The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 11

by CJ England

"There is no other reason?” Gallegar's mind whirled. So much emotion for such a small thing. She would see him later that day. Why was that not suddenly enough for her?

  "You want me to be with you, do you not?” She turned the question back to him. “I know I wish to be with you."

  He gazed at the small woman on his lap. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The fact she had chosen to be here with him, no matter how it had affected anyone was a shock to him.

  Gallegar smiled suddenly. Hell, why was he fighting it? She was where he'd longed for her to be since the first day they met. He would be damned if he would spend precious time with her arguing.

  "You know how much I have longed to have you here with me. I dream of holding you in my arms as I rest."

  She smiled and kissed his bare throat. “I cannot imagine being anywhere else this day. You are too important to me."

  "I am touched you feel that way, A Ghra ... but your wolf does deserve an explanation as to why you were so careless in your handling of the matter."

  Kira nodded, her face sad. “I will speak with him first thing tonight. I do not want any friction between us. Our survival may depend on our trusting each other."

  "But until then...” Gallegar changed the subject as he lifted her off his lap and set her feet gently on the floor. “We should get some rest. It has been a most exhausting night."

  "First,” she murmured, as she stood on tiptoes and slid her arms around his neck, shocking him, “I desperately need you to kiss me."

  Groaning low in his throat, he swiftly put his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him. “Sweet love,” his voice caressed her, his lips finding and covering her own. The kiss was deep and carnal as he let go of his control and devoured her mouth.

  With a little mew of surrender, she melted against him, her body conforming to his, her lips hot and greedy. Their tongues danced together, and when Kira caught his between her teeth, he shuddered with the strength of his desire for her. He reached up to cup a soft breast and Gallegar felt her give a shudder that matched his own.

  "You are so beautiful,” he said hoarsely, as he stroked her nipple into a sensitive peak. “I wish..."

  She put her own hand over the one that was so sweetly torturing her breast. She pulled it hard against her body and then shivered at the heady feeling of arousal touching him always gave her. “I know what you wish and I share that wish with you. I pray the day comes soon I can feel you touch me in every way possible."

  He groaned again and rested his forehead against hers. “Your words inflame me, A Ghra ... when I need to cool down instead."

  Her smile was as mysterious as time itself. “I show you my love. Is that not what you want?"

  "You show me any more and I will not be responsible for what I may do.” Gallegar set her away from him firmly, his eyes shining with desire and humor. “And now, I will go in and turn down our bed and make sure the bathroom is presentable. I think you will want to take a shower before going to sleep."

  She wrinkled her nose. “Yes, please. I still smell like brimstone."

  "As do I.” He grinned at her and then gave her a lecherous wink. “I too, will need a shower before I rest. A cold one!” Her laughter followed him from the room.

  She continued to giggle as she cleared away the glasses they had been using. Carefully, she carried them over to the bar. She frowned as she flexed her hands. They were very stiff and somewhat sore, but she could use them. They itched unbearably, though. She wondered if Gallegar had some cream to smooth on them. A secret smile appeared as she thought of smoothing the same cream on his arm and then him using it on her body.

  She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't hear the door open behind her. Kira had just picked up the last few glasses, when a strong arm whipped around her throat and squeezed, choking off her air. She dropped the glasses in her panic and clawed at the arm that pressed inexorably against her windpipe.

  She instinctively sent out a mind-call for help. "Gallegar!"

  "What do you think you are doing down here?” The voice sounded familiar. “You are out of bounds, human.” As her eyes fluttered closed, Kira recognized the voice. It was Charlotte, Gallegar's ex-paramour. The vampiress apparently realized Kira was going unconscious, so she let up on Kira's throat.

  Kira took great gulps of air in, and immediately the gray mist in her vision dissipated. She had to clear her throat several times before she spoke. “I have permission from my Lord to be here, Charlotte."

  "This is Sanctuary,” Charlotte hissed, her anger apparent in every movement. “No humans are allowed.” Then her lips curved into a cruel smile, one Kira could feel against her cheek. “Unless, of course, you are food."

  "I belong to your Master and only to him. Release me, Charlotte. I do not wish to see you punished for what you do here."

  Charlotte laughed and squeezed Kira's throat a little harder. “You have no place with our king. You are nothing but a puny human. I told you once and I will repeat it now again. He belongs to me."

  "Gallegar belongs to himself. Know this, Charlotte, he told me about you the first night we met."

  A feral hiss whispered down Kira's neck. Charlotte's grip grew even tighter. “He told you we were in love? That I share his bed when we rest?"

  Kira's heart kicked in her chest. Could it be true? Was Gallegar still involved with Charlotte? Or was the female vampire trying to hurt her so she would leave of her own accord?

  It didn't take more than half a heartbeat to get her answer. She thought of how gentle Gallegar was when they were together. Of how possessive he was when he touched her and how hungry his expression was when he spoke of his desire. His was not the face of a man whose thirst had been slaked by another woman. He showed her in every way possible he wanted her and only her.

  Kira's face glowed with the surety of Gallegar's love as she answered Charlotte. “I am sorry, Charlotte. The only thing Gallegar told me about you was once he and I had met, he would not allow anything or anyone to come between us. That included you. He loves me and only me."

  Gallegar listened to the last part of the women's conversation. He watched, stiff and silent with anger, as Charlotte tried to poison Kira's mind against him. When he saw Kira's belief in him shine from her golden eyes, his heart leaped. The strength of the love he had inside for her almost brought him to his knees.

  If he hadn't had to deal with Charlotte, he would have swept Kira into his arms and carried her to his bed. Then he would have loved her all the day long, Power's command of celibacy or not. At that moment, he knew eternity would never be worth anything, if she wasn't by his side, in his bed and holding his heart.

  Charlotte jerked her arm back, intent on throttling the annoying human right there and then, when she heard Gallegar's voice. “Release her, Charlotte. Release her, immediately!"

  Charlotte pouted, as she shook her head stubbornly. “No, my Master. She does not belong here. I am your lady, not this bitch of a human!"

  Gallegar let go of his power, as he walked closer to the two women. His eyes began to glow and his fangs slipped from beneath firm lips. Tendrils of power began to wrap themselves around Charlotte, causing her eyes to roll wildly as she felt them.

  "I tell you one last time, Charlotte. Let. Her. Go."

  The vampiress stiffened, her fear making her arm shake at Kira's throat. Kira's eyes were on Gallegar's, and he was surprised to see no worry in them. Slowly, after it seemed an eternity had gone by for all three in the room, Charlotte dropped her arm from Kira's neck.

  So quickly neither woman even saw him, Gallegar swept Kira behind him for protection. At the same time, he used his power to lift Charlotte and slam her against the far wall. He wrapped it around her, trapping her neatly.

  Turning, he took Kira gently by the arms. “Are you all right?” he asked hoarsely, as he traced the red imprint of Charlotte's arm that had risen on Kira's throat.

  She nodded shakily. “I am fine."

  Gallegar relaxed a little and pulled her gently into his embrace. When a snarled curse came from behind him, he remembered the unfinished business on the wall. Pulling away, he turned Kira gently to his private door. “Go in and take your shower. I will deal with this and join you soon."

  Kira nodded sadly. While she hated being the cause of anyone being punished, she understood the necessity of a soldier following orders. A war was coming. It needed to be done. Without speaking, she walked out of the room and closed the door.

  Gallegar strode over to where Charlotte hung on the wall. Her eyes flashed in defiance, but he could smell her fear. He tightened the power a little, until Charlotte gasped in discomfort.

  "You touched the woman I love. You tried to hurt her.” His green eyes shot fire at her. “How could you dare such a thing?"

  "You were mine before she bewitched you!” Charlotte screamed, spittle flying along with her words. “She is just a human. Why would you need her to be satisfied? I am everything you could ever dream of. We were good together."

  Gallegar stood very close to Charlotte, and though he spoke softly, she couldn't mistake his next words. “You were nothing to me, Charlotte. It was a release for my body, never my soul."

  "I loved you!” Charlotte shouted again, tears of rage running down her cheeks. Her eyes were glowing red, but she had stopped struggling. Dawn had come and her strength was fading.

  "Love?” Gallegar snorted, shaking his head. “If you loved anything about me, it was the fact I am king. Your kind is attracted to power, not to the man who wields it. What did you think? I would make you my queen?” A look at Charlotte's face was answer enough. Gallegar snorted again.

  "I will admit part of this mess tonight is my responsibility. I should have talked to you the night Kira and I met and ended it then. I didn't ... and for that I am sorry, but what you have done here tonight is inexcusable."

  "She is just a human!"

  Gallegar's eyes were fierce as he looked at Charlotte. “She is the woman I love and whom I intend to be my mate.” He laughed at Charlotte's shocked face. “I would have it no differently. It matter's not she isn't a vampire. She was created to love me. Why would I want anyone else?"

  He turned and beckoned to the two vampires who had come at his silent call. “Noah, Gabriel ... take Charlotte down to the punishment cells. Then go to your own rest.” He dropped the power that held her and the men picked her up and held her between them.

  As they carried the helpless woman out, Gallegar watched impassively. He entertained the thought of Kira using the Words of Death on Charlotte, but decided keeping the two women apart was a better idea. Kira shouldn't have to deal with one of his old lovers. When this was all over, he would banish Charlotte from San Francisco. Then the problem would cease to exist.

  Shaking himself, he turned and eagerly made his way into his own bedroom. Carefully, he set the wards on the room and caused the outer door to vanish. Now, he and Kira would be sealed in until he chose to open the door. A longing flashed through him to seal the door forever, so they could be alone, away from all that threatened them.

  He heard Kira moving around in the bathroom, and the last time he waited for her in such a way flashed through his mind. Gallegar groaned as he remembered how close they had come to making love that night. If it hadn't been for his temper, who knew how the evening might have ended? He sighed as he walked over to the dresser and removed a pair of black silk pajamas, then knocked on the bathroom door.

  "A Ghra ... I have something for you to wear to bed. It will be more comfortable than what you had on earlier."

  The door slowly opened and her face peered through. She had obviously just gotten out of the shower, because her face and body were still dewy with moisture. Her hair was up in a towel, and a second one was wrapped around her, hiding her nakedness.

  "Pajamas?” she questioned, reaching out a damp hand. He gave her the soft silk pajama top.

  "You can wear the top, while I wear the bottoms.” He smiled and brushed a drop of wetness from her shoulder and she shivered at his touch. Her reaction fired his blood and he couldn't prevent himself from bending down and lapping at a droplet of water that had gathered in the shadow between her breasts. Her gasp blended with his groan, as he fought the rising tide of desire that threatened to overwhelm him.

  Stepping back jerkily, he stared into Kira's dilated eyes. “Hurry,” he said hoarsely. “I wish to shower also."

  The door closed smartly in his face and Gallegar leaned his head against it as he berated himself for touching her. It was going to be a long night indeed if he couldn't keep his mind off the memory of her naked breasts.

  * * * *

  It was later when Gallegar opened the bathroom door. He was clean, and now clad in the black pajama bottoms, the silk cool against his skin. He leaned against the doorjamb and watched as Kira prowled around his bedroom, looking at the few things he kept there. His bedroom wasn't filled with many possessions. It was just a place where he rested and was safe from his enemies.

  The bed was a huge, old-fashioned looking four poster, with black silk hangings and a black and green quilt. Half a dozen black and green covered pillows leaned up against the headboard. The only other furnishings were his dresser, a bedside stand and a dark green velvet armchair that was placed in front of an empty fireplace.

  A round wooden carving several feet in diameter was hung across from the bed. It showed a huge castle surrounded by tall trees. Standing on the parapet was a cloaked figure, his arms outstretched to the night. The face was indistinct, yet as she looked at it, Kira knew it was a picture of Gallegar.

  "It was given to me by an old friend back in Ireland.” He spoke from behind her. “It was in celebration of my hundredth year of ... life."

  She turned to look at him and was struck dumb. His words flew out of her mind, as she stared at his masculine beauty. The hair on his chest narrowed to a thin line that made its way down his hard belly, into the black silk bottoms.

  Suddenly, she was reminded of Lucas wearing the low-cut sweats the night they joined. How she'd felt that night paled in comparison to this. She spun back around, quickly, clearing her tight throat.

  "It is beautiful. Did you have to pose for him to carve it?"

  Gallegar looked at her, caught between surprise and the desire he'd felt, as he watched her study him. “How did you know it was me in the carving? There is no face to it."

  She shrugged. “It feels like you. It shows your longing for freedom.” She looked up at him from under her lashes. “It also shows how alone you feel."

  He felt another shock roll through him. It was as if she could read his very soul. He cleared his throat. “I had finally accepted what I was, but all whom I cared about had died either from disease, or old age. I was all alone. Damion captured how I was feeling in this carving."


  He stared at the carving, his mind pulled back to another time. “He was one of the few human friends I had. His brother had undertaken the change and so he knew what I was going through."

  "What is the change?"

  Gallegar stiffened. “The change comes when a human is bitten so deeply by a vampire the human becomes one himself. Damion's brother was willingly changed by his girlfriend."

  "Do some humans become vampires unwillingly?"

  He gave a harsh laugh. “Most are changed unwillingly. In the old days, it was not uncommon for an entire village to have been decimated by one vampire. The vampire starts by changing one human. Then, that human goes home and changes the rest of his family. They go out and change their friends. Finally there are no humans left. The village is abandoned because the villagers have to go elsewhere to feed."

  Kira shivered and rubbed her hands over the goosebumps that had formed on her arms. “How sad.” Turning, she looked up into his taut face. “Is that what happened to you?"

  He froze in the motion of pulling her against him. He took a careful step backward and his eyes narrowed ... a q
uick flash of pain visible in them. “I told you it was a long and painful tale. Not a bedtime story."

  She stared up at him. She could sense a great magnitude of pain in him, even though he was doing his best to shield her from it. She gave in to the need to hold him, so he wouldn't feel so alone any more. “Then we will leave it for now. You can tell me when you are ready."

  Gallegar closed his eyes, holding her tightly against him. He fought back the memories of that night. He wasn't sure he would ever be able to tell her how he had become a vampire. If he did, he just might lose her forever.

  He thought quickly and changed the subject. “Charlotte has been taken to the punishment cells. She will stay down there until everything is over. I don't want to have to worry about her in the middle of what is happening."

  "Are there others who feel as she does? That neither I nor the other Chosen should be here?"

  "There is talk. But our meetings here will be few. Once your loft is finished, most of our business can be conducted there."

  "And you will stay there with me?” Her voice suddenly held a note of intensity that had been absent before.

  "If you wish it, I will stay there with you as much as I can.” He sat down on the side of the bed and pulled her into his lap. “And if you want to, you can come back here with me on those days I must return to Sanctuary."

  "I do not wish to be apart from you.” Kira's tone was adamant. “I need to have you close to me."

  His voice took on a teasing note. “We are very close right now. Is that what you wanted? Or do you want me closer still?” He turned her and pressed her down on the pillows, flattening her soft breasts against his naked chest.

  Kira took a strangled breath. “I ... do like ... this closeness.” She ran her hand down his side and felt his indrawn breath. “I like what I can do to you."

  "Minx!” he growled. “You are learning flirtation much too quickly. I will not be able to stand against your feminine wiles."

  "Then how about this?” She giggled softly, giving him a little push so he fell back on the bed. “My burns are itching. Will you rub some cream on me?"


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