The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 5

by CJ England

  "Kira's missing!” Lucas paced in his frustration. His hot glare touched each of the other Chosen.

  "She's not missing,” Benjamin put in quickly, as he saw Koran's eyes begin to heat as well. “Kira is off exploring and we don't know what room she is in. Lucas is a little worried."

  "I'm a lot worried."

  "Okay, you're a lot worried, but for no reason.” Danolas tried to placate the upset werewolf. “Kira is safe here. The wards protect her. She can go anywhere she wants within the wards and no one can get to her."

  "She is within the wards? The boundaries have not been compromised?” Koran reiterated quickly. When Danolas nodded, the fire in his eyes died and he turned to Lucas. “Then do not worry, my friend. Kira is safe. The wards cannot be broken."

  Lucas returned to the table and glared at the faerie. “You willing to bet her life on that?"

  Koran and Danolas both nodded and Danolas spoke. “The wards are strong. You don't have to worry. Sit down and have a beer."

  Lucas threw himself in a chair and grabbed a bottle of dark beer that sat in a cooler on the table. After a long drink, he turned to Patrick and held out his hand. “It makes me nervous not to have her in my sights. Sorry for jumping on you."

  Patrick took it, with a slight inclination of his head. Though he had been angry before, he got over it easily. They were all beginning to get used to Lucas’ short temper.

  "Have you tried calling her?” Koran wanted to know.

  Lucas gave him a sour look. “Yeah, several times. I can't hear her in my head. That's why I'm worried."

  Patrick smiled. “After tasting all of Louie's food, she probably fell asleep somewhere. Don't worry so much. She'll come back when she wakes up."

  "And what if she's hurt?” Lucas pounced on his words like a cat on a mouse.

  "Who is hurt?” The rich Irish brogue flowed into the room before he did. Gallegar stepped through the doorway and held all their gazes. He was dressed in his usual black.

  "No one,” said Koran tiredly. “Kira is looking around the castle and Lucas is worried because we can't communicate with her."

  Gallegar frowned and met Lucas’ challenging eyes. “It seems to me not being able to communicate with her could be a cause for some worry."

  "See?” Lucas smirked at the others.

  "I myself tried as soon as I awoke, but could not reach her.” Gallegar raised an inquiring brow at Danolas.

  "I still don't think we should worry,” the witch answered. “Patrick was here all afternoon. If something had happened to Kira, he would have known."

  "So where do you think our Lady is?” Gallegar politely inquired.

  "They think she is sleeping somewhere,” Lucas informed him, taking another swig from his beer.

  "That of course is a possibility,” Gallegar agreed. “And, knowing Kira, a good one. But she could sleep the night away if we do not prevent it. If we miss inspecting the Gates tonight, I don't think she will easily forgive any of us."

  That thought had them all on their feet. Kira had been adamant about going tonight.

  "I suggest we all split up,” Gallegar said, amusement apparent in his voice. “Whoever finds her can mind-call the others immediately."

  As the others left, each going their separate ways, he closed his eyes, remembering how Kira contacted him earlier as he slept. He had never before tried to do anything like what she had done, but he was willing to do so now. Carefully, he sent out his magick searching for Kira's essence. He walked through the dining room and out into the foyer. He didn't find anything until he reached the theater itself. There he found a sign of her. Then, slowly, making sure he didn't miss anything, he followed the sign of her power.

  When he found her in the little room at the head of the stairs, he breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he sent the word to his fellow Chosen. "She is safe and well. We will return to the dining room once I have awoken her."

  Gallegar sat next to Kira on the old couch. She was lying on her back, her golden head turned toward him. One slender hand rested on her stomach, while the other one was thrown over her head. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took, and he had never seen anything more beautiful. Bending down, he brushed his lips over her exposed throat, nibbling his way up to her soft mouth. He watched, his body growing hard as she took a deep breath and let it out in a soft moan.

  Gallegar traced his finger gently down her jaw line, before capturing her lips lightly with his own. Using his tongue, he traced his way across her lower lip, nibbling at each of the corners. He then smoothly parted them, gliding inside to taste her sweetness. Her mouth began to tremble under his and he knew the instant she awoke.

  "Mo Chridhe..."

  "Shhh ... don't talk,” he murmured to her. “Just feel.” He kissed her again, this time harder and deeper, and she melted against him in response. His strong hands glided down her sides to her waist where he kneaded gently; pulling her up to him so she could feel the hardness of his body. His head spun as she returned his kiss, her arms going around his neck.

  "I ... love you,” she whispered, as she touched her lips to his ear. His shudder sent shivers of longing through her. Forgetting her promise not to touch him, Kira took the lobe of his ear between her teeth and nibbled. The world spun around her as she found herself pressed to the couch with Gallegar's hard body on top of her. She stared up into his tense face, confusion and desire written all over her own.

  "Did I do something wrong?” she choked out.

  "Ahhh, God, no!” he groaned as he dropped kisses all over her face. “You did something right! It felt so good, I needed to be closer to you."

  "Oh.” She relaxed, snuggling against him. Gallegar felt her body soften beneath his. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he fought to keep himself under control. All he wanted to do was strip her clothes off and bury himself deep inside her. Just that small touch of her mouth had shattered all his restraint.

  "I can sense you are hurting.” She put her arms around him and nuzzled her face against his silk shirt. “Is it me? Do we need to stop this?"

  He gave a groan that was half a laugh. “I don't know what would hurt more. Stopping now and walking away from you, or loving you a little more, knowing I would have to stop later."

  She gave him a long considering look from under her eyelashes. “And if I were to ask you to kiss me just one more time?"

  His eyes gleamed. He lowered his head, his lips hovering achingly just above hers, rejoicing she had even asked. “I guess you will have to show me just how bad you want that kiss."

  Kira smiled, so innocently seductive Gallegar's body started to pulse just by looking at her. When she reached up and grazed her lips across his, he was lost. Need spiraled up in him, so hot, so strong, when he kissed her back, his lips were no longer gentle and tender, but demanding and rough. Her startled squeak barely penetrated the mist that covered his brain. He took her mouth in a long, drugging kiss.

  His clever hands searched out the most sensitive parts on her body, touching her in ways that made her heart pound. The zipper of her jumpsuit lowered and his fingers caressed the warm soft globes within.

  He was different. That was all Kira's brain could manage as she was thrown into a maelstrom of feeling. Gone was the tender lover and in his place was a man full of needs and wants. His hands were demanding and his mouth ferocious. He captured her in a storm of feeling she was just now beginning to understand and reciprocate.

  Hungrily, Kira reached out for him, running her hands down his back to cup his firm buttocks. His groan of pleasure against her mouth fanned the sparklers of desire that were growing along her nerve endings and that same feeling began to coil up again in her stomach.

  "A Ghra ... ” he muttered, his lips trailing fire down her neck. “What is it you do to me?"

  Kira ran her hand up his back till she could thread her fingers through his hair. With a little tug, she pulled his head up so she could look into his heat-filled eyes. “I love you, Galleg
ar. What I do now, I do because of that love."

  Gallegar searched the dreamy eyes of the women who lay beneath him. He was still shuddering from the strength of his own desire, but he took one hand and brushed a tendril of hair away from her face, then bent and kissed the top of one naked breast.

  "What about Lucas?” he asked softly, and his eyes narrowed at the pain that crept into the golden eyes.

  "When I am with you, I do not think of Lucas.” Her eyes looked deep into his own as her hand unthinkingly soothed the tension in his shoulders. “And when I am with Lucas, I do not stop thinking of you. Does that answer your question? Can that be enough?"

  Gallegar felt his heart leap. He couldn't believe for a moment, what he had heard. He searched her eyes, questions hovering on his lips. Did this mean he was winning her? Her loving smile sent rainbows of hope careening though him. His eyes blazed with emotion, as he caught Kira to him in a long fervent embrace. His lips met hers in a kiss that took them both back into the storm.

  Oh yes ... it would be enough ... for now.

  * * * *

  When they joined the others later, Gallegar was careful not to look at Lucas. He was afraid the man might see the triumph he knew glittered in his eyes. Unfortunately he couldn't hide Kira's radiant glow, or her kiss swollen mouth.

  Lucas saw them all right. His stomach clenched as he watched Kira and Gallegar walk into the room, their arms filled with old books. It was easy to see what had happened between the two of them. He cursed to himself he hadn't been the one who found her.

  Danolas, ever aware of the undercurrents between the three, went forward to take the pile of books from Kira's arms. “Where did you find these, my Lady?"

  "In the library, at the top of the stairs."

  Danolas glanced through the titles she had brought him, then stared at her in utter amazement. “These are the books from the lost library. No one knows where it is. It only appears when it is truly needed."

  Kira blinked a little. “I was wishing for a library so I could also have information to share tonight. I went up some stairs and there it was. It was not so hard to find."

  Patrick snorted at that. “Ya had all of us searching the castle for ya, sugar. You were as hard to find as that lost library."

  Benjamin laughed. “You had Lucas going crazy, sweetheart."

  Kira turned to Lucas. “You were worried about me, my wolf?"

  Lucas shrugged and opened another bottle of beer. “Yeah, honey, I was. Guess I didn't need to be.” He glanced coolly at Gallegar. “You seem to be in pretty good hands."

  Gallegar stiffened a bit, but Kira didn't even notice. “I was always safe. The wards work as they should."

  After putting his books on the table, he then seated Kira. He took the seat next to hers, without a word.

  "We finished putting wards around all the domains except Patrick's,” Danolas said, sitting down as well. “And we are almost finished with the personal wardings. We just have to tweak them a bit.” He threw a glare at Koran. “And then do a little more testing."

  Patrick chuckled as Koran threw up his hands defensively. The faerie looked over at his sister and grinned. Kira grinned back, and then flirting outrageously with her eyes blew a kiss to Patrick.

  "Are ya'll in love with me yet, sugar?” Patrick seated himself at Kira's right side. He took her hand in his and pressed sloppy kisses all over it while Kira giggled. Gallegar would have gotten angry if he hadn't seen the playfulness in Patrick's eyes.

  Lucas, however, didn't. “What the hell is going on?” the wolfman growled, shooting to his feet.

  "Sit down, Lucas.” Danolas waved a hand at the table with a sigh. “We can all use something to eat.” Ringing a bell, he proceeded to tell the others about the spells they had cast on Kira. When he got to Koran's love spell, both Gallegar and Lucas glared at the faerie.

  "It did not work.” Kira patted Gallegar's arm and sent Lucas a speaking look. “Besides, Koran had the counter spell. I would not have felt it for long."

  "Anytime would have been too long, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar murmured, pressing her hand to his lips. He switched to a tight beam of mind-speak just for her. "I do not want to share your love."

  Kira looked at him, her heart in her eyes, but she didn't answer him.

  Lucas, at the other end of the table, clenched his fists in anger. The intimacy between the vampire and Kira was growing and he had no way of stopping it. He swore under his breath. He refused to give up yet.

  Conversation was general for a while, as the food was brought in and all began eating. Koran and Danolas talked about the wards that were now in place around everyone's domain. Lucas and Benjamin also spoke about the loft.

  "So the domains are all now safe and it appears the loft is in good hands.” Gallegar was picking through his fruit to find Kira a strawberry. When he found it, he popped it into her eager mouth. “What about a car?"

  Benjamin grinned. “We found a beauty. Something I think we will all like.” He pulled out a brochure and laid it on the table. They all leaned in to get a closer look. “It is a new limo, complete with the full safety package. The windows are also fully tinted.” He looked at Gallegar. “I think if something were to happen, they would protect you."

  "My thanks,” Gallegar said. “I would not have considered a car as a sanctuary."

  Benjamin shrugged. “Wasn't my idea. Lucas thought of it.” He didn't see Lucas and Gallegar nod carefully to each other in acknowledgment of Lucas’ thoughtfulness. He pointed instead to a picture that showed the interior of the car, his eyes glistening with excitement. “It's got a mini bar with fridge and a TV/VCR system built right in. It's also got a CD player and a mini computer as well."

  "But...” Lucas drawled. “More importantly, it can seat eight people easily, not including the driver. We will have plenty of room."

  Kira was running her finger over the picture of the car. “Can we get any color we want?"

  Gallegar groaned and Benjamin gave a snort of amusement. “Yep, even if it has to be custom made."

  Kira's eyes danced mischievously. “I want it to be strawberry red!” She looked around at all of their appalled faces and then burst into laughter. When she had quieted, she wiped her eyes and looked at Gallegar. “What color should it be?"

  Fascinated by the way she had given herself up to her own amusement, Gallegar stroked her cheek with a possessive hand. “Black, dark blue or green would be suitable for a limo.” He grinned suddenly. “Perhaps, someday, we can get you a fancy red sports car to make up for all of this."

  "Strawberry red?"

  Gallegar dropped a kiss on her lips, not thinking of the other Chosen or the man barely able to keep his temper at the end of the table. “Of course, A Ghra ... strawberry red."

  Benjamin, who could see the tension building even if Gallegar did not, broke in. “If we order it tomorrow, we can have it in a week.” He looked hesitantly at Kira. “Unless we want some really unusual color that is."

  "Dark green,” Kira said, looking at Gallegar's emerald eyes. “I want dark green."

  "Sold! I'll order it first thing tomorrow. The complete package."

  "Have them send the bill to me,” Gallegar said. He tore his gaze away from Kira and met Benjamin's eyes. “I will take care of it."


  The vampire raised his eyebrows at the Suprahuman's refusal. “No?"

  Benjamin grinned at him. “I may not be several centuries old, but I am a wealthy man. This one's on me."

  "Are you sure, my Sovereign?” Kira rose from the table and went to stand beside him. “It sounds like a lot of money."

  "Nobody I'd rather spend it on.” Benjamin brought her face down to his and gave her a big kiss. “Besides, you saved my life. Call this your reward."

  "We can share the cost, Benjamin,” Gallegar offered.

  Benjamin shook his head. “You and Danolas are handling the cost of renovating the loft. I want to do this for her. For all of us."

Kira kissed him on the cheek and then, with a quick grab, snatched a strawberry off of his plate. She laughed, as he made a half-hearted grab for her, before she scurried back to her seat.

  Koran watched his sister with an indulgent smile. “I guess we should talk about what happens later tonight."

  "We go to the Gates. You promised.” Kira was firm.

  Gallegar grinned as he took a sip of his wine. He had been right. She would never have forgiven them if they had let her sleep through the night. “Yes, we will visit tonight, but first we must talk about wizards. What have we found out?"

  All eyes turned to Danolas, who looked embarrassed. “Ahhh, I didn't have time to research much. I spent most of the day on the wardings.” He grinned at Kira and patted the old books she and Gallegar had carried in. “But these will help me find out some things. I have told you all I know about Adrian. But there are other wizards in the area. They might have something to do with this."

  He took a sip of wine and then went on. “Wizards get their powers from dealing with the evil one. This is usually done through an intermediary. In most cases ... a lower demon."

  Lucas frowned. “This is the part where they sell their soul for a wizard's power. And then if they die, they will go to Hell."

  Danolas nodded. “Wizards look as human as you or I do. It is only as they begin to age that their evil begins to show."

  "Like the picture of Dorian Gray,” Gallegar mused. Kira blinked at him in confusion and he whispered the meaning of the remark.

  "Yes, just like Dorian Gray. Their evil gets uglier and uglier as time goes by. They are not truly immortal, but they age so slowly one might think they were. Wizards and witches are often confused with each other, especially in that way."

  "Aren't all witches immortal?” Patrick asked curiously.

  "No, most are not. Immortality comes to only a chosen few, those with the strongest powers, and most wisdom."

  Lucas thought of how Adrian, the wizard, had gasped and fallen to the floor. “We saw the other night a wizard can be hurt. If he is not immortal, I assume he can die?"


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