In the Light of Darkness

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In the Light of Darkness Page 9

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “By who?” I demand.

  “Does it matter?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Yes it does, considering the fact that the House of Light wants me dead and the King of the House of Darkness has his own agenda.”

  “Hmmm, would you believe that there are those who have opted to remain hidden although they have their own side in the war?”

  I don’t answer because anything is possible.

  “Where are you going young one?” He asks staring at me.


  He shrugs. “I find it strange that you, a Grey, travel alone without the protection from members of your kind.”

  “I can protect myself just fine,” I mumble.

  “Yeah, but not for long.”

  “How did you find me?” I asks clutching the pouch.

  “We share a link which is why it is easier for members of the Dark House to find Greys, regardless of whatever ‘protective’ charms you wear.”

  I consider his last statement and shiver at the thought. Aiden managed to keep me well hidden, with the exception of a few incidences.

  “I can protect you,” He offers. “And by the way, my name is Kian.” He offers his hand, which I find a bit off, but out of being polite I accept it in a firm shake.

  “My name is Dawn,” I say without thinking. I know for a fact that Kian already knows more about me than he is alluding to which is fine. Everyone seems to know more about me than what I am comfortable with.

  “Where are you going?” He presses.

  “Somewhere safe,” I reply focusing my gaze out of the window.

  “And where is that?”

  The train pulls to a stop and as a few passengers exit while others board, my phone buzzes with a series of notifications. I look to see who is messaging me and it is just what I need: Aiden. And let’s just say that pissed off doesn’t even cover it. He must have checked his security cameras and realized that I am missing. Great. I didn’t even think about the fact that the man uses surveillance cameras. What makes matters worse is I know Aiden will find me because somehow, he always does and the last thing I need is for him to find me in the company of a Berserker. That is a situation that will not end well for both of them. I don’t bother to text him back. My focus is now on how to evade Kian the Berserker.

  “Look I don’t need your protection. I don’t need any protection considering the fact that none of you came to my aid when my compound was raided by the House of Light and I was left for dead.”

  He stares at me incredulously. “That is unfortunate and a part of the reason why I am here.”

  “I don’t want or need your help Kian,” I say with a level of finality that surprises even me. “Thanks but no thanks.”

  He stares at me for a moment, and before I can react, he snatches my phone from my grip and begins inputting his information into it, once again overstepping his yet to be determined boundaries with me. Once he is done, he slides the phone across the table back to me, leaving me both appalled and downright outraged at the same time.

  “You will need my help whether you want to accept it willingly or not. However, I am not one to force my services upon anyone who insists of dying as a result of their own foolishness. But, in the event you do run into some trouble that you or that Aiden character can’t seem to handle on your own, call me.” And with that, he calmly takes a stand and exits the train just before the conductor made the last call to board. I press my face out of the window, desperate to know where he is going and if he really exited the train for good. He disappears into the station where several women who clearly appear to be traveling together stop in their tracks to take in the vision that walked right passed them without so much of a word of acknowledgement.

  The train takes off again, slowly propelling itself towards its destination before gradually picking up speed. I look down at my cell phone, and realize that there are several missed calls from Aiden and a dozen more text messages. I know somehow, some way, Aiden is going to magically appear in front of me ready to drag me back under his wing. I should have taken a risk and flown to San Francisco rather than this twelve hour journey that may come to an abrupt end if Aiden pops out of thin air and drags me back to his house. I sigh and recline into the seat, pulling out my tablet to finish reading one of my favorite book series written by J.R. Ward. I know I may be a bit young to fantasize being in the throes of passion with one of those sexy warrior vampires, but a good distraction is what I need right now.

  Chapter 13


  Bane has been the absolute bane of my existence since his creation, but unfortunately he is a necessary nuisance. Upon leaving the inexperienced wanna-be’s, I log into my security system to discover a ditch that not only destroyed my lawn, but Dawn is nowhere in sight. I zoom into every corner of the house using my phone (thank God for Apple), and the only one who has sense enough to stay put is Biscuit.

  “Fuck!” I curse under my breath. I don’t have time for this shit. And as much as I would like to believe that she could not have gotten far, I would be lying to myself. This is Demetrius’ and Kai’s daughter I am dealing with and more than likely she has taken it upon herself to seek answers on her own instead of waiting around for my help.

  I slam my fist against the molding wood banister. Bane needs to hurry the hell up. Standing in the smoke filled bar with the sleazy waitresses, and the regular drunkards that is reminder to me that humanity’s depravity is the reason why there is a war in the first place. I move from the balcony back to the indoor bar area, bypassing a couple of middle aged construction workers complaining about the woes of the married life, all the while ogling the scantily clad and drug addicted waitresses that would walk by. I lean against the hard wood counter and tap my fingers against it anxiously.

  I have a bead on where Dawn is headed. She is headed north, to where I’m sure is her parent’s safe house. Before I make my way down there and drag her butt back to safety, I have to know if her journey is worth it, and the only one who would know what happened to her parents is that cock sucking Bane. For some reason, the bastard knows everything. Speaking of the cock sucker, he emerges from the VIP section flanked by two busty blondes. He gently pats the one on his right on the behind and she giggles like a blubbering idiot while the other one looks in my direction and offers me a welcoming smile. Bane notices me, and runs his hand through his spiked platinum blonde hair and gestures for the two women to go about their business. He saunters over to me, dressed in nothing but leather.

  “What’s up my friend?” He greets me offering his hand, which I decline.

  “I’m not your friend,” I retort.

  “Fine. Whatever. Why are you here?”

  “I need to know what happened to Demetrius and Kai,” I demand getting straight to the point.

  “I bet you do. The entire world wants to know what happened that day,” Bane replies coolly.

  “And out of everyone in the world, you are the one who would know the answer to such a question.”

  Bane orders the bartender to slide him over a shot of rum on ice. He snaps his head and swallows the poison in one gulp before slamming the glass down.

  “Some things come with a price,” he says finally.

  “And some things are worth it,” I say.

  “Give me the girl, and I will tell you everything you want to know about her parents.”

  “Fuck. You. Tell me or you die, plain and simple.”

  He stares at me as if he is assessing whether or not he could take me down or not, and after a minute or so, he realizes that he does in fact enjoy breathing.

  “Her father is dead, but her mother lives.” He said evenly.

  Demetrius is dead? That can’t possibly be true…could it?


  “He was beheaded during the raid. One your warriors caught him off guard and managed to decapitate him in the process. Kai and the rest of her surviving members went berserk and managed to fight off half of the warriors, but i
t just wasn’t enough. With Demetrius dead, and Dawn unconscious it was too much. Just before you arrived on the scene, Kai was snatched along with a couple of other females from her compound, and whoever took her must have not seen Dawn lying on the ground unconscious, otherwise I am sure they would have taken her too.”

  I slam my fist into the counter, creating a massive gaping hole in front of us. He looks at me with amusement. “You do know you are going to pay for that right?”

  “Well who took Kai?”

  “Now that is the million dollar question Orion-“

  “I told you to never call me that,” I growl.

  “Fine, Aiden. But to answer your question, I do not know.”

  “How the fuck do you not know?”

  “I was summoned before I could record what was taking place,” he shrugs.

  “By who?”

  “None of your goddamn business,” he snaps.

  I run my fingers through my hair and exhale sharply.

  “You could always give me the girl while you go on this little hunt for answers…”

  I glare at him. “What the hell do you want with her? She is not about to be one of your little concubines.”

  “She could be put to good use, and most importantly she would be safe. And, I respect her a lot more to just make her a concubine. She could be a queen-my queen.”

  “The queen of what? What could you possibly offer her when you still have to report to someone yourself?”

  His eyes narrow and a blast of heat emits from his body. “Get out.”

  I bark out a laugh. “So I’ve finally managed to offend the infamous Bane?”

  “Leave, Orion and don’t come back. And she will be my queen one day. Now get out.”

  Our eyes meet, and for the first time since I’ve met him, I see the looming threat in his eyes and I know during our next encounter, it was going to get pretty ugly. Whoever this entity is servicing must have him by the balls.

  I leave without a word. I exit the side onto the side street and hop into my Humvee and make a right, heading towards the nearest freeway. Dawn’s family kept a safe house in the San Fran area and I intend on being there upon her arrival. I have no clue how she is going to handle this next blow, but I know one thing: I am never letting her out of my sight again.

  Chapter 14


  The train comes to a screeching stop in Stockton, CA and I am forced to travel via bus the rest of the way to San Francisco. Fortunately, Amtrak buses are a hell of a lot more comfortable than Greyhound, so it was not too big of a deal. Aiden stopped texting me hours ago, and that draws for concern. I know he will find me. I feel it in my gut. But come hell or high water I have to make it to the safe house. I need answers, and if any of the members of my compound are alive that is the first place they will head to. There are others, but at the rate the raids have been going, it just seems more likely that they will make the trip to the Bay area. The population density alone is enough to keep the Warriors of Light from making a scene; and it is filled with “other worldly” entities which provides Greys enough wiggle room to blend in.

  I make it a point to sit near the front, of course next to the window and fortunately, there are a few travelers headed in the same direction, I can continue my solitude throughout the rest of the journey. I recline into the seat, zipping up my black hoodie, and play with my phone. I notice Kian’s number and consider deleting it. The nerve of him to just insert his number into my phone as if I am really going to call him for help. But I have the sneaking suspicion that I may not have to call him, and not only will I have Aiden breathing down my neck, I will have Kian in my face too. This is going to be interesting.

  I return to my tablet to continue my journey through the world of warrior vampires and just as I was getting to the part where the vampire with the raging beast is confronted by a deity known as the Scribe Virgin, I am pulling into the San Francisco Union Station. I grab my things and all but skip off the bus. I notice at least a hundred or yards into the parking lot there are several cabs in park waiting for future passengers. I am too exhausted to care what else is going on around me, when a familiar voice comes from behind, forcing me to spin around.

  “I thought I told you to stay put,” Aiden said from behind the shadows.

  “Well, you just can’t expect me to do nothing,” I say evenly.

  He frowns. “No. I guess not. You ruined my yard.”

  “That wasn’t intentional. You had me barred in like a prisoner,” I argue.

  “That was to keep you safe!” He snapped.

  We face off for a second, and I know if I don’t say or do something drastic now he is going to force me to get in his car and drag me all the way back to his town home and all of today’s struggles would have been for nothing.

  “I am not going back,” I say defiantly. “I have to make it to the safe house.”

  He pauses. “I figured as much which is why I am here. I have something to tell you.”

  “I’m not getting in the car Aiden,” I threaten.

  “I am not going to force you,” he says calmly.

  “Then why are you here?” I ask taking a step back.

  “To offer you a ride to the safe house, and to update you on something I am sure you are anxious to hear about.”

  “Which is…”

  “Your parents.”

  Well, that changes things. I was going to the safe house in the hopes that I can find something there but if he already knows…

  “Why the sudden lack of trust?” He examines me closely. “Just last night you slept in the bed with me with my hand in your palm.”

  “Let’s just say I have had a very trying day,” I mumble.

  “I am sure you did. Care to talk about it?”

  “Later. Tell me about my parents.”

  He motions for me to follow him to his car, which I do reluctantly. He is parked close to the entrance, away from the parked cabs. Biscuit of course is in the back and he barks at me in a cheerful greeting. Aiden opens the door for me and waits for me to slide in, and once inside, he slams the door behind me. I cringe as the child proof locks click into place. He gets in, doesn’t bother looking in my direction, but based off of the vibes he is throwing off, he is pissed.

  Not even five minutes into the drive, he asks, “Why did you leave?”

  I swallow thickly. “Well, I can’t sit around waiting for you to do all of the investigating when my parents could be out there looking for me. Speaking of which, what do you know?”

  He inhales deeply. “I found out from a very reliable resource that your father died during the raid, but your mother and a few of the female members of your compound were kidnapped. As for the rest of what I would have hoped to be surviving members, from what I understand…” He pauses before continuing, but I do not need to hear any more.

  I turn my head to look out the window as tears build up, blurring my vision. I knew that my parents dying would be a possibility, but with it confirmed that my father is no longer…alive, suddenly I feel nauseous. And who kidnapped my mother?

  “I don’t know who would have taken your mother Dawn, but I promise you I will find her,” Aiden vowed.

  I allow the tears to fall. My father is dead and what my mother may be experiencing may be worse than death. Every last one of my family members are dead and for what? Because of me? Is that why my parents fought hard to keep me so hidden?

  The ride to the safe house is a silent one, my thoughts are a mangled mess filled with painful memories that will never go away. Aiden rubs my shoulder periodically, I guess to remind me that he is not going anywhere. But what hurts the most is, with the possibility of my mother still being alive, why can’t I feel her? Greys have the ability to sense each other on various telepathic levels depending on the depth of the connection. Being that my parents are perhaps two of the strongest Greys to have survived, I could always sense them, even when they were on some top secret mission, I could still feel their presenc
e. The ever present emptiness has now crept into my awareness, my reality permanently changed.

  The safe house is three miles away from the Amtrak station, hidden in one of the most unsavory areas of town. My father did that for a reason. Hiding in plain sight was always the key, and as we entered what appeared to be a 30 unit apartment complex through the underground parking garage, winding through the darkness until we are least twenty feet beneath the ground. The actual quarters of the compound are subterranean. As we head deeper underground, I realize my parents were preparing for more than just a war; they were preparing for a fallout- and a major one at that.

  The car finally comes to a halt, and he backs into one of the few empty stalls that was set ‘up for members of my compound. I exit the car without a word and open the door for Biscuit to hop out.

  “So this is the super secret compound that your parents set up huh?” Aiden says with a smirk.

  “Yup, it is. This is where we were directed to go if things became a little too is also a fallback position in the event any one of our other compounds were raided, all who survived were instructed to come back here.”

  He locks the truck, and I lead the way down a corridor to a metal door equipped with a keypad. I quickly input the code, and wait for the hissing sound as the door creaked open. I push through holding it open long enough for Aiden and Biscuit to pass by before allowing it to close. Everything is set up the way I remembered it. The den area is filled with monitors and computer screens; a few bean bags, with folded sleeping bags stacked neatly in the corner; the kitchen area is clean, but I know that the cupboards are stocked with nonperishable essentials. To the right in a separate room is known as the war room, where my parents (the generals) and their team would meet, planning their next move. It is also the weapons room, a room I plan to raid later on. On the upper levels are the individual rooms for all members of our team, with room to spare for other Greys who may need our help.

  And now it is just me. I could start my own compound, and do like my parents did and seek out surviving and orphaned Greys. But somehow, I know that could never be. I need to find my mother, and the sister members of my clan. And then…I fight.


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