The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 23

by CJ England

  Quickly, she rose and threw on a pair of jeans and T-shirt. She combed her hair back in a simple ponytail. Even how she looked didn't matter any more. Now she was ready to go downstairs.

  * * * *

  "Do you think she's awake yet?” Lucas tossed his empty beer bottle in the recycling bin and grabbed another one. “She's been up there for ages."

  Danolas shook his head and yawned. “I can't feel her one way or the other. The shielding prevents me from checking."

  "She will be down when she is ready,” Koran said. “It was a difficult time for her. Her cheek was badly savaged as well. It needs time to heal."

  "Her cheek?” Gallegar turned swiftly to Patrick. “You said nothing about an injury."

  The shade shrugged. “I forgot it, sorry."

  Gallegar gritted his teeth, his emotions on overdrive. He wanted to go to Kira as soon as he'd arrived at the loft, but she didn't answer any of his mind-calls. He'd been forced to respect her privacy. Now he found she had been injured and hadn't even needed him. The hurt he felt grew as he waited.

  "Dinner's ready. If she's not down here soon, we should eat without her. Louie will have a fit if we don't,” Danolas remarked.

  "She won't mind.” Benjamin grabbed a handful of nuts off the table and chewed on them.

  Gallegar whirled away and strode to the window. They were all talking about nonessentials, when all he was concerned about was why Kira had turned from him this afternoon. It made it hard to think of anything else.

  "Ahhh, there she is.” Koran's voice broke into his heated thoughts.

  Gallegar turned and watched silently as Kira walked down the stairs. He frowned at her simple clothes, knowing she usually liked to dress for dinner, but before he could say anything, he was hit with such a wall of coolness, it made him take a step back in surprise. He hurriedly looked at his brothers, noting by their frowns, they too felt the barrier.

  "Good evening,” Kira said with a smile. “I am sorry to be so late. Is dinner ready?"

  Danolas blinked at the polite tone she was using. “Ummm ... yes, m'lady. It is ready now.” He held out his arm as he usually did. “May I escort you?"

  She shook her head. “No, thank you. I know the way.” She swept by the astonished witch and sat down at the opposite end of the table, far from where she usually sat.

  Gallegar's green eyes glowed in anger. Now she wouldn't even sit with him? A cold thought hit him. Was she blaming him for what happened to her this afternoon? He hadn't been there to protect her. The sick feeling drove all the anger from him and he sat numbly in his seat.

  Benjamin, whose seat Kira had taken, sat down next to Gallegar, his brows furrowed. “Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? You're acting funny."

  She lifted an elegant brow. “Just because I sit somewhere different does not mean anything is wrong. This way I can speak to each of you individually; something that was hard to do when I sat in one place. Do not make too much out of it."

  Before anyone could say anything else, Louie rolled in with the dinner and the next few minutes were devoted to filling their plates.

  "I gotta say I'm starving after this afternoon,” Lucas said around a mouthful of roast beef. “You didn't tell me using my hunting instincts would make me so hungry."

  Gallegar said nothing, but just stared into the chalice of blood he was sipping.

  Danolas jumped in to cover the uncomfortable silence. “You were hunting, my friend. It would be natural your hunger would be inflamed while using any of your wolf gifts."

  "You sure made tracking that thing look easy,” Koran said, as he looked carefully at Kira. “It was just at the last that things got away from us."

  "Yeah.” Lucas swallowed and looked at Gallegar. “I'm sorry we didn't listen to you. Next time we won't be so stupid."

  Gallegar raised surprised eyes from his meal. He hadn't expected that from Lucas. “I thank you. I can't tell you how difficult it was to be trapped at Sanctuary and not be able to help. I don't want to go through that again."

  Kira frowned. “We did what we thought best at the time, but now we know that these demons do not play by any rules we know. We will be more careful next time."

  "There will be no next time without me,” Gallegar put in quickly. “I will not let you go against any of these beasts if I am not at your side."

  She looked over at the intense vampire and her eyes flashed with something Gallegar couldn't quite see. “There may come a time when I stand alone again. If that time comes to pass, I will do what I must do."

  Gallegar's eyes narrowed. All at the table felt him control his anger. “There will never be another time like today. I forbid it."

  She turned back to her meal, as if his words hadn't meant anything. “I will do what I must do,” she repeated.

  * * * *

  It wasn't until after they'd finished eating she brought the subject up again, herself. “I suppose you all want to know exactly what happened this afternoon.” Kira sat down on one of the comfortable chairs by the fire.

  "Yes, sister.” Koran sat near her on a sofa. “I think it would help us all to know what went on today."

  As he was speaking the other Chosen all sat down as well, except for Gallegar who stood brooding, by the window. Kira had still not touched or spoken to him in any way.

  "After I regained consciousness...” She went on to tell them all that had happened to her. She told them about how the demon seemed stronger than she alone could fight, as well as it prying into her head for the secrets of the company. She did not mention Gallegar or anything to do with that part of what had happened. That was sealed carefully away, behind the emotional wall.

  Koran tapped thoughtfully against his glass of whiskey. “Then it has begun. They are not even waiting for the Gates to be opened before sending these things out against the humans."

  Danolas nodded. “I agree. This demon we chased was a powerful one."

  Patrick floated over and stood near the fire. In his corporeal state he could feel the warmth. “It knew enough about us to try to get information out of her. That was more important than killing her outright."

  Gallegar made a sudden movement at his words and then went still again.

  Kira pretended not to see. “I am not sure what the demon got out of me when he held my mind. I tried to fight as hard as I could, but the demon was very strong."

  "They now know that together we are not a force to be trifled with.” Danolas grinned suddenly. “Lucas took care of that, all by himself."

  Lucas turned red, as Benjamin elbowed the big man and laughed. “He just about knocked the wall down getting to Kira once we knew where she was."

  "Was it because you only half-changed?” Patrick asked.

  "Half-changed?” Interested now, Gallegar walked over and sat down next to Koran on the sofa. “What do you mean?"

  "Kira wasn't there to stop me, so I changed. I just didn't go all the way.” Lucas sipped at his beer, embarrassed.

  "How many times have you changed, Lucas?” Gallegar asked, his eyes narrowed in thought. “The full moon came at the same time you were estranged from the company, so we didn't see you change. When you were tracking you couldn't control yourself very easily.” Gallegar leaned forward and spoke carefully. He didn't want Lucas flying off the handle at his words.

  "I have told you before you have the skills of a Master Shapeshifter, but I don't think you believe me.” The vampire met Lucas’ eyes. “If you do not give yourself the time to learn these skills, you cannot use them."

  Lucas frowned. “What the hell are you saying?"

  Gallegar sighed. “In the beginning, you fought against what happened to you. You did not want to be a werewolf. It's only been since Kira has been with us that you've come to fully accept what happened to you. We are coming to a time when all your skills will be needed. But if you have never made the change, these skills are useless to us."

  "But he has changed,” Kira argued. She pushed back the sleeve of her shi
rt and pointed at the fur armband Lucas had given her the night of their joining. “See ... this comes from his first change. He told me so."

  Danolas had picked up Gallegar's train of thought. “Yes, but the first change is uncontrollable. He had no choice but to become a werewolf. After that ... he does. He can stop himself, even at the full of the moon."

  "I thought werewolves had to change at a full moon.” Benjamin looked back and forth between the uncomfortable Lucas and Gallegar.

  "Most do. Only those with a tremendous amount of strength of willpower can prevent the change. That strength is probably what kicked your Master abilities into being so early.” Gallegar knew he was right when Lucas flinched.

  Kira frowned. “I do not understand."

  The vampire looked at the silent werewolf. “He has never changed again. Have you, Lucas?"

  Lucas surged to his feet and walked to the window. He ran a hand through his short cut hair. He hated talking about this. “No, damn it. I never changed again. I didn't want to. What I did ... what the pack expected me to do. I wasn't ever going to be put in that position again."

  Kira could feel Lucas’ anguish, but she hid her emotions and let the rational part of her do the speaking. “If it is necessary for this company that you change, you should do it."

  All of the Chosen gaped at her in shock.

  Ignoring them, she went on. “Gallegar and Danolas say you are a Master Shapeshifter. It is time you stopped being afraid of what might happen and do what is needed. We have no time for the fainthearted."

  Lucas just stared at her, his mouth open. Then his eyes changed to silver ice. “Are you calling me a coward?"

  She flipped her hand at him. “Do not be ridiculous. You are only a coward if you do not do anything now, knowing it is necessary."

  Lucas lost his temper. “I don't fucking believe this!"

  Danolas stepped in quickly. He had trouble accepting it was Kira speaking so abruptly. “Lucas, she is not calling you a coward. But now it is time to let go and become all you can be. For all our sakes."

  Lucas turned back to the window, struggling with his temper. It was several minutes before he was calm enough to answer. “If that's what needs to be done, I'll do it.” He shot another angry look at Kira. “No one's gonna tell me I'm a coward. I just don't know what to do."

  That made Gallegar grin. “Remember what I told you? Your kind used to be pets for vampires. I'm sure I can find some old training manuals somewhere in my archives."

  Lucas turned to growl at the vampire but saw the amusement on his face. He let his anger slide away and smiled back. “I'll consider your ... ummm ... kind offer."

  All the Chosen laughed.

  Kira smiled briefly. Inside, she was happy Lucas would learn what he needed. She took a deep breath, feeling exhausted all over again. If only everything else would work out so easily.

  Danolas heard her indrawn breath. “My Lady ... you must be tired from all that has happened. We don't have anything planned this eve. Perhaps an early night?"

  She looked at him, seeing the concern and kindness in his eyes. Her heart throbbed, and with difficulty she stuffed the emotion back behind the wall where it belonged. “I think you are right. An early night seems just the—"

  Without warning, the night was filled with the screams of a thousand lost souls. They went through each one of the company with the sharpness of a knife, making them all grab at their heads in pain. Patrick and Gallegar shouted in agony, falling to the floor as the others struggled to them.

  "What the hell is happening?” Benjamin shouted. He crawled over to help Patrick up into a sitting position. “What's that noise?"

  Danolas had tears of pain running down his face. He was being bombarded both in the physical and on the psychic plain. “It is happening! They have opened the Gate! They knew we would be weakened after today."

  Lucas helped Gallegar to his feet. The vampire's face was drawn in anguish. “What are those screams?"

  Koran put his arm around Kira, who was also crying in pain. “They are the cries of the damned. All those who are already within the Gate of Hell."

  "I can't stand it!” Patrick pushed away from Benjamin. “I can feel them.” He looked up at everyone and his brown eyes were wild. “They are being drawn in."

  Benjamin put a big hand on the shade's shoulder. “You knew you'd lose some. Be glad we were able to get most of them away from the house."

  "That doesn't matter!” Patrick stood and paced to the window. “I can feel their pain. Y'all can't. I can't let this happen.” He turned and started toward the door.

  "No, Patrick.” The soft spoken words surprised them all. They all turned and looked at Kira as she moved away from her brother. “You cannot leave."

  "The hell with that!” Patrick kept going. “These are my people. You can't stop me from going to them."

  Her face looked like it had been carved out of marble. “Oh, yes I can. And I will.” Lifting her arms, she sent a wave of power at the shade. Just as he was about to blink out, the golden light caught him. He struggled for a moment and then collapsed. Kira's eyes were solid gold as she brought the shade's unconscious body back and laid it on one of the sofas.

  "My Lady,” Danolas began. “How did you..."

  She looked at him, her face drawn with the effort of keeping the spell alive. “I ... learned."

  "Christ,” Lucas muttered. “It's just like her vision."

  The painful screams didn't cease. In fact, they grew in number as the Gate swallowed those unlucky shades who hadn't heeded Patrick's warnings. As time went on, Danolas tried to see into the psychic plain, but to no avail. It was blocked by the pain of those in the Gate.

  Suddenly, Gallegar staggered and groaned. “They are now after my kind. I can feel it.” He grabbed his head as the screams rolled around in his skull. “The pain ... the pain is horrible."

  "Your people are safe.” Koran steadied him. “The wards will work."

  Gallegar snarled. “Then why am I hearing their death cries? Why can I hear them calling my name, asking for my help?"

  He sent a telepathic message to his people. When he opened his eyes, they all saw the raw anger in him. “Someone has opened Sanctuary. Some were caught and taken, before they could close it again."

  Jerking away, he strode for the door. “I have got to go after them. I have to help them."

  "Stop! Don't make me bespell you too!” Kira cried out, as she staggered toward him.

  "You would not dare!” Gallegar turned and glared at the woman he loved. “You would not hold me against my will."

  "Your people are not as important as you are,” she said, trying to keep her voice even. Her heart was thumping so loud, she could hear it pounding in her ears. Fear for Gallegar was overriding everything, but she stood as coldly as if nothing mattered to her.

  "What? How can you say such a thing? They trust me, and they trust you to care for them. You are the Peacekeeper, remember?"

  Her eyes remained steady. “I am sorry. Benjamin showed me how to play the game you call chess. He said you often have to sacrifice your pawns to keep the king safe.” She looked at Patrick, who was still lying on the couch under a golden cloud. “You and Patrick both are kings."

  Gallegar was so angry, he changed. His fangs grew and his eyes began to glow. He stared at the small woman, whose power was as great as his own. “You will not keep me here. In chess, the queen also stands beside the king."

  "In chess, the queen can be sacrificed as well.” She raised her hand and pointed it at Gallegar. “And I will protect my king."

  "Damn you!” Gallegar swore. He flung a spear of power at Kira to prevent her from entrapping him, but he was afraid to hurt her, so her stronger magick easily overwhelmed his. He was caught in the same web of golden light that had snared Patrick.

  He stared at his beloved, unable to move. “I will never forgive you for doing this."

  She smiled sadly. “I know.” A tiny trickle of blood flowed f
rom her left nostril.

  Gallegar saw the blood and frowned, suddenly more concerned about Kira, than Sanctuary. “You must stop. You are hurting yourself."

  Danolas came forward to investigate. “My Lady, you are bleeding.” He tried to get to her, but his magick was held in check by hers. “Let me pass."

  "I cannot.” She didn't dare take her eyes off Gallegar. “Not until it is all over."

  When Gallegar swore and tried to free himself, she gasped loudly and her eyes went solid gold again. She sent another burst of power at the vampire and Gallegar dropped like a stone to the ground. Carefully, swaying at the effort, she moved him to lie before the fireplace.

  "Sister...” Koran moved slowly toward the glowing woman. “You need not do this alone. It is too much for you after what has happened today."

  "Let us help you,” Danolas begged.

  "I cannot,” she whispered softly, as her nose continued to bleed. “This way, they are only angry with me.” She wiped the trickle of blood away but the flow never slowed.

  "Damn it, Kira. It's not worth it.” Lucas cursed as he watched a scarlet tear roll down her cheek. “Whatever you're doing is hurting you."

  She felt the strength leaving her and prayed she would have enough to hold the spell. “I told you before,” she said in a breathless voice. “You all are more important.” She swayed suddenly and grabbed the edge of her chair for support.

  Danolas watched, as Kira struggled with holding the spell intact, amazed at her strength. She had already been through too much that day. He wasn't sure where the power was coming from, but this he knew ... holding the spell was killing her.

  Suddenly, all the voices ceased. The emptiness of the air was almost painful. Silence filled the room so only Kira's panting breaths could be heard. Danolas quickly scanned the psychic plain. “It is closed, my Lady. The Gate to Hell is closed."

  Her eyes slowly opened and Lucas cursed when he saw they were filled with tears of blood. She blinked and they ran down her white cheeks.


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