I don’t know what to do. How am I going to manage that? I return to my car and rest my head against the steering wheel. God, how can I get that much money? I know Pierce would give it to me in a second, but Dan said no to him and the cops. How would he know if Pierce helps? Should I even risk it?

  There's a knock on the window, and I let out a startled scream. I look over and see a furious Pi
erce on the other side. Well, shoot. I'm in trouble now.

  “Get out of the fucking car, Diana.” Yeah, he’s angry.

  I unlock the door and step out, though he doesn’t give me much room. “Pierce, I can explain.”

  “What the hell were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I understand I did a stupid thing, but I don’t need him yelling at me, its just making me angrier.

  “Pierce, I'm trying to get my son back,” I yell back.

  “Our son,” he replies instantly.

  I stop and stare at him, realizing he’s not just angry at me, but worried about Eli too. I break down crying and he gathers me into his arms, holding me tight.

  “I’m sorry,” I sob. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t ever do that to me again. I’m already losing my mind with Eli gone,” he growls into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

  “I just want him back,” I sniffle then pull back to look at him. “It’s Dan and my father. They're behind the theft, and Dan kidnapped Eli! He wants five million in three hours!” I blab to him.

  “Shhh, I know it’s them. Josh told me just after you took off,” he soothes me. “Where’s the meeting?” He asks me

  “He’s going to call, but he said he didn’t want you or the cops involved,” I tell him.

  “Well I am, but we’ll keep the cops out of this for now. I’ll have Josh try to track Dan right now.” I nod as he says, “Follow me and we’ll find a place to wait until he calls.”

  “What about the money?”

  “I’m not giving him a dime. I have a plan,” he reassures me.

  “But he said…” Pierce interrupts me.

  “Do you trust me?” He asks.

  I’m taken back by the hint of insecurity in his voice and tell him, “Of course, Pierce.” I let out a breath and let him know, “I love you.”

  He leans down and gives me a hard kiss. “I love you too, so trust me.”

  “Okay.” I wipe fresh tears from my eyes.

  He opens my car door and I get in. Taking a deep breath, I feel sick to my stomach. Three hours suddenly seems like a lifetime.


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