The Gate to Everything (Once Upon a Dare Book 1)

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The Gate to Everything (Once Upon a Dare Book 1) Page 23

by Ava Miles

  He leaned in and caressed her face. “And I love you. Thanks for going out with me tonight.”

  She found her mouth transforming into an easy smile. “Thanks for asking me.”

  “Expect more invitations,” he said with a sexy wink and then let go of her hand as the server brought the bottle of wine.

  The Burgundy was excellent, and so was the food. Chef had outdone himself with a collection of perfectly paired plates—everything from the shell of an artichoke holding poached lobster shavings that melted in the mouth to the dramatic finish of a lavender-infused chocolate ganache layered over a passionfruit panna cotta.

  Sure enough, Chef came out at the end of the meal. She felt a little bad about asking for a rain check when he invited her to have a drink with him in the wine cellar, but it wasn’t as hard as she’d expected, especially since Jordan grabbed her hand and told Chef they were new parents and needed to get home to check on the baby.

  A couple of the remaining patrons took photos of them when they walked to the front of the restaurant. Sated from a delicious wine and meal, Grace found it easier to smile, tucked up against Jordan’s side. She’d had fun tonight—and it had been wonderful to recall they could enjoy each other out in public like this.

  When they reached the door, he gripped her a little tighter. “The driver told me there are some photographers outside. The car is only a few steps away. I have you.”

  He nodded to the driver who was standing at the door, waiting on them. And so they moved forward. Once the door opened, Grace could see why he’d warned her. There was a huge crowd of photographers outside.

  “Do you trust me?” Jordan whispered into her ear.

  She nodded.

  “Okay, everyone,” he said, holding up his hand to get their attention. “I know you’re looking for some pictures, so we’re going to make this easy on you. We’re going to stand here for a few moments while you do your job. And then you’re going to back up and let us get to the car easily. I don’t have to tell you how upset I was when some of you cornered Grace and me while we were baby shopping. Let’s be civilized this time.”

  The rapid-fire camera flashes made Grace see spots in her vision, but she focused on the solidness of Jordan’s presence next to her and the firmness of his hand around her waist.

  “All right,” Jordan said, waving his hand in the air. “Thanks, everybody.”

  He led her through the crowd, which didn’t press into them as they had before.

  “How’s your daughter?” someone called out. “When are we going to get a picture of the little tyke?”

  Grace immediately tensed at the sound of Farley’s country drawl, but Jordan continued to lead her toward the back passenger door. The driver was standing beside it—his solid presence comforting.

  “She’d cry if she saw your face, Farley,” Jordan said tersely. “Good night, everyone.”

  He helped Grace into the car and slid in after her. It didn’t matter that he was sitting on the fabric of her skirt. She was too relieved to care.

  “That wasn’t too bad,” he said, lifting up her skirt and tucking it around her. “Are you okay?”

  She was still shaking a little, but she nodded. “Great,” she said, partly to reassure herself. They’d had a lovely meal together. She’d gotten through the photographs.

  He lay back against the leather seats and brought her against his chest. “I plan on making you feel even greater once we’re home.”

  Arousal shimmered inside her, forcing the lingering tremors away. “I like that plan.”

  “Take a nap,” he suggested, rubbing her back slowly. “We’re going to be awake for a while.”

  She let her eyes close, relaxing in the knowledge that she was safe.

  And thinking about how she wanted this night to end.

  * * *

  When they returned home, Jordan walked to the nursery with Grace after saying goodbye to Amy. Ella was sleeping soundly, her little tummy rising with each breath. Grace tucked her blanket closer around her while Jordan caressed her little brow.

  As they stepped away from the crib, he reached for Grace’s hand and then drew her into the hallway. She tugged free and walked a few steps in front of him before looking over her shoulder at him. There was desire in her eyes as she unzipped her gown and let it fall to the floor.

  Shock and arousal slammed into him.

  He had wondered what Grace had on under that sexy red dress of hers, but his imagination had not done her justice. Her black and lacy negligee did things to him. His eyes traveled down to her legs. Sheer black stockings were secured by garters. She popped one of them with her fingers as she walked off to the bedroom.

  Kicking off his shoes, he followed her in and closed the door behind them.

  She stepped in front of him, standing just out of reach.

  “I want you to do two things for me to start. Take your clothes off.” The low, seductive pitch of her voice almost unmanned him.

  He was already unbuttoning his shirt. “What’s the second?”

  “Let me lead.”

  She looked like a siren before him in the soft lamplight. Her green eyes were enormous in her face, the lashes framing them long and black. The spicy perfume she wore wove around him.

  Jordan nodded his acquiescence and stood there, rooted to the ground.

  She walked behind him and helped ease his shirt open. When he shrugged out of the sleeves, she threw it across the room. Her hands came around him, and he felt soft fabric brush his stomach as they wandered up his chest.

  “You’re mine tonight. And you’re going to let me do whatever I want to you.” She slowly unveiled a black silk tie. “I bought this for you when I bought my dress. I’m going to put this over your eyes. Is that okay?”

  Was she kidding? “You can do whatever you want to me. You know I trust you.”

  This woman—the one in the red dress who had smiled in front of the cameras—was powerful and sexy, and he liked seeing this new side of his Grace. Usually he was the aggressor in bed. It was nice to have the tables turned.

  “One other rule,” she said in that same hot-siren voice. “No touching me.”

  Sweat broke out across his skin.

  “At least until I tell you to.”

  His mouth went dry as she placed the tie over his eyes and secured it. The darkness made his other senses kick in stronger. She was breathing hard, but then again, so was he. And she smelled delicious. Her hands reached around again and brushed his stomach as they undid his pants. He shucked them and his briefs to the floor, then quickly stooped to deal with his socks.

  “Someone’s clearly ready.” She boldly stroked him, and unable to anticipate her moves because of the tie, he quivered with uncertainty. The full length of her body pressed into his back, and he groaned at the contact.

  She was going to destroy him tonight, and he couldn’t help but grin. “I love where you’re going with this.”

  “It’s just us tonight,” she said, kissing his back. “I want you to feel how much I want you.”

  She traced his body as she walked around him.

  “I’m going to own you tonight,” she said, caressing his chest now. “And make you feel everything you’ve always made me feel.”

  Jordan’s breathing hitched in his chest. He didn’t know this Grace, but even with the tie over his eyes and her seductive commands, he felt the intense emotions arcing between them.

  He gave himself over to her.

  Her hands were suddenly curled around his thighs and then her mouth…

  She loved him thoroughly until he sank to the floor after his release. His heart was beating like crazy, and he was struggling to breathe, but with her head resting on his stomach, it didn’t matter. Every moment of surrender had been worth it.

  “Can I take this off finally?” he asked, caressing the nape of her neck. “I really want to see you.”

  She traced his thigh with a fingernail. “If you want,” she said hoarsely, rolli
ng onto her side next to him.

  Jordan tugged the tie off and looked at the woman before him. Her black lingerie was striking against her pale skin. Her pulse beat strongly in her neck, and there was a slight sheen of sweat on her skin. He could all but taste the desire racing through her veins.

  “Come here,” he said, fitting her over him until she straddled him.

  He pulled her forward until her body rested on top of his, then took her mouth in a slow, wet kiss. It was filled with promise, longing, and heat.

  “Bed or floor?” he asked.

  She pulled back, breathing shallowly. “Floor.”

  “Good decision,” he whispered before she pressed her lips to his.

  She ran her hands down his body, and his arousal peaked again. Jordan lifted his hands to her breasts, caressing their softness through the negligee. He felt the stays in the garment and reached around to take it off.

  Her hands stopped him. “No, it stays on tonight.”

  Jordan wasn’t sure about the rule, but he wanted to give her what she wanted.

  When her mouth cruised to his jaw, he reached his hands down her bottom and caressed her through the black cloth there. She stilled and moaned brokenly.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered.

  He pressed deep as her head fell back and her thighs opened to him. Wanting to be with her all the way this time, he levered them up to a sitting position. Her legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of the shoes she still had on biting into his back.

  She looked up at him, her face flushed.

  “Tell me this thing unsnaps,” he said, his voice almost pleading.

  “It does,” she said with a smile.

  “Grace Kincaid, I pretty much love the heck out of you right now.” He found the seam and gently unsnapped the tiny buttons there. She quivered as his hand brushed her core.

  “I pretty much love the heck out of me right now,” she told him, pressing into his hand. “I talked myself out of buying this in the store. I got to the stoplight a block away and had to go back for it.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with some hot lingerie,” he told her, well aware of the conventions both of them had been raised to follow. “In fact, there’s nothing wrong with the tie either.”

  And then instead of sliding into her, he eased her onto her back before him, wanting to take her to new heights tonight—just as she had done with him. “Do you trust me?”

  She gulped and then slowly nodded. “More than ever.”

  The thought of how far they’d come made his heart expand even more in his chest. “Do you have any idea how much I love you? How much I’ve always loved you?”

  And then he ran his hands over her core. He pushed the black lace to her waist and touched her. When she was finally moaning, totally under his spell, he rose onto his knees and placed his mouth on her. She exploded under him, and he coaxed her through her release until her eyes opened and held his.

  “Come into me,” she said, holding out her hand.

  He stretched out over her and slid into her body slowly, pausing to kiss her deeply before resting his forehead against hers. Her breath warmed his face as he reached for his control. He wanted this to last, and even though he was sated, his desire was white hot.

  Grace’s lipstick had worn off, and her cheeks were flushed red. The green eyes that held his seemed to reach into his soul. He pressed to the hilt, and she moaned, her lids falling shut again.

  “No,” he whispered, “don’t close your eyes.”

  And she didn’t. She held his gaze the entire time he loved her. Fully. Completely. Bracing himself with his arms, he thrust into her with an easy, sensuous rhythm until his control finally snapped. His strokes grew more powerful, and she responded by locking her legs around his waist and gripping him hard.

  He wanted to possess her in that moment, and from the feel of her nails digging into his back, so did she. He gave in to it. When her body coiled and shattered around him, he let himself go, eyes still locked with hers.

  Spent, he rolled them onto their sides, lifting her leg over his hip to keep them joined. Her breath feathered his chest, and suddenly Jordan knew they weren’t finished yet. He didn’t want them to be finished.

  “I need this negligee thing off now, Grace,” he said and slid his hand down her back in a caress. “I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  She pulled back and together they took it off. Jordan threw it across the room and filled his hands with her breasts. He caressed them and kissed the undersides until her eyes closed and her breath grew choppy again. And then he took off her stockings and shoes like a man unwrapping the hottest, sexiest gift ever. When she lay totally bare before him, he loved her again.

  Afterwards, she rested on top of him, her body slick and warm. He traced her spine and waited for his heart and breath to return to normal. Man, they hadn’t made love like this since they’d first started dating. How had he missed this assertive, carnal side of Grace? Part of him wanted to kick himself for not encouraging her to buy lingerie sooner, but perhaps this was a step she’d needed to take on her own.

  “I need water,” she said hoarsely, and he laughed.

  “I’ll get some,” he said and picked her up and carried her to bed. “Be right back.”

  Kissing her lightly on the lips, he tugged the covers up and over her. She snuggled into the pillow and smiled back at him. “Hurry.”

  He ran downstairs and pulled out half a dozen bottles of water. Catching his reflection in the mirror in the den on the way back, he couldn’t help but shake his head. His hair was stuck to his head from sweat and sticking up in other places. Boy, they’d had a bout.

  When he returned to the bedroom, Grace was lying on her side, her hand tucked under the pillow. Her eyes opened, and she reached for the bottle of water he held out.

  “Do I look as wild as you do?” she asked, propping herself up to drink.

  He drained half the bottle before answering. “Wild looks good on you.”

  She let out a breathy laugh. “It feels rather good. I started wondering why we hadn’t done something like this before, but I already knew the answer. Me.”

  He drained the rest of the water and then lay back, bringing her against his chest. “I was just thinking about that too. But it’s no one’s fault. I’m just glad you opened up like this with me. Grace, you might not want to hear this, and maybe I don’t have the right to say it, but I’m proud of you. I know tonight wasn’t easy.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” she said, putting her hand on his stomach. “But I decided I needed to be bold and stand in my power, so to speak. If I want to be a good role model for Ella, I need to stop backing away from the things that scare me. You know? I told myself that after she was born, but I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like. I’m still growing, I guess.”

  “It takes time to get used to the media,” he told her. “It took me some time and some coaching, and I still have my moments. You’re doing great!”

  She traced his thigh. “I want to be more empowered with you too. There have been things I’ve wanted to do with you in bed, but I was…too scared to ask.”

  “You never need to be scared about that,” he said, looking down at her. “I want you to have what you want. Always.”

  Her face turned a delightful pink. “All right. There are some more things I’ve been wanting to try.”

  “Let me grab you a notepad so we can write them all down.”

  He received a half-hearted punch in the gut. “I’m serious.”

  “I know,” he said, rolling them onto their sides so they could face each other. “But you can always be honest with me, even when it doesn’t feel completely comfortable. I want us to be completely open with each other.”

  She looked down and sighed deeply.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said half-heartedly.

  He cupped her cheek and made her look at him. “Tell me.” When she still hesitated, his belly grew ti
ght with nerves. “Grace.”

  She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I’ve been trying not to think about it, and I know it’s none of my business since we were broken up, but…”

  His stomach dropped. “You want to know about the women I was with while we were apart.” Sweet Christ, why hadn’t he expected she would think about that? “All right, ask me what you want, and I’ll be as honest as I can with you.”

  “I feel like it’s my fault,” she said in a hushed voice. “I know you agreed to the breakup, but deep down I know it really was my choice. I can’t help but wish they hadn’t happened now that we’re back together again.”

  Jesus Christ. The casual dalliances had meant so little to him, and he’d hoped they would never resurface. “Oh, Gracie. Come here.”

  He held her gaze, stroking her spine as he gathered his control.

  “Part of me doesn’t want to talk about this,” she said, “but I just can’t let it go.”

  “Is that what tonight was about?” he asked, his heart breaking at the thought.

  “No,” she said softly. “I only decided that if I could do all this, then I could tell you it was bothering me. That it has been for months.”

  “A night for courage, eh?” he asked. “When you decide to go all the way, you never stint. I remember seeing you have moments like this when you decided to go to culinary school in New York City and not closer to home. No one was going to stop you. Grace, if this has been on your mind, we need to deal with it.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled.

  Jordan kept his face neutral. “Yes, I slept with other women while we were apart. But not nearly as many as you may imagine from the media coverage, and none of them made me feel even a fraction of what I feel when I’m with you. I need you to believe that, Grace. More than anything.” He hoped she wouldn’t ask for details because he didn’t want to share them. They didn’t matter.

  “I was afraid it was only confirmation that I was too dull for you,” she said, crushing him. “Or not pretty enough.”

  Pain flashed through his chest. “Oh, Grace! I never thought that! Ever! You’re beautiful and funny and…pretty much everything to me.”


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