The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 18

by CJ England

  He could feel her panic as she began to twist her body, trying to knock him off. Apparently, knowing it was him above her didn't matter. He closed his eyes as the feel of her shapely bottom moving against his loins, nearly sent Gallegar over the edge. Hunger flooded his entire body, making him long to press himself into the space meant just for him. He fought against it, his body shaking with the effort.

  Kira went still in surprise when she sensed Gallegar shaking more than she was. She could feel the moisture on her back where his shaft was pressed against her, but it didn't disgust her the way the incubus had. Turning slightly, she looked at his tight face.

  "Are you all right?"

  He groaned. “I am supposed to be helping you and you are asking me if I'm all right?” He opened his eyes and shook his head. “It is ... difficult for me to be close to you, when I want you so badly. I need you so much, I do not have the control I would like."

  "I knew this would be too hard on you,” she fretted. “We must stop!"

  He chuckled deeply then bent and kissed her until she stopped frowning. Slipping off her back, he turned her, so they were lying face to face. He pulled her against him, her soft body against his hard one.

  "I am the one who is supposed to be healing you,” he murmured softly.

  She stared up at him. She could see in his eyes his awareness of their nudity beneath the sheet. Incredibly, she felt no fear. “We are healing each other."

  He pulled her even closer at that. “Then let us continue. Who did it imitate next?"

  Kira wondered how he would take this next form. “It looked like ... Lucas."

  Lucas. The vampire went cold. His friend and rival. How could he pretend to do what Lucas had done to her? It was too much. Neither of them should have to...

  Gallegar stopped abruptly. For a moment, he had fallen into the same trap Kira had earlier. He had forgotten it wasn't really Lucas that hurt her. “Tell me what the Lucas form did to you. We are almost done now."

  She gave a deep sigh, one that seemed to come from her very soul. Her voice shook as she answered. “It did not touch me ... but made me touch him."

  "What?” He reared back and looked at her incredulously. What ever he had expected, it wasn't this.

  She closed her eyes, her cheeks red with embarrassment. “He grabbed my hand and pressed it against his body. He wanted me to touch him all over. He ... he made me touch his chest."

  On her own, she reached up and gently touched one of his flat male nipples, almost lost in the dark chest hair. She ran her finger over it, watching curiously as it tightened.

  Gallegar went very still when she first touched him. His cock jumped so hard he was sure Kira must feel it. He groaned as she touched the other nipple, rubbing her whole hand against the sensitive nub.

  She stared at him, her eyes turning a deep gold. “It feels different when it is you. I want to touch you."

  "That pleases me, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar said hoarsely. He grabbed her hand to still it. “Where else did he force you to touch him?"

  Kira looked away, her hand clenching against him. “He took my hand and made me touch his face, his shoulders and down his body. He wanted me to touch him ... there.” Still not looking at him, she pulled her hand away and gently ran it down to his loins, stopping just at the curly hair that protected him.

  Everything in him wanted her to go on. To take him in her hand and explore what made him different from her. He could sense she wanted to, but he also knew that if he allowed it he would lose all control.

  He laid his hand on top of hers. “Did he succeed?"

  "I fought him.” She lifted up her chin as she spoke. “I did not want to touch him. I fought him so hard he tired of it and morphed into someone else."

  "Did it change into Koran?"

  "It was the worst of all,” she cried out. She tried to push out of his arms, but he held onto her. “It was horrible and embarrassing."

  "Go on, love."

  Kira was held too tight in his arms to move. “He touched me. Down there. He wanted to ... to...” She couldn't go on and buried her head against Gallegar.

  Gallegar had to take a deep breath before responding to her. That someone else had touched her in a place not even he had been able to infuriated him. And using her brother's form to do it? No wonder she was ashamed. He groaned out loud. “I am so sorry, love. I can't imagine what that did to you."

  She looked at him, her eyes as haunted as if they hadn't spent the last hour cleansing her of evil memories. “But not even you have touched me that way. I feel dirty!"

  He pulled her hard against him, fighting the anger that rose inside him. “It is all right,” he murmured. “We will put it behind you. Let me show you the truth of what can be. I love you more than my own existence. You are everything to me."

  Taking her trembling lips in a deep kiss, Gallegar ran his hands gently down her body until he could feel her begin to relax beside him. When she began to return his kiss, arching against him and meeting his tongue with her own, he knew he could begin the final healing of her shattered soul.

  Murmuring words of love in Gaelic, Gallegar gently slid his knee between her legs and urged them apart. Kira was so caught up in his kiss, she offered little resistance to the movement. Slowly he moved his hand down her body until he was resting it lightly on her flat belly. When he felt she was as relaxed as she was going to get, he slid his hand downward, cupping her moist heat in his large hand.

  Kira's eyes flew open and her body stiffened, but she didn't try to move away. She just looked at Gallegar with those pained eyes and waited.

  He kissed her lips, her throat and then back to her lips again. His hand didn't move at all. He just rested it there allowing her to get used to the feel. “Is this what it did, A Ghra..."

  "Yes ... but ... but it was not as gentle and it tried to go deeper. I wouldn't let it."

  He moved the palm of his hand gently against the warm folds of her quim. He just wanted to touch her once, to feel her response. Her eyes closed and she pressed against his hand, moaning lightly at the back of her throat.

  Immediately, he realized even that small amount of lovemaking would be too much for his control. His body tightened in a hot rush, his cock growing so hard it was painful pressing against her.

  Giving in to the need to kiss her, he caught the next moan with his mouth, moving his hand slowly, gently, against her one more time, before gliding it back up her body. His own body aching, he could sense her disappointment, as he wrapped both arms around her.

  "We must be sensible A Ghra ... ” he growled deeply. “The Power has not given us permission to love yet. I promise you, when that day comes, the pleasure we will find together will be wonderful."

  Kira opened her eyes to look at him. His face was hard with suppressed desire, yet he was holding her as carefully as if she was spun glass. She knew what it had cost him to make all the bad memories go away. “What you have done for me tonight, I will never forget. You have dulled the memories that were so painful and given me ones of you I will hold close in my heart."

  Without answering, he bent his head and kissed her again. Time didn't seem to matter as they lay there rejoicing in each other's touch. The demons forgotten, now it was just the two of them, lying together in the darkness, loving each other.

  It could have been hours, or minutes, later when Gallegar raised his head and looked down at her. “This needs to stop. We must sleep. Tonight will be a difficult one."

  Her arms tightened. “Will you stay with me? I do not wish to be apart from you."

  He groaned, thinking of being close to her feeling the way he did. But the thought of leaving her was even more unbearable. Then, he calculated the odds of Lucas walking in on them. As a vampire, he could set his internal alarm to go off when he sensed Lucas awakening. He would have time to get back to his room before the wolfman came upstairs.

  "I think that can be arranged,” he answered her, doing just that. Pulling away he reached dow
n and picked up the pajama top and matching bottoms. Sliding on the pants, he turned back just in time to see Kira's frankly admiring gaze on him. He couldn't prevent the blush that ruddied his cheeks.

  "Here,” he muttered. When she sat up, he carefully helped her into the top and fastened the buttons with an unsteady hand.

  When he was done, he lay back down and drew her into his arms. He cradled her head on his shoulder and pressed a kiss against her silky hair.

  Kira yawned and snuggled against him. She was glad he had stayed. Her bed didn't seem so lonely anymore and all the nightmares would stay away as long as he stood guard beside her.

  * * * *

  When Kira awoke she was alone in the bed. She turned her head quickly, searching for Gallegar. All she saw was the dent in the pillow beside her that showed he'd been there. She gathered his pillow to her, pressing her face against it. It smelled of him ... dark, sensual, musky. She knew she could pick that scent out of a hundred men, even if she was blindfolded. But why was he not here? After the last few hours, she was surprised he had gone from her.

  Her face heated as she remembered the intimacies they had shared during the rest period. She was positive because of the gentleness of his loving she was no longer afraid of the vampire. She hoped it would be the same when she saw the other Chosen. She smiled again, as she thought of the way he had kissed her last night. His desire had been plain in his eyes, in the hardness of his body. But his need to heal her had been stronger. He loved her. For the first time, she realized just what that meant.

  Rising from the bed, she made her way into the shower. Kira frowned as she saw the marks left behind by her violent scrubbing of the day before. Gallegar had dealt with the demon's wounds, but he hadn't seen these in the darkness. As she showered, she spoke a healing spell over the raw places, breathing a sigh of relief as they faded into memory.

  Drying off, she quickly dressed in a white halter dress. She wrapped a gold belt around her waist, and tugged on strappy little gold sandals to complete the outfit. She left her hair down to dry around her shoulders. She felt a bit wanton at going braless, and even though she had a pair of lace panties on under the dress, she felt exposed. She wondered what Gallegar would do when he saw her.

  Pushing a button next to the bed, the curtain surrounding the loft moved back silently on its hidden track and she made her way downstairs.

  All the Chosen, except Danolas and Gallegar, were sitting in the main room having a drink when she came down. Lucas came toward her, a glass of her favorite wine in his hand. His eyes took in her outfit, and his smile was warm, but cautious.

  "Thank you, my wolf.” Kira took the wine, and then gave him a hug, delighted she felt no fear. “Where are the others?"

  Lucas shrugged his massive shoulders. “Don't know. They weren't around when I got up."

  "Perhaps they are out investigating our morning visitors.” Koran smiled as he walked over to Kira, but his eyes were wary. “And how do you this evening, sister?"

  She looked at her brother and then around at the other men in the room. They all had expressions of wariness and worry on their faces. Smiling, she went to Koran and gave him a kiss. “I am good, my brother. The fears of before seem foolish now. I am sorry I worried you."

  Benjamin strode over and plucked her out of her brother's arms, almost spilling her wine. He gave her a smacking kiss on the forehead. “Sweetheart, you scared us to death last night. We all thought you hated us."

  "For something we didn't even do,” put in Patrick quietly.

  Kira's eyes flashed her pain at the knowledge she had hurt them. “I am sorry,” she repeated. “I was not thinking clearly."

  "You seem better now.” Patrick still hesitated about approaching her. He remembered her rejection of Gallegar earlier.

  In answer, she pulled herself out of Benjamin's arms and went to the shade, snuggling herself into his chest.

  Patrick wrapped his arms around her. “Everything's okay now?"

  "I am sorry. They tried to break us up and I almost let them by believing their lies. Gallegar was right."

  "Right about what?” Koran's voice was bewildered

  Kira blushed, remembering Gallegar's theories had been for her ears alone. “He ... he thought because I am the Peacekeeper and he the first called, hurting both of us would do more damage than just me alone."

  "Hmmm...” Koran mused. “He is the leader of the Chosen. It makes sense."

  "But hurting any of us would damage the whole. If we are to believe Danolas’ picture of the cosmic wagon wheel.” Patrick led Kira over to the sofa by the fire and sat down with her. He left his arm around her shoulders.

  Koran sat on the other side of Kira. “Yes, but if you destroy the head, the body will soon die."

  "No one is going to die!” Kira spoke loudly. “I cannot bear thinking about it."

  The elevator doors opened and Gallegar and Danolas stepped out, their eyes flashing in concern. They had heard Kira's shout.

  Gallegar held his arms out to Kira, as she came up off the couch and ran to him. His loins tightened as he saw what she was wearing. Without even touching her, he knew she was naked under the halter. He groaned, knowing with the memories he carried of his time with Kira earlier, it was going to be a long night.

  As he wrapped his long arms around her in greeting, Gallegar knew whatever had happened the night before, Kira wasn't afraid anymore. He felt a load lift from his chest. He pulled back and stared down at her. “Is everything all right? You are better this evening? No aftereffects from the attack?"

  Kira gazed up at him. “I am fine. I am not so afraid.” She sent a tight mind-beam to the vampire. "The only aftereffects are those of you loving me."

  Gallegar's slow smile and glowing green eyes made Kira's heart race.

  Danolas cleared his throat and brought them back to the present. “Are you afraid of me?"

  Kira laughed and gave the witch a hug. “No, thank the Power. I remember things, but...” She sent a look Gallegar's way. “They haven't the power to frighten me anymore."

  There was a small silence in the room before Benjamin spoke. “What do we do now? We can't let those bastards get away with what they did."

  "What we must figure out is why those demons? Why a succubus and incubus? What made the wizards choose them?” Koran wondered out loud.

  "Maybe it's about the innocence thing,” Lucas said without thinking. There was a heavy silence as Lucas realized what he said. “Uhhh, I mean...” He trailed off, as he saw the confused looks the other Chosen were giving him. “Shit. I forgot no one else knew."

  "What are you talking about?” Danolas asked, his eyes moving to Kira. He frowned as she blushed. His gaze moved to Gallegar and his eyebrow quirked, as he watched the dark man's face color as well.

  "What's going on?” questioned Benjamin.

  Kira and Gallegar looked at each other and then Gallegar spoke. “There is something you all should know."

  * * * *

  The room was silent when Gallegar finished speaking. He told them of the Power's command and how Kira and he had struggled with it.

  "Let me get this straight...” Patrick broke the uncomfortable silence. “Kira must stay a virgin to keep her powers? And that's why y'all think the wizards sent those demons. Because one would have stolen her innocence?"

  Gallegar inclined his head gravely, his eyes never leaving Kira. He knew she was embarrassed with the whole conversation.

  "And you and Kira ... never ... I mean...” Benjamin flushed and let his words trail off.

  "No ... we have not.” Gallegar's jaw clenched at the question. He felt, rather than saw, Lucas’ frown.

  "I am still chaste,” Kira said quietly. “Gallegar saved me last night. My innocence was bruised, but I am a virgin, just the same."

  Suddenly, Danolas slammed his staff down, and the wave of power that flowed from it pushed Gallegar back a full five feet. The witch cursed long and loud in Gaelic. Instinctively, Lucas pulled Kir
a behind him to protect her.

  "Danolas,” Kira cried out, trying to move from behind Lucas. His snarl held her back. “What is wrong? Why are you so angry?"

  Danolas pushed away from the wall and paced to the other side of the room. The others gave him wide berth. He was usually so even tempered ... none of them had ever seen him like this.

  The witch was furious. He took a deep breath, trying to bring himself under control, but it didn't completely work. He knew Kira was confused and frightened and that just made him angrier. Turning, he looked directly at Gallegar. “You should have told me immediately. Not doing so put Kira in grave danger."

  Gallegar lifted an expressive brow. “We were going to tell you, but it slipped our minds with all that has happened."

  Danolas ground his teeth as he tried to control his temper. “Slipped ... your ... minds?"

  Kira managed to get out from behind Lucas’ protective bulk and walk over to the infuriated witch. “I do not understand. Please, tell me why you are so angry."

  Danolas took a deep breath. “My Lady ... I am not angry at you. You didn't know any better.” He put a gentle hand to Kira's face and forced a smile.

  "Then it must be me you are angry with.” Gallegar moved so he was standing just behind Kira. “But I do not understand your anger either."

  "You are a creature of magick. You know the strength of innocence, of how it can be used. Yet you didn't bother to protect it. What were you thinking?"

  "Now hang on a minute,” Benjamin stepped forward, his voice soothing. “Let's talk about this calmly. What do you mean?"

  Danolas was in no mood to be soothed. He was madder than hell at Gallegar. “I mean that he knows magick because he is a vampire. He knows the basic fact of the strength of innocence. Isn't that right ... Vampire King?"

  Gallegar's jaw clenched at Danolas’ sarcasm. “I know the value of innocence. It is why I respected the Power's wishes that Kira be kept chaste. I am no fool."

  "I'm not getting this.” Lucas was kicking himself he had started this whole mess. “Why is innocence so important?"


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