Conquering Jude

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Conquering Jude Page 13

by Dakota Trace

  “So what are you trying to tell me, Caelan?” Anger had her words coming out much harsher than she intended.

  “Just leave the man some pride.” He leaned in and brushed a kiss over her forehead.

  “You’re full of it. My slave knows better than that. I’ve never considered him a pushover. In fact he’s the most stubborn man I know. Hell, it took him almost three months to even admit he was submissive. You know damn well what I meant when I said he’d at least listen. I wasn’t saying he would blindly do as I say - only that he’d listen before fighting me on every decision.”

  Caelan nodded. “Good to know but I’m not the one you have to explain that to, Olivia. Now, I have to go and see if I can figure out where the hell my sister lit off to. Instead of giving Dom and Josh a chance, the little shit moved out of my house, lock stock and barrel, while Nisey and I were in the Bahamas.”

  She nodded. “If you don’t have any luck, let Jude know. I’m sure he can find her for you.”

  * * * *

  Sitting in the backseat of the car with Micah at her side as Jude drove them back from Gabriel’s Greek Family Restaurant, the tension was so thick she could’ve cut it with a knife. The boys had lived up to their promise. Micah had arrived just before noon. He’d kept up a lively conversation as Jude had driven them to the restaurant. Jude had even spoken and joined in the teasing camaraderie between the three of them, but his smiles never reached his eyes. Jude’s quiet respectfulness hadn’t been the soothing balm to her nerves it should’ve been. Every time the word Mistress had passed his lips, his eyes had been guarded. The connection they’d shared this morning was gone and it really bothered her.

  She’d thought everything would be okay. After Caelan left, she’d sought Jude out, only to find him getting out of the shower. Just the memory of seeing him wrapped in nothing more than a white towel around his slender hips, leaning over the sink as he brushed his teeth, had her breath catching. It’d taken her a few fumbling tries, but she’d finally explained what she’d meant. He’d given her a nod and said not to worry about it – that he’d understood. But dammit why does it seem like he’s a million miles away?

  Micah’s hand touched hers. “Troubles in paradise, Mistress?” He kept his voice pitched low enough so Jude wouldn’t be able to hear.

  She nodded. “I said something this morning he took the wrong way. Or I wasn’t thinking clearly.” She cast him a glance. “The pain meds have that effect on me.” She quickly but quietly explained what had happened. “Either way he’s been distant and I just don’t know how to connect with him again.”

  Micah gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I think the biggest problem here is he’s at a crossroads. He’s accepted you as his Mistress but does he know you have accepted him as your slave? Have you given him the words or even the actions?”

  She shook her head before resting it on Micah’s shoulder, all the time aware of Jude’s eyes in the rear view mirror. “Then what do you propose I do?”

  Micah’s voice rose. “It’s time to claim him in a way which will leave no doubts you own him.”

  From the front seat came a low answering groan.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jude stared in disbelief at Olivia. “Excuse me? You want me to do what?” They were standing in the middle of her living room. After hearing Micah’s statement about Olivia claiming him, he had a hard on from Hell and now his Mistress was proposing he take a nap with her?

  Olivia cocked her head at him. “I’m tired from our outing, pet, and I really enjoyed sleeping with you earlier.” She held her hand out to him. “Besides, I want you well rested for this evening. Micah will be back later with the items I requested.” An evil glint filled her eyes. “And believe me, you’ll thank for me for allowing you to rest this afternoon.”

  Breathing fast, he gathered up what was left of his fraying control. “I…okay, Mistress. I’ll try.” He took her hand and allowed her to lead him down the hall and into her bedroom.

  Once there, she sat down on the edge of her bed, bracing herself on her good arm. “A bit of help, pet?” She nodded to the neatly tied tennis shoes on her feet. Earlier he’d tied them for her and with her cast, there was no easy way for her to untie them.

  Wordlessly he sank to one knee, propped her foot against his thigh and untied the shoe. Slipping it off, he quickly did the same to the other. As the second shoe hit the floor, he slowly massaged the arch of her foot. At her gasp, he looked up. She had her head tossed back and the arm she’d used to support herself was trembling.

  “Did I hurt you, Mistress?”

  Her head shook. “No…but you have the greatest hands, pet. I’ll give you two days to stop that.” Then she gave in and sank into the satin duvet, her upper body comforted by her bed while her lower torso was hanging off it. Gathering her up, he lifted her until her head was resting on her pillows and her arm was comfortably supported. She focused on him with a frown which turned into a yawn. “What are you doing?”

  Warmth spread through him at the idea of her trying to give him hell, even as tired and sore as she was. “Giving my Mistress a foot rub.”

  “Well, I guess that’s okay. But that doesn’t get you out of holding me, pet. When you’re done, I expect your sexy ass to be up here next to me.” She yawned again, ruining the effect of her scolding.

  “Yes, Mistress.” Jude ducked his head to hide his grin and then set about totally relaxing his Mistress.

  * * * *

  Micah nodded to Carlos as he waited for the man to pat him down with swift efficiency.

  “Hey, Micah, what are you doing here so early in the day? It seems odd, especially since Mistress Olivia isn’t in today.” Carlos gave a nod before holding out the bin containing Micah’s keys and wallet.

  “Just stopping by to pick up a few things for Mistress Olivia.” Micah smiled and reached for the tray.

  “How’s she doing? I can’t believe someone tried to attack her at home. I hope Jude and Master Jackson get to the bottom of this.” The tray made a soft thud as Carlos set it on the counter next to him.

  “Better than she was last night. Jude and I had to almost tie her down to get her to take her meds…”

  A chuckle escaped Carlos. “Oh tell me you didn’t. I’d have paid good money to see two subs get the better of the dominating Mistress Olivia.”

  Micah gave the man a smile. “I said almost. Jude and I had ways of persuading Mistress.”

  Looking around quickly, Carlos said a mock whisper, “Did she end up punishing both of you?”

  A flush filled Micah’s face as he remembered the previous evening. The arousal he’d felt while watching Jude pleasure their Mistress had been surprisingly intense. The wonder on the other man’s face had been a potent aphrodisiac. “Oh yeah, Mistress Olivia can be one sadistic bitch.”

  “Don’t I know it! Half the club is scared of her. But damned if the look on your face doesn’t make me wish Keisha wasn’t out of town visiting her family.”

  “Oh, that reminds me…” Micah dug into the pocket of his jeans. The crinkle of paper could be heard. “Mistress Olivia asked me to tell you…” He scanned down the list, ignoring the more intriguing items penned in Olivia’s elegant handwriting. “…she needs to change your Mistress’s training day from tomorrow to next Thursday.”

  Carlos nodded. “No problem. I’ll let her know.” He gave Micah a wicked grin. “In fact, it’s been too long since it’s just been a quiet day with Mistress and I. With all the traveling she’s done in the past couple of months, I think I’ll surprise her with a relaxing but fun-filled day at home.”

  Micah laughed outright at the suggestive wiggling of Carlos’s eyebrows.

  “Sounds like fun. Speaking of which, I better get going, or what fun I am going to have tonight may be cancelled if I don’t get this stuff for Mistress.” Micah shook the list. “Damned if that woman can’t make up some killer lists.”

  The bouncer laughed when Micah grabbed the handle of the door and r
ealized he couldn’t enter.

  “Sorry about that, Micah. I have to buzz you in. Master Jackson had this new electronic gizmo installed on the door.” He shrugged his shoulders before he dug out a key card and handed it to Micah. “Swipe this over the black pad while I’m buzzing you in and the door should open.” The dubious tone of Carlos’s voice made Micah chuckle. “Afraid it won’t work?”

  Carlos shrugged. “Don’t know if it’s me or the system, but I’ve been having a hellacious time with it. Cross your fingers.”

  After swiping the card for the third time, Micah finally heard the faint click as the lock on the door disengaged. “Damn, Mistress isn’t going to be happy if this happens every time. I can’t believe she approved it without having it tested.”

  “Ah…she didn’t.” Carlos looked over his shoulder as if making sure they were alone. “Master Alastar approved it yesterday before Master Jackson installed it.”

  Micah nearly choked. “He what?”

  Carlos shrugged. “Master Caelan suggested Master Jackson call Master Alastar for approval, since when Olivia is incapacitated then Master Alastar is the ‘go to’ man.”

  Micah groaned and entered the club. I’m not telling Mistress – it’s one thing to get my ass tanned for something I messed up, but it’s altogether another to take a punishment because of another’s stupidity. Jackson can take his own damn lumps.

  * * * *

  Micah had just finished gathering the requested items when he heard the sultry voice of Mistress Svetlana behind him. He nearly jumped, not expecting anyone to be in Olivia’s private playroom.

  “Mal-chick, I’ve been looking for you.”

  He stiffened with annoyance at her familiar use of Olivia’s pet name for him. He’d been avoiding her since Olivia’s attack, knowing she was going to demand payment for her favor. I don’t have the time to deal with her now. My first loyalty is to Mistress Olivia. How the hell did she get into the club? He turned to face her. Standing behind him, she was dressed in a dark leather skirt and leather bra with a crop resting in her hand. It should have had his cock rock hard but instead he barely felt the slightest stir. Beside her, a slightly familiar slender blonde was dressed similarly. His skin crawled when the blonde smirked at him.

  “Is this him? He doesn’t look like a man who wants to be humiliated…” she gave him a through undressing with her eyes. “Not that I wouldn’t love to find out.”

  “Enough, Suzette.” The hard tone had the blonde shutting her mouth, although she continued to strip him with her eyes.

  Recognition dawned and he gave a mental curse. What the hell is the bimbo from Jude’s office doing with Svetlana? Deciding he didn’t have the time to worry about it, he ignored the blonde and focused on the other woman. “Mistress Svetlana, what a surprise.” His hand clenched around the handles of the duffle bag he’d been holding.

  “Why’s it a surprise, slave? I’ve come to collect on your debt. Although, I had a difficult time convincing this man that I had business with you.” She gestured to Carlos, who was standing in the doorway behind the women. The scowl on his friend’s face wasn’t surprising.

  “I know her, Carlos.” He straightened his spine. “But unfortunately I have another engagement this evening, Mistress Svetlana. One I cannot get out of.”

  A frown crossed her face. “The only way you cannot get out of an engagement is if you are collared and I know for a fact you aren’t.”

  He shrugged. “All those who know me, Mistress Svetlana, know I belong to Mistress Olivia. Even without the collar, her demands on my time take precedence over any others.”

  Svetlana’s mouth tightened with displeasure before she nodded. “This is true.”

  When he moved around her, she struck his chest with the crop. He gritted his teeth against the pain. It was one thing to enjoy being cropped during intimacy and entirely another to have a Domme inflict punishment without warning or permission. Under his t-shirt he felt the trickle of blood and inwardly groaned. Mistress is going to be pissed. When Carlos moved forward to intervene, Micah held his hand up.

  “While I may enjoy pain during sex, Mistress Svetlana, if you try that again, I will take your crop and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.” Micah couldn’t keep the disrespect from his voice. Nothing pissed him off more than a Domme who made free with her hands.

  “Feisty, isn’t he?” Suzette chortled. “Oh, I’ll look forward to using him, Svetlana.”

  Svetlana gave her a smile. “Patience, sweets.” Then she caught his gaze. “I’ll have your commitment before you leave here. I can be generous – I know you’re probably going to be playing with Olivia and her new sub tonight. So I’m giving you a week. Understood?”

  Looking down at Svetlana, Micah was tempted to tell her ‘not in this lifetime’ but his word was his bond. He’d honor it, even though the inclusion of another person had him leery. It was worth it to see Jude finally accept his submissive side.

  “Fine. A week from now. Where?”

  Svetlana cocked her head. “Why not here? That way you’ll feel more…relaxed.”

  He nodded. Having our play night here is a good idea, that way Jackson can step in if she or the blonde bimbo goes too far. “Fine.” He caught Carlos’s eye, indicating he’d meet him at the medical station. “Excuse me, but I have to go.” Hoisting the duffle, he scooted around the women, and headed back towards Olivia’s office and the medical supplies he needed to clean up. No way in hell am I going back to Mistress’s with blood running down my chest. She’ll flip and be out for Svetlana’s head on a stick. There’s already enough ‘love lost’ between them.

  * * * *

  A hoarse exhalation escaped Jude’s throat as his Mistress snuggled closer. Try as he might, he hadn’t been able to sleep. The erection straining against the confines of his jeans was killing him and unlike last night, he wasn’t exhausted to the point he could fall asleep in spite of it. Then again, I didn’t have my Mistress draped across my body like a warm blanket either.

  His arm tightened around her when she started to slip off him again. Somehow she’d managed to crawl on top of him after her foot rub. At first it had just been her head snuggling against his chest – a chest she’d demanded be naked – as he reclined against the mound of pillows. Then before he knew how it’d happened, the little minx had basically draped herself across him like a throw rug with her head tucked under his chin, her cast cradled above his shoulder on the pillow and her legs straddling his hips. But for the past half hour or so, she’d shown signs of stirring. Slight shifts, sensual rubs, and downright erotic rocking as she’d tried to get their two bodies even closer together. She’s driving me out of my ever loving mind. God, please let tonight be the night she lets me fuck her.

  He stifled what seemed like the millionth moan as her breath teased the pulse pounding in the hollow of his throat. Even though the feel of her body against his was torture, and he was sure she wouldn’t know any difference in her sleep, he was reluctant to let her go. She said she wanted me to hold her, so I’m doing just what I was ordered. Even as he told himself it was simply his obeying a command she’d given, he knew he was lying. He wanted to feel her in his arms each night and wake each morning with her snuggled up like a bug in rug. Stop it, Larson. Once this detail is over, there’s no guarantee she’s going to keep you. Take what you can, and don’t ask for more.

  “Hmm, I can feel you thinking, pet.” The drowsy words were breathed across his naked chest. “You’re awfully hard for a slave who’s supposed to be napping with his Mistress.”

  His heart leapt at her words. It was one of the first times she’d actually referred to herself as his Mistress. “It’s hard to sleep when I have a boner hard enough to hammer nails.” He waited for her to protest his vulgar words. Instead of protesting, she shifted, rubbing her belly against his trapped cock. “Not that I’m complaining about holding you, Mistress.”

  “Hmm, so that what’s been poking me for the past hour?” The sensual
tone went straight to his dick and unbelievably, it swelled even more.

  Had she actually been awake that long? Even as he wondered, he knew she probably had been. She’d warned him she was a sadist.

  “Yes, Mistress.” His hand slid down to cup her ass when she wiggled against him again.

  “What are you doing, pet? Trying to rub against my pussy so you can get off?” Her taunt hit him like a wallop from Mohammad Ali.

  “Fuck!” His nerve endings sizzled at the thought. Evidently he wasn’t the only one who liked to talk dirty in bed.

  “Hmmm, I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” She nipped the swell of his chest with sharp, even teeth. “To come all over my pussy?”

  “Oh God, Mistress. I’d love it. But then I like almost anything you’d like to do to me.” He grunted when she pushed up into a sitting position. He steadied her when she almost toppled off the side.

  “Damn cast!” he thought he heard her mutter. It was all he could do not to laugh at her expression, but had a feeling if he did, it’d turn out really bad for him.

  Instead he gave her a tentative smile. “Would it help if I said I thought you were the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, Mistress? Cast and all?”

  Instead of answering, she gave him a genuine smile. “You know, you’re a smooth talker, pet. Flattery will get you nowhere with me though.” She rocked against him and gave a sigh of satisfaction when his hips surged up to meet hers. “But actions will.”

  When his hands moved from her hips up to just beneath her small breasts, he stilled, waiting for her permission. “Mistress?” He barely recognized his own voice because it was so raspy.

  “Touch them, pet.” Her eyes glittered down at him.

  With a growl, he slid his palms up and over her breasts. Cupping them, he gave a slow squeeze, watching her expression carefully. If he hadn’t been so wrapped up in her enjoyment of the moment, he’d have thought it odd that he knew how hard to finger her ass and cunt to make her come but was still in the dark about how she liked her breasts touched.


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