Conquering Jude

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Conquering Jude Page 16

by Dakota Trace

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but who’s going to be the one to break it to Josh and Dominic? They deserve to know.” Gabriel squeezed Sara. “I’d want to know right away if I were in their shoes. If she is...she has to be at least three to four months along.”

  “She’s pregnant?” The deadly furious British voice from the door had everyone who was sitting in the room turning to look at the man standing there. Josh’s eyes were hard while his nostrils flared. At his side his hands were clenched.

  “Josh, think about this. Don’t go off half-cocked.” As always Olivia was aware of the danger of an out-of-control Dom in her club.

  But Jude could see Olivia’s plea fell on deaf ears. Josh’s face reddened with anger. He only could imagine what the man was feeling. The idea of his sub being pregnant and hiding from him would have to be infuriating.

  Josh strode into the room to plant his feet in front of Caelan. “Where the hell is she, Doherty?”

  Caelan gave a frustrated look at the man. It was obvious Caelan was torn between protecting his sister and doing the right thing – telling the man where to find his possibly pregnant sub. Jude was proven correct when Caelan finally spoke.

  “What are you planning to do, Josh? I’m not going to willingly endanger my sister.”

  From the side, Jude could see Josh was ready to cold cock Caelan. “I’m gonna bring the stubborn little bitch home where she belongs. I’m done playing her game, Caelan. She belongs to Dom and me.”

  But instead of telling Josh what he wanted to know, Caelan asked another question. “What if she can’t offer you her submission any longer, Josh? Do you still want her?”

  The man stilled. “Even if she won’t submit to us, we want her.”

  Caelan seemed to think for a moment before coming to a conclusion “All right. I’ll tell you where she is - on the condition she calls me in the morning.”

  Even though he knew it had to irk Josh, the man agreed. “Done.”

  Caelan gave a nod before taking the familiar paper out of his wallet Jude had written Kalinda’s address on. He handed it to Josh. Jude wasn’t surprised when the other man strode out of the room without a good-bye. God I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that anger. Damn Kalinda, I hope you’re indeed pregnant or I have a feeling you’re not going to be sitting comfortably for awhile.

  * * * *

  It was nearly two hours later before Jude and Olivia were finally alone. After Josh had stormed out of the club, the other men had lingered, all voicing their opinions and speculations about what was going to happen when Josh finally caught up with Kalinda. To Caelan’s horror, Gabriel had commented that in his opinion, Kalinda was going to have an extremely red ass and probably wouldn’t be able to sit for several days.

  Personally, Jude didn’t think it would go that far. The man was so in love with his sub, he’d sent her off to L.A. for two years to get experience and had even accepted Dominic’s offer to share the spunky brunette. He wasn’t going to blow it by doing something that would drive Kalinda away in her emotional state. No, I figure she’s probably going to be so sated from physical pleasure, she won’t ever think about leaving them again.

  Leaning back in the chair, Jude scanned the files on the small laptop he’d asked Jackson to drop off at the club. Although it surprised Jude at first, he was grateful when Mistress informed him he’d been on his knees long enough. He could sit in the chair, but he was to remain there until told otherwise. With Olivia and Jude’s presence at the club, Jackson had run to the office to catch up on some much needed paperwork.

  So now he was sitting in one of the plush chairs adjacent to Olivia’s desk using a small stand to work on a security bid for one of the local lumber warehouses. Across from him, Olivia was working on her own paperwork, the pen in her hand scratching against papers as she signed off on liquor orders, considered applications and approved memberships. She was humming a soft tune. Once again he was curious about it. He’d love to hear her sing the haunting melody, but Micah had told him not to ask, because Mistress wouldn’t sing for anyone. I bet she has a beautiful voice.

  The humming stopped. “Pet, did Jackson ever get the background report on Charles Stanton?” She hadn’t bothered to look up.

  Jude straightened. “I’m not sure, Mistress. Let me check. The last time I spoke with Jackson, he told me he was waiting on the Equifax report to come back.” Accessing the remote network, Jude checked for the status on the needed report. “I remember reading the man has no criminal record and has been divorced twice, but as far as financials, we’re still waiting on the damn report.” Ah hell, that’s not good. A red flag earmarked the requested report. Clicking on it, he scowled at the resulting message: No financial information exists on this individual. Highly suspect Identity Theft.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go offering him a membership, Mistress. Equifax can’t find any financials on him. They are suspecting Identity Theft.”

  She frowned and tapped the pen she held on her chin. “Because they can’t find any information?”

  Jude nodded. “Usually the only way that occurs is if you’ve never worked before. For an eighteen year old – no big deal…but a supposedly twice-divorced thirty-eight year old man?” He gave a brief shake of his head. “Nope. Either he’s been living in a sanctuary, or he’s lying about who he is. Either way, there’s something fishy about him. Whether or not he’d cause trouble in the club? Who’s to say - but where he’s getting the money to pay the dues – more than likely it’s either dirty money or he’s being paid under the table for something. And considering your rates? I’d say it’s the latter.”

  She stared thoughtfully. “Good to know. I’ll have Jackson revoke his temporary membership.” She was just reaching for the phone when Raymond, her second shift bartender, rushed into the room. His normally slicked back into a ponytail hair was mussed, his shirt was ripped, and there was a trail of blood coming from one of the tears. Jumping up, Jude immediately pushed the table away from him – not waiting for Olivia’s permission – he caught the man before he fell.

  “Micah has been hurt! Mistress Svetlana and…” Raymond’s eyes widened before rolling back in his head. Jude carefully lowered the man to the floor. He quickly ripped the shirt off the man, looking for the source of the blood. Years of medic training in the Rangers kicked in when he saw the deep wound high on Raymond’s left shoulder, just below his collarbone. Tearing the shirt into strips, he made several compresses. Olivia sank down next to him just as he finished.

  Without looking at her, he guided her hands over the wound. “Put pressure on here. Don’t let up on it, Olivia. While I don’t think he’ll bleed out, I don’t want to chance it.” He pressed hard on her hands, before brushing a kiss over her lips and rising. “I’ll be right back, Mistress.” His eyes met hers. “I’m locking the door behind me…” he gave her warning look. “…and I won’t be happy if something happens to you, so keep it locked unless it’s me or Jackson.”

  Before she could respond, he was out the door, shutting it firmly behind him.

  * * * *

  Entering the main part of the club, Jude followed the crowd of people into one of the private rooms next to Olivia’s. Entering, he expected to find chaos, but instead found a small gathering of Olivia’s security people, surrounding a trembling man, while the Dungeon Monitor was standing beside Micah. Strapped to wall with manacles, Micah was sagging, the only thing keeping him upright were the tight leather cuffs around his wrists. His back, once dark and smooth was now covered in welts, and broken skin oozing blood in places.

  “What the fuck happened here?”

  The man surrounded by the security people tried to make a break for it. Carlos yanked him back - none too gently. “Where the fuck do you thinking you’re going, dickhead?”

  Jude covered the distance between him and Micah. Coming to a stop next to his friend, he barely glanced at the Monitor before speaking softly. “Micah?”

  When he didn’t answ
er, Jude lifted his hand to touch his shoulder. Micah jerked as skin met skin. “Red…please don’t…no more…” Micah’s head rolled away from Jude and Jude caught sight of Micah’s face for the first time. The red marks and swollen lips told its own story. The man had either been gagged or they’d taped his mouth shut. Probably to keep him from screaming his safe word. Fury consumed Jude, causing his body to shake. He turned from Micah and focused his attention on the Dungeon Monitor. Jonas Raphael, known widely as Master Raphael and a former undercover cop, looked just as dangerously angry as Jude felt.

  “Raphael, what happened here?”

  “I’m not sure. I was up in the Main Room and got paged by the Security Room, telling me that there was a sub in danger. When I got here, I found that fuck over there whaling the hell out of Micah.”

  Jude looked over his shoulder and glared at the man. “And Raymond? How’d he get hurt?”

  “Raymond came when he heard me cussing – guess he was heading back to the bar from the stock room. He came in while I was trying to disarm the bastard. Asshole was using a fucking horse quirt on Micah, and when I told him to cease and desist, the motherfucker pulled a god-damned knife on me. We were struggling for it when Raymond tried to break us up and he got stabbed.”

  A growl built in his chest. “Who’s the asshole and how did he get in?”

  Carlos answered him. “He had a temporary pass from Master Jackson, Jude. His name is Charles Stanton and he came in with Mistress Svetlana and her new trainee Mistress Suzette. Svetlana vouched for both Suzette and…” Carlos gave the man a shake, “…this asshole.”

  Jude gave a sigh of disgust. Mistress is gonna be pissed. “Take him next door. Tie his ass up…I’ll leave his punishment up to Mistress Olivia.”

  Gasps from both the Security people and on-lookers standing in the door were loud in the quiet room. Evidently Mistress’s punishments are legendary. The man began blubbering. Jude didn’t even give the man one bit of his attention – instead focusing on Carlos. “Get his ass out of here. When I’m done dealing with Micah and Raymond, I want to question him.”

  “No, no…you can’t do this to me…I’m a member of the Northern Ireland Consulate. I have immunity!” The man struggled as Carlos and several members of the security team half dragged – half carried him out of the room.

  Turning back to Jonas, Jude took a deep breath. “We’ve got to get him down from there.” Jude motioned to Micah’s other arm as he approached the still restrained man. He glanced over at Jonas as he touched the manacle holding Micah’s left hand. Probing it, he found the release mechism. He glanced at Jonas. “On the count of three. One, two, three.” Jude activated the quick release mechanism on the side of the manacle at the same time Jonas did.

  With the cuffs no longer there to support him, Micah dropped towards the floor. The only thing keeping him from hitting face first was the gentle hold each of the men had on him under and supporting his shoulders.

  Without looking to see if he would be obeyed, he asked for the aftercare kit that each playroom stocked. “And don’t forget the fucking warm water or witch-hazel.”

  A low moan of distress pushed past Micah’s parted lips as the two Doms lowered him onto leather-covered settee on his stomach. Grabbing one of the blankets someone from the security team handed him, Jude folded it in half and placed it pillow-like under Micah’s head.

  “Here, Master Jude?” The soft sound coming from his right had him frowning. He glanced at young woman as he accepted the aftercare kit from her. From the cuffs adorning her delicate wrists, he realized she was submissive.

  “I’m not a Master…” The words came out without thought. Mistress was his Master.

  “He’s my slave, Katie.” The soft voice of Mistress washed over him, and he heard Micah cry out in protest.

  “Please…don’t let…Mistress see me this…way…” There were very real tears in Micah’s eyes and they were filled with shame.

  He looked over the subbie’s shoulder and saw Olivia standing in the door, her cast spotted with blood. The splatters of crimson on her white linen shirt reminded him of Raymond. Fear hit him square between the eyes and his voice came out harsher than he intended. “Mistress, you were told to stay in your office!” She isn’t supposed to be out of the office until I make sure it’s safe!

  The subbie gasped at Jude’s tone of voice. “You can’t talk to Mistress Olivia like that. Not only will you get punished, it’s disrespectful!”

  Jude glared at the girl. I don’t care what the fuck she thinks. God damn it, if something happens to Mistress, I don’t know what I’d do.

  “Relax, Katie. He’s merely concerned about my safety as any good slave would be.” She turned her attention back to Jude. “Jackson is here now and one of the members who’s a doctor is taking Raymond to the hospital.”

  A sigh of relief escaped Jude and his body relaxed.

  “Now that I’ve cleared that up, let’s see to tending mal-chick’s back.” Olivia walked into the room like a queen.

  Jude was torn between his need to please his Mistress and the despair in his friend’s eyes. This was the same friend who’d dragged him from club to club, answered his endless questions, and in the end had helped him accept his submissive nature.

  “Micah? Please let her help you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. She cares for you.”

  Micah turned his head away from Jude. Jude looked helplessly at Olivia. She shooed him away from Micah. As Jude stood, she switched places with him, then beckoned him closer.

  “I’ll attend him, Jude. He needs a firm hand at the moment to replace what happened. I know my mal-chick. I need you to go and talk to the tupoy next door. Find out why he attacked Micah.” Olivia’s accent was quite heavy as he realized how upset his Mistress was about it.

  He looked over at Micah. The man’s head was still turned away from him. “Micah?”

  “Just go.” Micah’s tone was flat.

  Jude paused. “Please understand, Micah…”

  “You have to do as she says…guess you turned out to be a better slave than I expected. Already following your Mistress’s requests blindly.”

  Jude jerked as if struck. Pain and anger now fought for dominance inside of him. How the hell can he say that? I’m not a fucking doormat!

  Olivia touched his arm. “He didn’t mean it, pet. He’s striking out. More than likely because he found himself in a situation that spiraled out of control. I shall deal with my impetuous mal-chick.” She stood on tiptoe and he leaned down obligingly. Her kiss whispered over his lips. “Now, go get answers for me. Suggest to the tupoy if he doesn’t want me to deal with him like the Landing boy, he’d better answer you.”

  He gave her a slow smile. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She patted his ass with her good hand. “Come find me when you’re done.”

  He nodded and turned to leave, behind him he could hear her talking to Micah.

  “All right, my stubborn mal-chick. Let’s see about cleaning up those wounds.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jude paced around the man bound to the chair. The hemp rope was wrapped around the disheveled man’s chest, upper arms and down to his forearms and wrists. Calm the fuck down! Beating the holy shit out of this asshole isn’t going to take back the fact he brutalized Micah. Barely hanging on to his control, Jude’s anger, not only at himself but also this stranger, was trying to consume him. He took a couple of deep breaths. Popping his knuckles, he finally came to a stop in front of the man claiming to be Charles Stanton.

  “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice.”

  “I’m a member of the….”

  Jude made a slashing motion with his hand. “I don’t want to hear it! You’re going to tell me what I want to know, one way or the other.” Leaning down, Jude braced himself on the arms of the chair, his face mere inches away the man.

  “Don’t hurt me!” The plea came out as a high-pitched squeak.

  Jude gave
him what he hoped was a sinister smile. “Honestly, you shouldn’t be worried so much about me as you should be about Mistress Olivia. I might only beat the shit out of you if you don’t tell me what I want to hear. But Olivia on the other hand, might strip your ass naked, tie you to a spanking bench. You do know what that is?” Jude pointed over to the small bench across the room. “Then she’ll more than likely fuck your ass with this huge strap-on she has.” Jude held his hands apart about a foot for emphasis.

  The man blanched then began to sweat profusely. “She wouldn’t…I’m a member of the Northern Ireland Consulate – she can’t do that to me…she’s still a member of the aristocracy. They don’t act that way! All she had to do is sign the freakin’ papers.”

  Ice-cold fury raced through Jude’s veins. This fucking son of a bitch is the one who attacked Mistress. Enraged, he punched the man in the face, enjoying the feel of the nasal bone crunching under his fist. The man cried out as blood gushed from his now broken nose. Jude straightened then walked away from the man before he gave into the overwhelming urge to beat the holy shit out of him. I’m not going to get any answers if I kill the son of a bitch!

  “Asshole, you made a couple of mistakes by coming here. The first is that you’re not on Northern Ireland’s soil. You’re in the good ole U.S. of A. The second is thinking Mistress Olivia would care how you think she should act. You hurt one of her slaves. She’s going to be looking for your blood.” He walked over to the cupboard and rummaged around it. A grin split his face. “In fact, rumor has it a few years back, she found out a friend of hers had been injured in an attack at one of the local university’s libraries. She found the man responsible, tied his ass to a spanking bench just like that one.” He nodded towards the bench again before showing the man what he had in his hand “…And raped his ass with this.”


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