“Kirk, I’ve talked to the fire marshal,” Ramon said. “We have to keep out of the building until they finish their inspection. Probably be tomorrow before we can go inside. Why don’t you two take off? I’m sure you have a lot to talk about.”
“I can’t just walk away.”
“Sure you can,” Ramon said. “Everything’s under control here. Besides, the paramedic told you to get some rest. If we need you, we’ll call.”
“Well then,” Tonya agreed, “you have to go. You can take care of the center later. Now we’re going to take care of you.”
As she tugged at his arm, Kirk muttered, “Are you going to be a bossy wife?”
“You bet I am. Come on. I’m parked right down the street.”
They were halfway across the yard when Ramon hailed them.
“Now what?” Tonya muttered.
Ramon dashed up. “We just got word they picked up Rick and two of his buddies. I’m going down to the station. This time we’re going to see that he’s put away for a long time.”
“Damn right.” Kirk hesitated. “I should come with you.”
“No way,” Tonya said. “You’re coming with me.” She led him down the street to her car.
All four wheels were gone.
“I told you before, if you parked this vehicle on the street, you were asking for trouble,” Kirk said sternly.
“And where else was I going to park it?” She raised her purse over her head.
This time Kirk was prepared. He caught the bag with his good hand and wrenched it away before it came down on him. Laughing, he pulled Tonya close. “We’re going to have a hell of an interesting life.”
Tonya kissed his cheek. “We certainly are.”
TWO WEEKS LATER the announcement of the engagement of Tonya Jane Brewster and Kirk Allan Butler, both staff members at the Our Kids Center, appeared in the Houston Express. The article mentioned that in honor of their engagement, the Brewster Foundation had given an additional grant to the center so that when repairs were made after a recent fire, the building could be enlarged. The addition would make the center the largest of its kind in the state.
ISBN : 978-1-4592-7094-7
Copyright © 1997 by Thelma Zlrkelbach.
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Table of Contents
“Did you want something?”
About the Author
Books by Lorna Michaels
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Trouble With Tonya Page 20