In the Light of Darkness

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In the Light of Darkness Page 6

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “Alright, I think there is a Denny’s or a Norms coming up. We can stop there.”


  “Are you mad at me Dawn?” He asks with a hint of discomfort.

  “Why would I be mad at you? What you do in your free time is none of my business.” I say evenly.

  “Did it bother you that I was intimate with Siren?”

  “Yes, but not for reasons that you may think.”

  “Care to enlighten me?”

  I shrug. “I just can’t respect it. She seduces and you fall for it which is inevitably a weakness that can easily be exploited. She is a lot more deadly than I am sure you are aware of and-“

  “So you are telling me you don’t have any weaknesses?” He asks with a smirk.

  “None that I am aware of,” I say confidently.

  “And what makes you think that I was seduced? How do you know that I don’t desire her as much as she does me?”

  I cringe at the idea of him being a willing participant, but at least I know where I stand.

  “Because you had no control over yourself or the situation. You were damn near drooling over yourself!”

  “Dawn, there are many things you are going to learn and most of it probably through the hard way. Never judge a book by its cover. You have no idea how complicated the situation with Siren is, and nor do I care to share it with you. And yes, I am aware of how deadly Siren is which is why we are getting as far away from her as possible. Let me ask you this, have you ever been in love Dawn?”

  Love? What does that have to do with anything? “No. My parents would not have allowed it.”

  He frowns. “I should have known better. Well let me ask you this: have you ever experienced lust? Any degree of it?”

  That is a question much too personal for my liking. “No,” I lie.

  “Yes you have Dawn. You’re an adult so be honest. Have you lusted after someone before?”

  “Yes but I don’t see how this relates to anything we are talking about.”

  “And who was it?”

  “None of your effing business Aiden!” Up until today it was always him.

  “Fine you don’t have to tell me. The reason why I ask is because someday soon, someone is going to come along and knock you off of your feet. He is going to dismantle your world until there is nothing left but your beating heart sitting in the palm of his hand and there will be nothing you can do to fight it. That will be your weakness Dawn. So, until you experience the pull of something stronger than yourself don’t be so quick to judge me, and I will not be quick to judge you.”

  I consider what he says to me before responding. Maybe I did overreact. “So are you saying that you are in love with Siren?”

  “No. I am not in love with Siren. Sex and love are not one and the same and the faster you understand that, the better off you will be.”

  “But she is in love with you…” I say flatly.

  “Yes,” Aiden sighs. “Yes she is.”

  “And what are you going to do about that?”

  “Nothing. I will not be going to her for help again.”

  Now I am not sure if I should be mad at Aiden for toying with her emotions or her for being so desperate. Either way, I am now in a more pissier mood than I was to begin with and I just leave the whole subject alone.

  “How long before we get to Norms? I am starving.”

  “I am about to turn off right now so less than ten minutes.”

  I don’t think my stomach can wait that long but I don’t have much of a choice. I glance over at Aiden before returning my gaze to what is outside of the window. He is still my secret hunky fantasy and he probably will always be. But, after seeing him with Siren, I don’t think he is the man fit for the job of ever sweeping me off of my feet. Even though I am 18, I know that I want a man who will do more than sweep me off of my feet. I want a man who will protect my heart.

  Chapter 8


  We pull up to a Denny’s restaurant instead. We can’t leave Biscuit in the car so we bring him with us. The manager of the place is kind enough to let him rest in the back where he is watered and fed which is a big relief to me. We take seat in the back in our own private booth. Seated across from us is an older couple, the wife looking every bit of frustrated as she chats away to a husband whose thoughts are clearly somewhere else. Other than the couple and a few scattered patrons, the restaurant was empty. I liked the old fifties style theme of the place. There was even a juke box sitting behind Aiden, and I suddenly wished I had the courage to drop in a nickle, select a tune and dance the night away.

  Don’t judge me. I watched a lot of Grease, and Happy Days in my free time when my parents were away on missions. Speaking of my parents, I try not think about them while I flip through the menu. The waitress who is politely standing before us cannot seem to keep her eyes off of Aiden. Her white work blouse is unbuttoned exposing quite a bit of cleavage. I can tell before approaching our table she snuck a few quick spritz of whatever Bath and Body Works perfume she kept tucked in her purse and the berry pink lip stain was not long applied. She flipped her brunette locks over her shoulder and leaned on her hip in anxious anticipation for Aiden to respond to her as he remains deep in thought over his options.

  I already know what I want and after clearing my throat, a quick look of annoyance glosses over with a fake smile that irritates me more than anything else. I order the Supreme Nachos with a strawberry lemonade. Aiden finally orders a steak meal including mashed potatoes, a garden salad, an ice cream dessert and a coke. She lingers a little bit longer than she should before Aiden dismisses her, sending her on her way. She sulks off in defeat and I catch a glimpse of depressing thoughts and a future journal entry. This girl needs a serious dose of self esteem.

  I look out in the parking lot and watch as the sun once again disappears beneath the horizon. Another day wasted. I glance at Aiden who is watching me as always and I ask him

  “So where are we headed to next?”

  “A safe house. We can hunker down there for a few days.”

  “Any word about my parents?”

  He shakes his head and gives me an apologetic look.

  “Have you called them?” He asks after a beat.

  The truth of the matter is: I haven’t. I don’t want what I believe in my gut to be confirmed by a simple phone call. I pull out my cell phone however, and without thinking I dial my mother’s number and it goes straight to voicemail. I do the same for my father and receive the same results.

  “Don’t worry Dawn, if we don’t find them, we will find out what happened.”

  I swallow thickly. “And what am I to do then?”

  He releases an exasperated sigh. “Keep going. I won’t leave you.”

  Well that was reassuring. Despite my conflicting feelings towards him, it is comforting to know that I at least have someone.

  Ten minutes later, the brunette returns with our food and I could not be any more grateful. She doesn’t say anything to me. She keeps her focus on Aiden as she desperately makes a final attempt to get his attention.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you sir?” She damn near begs.

  “No. But thanks…” Aiden says without even acknowledging her presence.

  “We have a new-“

  “I said I am ok…” He squints at her name tag. “…Mindy. We are fine.”

  She spins on her heels and heads towards the kitchen. I shake my head.

  “Is it like this all the time with you?” I ask in between bites.

  “Like what?” He asked with a genuine look of confusion.

  “Where all the women instantly start ovulating when they are in your presence.”

  He shrugs. “I can’t help how women respond to me Dawn. Don’t tell me you don’t have the same problem..”

  “What problem?”

  “I know you had a sea of young suitors vying for your attention.”

  This time I shrug. “No not really. Guys my age are
scared of me.”

  “I can see that-not because you are horrifying to look at. You are a far cry from that. Human males sense that you are different, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t attracted to you, because you are beautiful. It is just they are not strong enough and they know it.”

  I try to force myself from feeling charmed by Aiden’s compliment, but I can’t help it. I look away. He studies me for a minute and takes another bite of his food. Suddenly, I feel like how he eats his food is how he would eat-

  “Are you a virgin Dawn?” He asks randomly as I take another bite of my nachos and choke the moment the questions pops out of his mouth.

  I gasp and wheeze and cough until my eyes are blurry with tears. He passes me my glass of strawberry lemonade and I guzzle down several gulps before I feel somewhat normal. I set the glass down and glance in Aiden’s direction to be greeted by a look of pure amusement. I wish could die.

  “Are you alright?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Just peachy,” I reply begrudgingly.

  “Stay that way…”

  I don’t bother to say anything more. I simply work on my nachos, which I happened to not even want anymore. I center my attention on my surroundings: the combination of smells that filter through my nostrils of the varying dishes being prepared; the sound of the television blaring overhead detailing the strange weather occurrences and the increasing number of unexplained homicides taking place all across the United States. Thirty minutes later, Mindy returns with the check and barely utters a word to Aiden who seems to be unbothered by her lack of enthusiasm. He leaves the money on the table while I go to the back to retrieve Biscuit and we are off.

  It was nice to feel normal for a little while versus a Grey on the run. I wish my parents would have spent time preparing me for what was to come next instead of training for something that was never going to happen.

  Chapter 9 Aiden

  I am taking Dawn as far away from California as possible. I decide to head north, to Oregon. I have a cabin there, and there hasn’t been any recent sightings of either Houses. I can reload on weaponry, food and begin teaching Dawn what her parents should have focused on teaching: her strengths as a Grey. We also need to look for any other Grey compounds which will be difficult in itself. They need to know she is alive and to perhaps act as reinforcements in the event for whatever reason I fail her.

  Trust me I do not intend on failing her but a wise man always has a backup plan.

  Being that we have a long road ahead of us, I already have a few pit stops mapped out in my head, and seven hours later as we pass through the San Francisco area, we pull into an underground carport to my private getaway in the heart of the city. I only take refuge here when I seriously need to disappear. It is heavily guarded by wards of Light, and of the most powerful of their kind. Only the royal line of the House is in possession of such power, and for once I thank my mother for the gift. It will come in handy should any curious members of my kind attempt to infiltrate, and it will definitely protect us against the House of Darkness.

  Off in the distance I can hear Siren singing her sweet song to me and the urge to turn around and drive all the way back is strong. But my purpose is stronger, and I know with so much distance between us it will not be long before she retires. I gently nudge Dawn from her slumber, while Biscuit barks excitedly as I open the door for him to jump out. She slides from her seat looking every bit of exhausted as she should be. She stretches and yawns before grabbing her duffle along with her sword and she walks quietly behind me up the stairway into the foyer of my home.

  Her braids are in a tangled mess, most of it having loosened from the large she tied them into. Her lazy look makes me wonder what she would be like when she is older, and I silently pray that it is me she chooses to introduce her to womanhood. No, let’s be frank, I intend to be the one she chooses. She seems to be dealing with her current state well, although I am sure she has her moments when I am not around to reflect and to mourn.

  I tried to warn her parents a few years ago that a war with her name is brewing, and they should focus on strengthening her natural abilities and not trying to make her peers feel as if they are her equals. Her father knew she is the strongest Grey to be born, but he was more concerned about maintaining his position as “The Leader” that he never once stopped to think that one day she will be called to step up and lead…and now that the moment has come, the only question that remains is which army?

  I have her dump her things down the hall in the second bedroom where she could shower and unwind, while I busy myself with the task of organizing weapons. Biscuit, meanwhile disappears into the kitchen, in search of whatever dogs his size and age search for. As soon as I take a seat on the black leather sectional I purchased from one of those artsy modern décor furniture stores, my phone rings and it is the one person I am not in the mood to deal with right now: Bane.

  “Yeah?” I snap into the receiver.

  “Is that the way you treat an old comrade of yours?” Bane quipped.

  “Yes, especially one who doesn’t want to get a life,” I growl. “What do you want?”

  “Touchy aren’t we?” Bane teased.

  “Shut up. What do you want?” I say losing patience.

  “I just called to inform you that there has been a sighting of some of the members of the girl’s compound-“

  “Any details on her parents?”

  “Negative. Just a few scraggly survivors whose powers are so weak I doubt they will survive the first wave,” Bane replied evenly.

  “How many?”

  “About seven of them.”


  “That knowledge comes with a price young prince…”

  “What the fuck is up with everybody demanding a price!” I am all but tempted to toss my phone out the window.

  “Tisk, tisk, tisk… I believe I deserve some compensation for my duties. Those Greys collectively can kill me on the spot if they ever see me.”

  “But they won't.”

  “What are you going to do with the girl anyways?” Bane asked light heartedly.

  “None of your business,” I snarl.

  “I suggest you give her to me…What would you do other than kill her? You-“

  “Shut the fuck up Bane. This is my last time telling you.”

  “Better yet your first,” Bane retorted. “Anyways, you better figure out what you are going to do with her. I have heard that your mother dispatched another army of warriors in search of the Grey. You question my intentions dear prince, but you never question yours. Choose wisely.”

  Bane disconnected the call before I had the chance to reply. I toss my phone onto the couch and try to dismiss Bane’s warning. I know what I’m doing. Dawn can put an end to all of this but she has be stronger, faster, smarter…I know I can make her all of those things and more. I hear the water turn on just down the hall and the man in me is stifled by Siren’s demanding call. But it is not Siren’s call that is keeping me in check, it is the vow that I made. If I am going to be everything to her and more she is going to have to learn to trust me. I need that trust for the future, when she believes she no longer recognizes the man that stands before her.

  An erotic energy changes my mood. My skin prickles and my senses sharpen. Dawn is in the bathroom alone, but I can sense the presence of a very unwanted guest hoping to make more than a lasting impression. I reach for my sword and head for the bathroom.


  The hot water feels great against my skin, so good in fact that I feel like I am being massaged by my own secret lover. Each trickle of water sends tiny flashes of pleasure signals all over my body. Like a jealous lover, I adjust the nozzle so that the water’s flow is beating directly on me-only on me. I have no idea why this is happening but as my body explodes with its first orgasm, there is no reason for me to want this to stop. Suddenly the electricity goes out, and I am alone in the dark underneath the gentle spray with parts of my body igniting in unquenchable heat
…I shudder again as another orgasm rolls through me. I palm my heavy breasts and squeeze gently, and the instant I do so, I hear an unfamiliar, yet velvety smooth baritone voice whisper into my ear. My senses flood with alarm as I press against a hard, male body. In the darkness I can see him as clear as day. He leans into me, and thinking quickly I spin around and punch him in the center of his mouth, knocking him through the shower curtains and onto the floor. The lights are back on and I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around my body as the entity rises to his feet. He moves in a motion that is too quick for the human eye and the next thing I know he has me pressed against the shower wall facing him. I orgasm again just from the contact. The being stares at me, his full lips dripping with his own blood. I know he is pissed. His emerald green eyes and perfectly chiseled face is enough to stop a woman’s heart. I have only heard about him. This is the first time I have ever experienced the power of Eros.

  Yanking the towel from around my body he examines me, his eyes blazing with pleasure and devious delight. His locked blonde hair blankets his wide shoulders, and as he towers over me, I am completely paralyzed as orgasm after orgasm weakens my resolve.

  “You are magnificent,” he whispers as I shudder with pleasure once more.

  Just then, the door is ripped from the hinges as Aiden steps in. I am beyond mortified. Here I am completely immobile with paralyzing pleasure, and NAKED, with an entity I have no idea how to defend myself from. Without so much as a word, Aiden charges in a blur and tears Eros away from me and the two square off in the tiny confines of the bathroom.

  “Put the towel on Dawn,” Aiden snarls after landing several hard punches to Eros’ beautiful face.

  I scramble to cover myself, I can’t help but think how wrong it is for a creature as beautiful as Eros to suffer the indignity of his face being rearranged. That smooth, bronzed skin and perfectly cut muscle…what the hell did he want with me? The fight continues, and I step out of the shower and manage to duck for safety as Aiden is flung into the adjoining wall. In his defense, I did what I did with the Berserker and send off an electric charge from my palms in the direction of Eros who then dodges just in time, and lunges for me. I don’t have time to react as I am slung over his shoulder only for the both of us to topple over onto the carpet. My towel, thankfully is still wrapped around me when a pair of strong arms swings me over his shoulder once again. I yelp as we become a blur and then I am tossed into what appears to be Aiden’s room. I land on the king sized bed with a hard bounce while the door slams in front of me.


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