Corporate Retreat

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Corporate Retreat Page 4

by Peter King

  Once they were in position Avery said, “Mei you may taste the virgin’s cunt now. Everyone else make yourself comfortable for the show.”

  While the group took seats on the couch’s flanking the chairs Mei got down on her hands and knees and crawled between Dana’s splayed thighs. Using just her mouth she began to slowly lick Dana’s pussy while she wiggled her taut pear shaped ass at Avery. He could see little of what Mei was doing, but he was focused on Dana’s face, her eyes still closed in her abrupt slumber. Soon her head started to move as Mei’s talented tongue started to affect her, causing small moans to come from Dana.

  Then, suddenly, her eyes popped open to see Avery sitting in front of her, But then she looked down, as best she could with the stiff collar holding her head upright, and she screamed, “NO! Stop! What is she doing?”

  Avery calmly said, “Look at me Dana,” and when she did, he continued with, “Mei is just getting a taste of your pretty little pussy.”

  She squealed, since Mei just nibbled hard on her little clit, before gasping, “NO! Please stop! This is wrong!”

  “No Dana, as you will soon see it is just a part of your new life. Your old life is over it is time to accept the lot you drew, you are here now and are going to become a slave. Am I making myself clear.”

  Trying to ignore the nimble mouth working on her sex, Dana cried, “Why are you doing this?”

  Patting the heads of the slaves kneeling on both sides of him Avery said, “Tell Dana why she is here my pretties.”

  In unison Mina and Shonta said, “Because we are stupid cunts Master. We are all here to serve our betters and soon she will learn to serve them too.”

  “This is insane!” cried Dana, shocked by what the naked and ringed girls just said. They not only sounded sincere in the delivery of that statement, but they appeared perfectly content as they knelt beside Avery. And as much as her mind rebelled against what was happening, Mei’s tongue was causing a much different reaction between Dana’s thighs. Her breathing was getting heavy, her heart was beating faster, and much to her dismay her pussy was getting moist and tingling.

  Despite the protests Avery also saw the slow change coming over Dana and said, “My sweet Mei is having an effect on you, isn’t she?”

  “Please tell her to stop, I’m not that kind of girl,” Dana pled, her bare breasts now heaving.

  “You are that kind of girl Dana, you just haven’t realized it yet. Now just relax and let Mei show you how it feels to be a real woman.”

  Dana started to shake her head back and forth while mumbling, “Please, stop no more,” over and over. Soon it changed to just, ‘no,’ repeating nonstop while her voice started to become husky as the pleasure between her legs became harder to deny. Dana tested her bondage early, but soon realized she was completely fixed in place and she stopped struggling.

  She heard Avery say, “You are now my slave, you will live at my whim. I can give you pleasures like you never imagined and obedience is the price for that gift. But disobey me and you will learn to suffer, much like sweet Greta. Now stop resisting and let Mei give you the climax you need.”

  Dana stared at him as he spoke, the look in his eyes showing how serious he was. She stopped pleading when Mei’s tongue pushed into the cleft of her pussy. It found the thin membrane of Dana’s hymen and caressed it, knowing it would soon be gone. She liked this virgin girl and wanted to mold her into an ideal slave to please Master Avery.

  Greta was a failure in Mei’s eyes and she sorely wanted to make it up to Avery. Though her initial haughtiness had been quashed under her early training, as she became a proficient slave it soon returned. Greta developed a sense of pride in her slavery, one that became her undoing. Mei always remained a humble slave and now she felt she might have a trainee that could understand that. This Christian girl would have been brought up with the concept of self-sacrifice, and Master Avery would take that to its ultimate limit. Mei relished this opportunity to help shape Dana’s transformation and atone for her failure with Greta.

  Avery watched Dana as her eyes became glassy even as she tried to deny the pleasure building inside her body. He knew she would be shocked when she lost the battle, and lose she would since he knew how skilled and determined Mei could be. Soon Dana was panting heavily and straining in her bonds again, not to escape their grip, but to escape her own tormented body. But she couldn’t and when she started to heave in the throes of the first true orgasm of her life the people watching her started to applaud.

  It was a surreal and disturbing scene for Dana, feeling her pussy throb and pulse as the climax unleashed its primal pleasure upon her. As she squealed involuntarily, unable to constrain her reactions in any way, she thought she knew why the called it the ‘sins of the flesh.’ This was too good, too intoxicating to deny, even as she prayed for the strength to resist the temptation of it all. She felt that the temple of her body was being violated and she struggled to remember what she had learned throughout her life.

  Mei loved the taste of the nectar that Dana’s twat discharged all over her face; she knew this girl was built for sex. Oh, she might fight it, resist the pleasure that now infused her restrained body, but she would fail. They all did. No girl had the strength to resist the kind of unbridled passion that this world demanded. Once she felt the first climax begin Mei redoubled her efforts and forced a second, more powerful one from poor Dana. The girl was literally shuddering from the force of it and her pussy dripped with a small river of sex juice, which Mei happily lapped up along the way.

  Finally Avery shouted, “Enough Mei, come and let me taste my new pet.”

  The dazed Dana watched Mei rise up with her face coated by Dana’s generous spend. The woman smiled at her before crawling to Avery and rising up in his lap to kiss him deeply. Though she was not accustomed to such lewd behavior and would have normally been revolted by the sight before her, the slowly fading orgasm gave her a feeling of wanting more. She knew it was wrong and she had to fight the feeling, but her sex felt alive and vibrant now, something she did not want to stop.

  Avery broke off his kiss and looked at Dana, while Mei nestled her body in his lap with her head tucked against his shoulder. “You see Dana, life as a slave has its perks. Now tell me girl, who are you and why are you here?”

  Dana felt confused because something about what he said felt true, though all she had learned before today denied it. Caught in this web of passion and fearful of drawing his wrath, Dana replied, “I am a dumb cunt Master. I am here to learn how to serve my betters,” hoping that would please him.

  “That is a good start, it seems obedience might not be a problem. But I promise you this girl; you will soon say it because you believe it. Not because you think it is what I want to hear. Now stay quiet and watch what your life will soon become.”

  Dana was soon watching her first orgy, a tangle of men and women rutting like beasts in heat all around her. The smell of sex soon filled the room along with the grunts and groans of passion. The poor girl silently wept, not just because of the depravity that surrounded her, but because her own sex started to pulse and throb again, getting aroused by the scene before her. She wanted to fight it, but felt too weak and helpless. She prayed for strength, but doubted it would be enough.

  Chapter 4: Dana in the Dungeon

  For hours she watched in horror and awe while acts she never even imagined were performed around her. There was nothing tender or loving about it either, it was rough animalistic sex with the slaves being callously used by the men. They left her there, bound and helpless; as they demonstrated the lengths a slave would go to please her Master. The thought that she would be expected to participate like that at some point terrified her, unable to imagine willingly doing what these women did. She thought she would wretch when she caught her first sight of anal sex, and her sphincter clenched tight as she watched Avery reaming Mei’s ass with impunity.

  Finally it ended, with the group around Dana looking spent and satisfied. After a sho
rt period of rest Avery said, “Gentlemen let’s go for a swim and let the slaves prepare Dana for her deflowering.”

  The men all left at that point while the four women surrounded Dana. Mei said, “Shonta get the wheels, we should move Dana down to the dungeon for the next part of her training.”

  Hearing the word dungeon sent a new lance of fear through the bound girl as she trembled in helpless horror, but it was what Avery said that sent the real chills down her spine. Once the men were gone Dana wanted to ask the women for help, but guessed rightly they would not take well to that. So instead she asked the next big question racing through her befuddled mind, “How can you be happy as sex slaves for these men?”

  Mei turned to look at the girl and genuinely smiled at her, understanding her question completely and what it said about Dana. She walked up to her, cupped Dana’s head in her hands and tilted it to look up at her, as much as the high collar allowed. Then she raised her knee and used it to rub Dana’s swollen sex, making the girl shudder from the suddenly pleasurable feeling.

  Recognizing Dana’s reaction Mei said, “That is why pet, we were all turned into sexual creatures that constantly crave physical pleasure. You have just started on that path and no matter how hard you fight it; you will succumb to the needs of your flesh.”

  With that Mei reached down with one hand and replaced her knee to start rubbing Dana’s clit vigorously. With her other hand she grabbed a clump of Dana’s hair to continue to hold her head back. She lowered her lips to Dana’s and planted soft kisses on her lips as her hand drove the helpless girl to the brink of another climax. She whispered, “Come for Mei you little whore,” and Dana lost it. She not only climaxed but also shot a stream of pussy juice onto the floor when her pussy violently erupted.

  “Damn!” cried Shonta as she entered the room with four sets of wheels, “We gotta a squirter here! This girl is in big trouble!”

  Mei drove her tongue into Dana’s mouth when Dana first started to come, adding another twisted perversion to the once naïve girl’s new repertoire. Dana did not kiss back, her shock was too great, but she submitted without resistance as Mei’s tongue explored her mouth. Despite the shock of it, something about the way Mei kissed her felt right, not like a sinful act should feel. It was too much too fast and poor Dana was rapidly becoming a mass of conflicting emotions.

  “Let’s get her mobile, the twins should have Greta in place by now, so let’s get Dana down there to see her new play room and how it will be used,” said Victoria. Mei stood up and with the help of the other slaves they tilted Dana’s chair backwards while they fit the front legs with their wheels. They then pitched her forward to mount sets on the back legs and suddenly Dana was in a pseudo wheel chair.

  When Dana was facing the floor, as they were adding her rear wheels, she saw the puddle she put there and she thought she had peed herself again. But Mei and the other slaves knew better, they knew Dana was just like Greta. That stuck up bitch could send gushes of spend from her cunt when properly stimulated and it appeared Dana had the same talent. By all appearances she was already well on her way to sexual addiction, having a glazed look in her stare after her third gut-wrenching orgasm of the day, or her life for that matter.

  Dana had experienced a few tiny accidental orgasms in her life, but every time something like that happened she became mortified and stopped herself. Ma had always proclaimed the virtues of chastity until marriage and that meant any carnal pleasure was forbidden. But now she could do nothing to stop it and a flood of passion she was not prepared to deal with overran a lifetime of denial. I was just kidnapped for God’s sake! How can I feel so good when I am this scared, God help me!

  With the wheels attached they began to roll Dana from the living room, but not before Mei straddled her lap facing her. Mei wrapped her legs around the chair back while holding Dana’s shoulders. She smiled at the thunderstruck girl, deciding she should start their bonding process immediately.

  As they were rolled out toward the pool area, Mei said, “Sweet little Dana, Mama Mei is going to teach you to be a good little slut. Don’t you worry, you are in good hands.” Mei then embraced the girl, making sure her ringed nipples rubbed against Dana’s tits, keeping the aroused girl well stimulated as they rolled along.

  They passed the pool on the opposite side of the path to the beach. Instead they headed down another path on the far side of the waterfalls that snaked down the hill until it ended at a solid metal door nearly hidden by heavy foliage. Victoria opened it and they rolled Dana and her passenger from the bright sun drenched island into the darkest pit in the earth. At least it seemed that way to Dana as she was plunged into near darkness. They rolled her down a dark hallway and into a dimly lit room that looked very large from what she could see over Mei’s shoulder.

  When they stopped Mei stood up and shouted, “April…May, where are you two?”

  Dana saw them emerge from a corner and at the sight of the twins she nearly fainted again. Sisters too? Does the depth of the depravity here have no end? The poor girl’s sensibilities were being sorely tested, every taboo she ever heard of seemed to be brought to life in this nightmarish place. She just stared blankly at the twins as they stepped up to Mei and stood at attention with their arms clasped together behind their backs.

  “Is Greta secured?” asked Mei.

  “Yes Mistress,” they replied with what seemed like the same voice.

  “You may set up Dana facing her, Victoria and I will join you shortly,” said Mei, as she and Victoria walked out of Dana’s view.

  Dana was in a daze, that last orgasm really sapped her strength and ability to think straight. When the twins, along with Shonta and Mina, started to roll her to the corner of the room where Greta was currently residing, she felt like she was on some weird carnival ride, but she wasn’t having any fun. There were sconce style lamps along the walls with red glass around the bulbs, and while white light streamed up to the ceiling, the red hue from the glass cast murky light into the dim room. It was not until she was just a few feet away from Greta that she saw the woman’s newest predicament.

  Dana gasped at the cruelty she saw on display, thinking that her crucifixion on the beach looked far less stressful than this. Greta’s head was encased in a tight black latex hood with her hair pulled through the top like it was with the white hood she wore the previous day. But this one had no face, leaving her to look utterly featureless except for two small tubes jutting from her nostrils and another larger one at her mouth. Her hair was tied off and pulled backward up to her mitten-clad hands where the single sleeve holding her arms behind her back terminated. Her mated arms were hoisted up making her bend forward and look like she was blindly staring at Dana.

  But that was just part of the brutality Dana witnessed, because Greta was also suffering in other ways. Her ringed nipples were pulled down toward the floor by heavy weights and her hanging breasts were tightly tied by thin ropes at their bases, making them look swollen and red, but Dana was not sure if that was because of the lighting. Her legs were widely parted with a three-foot long bar connected between her ankle cuffs keeping them apart. And to make matters worse, she was standing barefooted on boards covered by dull spikes, not enough to pierce her flesh, but ones that were clearly painful to endure.

  Dana was in such a state of shock that she barely noticed when her chair back started to recline, the slaves having adjusted it from a ninety-degree angle to a forty-five. But she did notice when they adjusted the front legs apart, spreading her legs wide open to more fully expose her inflamed sex. The strain on her thighs was tremendous now, but witnessing Greta’s dilemma somehow made it seem insignificant at that moment.

  Then Dana heard Mei’s voice coming from behind her, “And you felt sorry for her on the beach,” and just as suddenly she was in front of Dana.

  Dana’s eyes went wide when she saw the ring in Mei’s nose and the pair in her nipples, since she knew she would have noticed them before all this started. She did not f
ail to notice any of the other ringed slaves, and when Victoria appeared next to Mei identically adorned, Dana got the message. All the women here were slaves and they all wore the same rings. She now realized she was destined to wear them too with the thought of being pierced bringing fresh tears to Dana’s eyes.

  “So you get the picture do you, worried about getting your own jewelry are you?” Mei asked, as she stroked Dana’s hair off her face. Then she moved her hands down to caress Dana’s nipples, already hard from a combination of fear and arousal. When Dana gasped from the electric touch of Mei, the Asian woman said, “If you think they are sensitive now, wait until we pierce them.” More tears streamed from Dana’s eyes as she sunk even deeper into despair, please take me Lord, I don’t have the strength to endure the trial you set at my feet, she thought to herself.

  Seeing her misery Mei said, “Don’t worry pet, soon you will learn to like it with us, though you don’t believe it now. Now just relax we have a little show for you to watch, keep your eyes on Greta.”

  Victoria and Mei stepped away from Dana and walked over to stand on both sides of Greta. Victoria barked, “Feet up slut,” and Dana watched Greta lift her feet into the air and take all her weight on her strained arms. The two women then spun her around and Mei snapped, “Feet down,” once Greta’s posterior faced Dana.

  Dana was again confronted with a shocking vision; Greta’s pussy was stitched shut like an ugly wound! Her pussy lips were drawn together with black thread from up by her clitoris all the way down to her bumhole. And again Dana could not fathom the depth of the torture this poor woman was enduring and it enforced the warning she was given down on the beach. She vowed complete obedience to whatever they demanded of her, no matter how perverse, just to avoid what Greta now suffered.


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