Hiding Katherine

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Hiding Katherine Page 7

by GG Shalton

  Deanna pulled the blanket around them. “He recognized you today?”

  “Aye, I was a little surprised. Last year I went to visit his older brother for a festival. He introduced us, and I barely said a few words at him during that time. He must have a great memory and recognized me. Today’s meeting could have gone a lot worse.”

  Deanna began running her fingers over his chest. “Is he married or betrothed?”

  “Not that I am aware of. He is probably around twenty-four or five. His parents would have little say about his nuptials. I would be surprised if he took a wife. He seems to enjoy battle and not sure if he would domesticate himself with a family. A few of his brothers had an arranged marriage that aligned two of the biggest clans, although his oldest brother remains unwed.”

  She smiled and asked, “What about you?”

  He winked at her. “Me? I am free to choose.”

  Deanna smiled and kissed him on the mouth, and they covered themselves with the blanket for some time alone.

  Chapter 6

  Katherine opened her eyes and watched the sun come out. She felt so warm and content in the two furs wrapped around her and remembering the night before, she twisted around and found herself alone.

  “You’re awake?” A deep voice startled her.

  Looking up, she saw Ian standing over her. “Yes, Sir Ian. I almost forgot where I was.” She sat up and he reached for her hand. She took his hand and stood. “I need to wash up and find some privacy. If you will excuse me?”

  He stroked his chin thinking over her question. “I will excuse you. But you have to call me Ian.”

  She grinned at his flirting. “Very well, Ian. I will see you shortly.”

  He watched her walk away to her sister. Katherine approached Deanna and Claudia. “I need to speak to you privately.”

  Deanna nodded her head. “Come let’s go over that small ridge by the stream. I believe the brush is heavy enough to allow us some privacy.”

  Katherine reached for her saddlebags and the women walked away from the camp. When they neared the bush, Deanna reached for Katherine’s arm. “Tell me, Sister. And be truthful. Did the heathen treat you without respect? I could not sleep last night worrying about you. Was he awful? I longed to rescue you.”

  Katherine looked at her sister and shrugged her shoulders. “Not at all.”

  Claudia giggled at her lighthearted attitude. “Not even a kiss?”

  Katherine blushed carefully avoiding their prying stares. “He is nothing like they said. He was very gentle and kind.”

  Deanna snorted. “Don’t be so stupid! They don’t call him Cold-Heart for his kindness. Dorian told me that he is known for his viciousness.”

  Katherine lifted her chin defensively. “I don’t care what Dorian says. He was not like that with me.”

  Deanna let out a quick laugh. “Not yet.” She touched Katherine’s arm. “Just promise me that you will stay clear of him. I think you should avoid him if he tries to get close to you today.”

  “I will do no such thing!”

  Claudia’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, my! She is in love!”

  Deanna snarled at her. “Katherine! As your older sister, you have to obey me.”

  Katherine placed her hands on her hips. “I do not! You are not my mother. I am a woman now and will decide my own fate.”

  Deanna stomped her foot. “Such insolence from an ungrateful sister!”

  Katherine yelled, “Ungrateful? You dragged me across Scotland under false pretenses. I am now stuck in the middle of nowhere with no provisions and no way to get home. Not to mention, you now want to stay in Scotland for some man that will probably enjoy your favors until we reach his keep.”

  Claudia gasped audibly.

  Deanna opened her mouth turning red in anger. “How dare you!” She pushed Katherine back and she stumbled onto the ground. Katherine screamed and grabbed Deanna’s skirt causing her to fall back. Deanna reached for Katherine’s hair as she scratched her on the cheek. Katherine reciprocated kicking Deanna in the stomach. They rolled through the grass—kicking and scratching—until they were pulled apart. Ian and Dorian grabbed both women and separated them.

  Dorian yelled, “Enough!” He pulled Deanna away from the others and whispered to her as Claudia walked back toward the camp.

  Ian gently touched Katherine’s face running his finger over the scratch. “Are you hurt?” He reached over and helped her remove grass out of her hair.

  Katherine embarrassedly took a deep breath. “Forgive me. I am usually not so unrefined—my sister’s words took me by surprise and I reacted most unladylike.”

  He looked back at Deanna and then to Katherine, leaning down and whispering near her ear, “I believe that you could take her. You are one feisty woman.”

  Katherine giggled. “It’s a new side of me.”

  He cracked a half-smile at her. “I like it!”

  He offered her his elbow and escorted her back to camp.

  The group headed toward the north. Dorian invited Ian’s men to stay at his home when they arrived on the morrow. Most of the men kept to themselves and rode within their own group. Katherine rode a horse with Claudia and Deanna rode alone near Dorian. Katherine wondered at their growing attachment. Would her sister marry him?

  They stopped a few hours later. Katherine was anxious to see if Ian would pay her any attention as she tried to dismount her horse. To her delight, he rushed over and helped her down. She felt dainty as he lifted her to the ground. “Are you hungry?”

  Katherine nodded as the men started a fire to eat more boar meat. They sprinkled strips of the meat with some spices and cooked skewers over the fire. Katherine and Claudia walked to a nearby stream to wash up. She took some of her rose soap and freshened herself hearing her sister come up behind her. She took her comb out and brushed her hair ignoring Deanna.

  Deanna snorted. “Do not fill the comb with pieces of your hair. It is disgusting.”

  “At least I take care of myself. You’re beginning to smell like the men.”

  Deanna reached for her and Claudia stood between them to stop another fight from erupting. Katherine was ready to smack her when they heard a commotion in the camp. All three women turned at the frightening sight of men attacking their camp in an ambush, the sound of metal scraping metal filled the air. A war cry came out of Dorian and more men joined in fighting off their attackers.

  Unable to move, Katherine stood still as a stone near the brush. Deanna took her arm. “Come on! We must hide.” She pulled her arm until her feet stumbled and she started moving. Katherine ducked down staying below the weeds and brush until they made it to the tree line. Deanna held tightly onto Katherine’s hand. Her breathing was labored as they desperately looked for a place to hide.

  Claudia cried out and pointed toward some trees that had some broken branches. “I think we should climb up and hide in the trees.” The women agreed and followed her up the side of the trunk hiding in some leaves obscuring their view.

  They climbed higher to get a better look. Deanna kept touching Katherine. “Forgive me, Sister.”

  Katherine’s voice was shaking. “Me too.”

  Deanna found an opening and the women watched in horror at the slaughter happening below. Katherine scanned the field trying to find Ian, a panicked feeling overcoming her. Not able to see him, she watched the gory scene unfold. Men were fighting for their lives as blood filled the fields. It was barbaric, and she had never witnessed such brutality before—savages trying to destroy not only the men but their horses as well to knock down the riders. She was frozen in shock watching the slaughter with swords and bare hands. A few seconds later, she saw a flash of a horse and screams of men pierced her ears. She covered her ears to block out the sounds turning her head to not view any more dest
ruction, praying it would be over soon.

  After a few minutes, she couldn’t help but to peek and noticed Ian on top of his horse slashing and killing anything in his way. His skills were unchallenged and soon the remaining men ran away. Ian showed no mercy and caught up with them ending their escape and ultimately lives. Turning to his men, he was covered in blood and let out a cry. The men held up their swords in victory as all the remaining men joined together in celebration.

  Ian put down his sword and shifted in his seat looking around the camp. He yelled in Gaelic, and then all the men scattered as if looking for someone. Dorian yelled into the fields, “Deanna?”

  Katherine’s face had lost all color and grabbing her stomach, she whispered, “I feel queasy.” She looked away and held her stomach, vomiting into the trees.

  Claudia kept her head down with her hands covering her face. She was shaking unable to speak.

  Hearing yells that were coming closer, Deanna finally whispered, “Here. We are up here.” Her voice cracked again, and she tried to speak louder, “We are up here.” The men kept yelling their names unable to hear her.

  Deanna finally cleared her throat and yelled with a strained voice, “We are up in the trees.”

  Ian found them riding his stallion into the woods with Dorian close behind. Other men joined behind them. Ian looked past Deanna eyeing Katherine. “Katherine, I am here. Are you hurt?”

  The women looked back at Katherine, realizing she was in shock. Her pale face took a moment to respond and she slowly nodded her head. Her chest rose and fell, but she was unable to move. Ian grabbed hold of a branch and pulled himself up into the tree. He climbed up to Katherine and took her into his arms. He smelled of sweat and blood, but she felt comfort in his embrace and buried her head in his chest. He carried her down the tree and mounted the horse pulling her onto his lap.

  Dorian looked up in the tree. “Deanna, do you need my help, or can you climb down?” She responded for herself and Claudia. “We can climb.” They climbed down together, and Dorian helped her onto his horse. One of his men took Claudia with him.

  They rode to the stream and Ian scrubbed off all the blood and changed into new clothes. Katherine stayed on the horse unresponsive to the flurry of activity around her. Ian took his fur and wrapped it around her. When he finished washing, he looked back at Deanna and said, “She will ride with me.” He turned around and made a call for his men to follow.

  He mounted behind Katherine and she lay back on his chest not saying a word. He held her close to him and took off in front to lead the group. He looked back to Dorian and said, “We will give you and your men time to mourn and bury your losses. We will ride ahead and camp at O’Donnell’s loch a few hours away. My men will hunt and provide your men with sup tonight.”

  Dorian watched Ian’s group ride away. Deanna studied his expression realizing he was having a tough time holding in his emotions over his men’s deaths. Two of his warriors succumbed to their injuries in their battle.

  “Where is he taking Katherine?” She pointed at his horse watching him ride away.

  He raked his fingers through his hair. “She will be safe. We will meet with them later.”

  Deanna stepped closer to him and touched his arm in comfort. “I am sorry about your men.”

  “Thank you. I dread having to tell their families.” He bent down laying a blanket over one of the deceased. “This boy was only eighteen. I almost didn’t bring him.”

  He looked around and found the other warrior and laid a blanket over him as well. “Jordan had been with me for years. He leaves a wife and two sons at home.”

  A few of his men dug graves and they buried the men. Dorian took the men’s swords and plaids to give to their families. After burying them, the men said a prayer over them. Dorian walked around the field after the burial. He studied the plaids on the other dead bodies and said to his men, “I am grateful Ian’s men were here to help us. Those men are part of the McGregor’s clan.”

  His men grunted their disapproval.

  Dorian looked at Deanna. “These men have had land disputes with my clan. This encounter is an act of war. I will be speaking to my uncle the laird when we arrive home.”

  One his warriors spoke up, “Aye, Dorian.” He looked around at the dead bodies of the attackers. “Did you see the way Cold-Heart and his men fought? They were savage killers. None of the McGregor’s are left.”

  Deanna felt frightened. “And you think Katherine is safe with him?”

  Dorian rubbed her arm consolingly. “For your sake, I hope so.”

  Deanna looked at Claudia with worry in her eyes. Soon Dorian called his men to mount their horses, so they could be on their way. Claudia and Deanna mounted their horses and followed the group.

  After an hour of riding, the women fell behind the group wanting to speak privately. Claudia turned to Deanna and whispered, “I hope Katherine is well. That man seems a bit possessive of her. What do you believe are his intentions?”

  “I don’t like it. But she won’t listen to me. It seems her silence only encourages him. But what are we to do? We are at their mercy and no one will challenge him.”

  “She seems a little enamored with him.”

  Deanna rolled her eyes and responded, “Of all the men in England and Scotland, my sister falls for the one they call the Cold-Heart.”

  Claudia giggled and covered her mouth, so no one would hear her.

  Chapter 7

  After a few hours of riding, Ian asked, “Katherine? How are you feeling?”

  “My stomach has settled finally.”

  “I know it was disturbing for you. I wish I could have shielded you from witnessing the battle. But it was an ambush and we had no choice.”

  “I have never seen so much blood. I will never forget the stench in the air.”

  “Try not to think about it.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “Where are my sister and maid?”

  “She is with Dorian. They will meet us tonight. I wanted you near me to make sure you were safe.”

  “Thank you.”

  They reached O’Donnell’s loch and Ian excused himself to scout out the area for safety. A few of the men went fishing and hunting for the night’s meal. Other men unloaded furs and blankets and laid them around the huge fire pit. One of the men set up a tent and moved Katherine’s saddlebags into it. The men spoke in Gaelic and she was unable to decipher their next move.

  Katherine wandered off from the fire pit and walked along the brush. She gathered berries and wild onions to help with the evening meal. She walked farther away from the group so engrossed by the size of the loch. Movement in the brush gave her a moment of panic, but upon further inspection, she saw a puppy. Katherine looked around for the mother and any brothers and sisters, and finding none, she picked it up giving it kisses.

  “Lucky dog.” A deep voice rumbled behind her. Katherine gasped and turned around spotting Ian standing behind her.

  “Oh! You frightened me.” She held the puppy tightly against her chest. Ian took a step near her and petted the dog. He looked down into her bag and noticed the onions and berries. “That looks good. What are the smashed flowers for?”

  “Forgive me. Sir Ian, but it’s the smell. If I place them in my handkerchief, I can smell them instead of your men.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed. She looked at him smiling and said, “I am glad you find it so humorous.”

  He crossed his arms playfully. “I should be offended.”

  “I’m not talking about you. But your men.”

  Ian nodded his head. “Of course, my sweeting. Now, let’s put that puppy back where you found him. The mother may be looking for him and won’t be too keen on seeing you with him.”

  Katherine nodded and placed the puppy ba
ck by the trees. She took his extended elbow and walked with him by the loch. They enjoyed the breeze and noises of nature as they strolled. After a few minutes, Katherine breathed in deeply. “This is the most relaxed I have felt since being in Scotland, although it may be a false sense of peace.”

  Ian stopped walking and looked down at her. “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s a façade. When we reach Dorian’s clan, they may not accept us. Dorian said he would wait for payment from my father, but what if my father’s anger still burns and he refuses to pay? What will Dorian do with us? He is not the laird, and the laird could turn us out. I also fear that Clan McEntee could still be looking for us.”

  He reached for her face and bent down placing his forehead on top of hers. “Worry not. I will help you.”

  She closed her eyes as he brushed a kiss across her lips. She took her hands and wrapped them around his neck. He lifted her slightly off the ground with his embrace before setting her back down on her feet.

  “Now, let’s get back to camp before I ravish you in the middle of the field.” She opened her mouth to protest then closed it when she saw him wink at her with amusement.

  The men were bragging about their catch when they returned to camp. Nine fish in all and seven rabbits with a few birds rounded out the meal. Skewers of meat were set up over the fire and the smell of the roasting meat made Katherine’s stomach growl. One of the cooks took her onions and berries and added them to the pot of the fish they were stewing.

  Katherine took a seat on a blanket and warmed herself by the fire. Ian spoke to some of his men and gave out a few orders. After he cleaned up, he took a skewer of the cooked meat and sat by Katherine. Taking out his dagger, he cut up some meat for her, so they could eat together.

  “It’s delicious.” She licked her fingers enjoying the juicy meat. Ian smiled and bit off some meat from his dagger. They sat in companionable silence as they finished the skewer and drank some ale.


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