Rhiannon's Alien High Chancellors

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Rhiannon's Alien High Chancellors Page 4

by Becky Wilde

  “Of course not Rhi. Are you hungry or thirsty? I could get you something,” Honey asked her friend as she tried to subtly get her mates to leave the room as she flicked her eyes from them to the door.

  “I just need to check something on my comm unit,”

  Igor stated over his shoulder then left the room.

  “Oh yes I remember, you wanted me to help you fix it,” Cail replied as he escaped.

  Sven didn't bother to invent an excuse, he placed a kiss on Honey's temple, grasped her by the waist and placed her on her feet. He bowed his head to Rhiannon and left without looking back.

  “Well, I certainly know how to clear a room,”

  Rhiannon stated in a husky voice.

  “Nah, it wasn't you Rhi, the big bad men on this planet don't like emotional women. You may want to remember that crying will get you whatever you want,”

  Honey said with a wicked grin.


  “You are so bad, Hon. God, you have no idea how much I missed you,” Rhiannon stated and felt tears prick the back of her eyes. She blinked a few times to force them away. She was generally not a weepy woman. She had no idea why she had lost control as soon as she had seen Honey's familiar face. Well, yes she did actually, she had begun to think her friend was dead.

  “I missed you too, Rhi. There are hardly any females on this bloody planet, but let me tell you the benefits of getting a job the same as mine,” Honey teased with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “First things first, though.

  Why are you so scared of your mates, Rhi? Deep down you know they would never hurt you and don't bother to deny it. You're talking to me remember, I'm your sister by heart.

  I know you nearly as well as I know myself.”

  “How can those three blue giants be my mates, Honey? They aren't even human! They're, they're blue for god sakes.”

  Honey burst out laughing. She couldn't help it. She knew Rhiannon would not think she was laughing at her and held up her hand to get her friend to not speak until she had herself under control once more.

  “What does their color have to do with anything, Rhi? I know you are not prejudiced just because someone has a different skin color to you; so what's really bothering you?”

  “I'm scared Honey. Everyone I've ever cared about 46

  has left me. I never knew my parents. Every time I had a boyfriend I would just begin to care for, he would break it off. I know you didn't have any say in it, but you left me as well, Honey. I was a mess. I have spent every Friday night since you disappeared in an inebriated stupor. I don't know if I could handle it, if I let myself care for those three gorgeous blue hunks, only to find out they didn't want me anymore. I want babies eventually, Honey. You know it's been my dream to have a least four. What if we aren't compatible and I never end up having children. I just don't know if I could deal with that.”

  “Oh Rhi, I am so sorry I left you. I would have brought you with me if I had been given a choice. I will never, ever, leave you again if I can help it. You can't go around your whole life closed off from love, because you may get hurt. What if it is the best thing that could ever happen to you and you don't give it a chance? You will spend the rest of your life wondering if you have thrown away your only chance of happiness. That is no way to live, Rhi. Life is full of risks. You will never know what can happen until you jump off the cliff.”

  “I know you're right, Hon, but you're the only person who has ever gotten through the wall around my heart. I don't even know how to let anyone else in anymore,” Rhiannon stated with anguish.

  “Oh Rhi, you know how. You just need to learn to trust again.”


  “Easier said than done, Hon. Easier said than done,”

  Rhiannon muttered.

  “What we need right now is some mur,” Honey stated as she jumped from her seat and made her way over to the food simulator.

  “Some, what?”

  “Mur. Don't tell me your mates didn't give you any mur? Well you are in for such a treat,” Honey pushed some buttons on the simulator. When it gave a ding she pulled out a large bottle of liquid and two cups. She made her way back to the table, placed the cups down and poured the liquid into them.

  “What the hell is that?” Rhi asked as she sniffed her drink.

  “Mur. Bottoms up Rhi,” Honey gave a giggle then gulped down the drink until her cup was empty.

  Rhiannon watched for any adverse effects to her friend. When she saw none she chugged the drink down until her cup was empty. Her eyes were sparkling as she licked the remnants of her drink from her lips. “Yum.

  More.” Rhi stated as she held her cup out for a refill.

  Honey and Rhi spent the afternoon in the kitchen, dining area, chatting and drinking until the whole bottle of mur was gone. Honey jumped up from her seat and grabbed Rhiannon's hand. She led the way from the room as she headed out the front door.

  “W..wh..where we go?” Rhiannon slurred out as she 48

  wobbled along behind Honey. “Ooh pretty, pink sh..

  shu...shun, purple grasshs.”

  Honey gave a giggle as she weaved her way along the blue spongy footpath. She was about to introduce her best friend to some new friends she had made on Calt. The two women made their way along the path until Honey came to halt outside her friends house. Rhiannon slammed into Honey's back and they both feel down onto the spongy soft, navy blue footpath in a tangle of arms and legs.

  “S..shorry,” Rhiannon giggled uncontrollably, too intoxicated to move.

  Honey gave a giggle as she felt large hands wrap around her upper arms and she was pulled to her feet. She watched as Rhiannon was picked up by another set of male hands and gave a giggle as her friends body jolted.

  “What the fuck wass wass that?”

  “Rhi, I want you to meet my friends, Jord, Tiem, Biel and Miga. Guys this is my beshtesht friend in the whole world, uh, universe Rhiannon Lyonsh.”

  “Have you been drinking mur, little Honey?” Jord asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well it shertainly wasn't rata,” Honey replied.

  “Hon, they did something to me, I want to go home,” Rhiannon slurred out as she looked at the four tall blue strangers.

  “I know, they made you cum, cos you know Erin Baker. Sshe is their life mate,” Honey giggled.


  “We are pleased to meet you little Rhiannon. You are a lot smaller than little Honey,” Biel stated as he lifted his hands from Rhiannon's arms.

  “Thatsh the job I wash was, talkin' bout. The malesh touch you to shee if you know their matesh and if you do, you cum. I really like my job,” Honey giggled.

  “Well I think itsh a bit weird, Hon,” Rhiannon stated just before her legs gave way. She landed on her ass on the blue pavement. “But shince I've only had one, I think I'll like it too.”

  “Honey, what are you doing?” Sven asked as he and his brothers walked towards her and Rhiannon.

  “I wash into.. intord.. introdushing Rhi to my friendsh.”

  “Oh boy she's been into the mur again,” Igor stated as he scooped Honey into his arms. He planted a kiss on her lips and called her life's spirit to join his as he consumed her mouth. She moaned and wriggled in his arms as his brother's sent their life's spirits to join with their mates as well.

  “What the ….?” Rhiannon gasped out as she saw the fireworks display.

  “You did it again. I sshould be mad, but I love you all,” Honey stated as she slumped in Igor's arms and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “We joined our life's spirits with Honey's, little Rhiannon, because we love her and she loves us,” Cail 50

  stated as he scooped Rhiannon into his arms.

  “You just had s..she.. made love? Where anyone could sh..shee?” Rhiannon didn't hear her answer because she followed her friend into sleep.


  Chapter Six

bsp; Honey woke up with a jack hammer doing a dance in her head. She made her way to the cleansing room, opened the concealed cabinet and took out the hangover remedy. She placed the tiny capsule to her ear and gave a sigh of relief as the pounding in her head disappeared.

  After showering she dressed got another hangover remedy and went in search of Rhiannon.

  Her friend was just waking up, her hands were clutching at her head as she tried to open her eyes and sit up.

  “Sit still a minute. I've got the cure right here, just give it a couple of minutes to work,” Honey stated quietly, then touched her finger tip to Rhiannon's earlobe.

  Rhiannon gave a sigh of relief, removed her hands from her head and opened her eyes to look at Honey. “You could have made a fortune back on Earth with that cure.”

  “Yeah, but I didn't make it. The people on this planet are far more advanced than we are technologically.

  If we were to take anything from here back to Earth we could cause a lot of problems. The human race needs to advance at it's own pace without any outside help. If you'll follow me, I'll get you some clothes and show you how to use the shower.”


  “Oh yeah, sounds good,” Rhiannon stated as she followed Honey.

  When both the women were sitting in the kitchen at the table, food in front of them as well as several cups of rata, Rhiannon began to question their antics of the previous afternoon.

  “Did I dream of having an orgasm as a stranger touched me?”

  “No. It seems that if you know the single males mate, and they touch you they inadvertently give you an orgasm. It's nowhere near what you would feel with your own mates though,” Honey stated as she looked at Rhiannon.

  “You're shitting me?”

  “Nope. Don't you remember the first time you joined with your mates, Rhi?”

  “Um well, not very well. Apparently I was pretty sick with mating fever so when they finally joined with me I felt their warmth and joy as they fucked me but that's about all.”

  “Oh Rhi, you are so missing out. To join your life's spirit or soul, with your mates is the most exquisite pleasure unimaginable. Words are not enough to describe what you feel. The connection you have with your mates is not just in body but in spirit as well. You know, if you let your mates join with you again and keep an open mind, you will know how much they really love you. They would 53

  never leave you Rhiannon, not if they could help it.”

  “I want babies as well Honey. I don't know if I could still just live with men without having a family too.

  You know I've always wanted lots of kids and you know why.”

  “Yeah, I do and I've been thinking about having babies too. What if I summon a medic and we question him to see if we can procreate safely? Maybe we could have some blood tests to see if we are compatible with these Caltese,” Honey opined.

  “Yes, I'd really like to know. I just had a weird scene flash through my mind. I saw one of your men kissing you outside and there was fireworks. Did they celebrate something last night, like the fourth of July?”

  “Uh, no,” Honey answered and turned away as she began to blush.

  “Oh my god. You were having sex outside for all the world to see, weren't you? You little hussy,” Rhiannon laughed as her Honey's face became redder.

  “At least we still had our clothes on.”

  “So you did. How is that possible?” Rhiannon asked with a frown.

  “Well, Igor called my life's spirit to his and it's like our souls were floating above us, then wham, we were joined spiritually and our physical bodies get pleasure from the joining.”

  “Hm. Let's go call this medic person,” Rhiannon 54

  stated as she mulled over the information Honey had just given her.

  The medic arrive a few minutes after Honey had placed the call from her comm unit. He eyed her suspiciously as she offered him a seat on the sofa and the two women prepared to pick his brain for information.

  “Medic Reaker my friend and I have a few questions we want answered if possible,” Honey stated as she looked at the medic.

  “Certainly, little female. I will answer all your questions if I know the answers.”

  “If I wanted to have children, are my mates compatible with me and me with them. In other words, is it possible for me to conceive a child since we are of a different species?”

  “Yes, certainly little female. Your mates would not have found you if you were not able to have offspring with them.”

  “Hmm okay. Um, how come I'm not pregnant yet since we have been, you know, regularly,” Honey asked.

  “The males of Calt can control whether they impregnate their female. They would wait until the female is ready to have offspring before releasing their seed into their mates body,” Medic Reaker answered.

  “How do the females on this planet give birth?”

  Rhiannon asked.

  “Um well, through the female sex just like you do 55

  on your planet.”

  “Thank goodness. I had this image of a baby coming out my mouth,” Rhiannon muttered under her breathe.

  Honey gave a small giggle and turned it into a cough as the medic looked at her questioningly. “How long is the gestation period?”

  “Hmm let me work it out for you in Earth terms,”

  Medic Reaker pulled out a hand held computer. “The gestation period is approximately six of your Earth moons.”

  “Oh I like the sound of that, three months shorter,”

  Honey stated with a smile towards Rhi.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Do you have anymore questions little females?”

  “Um, not that I can think of at the moment. Do you Rhi?”

  “No I'm good.”

  “I will take my leave then,” Medic Reaker stated as he rose to his feet.

  “Thank you for coming and answering our question Medic Reaker, you have put our minds at ease,” Honey said with a smile.

  “Yeah thanks,” Rhiannon said.

  Once the medic had left Honey walked back into the living room after seeing him to the door.

  “Oh my god I can still have babies,” Rhi stated as she gave Honey a big hug.


  “Yes you can and so can I. Now all you have to do is make up with your mates.”

  “Oh yeah. God Hon, they are so not going to want to have anything to do with me again. I know I hurt them really badly. What the hell am I going to do?” Rhiannon asked Honey.

  “You could start by getting to know your mates.

  Why don't you try and court them?” Honey suggested.

  “Do you really think they'd let me do that, after what I did to them? I completely ignored them Honey. If I had been treated like that by a male, I would want to have nothing to do with him, ever again.”

  “You still don't understand Rhi. You are their destined mate, once they join with you, you are the one and only female they will ever want. They love you more than you can ever imagine.”

  “How can they love me Honey? They don't even know me. They probably don't want to know me now. I was such a bitch,” Rhiannon stated with melancholy.

  “You won't know until you give it a shot Rhi. What have you got to lose? If they don't want to see you they'll tell you and if they love you the way I know they do, they will let you court them and get to know them.”

  “I know you're right, Honey. It's just, I'm scared.”

  “Rhi you aren't alone girlfriend. I will always be here for you if I am physically able to be. Nothing is certain in life Rhiannon, you know that more than anyone else I 57

  know, but I never figured you to be a coward,” Honey stated as she looked at her friend.

  “I am not a coward,” Rhiannon replied. She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders and stood up. “Can you show me where they live Honey, please?”

  “I don't know where they live Rhi, but I do know they spend most of their days in the Temple counseling joined mates as well as the UN-mated males. Come on girlfriend, let's go.”


  Chapter Seven

  Honey led the way to the temple. Rhiannon was in total awe by the sights of the planet Calt and fell behind Honey. She felt tingling at the back of her neck, an indication they were being watched. She picked up her pace until she was at Honey's side once more.

  “I feel like I'm being examined under a microscope,” Rhiannon whispered.

  “You'll get used to it. Don't let it worry you Rhi. We are the only two human females in this small community.

  The males find us to be attractive because we are so different from their own females. No one will hurt you unless they are in the grip of the mating fever.”

  “I thought only females suffered from mating fever,” Rhiannon stated with a frown.

  “Uh no. Males can go into the mating fever as well, without any female company some of the males can go rogue. Tip over the edge if they feel they have no hope of ever finding their mate. I was actually kidnapped by a male in the grip of mating fever, but was lucky enough to escape.

  Part of my job is to let the single males touch me to see if I have had any contact with their mate. If I have I get an orgasm, if not, I get to help counsel the males in not giving up hope of finding their mates.”


  “I still think that's a weird job, but hey who am I to judge. If it give the males on this planet hope then I'm all for it. Where do I sign up,” Rhi asked with a smile.

  “I think you need to concentrate on your own mates first girlfriend. They may not want you being touched by any other males.”

  “Hey, just because they're my mates doesn't mean they can tell me what to do. I'll do whatever the fuck I want,” Rhiannon stated acerbically.

  “Hmm we'll see. We're here Rhi. Do you want me to come with you or do you want to do this alone?” Honey asked.

  “I'd love to keep you with me for some moral support, but I know I need to do this myself. Thanks Honey, I love you girl,” Rhi stated as she gave Honey a hug.


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