The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 14

by CJ England

  "Danolas and I saw it when we got here. It's a beauty all right.” Lucas gave a self-depreciating smile. “Even though it isn't silver."

  Kira blew him a kiss, recognizing he was mocking his bad attitude of the previous weeks. “It was a wonderful surprise to get it today."

  "How did your day go, Gallegar?” Danolas looked at the vampire, who was sipping his meal from a golden chalice.

  "My rest was pleasant. It wasn't until I awoke that I had problems."

  "What happened, Mo Chridhe ... ” Kira asked worriedly.

  "There are those of my flock who tire of house arrest. Even though they know it is for their own good. And then there are others who don't believe the threat really exists. They cause dissension, especially among the fledgling vampires.” Gallegar's green eyes narrowed in irritation. “It will soon come to a head. I will have to punish some of my flock and that I do not look forward to."

  "Can we do anything to help?” Koran asked.

  Gallegar shook his head, his dark hair moving slightly around his face. “No ... not unless you can force the wizard's hand. This waiting is hard on all of us. How are your people, Patrick?"

  The shade frowned as he stared over Gallegar's shoulder. “About the same as yours. Restless. Anxious. I can't keep them away from the Gate. It's like they know something is happening, but they can't figure out what to do about it."

  "Sounds like us.” Danolas leaned back in his chair. “I spent the day with witches from all over the city. I've put together a group to research any mention of the war in our ancient texts."

  "You knew of the war?” Kira was amazed.

  "Not really,” Danolas answered. “I remembered reading something about a war when I was studying the craft in Ireland. Something about a war to end all wars. If it's the same, the more we know the better.” He frowned. “It is just so slow going. So many of the texts are in ancient languages, or falling apart."

  "Your people are more than capable, Danolas. Give them a chance.” Koran took a bite of the tender lamb Louie had placed in front of him and closed his eyes for a moment, just savoring it. “You, at least, can do research. I am in another place all together."

  "What's that supposed to mean?” Lucas questioned, as he too forked up the succulent lamb.

  "My father is putting a great deal of pressure on me at the moment. He is not happy I have put off finding a mate of my own. He had the gall to suggest I kidnap Kira and do what he had originally suggested."

  "I do hope, Faerie Prince, you disabused him of that notion.” Gallegar's voice was even, but all who heard it, understood what lay beneath.

  "Of course, I told him, no. Kira is my sister, not my mate. It angered him. I also have been trying to get information on wizards for us.” Koran put his glass down on the table with a thump. “When my father heard what I was doing, he threw a very kingly tantrum and forbade me from seeing any of you again. Apparently, he doesn't want me sticking my nose into things that aren't a problem for faerie."

  Kira reached out her hand to cover his. “That cannot happen. I do not want to lose my only family. And we need you in the circle."

  "Don't worry, sister.” Koran turned his hand over, so he could wrap it around her smaller one. “I have no intention of dropping out of the Chosen. You are too important to me. What this means is a final confrontation with my father."

  "What kind of confrontation, Koran?” Benjamin asked.

  Koran sighed and squeezed Kira's hand before he released it. “I have been waiting for the throne for several centuries. My father is steeped in the old ways and we have all seen the damage it has done to my people. This I must change.

  "Also, he will never fight in a war not directly involving faerie, so he will pretend like this isn't even happening. This, I cannot allow. I have many who are loyal to me and are ready whenever I am to take that final step."

  "Overthrowing your father?” Danolas’ voice was sympathetic. All knew no matter how frustrated Koran was with Caliph the Emperor; he still loved the man who was his father.

  "Yes. He will fight me for his position and he will lose. And because of that loss ... he will die."

  Chapter 8

  "Die?” Kira's voice was horrified.

  "It is the tradition for the old emperor to commit suicide in shame for his loss. So you see ... if I choose to take the throne, I do so at the loss of my father. It is the way of the faerie.” The bleak words hovered in the air.

  "Is there no other way?” Kira's tender heart bled for her brother.

  "Do not worry, sister. I must think of my people, not just myself."

  "Makes my situation look downright rosy!” Lucas said with a growl. “Eventually, I am going to have to go up against Elijah and explain about this war in detail and I don't look forward to that either."

  "How are things at The Howling?” Patrick inquired.

  "Not too bad right now. I still go in once a day and give him reports about what's going on, but the reports are slightly edited. I try to tell him all the information about the war, but the old man just ignores most of it."

  "You are still safe because of Danolas’ spell?” asked Kira.

  "Yep! The spell is a dandy.” Lucas looked around the table. “And I have some other news that might lift our spirits. No offense intended, Patrick."

  The shade chuckled. “What is your news, shapeshifter?"

  "I have been thinking seriously about the idea of bringing in a couple of men I can trust to designate as my ‘protectors'. I have chosen two of my closest friends who I know will keep my secret, as well as serve this company. I'd like to introduce them to you after dinner. If we are all comfortable, then they can be sworn in along with the rest of them."

  "We are still doing that later?” Kira questioned the table in general.

  "Yes, A Ghra ... As we decided, tonight we will have a ceremony accepting all the protectors into our company."

  "It will add another layer of protection to the wagon wheel and give them a sense of belonging,” Danolas remarked.

  "God knows we needed them that night Kira got caught in the Gate,” Benjamin added. “If my protectors hadn't combined their strength with your men, Gallegar, I'm not sure we would have gotten Kira out of there."

  "They all took Benjamin's orders without question.” Patrick smoothed his mustache. “It proved our working together is possible."

  "We will officially meet these men as well as the others after dinner.” Gallegar watched Louie push a large cart from the kitchen. “And if my eyes do not deceive me, Louie is ready to serve dessert as I speak.” He reached out and took Kira's hand in his own. “I think he has come up with something very special to help celebrate your first night in the loft."

  Kira clapped her hands in delight as Louie set down a large chocolate dessert in front of her. “Oh,” she squealed. “Danolas told me all about this dessert that is named after an animal. Chocolate Mice."

  She blinked in surprise when all the Chosen burst into laughter.

  * * * *

  After dessert, the company adjourned to the living room, where Gallegar played host and served up fragrant snifters of brandy. Everyone was in a mellow mood, filled with good food and enjoying each other's company.

  "Are you ready to meet my guys?” Lucas asked. “I've told them to stand by for my call."

  "Yes, Lucas,” Gallegar answered for them all. “Have them come. We look forward to meeting these friends of yours."

  Ten minutes later there was a loud knock on the outside door and the wardings sounded the alarm that an unknown person was trying to enter.

  Lucas made his way downstairs, returning several minutes later with two men. The Chosen rose to their feet, but Kira remained seated in front of the fire. Her golden eyes glowed with the flickering flames.

  "These are two of my pack brothers, Wade and Sam. They joined the pack about the same time I did. We kinda kept each other out of trouble, when we were getting used to things there. I figured they would be the best b
et to help me out here."

  The two men shook hands all around, giving the Chosen time to study them. Wade was average height, with spiked blond hair and muscular build. He had a series of tattoos on his upper body and arms and a devil-may-care grin that made a person want to like him immediately. Sam was smaller and more stocky, with dark hair and a goatee. He was quieter and seemed more intense.

  "You know what Lucas has done?” Gallegar asked quietly. His eyes narrowed as he watched the men's response.

  "Yeah, we know,” Wade answered after a quick look at Sam. “We aren't sure he did the right thing, but he's our friend. He's pulled us out of a lot of bad situations back in the old days. We figured we owed him."

  "That is not a good enough reason to join us.” Danolas walked over to where Kira sat. “While we appreciate your wanting to protect your clan mate, there are more important things involved here."

  "It takes trust to build a team ... or a family.” Kira's soft voice smoothed over them all. “Trust is not given, it must be earned.” She rose from where she had been sitting and came to stand before them. She studied them intently, her flame-colored eyes searching their faces. “Will you allow me access to your true spirit?"

  The men both looked at Lucas, who nodded encouragingly.

  "Lucas said you had looked inside the other protectors too. We expected this,” Sam returned quietly.

  The two men were still as Kira placed her hands on their chests. Immediately, a glow appeared around her hands as her power moved inside of them. They felt nothing at first, more interested in the blond loveliness of the girl standing before them. Lucas had told them she was a beauty, but words didn't describe her exotic good looks. She was almost mesmerizing. They were both jerked back to reality when her power began to move inside of them.

  It wasn't painful exactly, but it was definitely uncomfortable. Any thought they had about anything, was sifted and judged. All their attitudes were exposed to the light, showing clearly any prejudices or inconsistencies. It seemed to go on forever before Kira spoke, her voice gentle.

  "I find nothing in them to distrust. They are as they seem. Good friends, willing to stand up for Lucas. I accept them for what they are.” She turned to Danolas. “My seer, will you verify what I have seen?"

  "As you wish, my Lady.” Danolas stepped forward and placed his large hands over hers.

  The men felt a different type of magick probe their thoughts and dreams. It was stronger and more intense, but as uncomfortable as the girl's had been. They were almost squirming by the time he finished.

  "They are as you said, my Lady. I sense no harm in them.” Danolas removed his hands.

  Kira patted them both on the chest and smiled. “We welcome you as protectors and because you have trusted me to do this, allow me to show you a picture of why our company exists. Then, you can begin to trust us fully.” At their hesitant nod, Kira showed them a condensed version of what lay in store for the supernaturals of San Francisco. When she was done, they both looked at her in utter shock.

  "Jesus.” Sam looked around at the Chosen. “I thought you were exaggerating, but you're not, are you? You really are what he said you were."

  "We are here because Kira chose us,” Gallegar answered. He stepped forward and put a possessive arm around Kira's shoulders. “You are here because Lucas chose you."

  "Are you still in, knowing the hell you are walking into?” Lucas looked grimly at his friends. “You can still opt out and just keep my secret."

  "Know before you decide that any betrayal will be punished.” Benjamin, who until now had been silent, spoke up clearly. “And that punishment ... is death.” The stark words hung in the air.

  Wade looked at Sam, who nodded. “We're in. There's no way we're going to let a bunch of demons decide our lives for us. It's back to Hell for them!"

  "Later this evening we will have a swearing-in ceremony with all the protectors,” Gallegar told them. “I suggest you head downstairs and meet the others. Those who have already been fighting can fill you in on some of the details of the war."

  "I'll take them downstairs and introduce them,” Lucas said. “Be back in a bit.” The three shapeshifters headed for the elevator.

  When he heard the doors close behind them, Danolas spoke. “Now we have a strong team protecting us."

  "A little stronger than you think,” Gallegar said, with a smile.

  "Mo Chridhe..."

  "I too, did some thinking over the last two weeks about our protectors. Knowing my vulnerability during the day, I have taken Danolas’ suggestion."

  Danolas looked lost. “What suggestion is that?"

  "I have added to my list of protectors. I hope you will all find them acceptable as well.” The vampire concentrated telepathically, and a few minutes later, footsteps were heard on the stairs. When the door opened, two humans came into the room followed closely by Lucas.

  "Alex!” Kira came to her feet with a cry of gladness and rushed across the room to give the red-haired man a hug. “We have not seen you since you helped save my life by giving Gallegar the nourishment he needed. What are you doing here?"

  The man grinned shyly, once again embarrassed by Kira's hug. “We came earlier in the day. King Gallegar said you had need of me. Of us, really.” He pointed to the man next to him. “This is Del. He is another one like me."

  "And how old are you, Del?” Danolas asked, realizing immediately what Gallegar was up to.

  "I am seventy-two,” the chocolate-skinned man answered. He had kinky black hair that was cropped close to his head and dark almond-shaped eyes. He was short, wiry and very strong, and he looked thirty-five. “I have been with the king for almost forty years."

  "Danolas suggested, since I cannot be with you during the daylight hours, those humans who have been enhanced by allowing me to feed off them might be able to stand in my stead.” He walked over to where Kira stood with Alex and Del. “They do not have full vampiric skills, but they are strong, and as you heard, loyal. You can test them as you did Lucas'."

  It didn't take long for Kira to search their hearts. Any deception would have been exposed long ago by Gallegar's skills, so Kira just gave them a cursory once-over. They were both as open as a book. She didn't even ask Danolas for back up.

  "You are both acceptable. I am glad you are with us.” Both men were treated to Kira's enthusiastic hug.

  "Join the others again downstairs,” Gallegar commanded. “We will call you shortly."

  Once the two men had left, Lucas turned to Gallegar. “Let me understand this. These humans are different than regular men. But how different? How much can we count on them?"

  Gallegar sat down before he answered. “Each is a little different. The enhancement touches specific abilities. Del, who is the stronger man, was given more strength than Alex as an enhancement. Both are far stronger than a normal human. Alex is quicker than Del, but both react far above what you would see a regular man do."

  "Anything else?” Benjamin wondered.

  "They are highly intelligent, loyal, and most importantly, they would die to keep Kira safe. That means the most to me."

  Kira came and sat down next to him. “I do not wish them to die, Mo Chridhe ... They are part of our family now."

  Without thinking, Gallegar pulled her into the cradle of his arm, ignoring Lucas’ frown. “I, too, hope no harm befalls them, but you are my first priority.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. He remembered, too late, they were not alone.

  "Kira is the first priority for all of us,” Lucas said gruffly, as he watched Gallegar move carefully away from Kira.

  * * * *

  The rest of the night passed quickly. After the swearing-in ceremony, they had a party so all the protectors could get to know each other. There was little shop talk. Vampires argued politics with shades and werewolves debated vacation destinations with Suprahumans. Through it all, Kira was there, moving among them, her face glowing in delight.

  It was almost dawn when finally, o
ne by one, the protectors began to leave, starting with Alex and Del who both had early duty the next day. They headed downstairs, the first of the protectors to use the sleeping area. They were soon followed by Wade and Sam, as well as a few others who would stay in the new sleeping areas that day. The rest headed back to their own domains until they were called to duty. At last it was just Kira and the Chosen left.

  "What a wonderful party.” Kira sighed.

  "It sure was!” Lucas agreed, stuffing a last eggroll into his mouth. “Great eats!"

  Patrick chuckled. “You do think with your stomach, my friend."

  "The whole evening was a success,” Danolas stated firmly. “All is well with the cosmic wheel and we are stronger than we have ever been before."

  "And Kira has a new, safe place to live, with many good men to protect her,” Koran said as he looked around the room.

  "And you!” Kira put in quickly.

  "And us...” Gallegar agreed with a smile, his eyes on Kira's beautiful face. “And now we shall all take our rest under this roof. I, for one, am ready."

  "Dawn is still about fifteen minutes away,” Benjamin said carelessly then blinked as he realized what he had done.

  "Very good,” Gallegar approved. “You are picking up my kind's abilities even faster than a fledging vampire would do."

  "It is kind of cool to be able to do all these things we have never done before.” Lucas grinned at his friends.

  "I suspect we will see much more of that in the next few months.” Danolas picked up his staff from a chair as he spoke. “The knowledge is there inside us just waiting to be tapped."

  "Aye, but we won't be able to use it if we don't get some sleep.” Gallegar pulled Kira into his embrace to say good night. He was stopped by a whirring sound behind him.

  Everyone turned to see the floor to ceiling curtains that covered the wall of windows, slowly begin to close. After a minute, all light was totally blocked from view.


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