Collateral Trade

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Collateral Trade Page 10

by Candace Smith

  A seething rage filled Chaya. “So, you wish to be with one of your weak men who offered you no protection and sent you to us?”

  Sharell winced. “No, there isn’t anyone on the Manerea I want to be with, and it was the Board who ordered us here. I’m not getting into bed with two men I just met.”

  Chaya’s eyes narrowed, and he realized she was searching for a sign of his strength and testing his ability to control their hierarchy. Dark father had warned some primitives would question his dominance. With some species, if he failed to convince her, she would try to choose another. “Tian, get me her collar.” Chaya fought to keep his anger from surfacing. He thought his mate understood his dedication after retrieving the tablet.

  Sharell’s stomach cramped, but she kept her eyes on his. She saw Tian from the corner of her eye hand the wide black strap to his brother. Sliding her long legs around, she reached out to kick him and propel herself back to the couch. She cringed at Chaya’s glare.

  “The Commander has ordered all mates collared.” Chaya felt a surge through his cock. He had wondered if they would ever find a mate worthy of their collar.

  “He meant the Casiquas so they can be seen,” she shot back. Anger was replacing her fear.

  “All mates.” Chaya let go of her arm and grabbed her braid, pulling until she shrieked and rose to her feet.

  Her fists pummeled against his chest and he felt Tian’s distress, though he stayed out of the argument. Shadowed under Sharell’s anger, he shared his brother’s arousal and need to place their collar on her. Tian had never seen a woman attack her mate, but it looked like Chaya was not surprised.

  Tian held her chin and turned her head so she was looking into his pale blue eyes while Chaya locked on the training collar. “Calm, Sharell. We physically cannot join until after the ceremony. It is an impossibility bred into our kind since ancient times. No other male can ever have you, except the twins you hold ceremony with.”

  Her fists stopped ripping at Chaya’s hands and her gaze fixed on Tian’s features. See how she already calms by my words, Chaya. Tian was thrilled with his progress. He was worried light father’s teachings might not have an effect on this new species.

  “Oh,” Sharell whispered. “I’m never going to figure this out. Between your size and your weirdness…” Her eyes filled with uneasy confusion.

  Chaya released her into his brother’s arms. “We aren’t weird,” he scowled, stripping in front of her and dropping his clothes on his way to the sleeping platform.

  Sharell stared at the taut muscles of his butt while he walked. If Tian had not coaxed her to follow him towards the chair, she would have remained frozen in place. “Come on, light father told me what mother enjoys, so I know what to do.”

  “What to do? To me?” Her voice sounded far away. All the time they spent together seemed like an instant. I can’t get naked in front of two men.

  Tian felt her panic, and Chaya called out, “Sachan, Tian.”

  “Yes, brother.” He poured a small glass, considering the wine she drank at dinner.

  “I don’t want it. This is wrong.” For some reason, she could physically battle Chaya, but Tian’s voice and soft urges seemed to hypnotize her.

  “Drink, Sharell.”

  “Please.” She began crying again, but Tian could feel his brother’s push to make her comply.

  She needs rest, Tian, as do we. That will not happen until she is peacefully sleeping between our protection.

  Once more, Tian felt the sting of not recognizing this. Chaya was right. It had been a long, eventful day for all of them. “Drink, Sharell. That’s right. Now, you’ll feel better.”

  “Now I’ll be drugged so you guys can… can…”

  “Can what, little mate? Pamper you and let you know how much you mean to us? Let you know how happy we are that our search has finally ended and we can finally build our family?” He held her against his chest until he felt her calm.

  “Tian, this is wrong,” she sighed. His warm chest felt so good against her cheek. Her arms wrapped around him and she inhaled his soft scent.

  His hand stroked down her back. “You can feel it is not, Sharell. Inside you, you know you are just frightened.”

  Chaya lay back in bed with the blanket thrown back, ready to cover Sharell. He watched Tian through soft brown eyes with expectation on his face. Tian slipped the band off the end of her hair and lifted her feet to pull off her boots. Her head remained buried against his chest and she quivered occasionally.

  “How much did you give her?”

  “Just a drop. I don’t think she’s had much wine before, though.” Tian slid her leggings down and lifted her tunic. “Arms up.”

  “It’s wrong,” she murmured.

  “Okay.” Tian watched his brother’s eyes, scanning their mate’s body.

  She’s beautiful, Tian. Wait ’til you see.

  Tian slipped his fingers through a thin strip of cloth covering her pussy and he pulled it down, rolling his palms over her bottom. Neither man had questioned the cloaking covered an imperfection. They realized she could not travel safely through the Manerea vessel with her beauty on display, and their men were cowards and unable to protect their women. “Into bed.” He lifted her and laid her down so her head rested on Chaya’s chest.

  Tian stripped and lay behind her, curling against her and continuing to wash her with his calming caress. Her head rubbed on Chaya’s chest muscles and he groaned, slipping a slightly shaking hand over her hip. His cock tented the blanket and he resisted the urge to fist himself.

  It is worse… and better… lodging my cock between her thighs. Her skin is so soft and warm.

  This is even more difficult than watching our brothers with Milana, Chaya agreed. His hand slid up her rib cage and curled around to cup her breast. Her nipple tightened and her head nudged against him again.

  Tian thrust between her thighs, tickling his stiff shaft on her curls. Her bottom pushed back against him and he shuddered.

  Careful, Tian, or your balls will not be able to empty. It will be a most uncomfortable weight to carry until our bonding ritual.

  I understand now how this trial of bonding denial strengthens our family. Even I feel the urge to rip apart any man who looks on our mate.

  I did not give Laiya the respect he deserved for his control, Chaya agreed.

  How do we last six months until our return to Actana for the ritual? I will burst before then. Tian buried his face in her tresses and inhaled her scent.

  Chaya smiled and rested his lips on his sleeping mate’s forehead. Father is anxious to get home, and he told me he would slip the Cathisis into hyperdrive just after dinner. I felt our change in speed while we walked back to our quarters. Chaya pressed a kiss onto her head. We will be orbiting Actana by morning.

  Chapter V

  Sharell woke and cat-stretched all the way to her fingers and toes. Her head rested on a pillow. Without opening her eyes, she knew it was Chaya’s by the deep spiced scent. Tian’s empty pillow was beside her and she stared at the wall.

  “Good morning, Sharell.”

  She turned to find Tian dressed and sitting on the sofa. He had an assortment of fruit sitting on the table and her stomach grumbled. “Where is Chaya?”

  “He is getting instruction from dark father. We are in orbit around Actana, but we cannot shuttle down until our mates reach a measure of comportment that will not disrupt things.”

  Sharell rolled her eyes. “You make us sound like uncivilized animals.” She gripped the blanket around herself and walked to the table. Sharell reached for a piece of vistanza, the juicy purple fruit.

  “Sharell, certain aspects of your training must be fulfilled before we can bring you to the surface. It would be far too upsetting for Actana mates to witness your chaotic spirit.”

  “You mean my independence.” Sharell took another bite. “That’s something that’s not going to change, no matter what you do. I’ve always spoken my own mind and taken care of

  “That won’t be necessary on planet. Chaya and I will take care of you.” Tian was confident of his dark brother’s abilities, and he was making progress learning the pathways through her emotions.

  “I see, and what about the Casiquas? Do you really think they are going to comply with this training?” Sharell laughed. “They can’t focus long enough to do what you say.”

  Tian silently agreed. “The Casiqua mates are not my responsibility.”

  “Neither am I.” Sharell stood and looked around the room, swinging the doors to the wardrobe open. “Where are my clothes? My jeans and shirt?” She looked down at two spare sets of shining black boots. “And my boots?” Sharell felt somewhat relieved she had not been in bland universal company overalls when she transported.

  “I threw them down the incinerator chute.” Tian lifted his chin. “Chaya and I were insulted your people had you sent to us in such ragged traveling clothes.”

  “Not my jeans,” Sharell moaned. She thumbed through the hanging tunics and pants, finding nothing but the oversized clothes the men wore. “Where are things for me to wear?”

  “Our women do not need clothes, though there is a shift in the corner. The council voted for them as a temporary measure until the second twins returned with mates.”

  Sharell’s head whipped around. “Excuse me? You’re nuts if you think I’m walking around a bunch of behemoth brutes butt-assed naked.” She reached for the shift hidden behind the row of tunics. She slipped it over her head and laid the blanket on the bed, not wishing to remember it was Tian who had held her and stripped her in a seductive maneuver to destroy her clothes. Shit, they were my only jeans, too. Something tells me there aren’t any malls where we’re going.

  Sharell combed her fingers through her hair and rethreaded it into a rope. “Did you at least save my hair tie?”

  Tian beamed sweeping his eyes down her waist length tresses. “Chaya and I like your hair down. Although it will cause disruption when other men admire you, we have decided it is a small price to pay after years of our first twins flaunting their mate in front of us.”

  Sharell heard the pride in his voice and despite the reason, she smiled. Ultimately, she decided that if they truly meant to strip her, she could have a measure of cover behind her hair. Her fingers curled around the collar. Something about the feel of it around her neck caused a definite sexual response. “Does this ever come off?”

  Tian was concentrating on something in his lap, but he raised his eyes and shook his head. “Chaya and I feel your disappointment with us as your mates, but we promise we will work to build a strong family.”

  Sharell frowned. “You think I am disappointed with you?” The men had done nothing other than try to help her deal with the awkward situation. She certainly did not appreciate being bartered for food supplies, but from a distance she could understand why they justified the trade. A part of her was extremely happy at the thought of being on land again and off a spaceship. Besides that, the twins were handsome devils… in an over the top sort of way. “It’s not you and Chaya, Tian. Your ways are very different than mine. As determined as you are that I will learn to accept them, I know I won’t be able to. I’ve been on my own for almost ten years, and I can’t give up controlling my own life.”

  Tian continued looking down. “Our women are born accepting our protection. In time, you will see the wisdom and benefit of our ways.”

  Sharell could see he was concentrating hard on something. He looked up and asked, “What is the importance of hats? Did Edmond really think this would change her mind about Anton?”

  “Please, not you too.”

  Tian set the tablet down. “I see this differently than Chaya. I think Darcy really does love both men, but as your primitive species only allows her to choose one brother, she chose Anton for the protection he could offer her.”

  Sharell sat down in a chair and folded her legs under her. The blonde giant’s eyes were strobing between dark blue and ice when he looked at her. She was beginning to discover she could read their emotions this way. “I think she does love both of them. She decided Edmond could be happy with Renee, but Anton had no one without her.”

  “I see.” Tian was feeling rather dissed, and equating himself to the more compassionate Edmund. He did not want his mate to think he was less worthy of her attention than his brother. His blue eyes intensified to a deeper color. “Dark father told me that if my mate was in trouble and Chaya was not near, I would have just as much ability to protect her.”

  Sharell realized he was concerned her mind was traveling to Chaya as a choice because of the book. She was going to have to be more careful with her bookmarked selections. “I have no doubt about that, Tian. With the way your society is arranged, Darcy would have been able to keep both Anton who fought to protect her from the Duke and Edmond who catered to things she enjoyed.” Shit, this arrangement is beginning to make a crazy sort of sense.

  Tian smiled. “Would you like to go to the bridge and see Actana?”

  “I thought we were still months away. You said we are already in orbit? Can I keep this shift on?”

  Tian studied the long legs curled underneath her, the erect nipples pressing against the shimmering cloth and the way it hugged her body. “Absolutely. I do not want to fight a challenge before our ritual.” Tian could just imagine Chaya’s rage with eyes sweeping over their beautiful mate, but he missed her presence and needed the reassurance she was safe. He asked Tian to bring her to the bridge when she awoke.

  They walked through the confusing corridors to a tube that whooshed them up several levels. Sharell gripped Tian’s arm until her stomach joined the rest of her body. They walked through another sliding door and she was immediately captivated by the site through the full-length viewport window. She had not seen any planet as other than a speck through side portals of the Manerea, and the round orb in front of her was breathtaking. Without thinking, her bare feet padded forward until she climbed onto a small ledge and spread her hands on the window.

  Behind her, Chaya stood beside Danilo gazing at her. She stood on the bridge holding her arms out as if she was embracing Actana, with her long black hair resting on her bottom and her slender legs slightly parted. Chaya’s mind battled between his desire and anger that every other man’s eyes were on her.

  “It’s beautiful.” Sharell’s voice was between a sob and joy. Her hand followed the curve of the multi-colored vapor rings surrounding the planet. Tears fell onto her shift, and she realized how desperate she was to be on land. She never held more than a cursory interest in space, seeing it as a cold, empty place. Trapped for so long on the ship, Sharell was overwhelmed with the promise of open fields, rivers and streams, and forests.

  Tian struggled with the burden of the emotion from her. “She is most pleased, Chaya.”

  Chaya stepped forward, feeling the need to assert his claim on her in front of his brothers. He stood behind her and placed a hand on her waist. “This is not like your planet?” She shook her head and it brushed against his chest. “There are only a few rules you must learn, before we can go home.”

  Sharell looked up and smiled into his eyes. “You’re bribing me?”

  Chaya ran a thumb through her tears. “Absolutely.”

  “We have all longed to come home after our journey, but you have given us an even deeper appreciation for what we have missed.” Danilo could see it in everyone’s eyes.

  Sharell was optimistic she would like Actana and feeling almost sorry for the young women who were not chosen. Her melancholy was curbed when Chaya led her away from the window. His fingers tightened slightly and his eyes darkened to challenge at the other men. Some had chosen Casiqua mates, and there was open hostility mixed with their desire.

  Danilo raised a brow at her outfit. “We have gathered you do not trust your mates’ ability to protect you yet. This is understandable with the short period of bonding, but the Casiqua women have chosen no gowns.”

; “The Casiqua women cannot decide between a dress and a dandelion,” Sharell replied. “Besides, they can blend in to their surroundings and always looked clothed.” She curled her fingers around the collar. “I take it this was really a suggestion and not an order?”

  Danilo was slightly taken aback that a woman should speak so openly with a man who was not her mate. He quickly caught reference to the collar and stared at it. “My sons’ collar looks good on you. I am pleased they have found a mate to secure it to.”

  Sharell gave him a chilled smile. “Yes, well, why don’t you hold your breath and wait for my ‘Thank you’? Back home, we collar dogs.”

  Danilo returned her smile, his dark eyes flashing. “Yes, the female pets are called ‘bitches’, I believe.” He turned to Chaya.

  “I know. She needs training before we can go on planet.”

  Tian had never seen a woman rile their dark father. “I’ll take Sharell back to our quarters.” He took her arm, and she turned to glance through the viewport at Actana one last time before the door slid closed. “Come on, Ayana, before King Poopah collars you too.”

  The warriors watched in amazement as the Casiqua peeled herself off Actana’s third moon. “You can see her?” Chaya asked.

  “No, she was holding my hand while I was standing up there.”

  Chaya held Ayana’s arm until her mates arrived, while Tian led Sharell back to their quarters. Once more he had failed to read her emotions and quell her retort at his father. “Is it not difficult enough that we must wait for the Casiquas to be trained before our ritual, without having you insult father?”

  “The collar insults me,” Sharell replied. “We have to wait for the Casiquas?” This would buy her an interminable amount of time.

  “The collar is a sign of our devotion to our mate. And yes, there are only two moon alignments a year to perform the bonding, so the Casiquas will be joining our ritual.”

  “How can I have devotion to you? We just met yesterday.”

  “We have given you our protection and devotion by presenting you with our collar.”


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