Hiding Katherine

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Hiding Katherine Page 11

by GG Shalton

  “Come let’s go get some food and spend some time together. You can help me with my sewing.” Katherine obliged and followed Deanna to the sewing room. A nice distraction would be welcomed.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning Katherine woke later than usual. She stretched and went to look out the window. The bailey was crowded with villagers going about their daily business. She noticed the priest talking with mourners. At least a dozen people were killed in the attacks the night before and burials would have to be planned. Even with their men away at battle, they would need to bury the dead. Katherine saw beyond the castle walls graves being dug. Sadness came over her thinking about the poor families having to bury their loved ones. After a few moments of prayer, she dressed herself without Claudia again, her maid becoming increasingly derelict in her duties.

  Not wanting to sit alone, Katherine skipped the great hall to dine and went directly to the kitchen for some freshly baked bread. She ate her fill and went to the sewing room to find her sister. The seamstress was making a new dress for her and Deanna was watching the progress.

  “You’re finally awake, Sister.” Deanna was conversing with some of Dorian’s family. They were friendly and offered Katherine a seat.

  “Yes, I slept well.” The women went on with their conversation as Katherine looked around the room. She was trying to keep her thoughts off Ian, but the distractions were not enough.

  After another hour, a servant came into the room. “Mrs. Williams? There are some Englishmen at the gatehouse. They are asking for you.”

  Deanna’s eyes widened, the blood draining from her face. She glanced at Katherine whose confused expression matched her own. Both women walked to the door. Deanna turned to the servant saying, “I will be there momentarily—I must have a word with my sister.”

  The servant nodded and walked off toward the gatehouse. Katherine held on to Deanna as they stepped out into the corridor and visibly shaken, she cried, “It… can’t be…”

  Swallowing hard, Deanna said firmly, “Listen to me. We must remain strong. You stay here, and I will go first. Hide upstairs and I will fetch you as soon as I know anything.”

  Deanna approached the gates with apprehension. After all, she had practically abducted her own sister. Surely, these Englishmen were not her relation and may be here on official business. Of course, that would not explain why they had asked for her specifically. Reaching the gate, she asked the guard to let her through. The interior walls were thick, and the gate creaked with each push the guard made. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she took in four men standing near the gate. She recognized them with dread as she tried to compose herself.

  “Sister, we are relieved you are looking so well.” Darin her oldest brother stepped forward and embraced her.

  Unsure of his mood and intentions, she stiffened at his touch. “It is a surprise to see you too, my brother.”

  “Deanna, where is Katherine?” She turned seeing her other brother with irritation etched across his face.

  “Drake, she is well. I am well too if you were wondering.”

  “We heard there was some trouble at Clan McEntee.” Another man spoke behind her, surprising her and her composure.

  Deanna turned toward the man, “Sir William! You scared me. Is my father nearby?”

  The fourth man did not speak. He was huge and unrecognizable—likely a new warrior working for her father. Darin clasped his hands behind him taking a stance of authority. “Now that the reunion is over, stop being coy. Katherine’s betrothal has been signed and we are here to bring her home. Father stayed behind and sent us to fetch you both. He is very close to closing a deal for you as well.”

  She dropped her mouth open. “Me?”

  “Yes, you! Now, where is she?”

  Deanna wavered in her confidence with her brothers. Darin and Drake were three years apart and were not as friendly or emotional as her other brother Donald. Darin, being the oldest, had taken on a lot of her father’s no-nonsense traits. He was groomed to take over her father’s lands as heir and fellow knight.

  “She is safe. A lot has changed since we left England.”

  Darin shook his head frustrated. “Deanna, go and fetch her at once. We are bringing both of you back to England. We have our soldiers and knights strategically placed in case we encounter any problems from this clan that has taken you in. I can only imagine how you both ended up here. We received quite the story from a traveling Scotsman from Clan McEntee. He told us about the trouble you caused when you saw your grandmother.”

  Deanna’s nose flared furiously at such a remark. “Trouble I caused? Did this storyteller mention that he tried to sell both Katherine and me? We were starved and locked away like prisoners. We escaped, and some thoughtful men took us in.”

  Darin snorted condescendingly. “Thoughtful men? In Scotland? I can only imagine the charms you showed them. You better not have soiled our sister. Her nuptials are to none other than the Earl of Delbert. Can you believe it? Father is beside himself to align with such a dynasty. The betrothal papers have been signed. He is the one that approached Father at court thinking that Katherine would be of age now. I guess he accidentally came across her on one of his visits and no one ever knew. Apparently, he never forgot.”

  Deanna panicked trying to find a way to get a message to Katherine. The Earl of Delbert was near forty years old and she wouldn’t let them take her. “She is away visiting some friends. Perhaps you should come back.”

  Darin stepped toward his sister losing his patience. He bent down and whispered near her ear, “Listen to me, you mischievous little trollop. You will go get her now or I will beat you for your insolence in front of all your new friends.”

  Deanna’s heart fell into her stomach. “I am of age and am betrothed to a man in the castle. I will not go with you. I had already sacrificed enough for this family, and I will not be asked to again.”

  Darin looked over at Drake, and Drake sighed loudly. “Let her be. She would probably be more trouble than she is worth on the trip back. If we have Katherine, then father will be happy.”

  His words hurt more than she was willing to admit. She composed herself and looked at the men. “Katherine is her own woman now and no longer a child. I will tell her, and she can decide if she wants to see you.”

  Darin’s jaw flexed as he clamped his mouth shut. After a pause, he narrowed his eyes speaking mockingly. “You will see that she comes down to the gatehouse. Or we will lay siege on this castle. My soldiers are awaiting my signal. Think of the men that would die all because of you. Maybe even your betrothed.”

  Deanna gasped in alarm at his words. She would not be responsible for any more tragedy on these poor people who would soon be her family. They had welcomed her into their home. Their best warriors were gone, and she would not allow them to suffer anymore.

  She glared at Darin assessing his threat. “Very well. I will see if I can find her. You will not step a foot inside of these gates.”

  Darin lifted the corners of his mouth in a slow smile. “We await your return, dear sister.”

  Deanna went back through the doors to the keep. She ran up the stairs to locate Katherine. As soon as she opened the door to their room, Katherine attacked her with questions. “Who was it?”

  “Darin and Drake. Sir William was there too along with a knight that I did not recognize.”

  Katherine paced in front of the bed. “Our brothers? I can’t believe they found us. What did they want?”

  Deanna looked up at her with sorrow in her eyes. “You.”

  “I won’t go. Is Father with them?”

  “No, he stayed at the castle. He has negotiated for your hand. Darin said you are to be married to the Earl of Delbert—you will be a countess.”

  Deanna saw Katherine begin to tremble with panic, she reached
for her and touched her shoulder. “I can’t go. You don’t understand.”

  “That is what I told them. I was adamant at first, but Darin said he had soldiers in the woods and they would lay siege on the castle if you did not go with them.”

  Katherine pressed her hand against her stomach. “I told Ian I would marry him. I am already betrothed. I gave him my word.”

  Deanna stared at her. “Ian? Are you mad? They call him a killer without mercy. He is calculating and brooding all the time. He preys on the weak and bribes them for protection. Men like Ian do not marry.”

  “How dare you! He is the man I love, and I will not allow you to say such horrible things about him. I will marry Ian.”

  Deanna stood trying to mask her concern. “Very well. Then go tell our brothers. I am sure once you explain that you already gave your word to Ian that they will leave us alone.”

  Deanna felt a twinge of guilt about challenging her sister to go speak to their brothers. They would never allow her to stay in Scotland and she wouldn’t blame them. Katherine had lost her mind if she wanted to marry Ian Travis. Perhaps the Earl of Delbert would not be that bad. After all, he was rich by everyone’s standards. Katherine would be well kept and want for nothing. Her life in England would be secured.

  They walked past the gatehouse and saw their brothers waiting by their horses. Darin walked toward them as the other men followed. “Where is your veil?”

  Katherine lifted her chin confidently and said, “I don’t wear it anymore. My betroths name alone gives me protection.”

  Darin seemed to be accessing her words. “Betrothed? Are you referring to the Earl of Delbert?”

  “No, I never agreed to that betrothal. I am to marry Sir Ian Travis.”

  Sir William studied her face disapprovingly. “Stop jesting. You know that your father would never allow you to marry a Scotsman. Let alone one with that reputation. I have heard of him and none of it is good. How did you ever meet such a man?”

  “He actually found me, and I gave him my heart.”

  Darin laughed. “How touching. Now we must go as Father waits for us.”

  Katherine looked at Deanna with fear in her eyes. Deanna used her motherly tone trying to ease her. “Katherine, as much as I want you to stay with me, Father will never allow it. His temper must be over the top by now with the time we have been gone. You must go back. It’s what he would want.”

  Katherine shook her head disbelievingly at all her siblings. “Is no one listening to me? I will marry Sir Ian and will be his wife.”

  Darin let out a sigh, his demeanor now furious as he marched to her. “Katherine, it’s obvious your time away has changed your manners. I will not tolerate any more of this nonsense. You will mount that horse with me and we will be on our way. Don’t test me. I would hate for any of your new friends to suffer because of your disobedience.”

  Katherine twisted her body in an attempt to run back to the gates. Drake caught her and took her kicking and screaming to his horse. “Enough talk. We will leave now.”

  The men mounted as Deanna ran to Katherine trying to reassure to her. “Katherine, forgive me. I only want what is best for you. You’re my little sister and I love you. Please don’t hate me.”

  Katherine was screaming. “Don’t let them take me. Help me!”

  Deanna shook with tears as her brothers departed quickly from the castle. She could hear Katherine’s cries long after they left. She stayed outside of the gates looking in the direction they took her hoping they would bring her back. But she had to convince herself that Katherine would be safe and better off without Ian Travis. Her father was too excited for the alliance to punish her.

  The next few days were the hardest in Deanna’s life. She felt like such a traitor to her own kin. Her dearly beloved sister. Regret overcame her, she should have fought to keep her.

  Claudia gave Deanna little comfort. Her dalliances caused her to miss the day’s events. She was frantically worried about Katherine’s departure and her position. Deanna reassured her that she would speak to Dorian when he returned regarding a position within the keep.

  Deanna spent the next few days learning the layout of the castle and getting to know the village inhabitants. Dorian’s uncle was the laird and had gone with the men. His wife spent most of her time in her room, only coming out at dinner. She was a plain woman, on the thin side, but polite. Dorian’s sister kept Deanna entertained, and accompanied her on walks. Her mind would not settle as it often went to Dorian’s well-being or Katherine’s look of betrayal. Her heart hurt to think of her sister hating her forever. She hoped that her marriage would bring her happiness and that in the end Katherine would forgive her. Deanna had felt Sir Ian was not the type that would ever marry or settle down. He was a savage and feared among men. He could break a man with one of his massive hands. She wondered if he was always so menacing looking. How her sweet, beautiful sister could be so captivated by him astonished Deanna.

  “Deanna?” Deanna looked at Sara, who was Dorian’s oldest sister, a blond woman with brown eyes. “Have you heard the news?”

  “No, I was on my way to the healer for some herbs. What news?”

  “We had riders approach saying the men should be here in a few hours!”

  A feeling of relief fell upon Deanna. “That is wonderful news. I will change at once.” She raced up the stairs to change her dress and ready herself for Dorian.

  Deanna stood beside Dorian’s family. The village stood behind the castle gates to welcome the men back. Deanna’s heart beat hard hoping that Dorian would return unharmed. After several minutes of staring at the gate, the sound of metal opening broke her thoughts. She anxiously peeked around the guards hoping for a look at Dorian. She saw him approach, a bit weathered and dirty, but whole. She could not stand still another minute and ran swiftly to him. He smiled and held his arms open as she embraced him. “Thank God you are well.”

  Dorian smiled and looked down at her. “It was successful! Sir Ian Travis lived up to his reputation and we have punished Clan McGregor for their attack. We were also able to negotiate peace. His name alone gave us what we needed. He has accomplished tasks in less than a week that would have taken us years.”

  “Oh Dorian, that is wonderful news.” Dorian’s sisters rushed behind Deanna and hugged him tightly. “Good to be home, Brother.”

  Dorian laughed in joy. “We must feast tonight, and Sir Ian will be the guest of honor. His only request is to see your sister. They say he doesn’t speak much, but I can attest that his few words were always about her. I am happy she was here, as I think that is the reason he helped us. Our lands and gold were hardly enough to temp a warrior of his skill to align with us.”

  Deanna’s face paled. “I am sure he would have helped without Katherine.”

  “Perhaps. But no matter. Where is she? He will be looking for her. He even bought her a gift in one of the villages we went through.”

  Deanna panicked watching Ian approach. Ian wore mail armor and removed his helm. His hair dripped with sweat, and he cocked a brow looking around the keep.

  “Where is Katherine?” He finally met Deanna’s eyes not finding her in the crowd. Men assembled behind him listening to the conversation, one looked like Ian.

  Dorian took her hand and introduced her to the men. “Sir Jakub, this is Deanna Williams. Deanna, this is Ian’s brother Sir Jakub the laird of clan Dranber and his men. We met up with them on our journey.”

  Sir Jakub was full of smiles and leaned down taking Deanna’s hand kissing her knuckles. Deanna blushed as he was much more refined and handsome than his brother. “Where is the famous Katherine? I want to meet the woman who has ensnared my brother. We thought him immune to such charms, but she seems to have brought out the human in him and I never thought he would ever mention a woman with any regard. She must be a s
ight to behold.”

  Deanna paused looking down not able to meet him in the eyes. “Sir, she is not here. Katherine went back to England with my brothers.”

  Ian’s face drew into an angry scowl, his jaw clenched and temples throbbing. “England? Are you jesting? If you are, it’s not funny.”

  Dorian looked concerned. “Deanna, stop. Where is she?”

  Deanna wrung her hands. “My brothers showed up to the castle the day after you left. They never really said how they found us. My father signed betrothal papers to the Earl of Delbert for Katherine. They came to fetch her as the deal was done.”

  Ian threw his helm and it bounced off the ground causing people to scatter to get out of its way. His face was beat red. “She just left with them? You let them take her?”

  Deanna trembled afraid of his wrath. “No. She told us she wanted to marry you. We were shocked she made such a claim. My brothers argued with her and then grabbed her. After they subdued her, they took off to England. They threatened to siege the castle with their men if I interfered.”

  Ian gritted his teeth forcing words to come out of his mouth, “They hurt her?”

  Deanna shook her head. “I don’t believe they will hurt her. She is normally submissive with them although they had never seen her fight back like she did. She was screaming to let her go.” Deanna cried. “I was helpless. My brothers may not beat her, but they would beat me. It’s my father who will be rough with Katherine. I was frightened and did not interfere. Hopefully, her new husband will not be abusive. She has no choice but to marry and pray her husband is kind.”

  Ian’s world blurred in front of him in anger and despair. Katherine was gone.

  Leaving the group, he turned to walk toward his helm and picked it up. Holding it against his hip, he went to a few of his men and whispered some directives. Everyone was watching him in silence, afraid of his wrath.


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