The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 28

by CJ England

  Gallegar gently took her chin in his hand and raised her face to his. “We will put it in the past, A Ghra ... but now, you must tell us the truth. What is it that you are so afraid of?"

  She could see all the love he had for her. Love she had been denying herself. But there was also strong determination there as well.

  She sighed deeply. “I did not lie to you ... exactly. I was just so afraid."

  "Then let us share your fear, A Ghra ... There is nothing that can happen we cannot defeat, as long as we are together."

  Kira leaned against the vampire, taking a deep breath. His scent, so familiar, gave her the courage to go on. “The vision I shared with you when I was stuck in the Gate. I ... I did not finish it. There was more."

  Gallegar remembered how she had cut the vision off, saying she couldn't take any more. There was too much death. “Then tell us now. What happened in the vision?"

  She was silent for a long moment, gathering the courage to finally speak of what had haunted her for weeks. “There were many battles. Shades and vampires were everywhere, killing humans by the score. Finally, we came upon Adrian and a group of his followers. They had a huge army of corrupt shades and vampires. We fought as best we could, but ... it was not enough. Our own army was decimated and we were taken captive."

  "Jesus...” Benjamin breathed, running a hand through his long hair.

  Tears began to run down Kira's face and in response, Gallegar gathered her closer, soothing her with his very nearness. “It is all right, love ... finish it."

  "I-I-I was brought before Adrian. He lined you all up and stood me in front of you. He said the demons required a sacrifice. And once the sacrifice was complete, the war would be over. He said ... he said I could only save one of you. He asked me ... who was more important to me."

  She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands. Gallegar rocked her gently, his eyes a cold angry green. After a moment, she raised her wet face and looked at the vampire. “I could not choose. But my heart knew ... I did not mean to, but I looked at you. And then he knew.” She buried her face in Gallegar's chest, trembling.

  "What happened then, my Lady?” Danolas put a gentle hand on her shoulder, hoping to calm her.

  Kira struggled to answer. She didn't look at any of them as she continued. “He walked over in front of Gallegar. He said I had made my choice. I tried to deny it, but he laughed at me. And then-then..."

  She pulled back and looked at Gallegar, tears running down her white face. “He took his staff and he stabbed you through the heart! You fell to the ground and were consumed by fire. Only the staff was left behind.” She buried her face back into Gallegar's strong chest.

  "It was all a trick. He wanted to find out who I cared about the most, so he would be a worthy sacrifice to the demon. By loving you ... I killed you."

  Gallegar stared at his brothers, seeing the shock on all their faces. No wonder she had been so afraid. He pulled her close to him, letting her feel his strength and the beating of his heart. A cold anger rose in him, drowning out any fear that might have come from Kira's vision. The wizard would pay.

  She shook with remembered fear. “I could not take it,” she went on. “I screamed, and hit the Gatekeeper with my power. That is how I got out of the Gate."

  Patrick nodded, remembering. “Yeah, we knew something had happened. You had been quiet for so long, and then, suddenly, pow ... everything changed."

  Kira leaned back and looked up at Gallegar. “I was so afraid. I could not believe I would be the cause of your death. And then Danolas said the vision was not the future, but only what the demons wished it might be."

  Her face reddened and she looked over at Lucas. “That is why I had to stay with him at Sanctuary. I had to be with him, so I could protect him."

  Danolas stroked his staff, as he listened to Kira's story. “Then what happened when you were taken in the apartment complex?"

  She gave a convulsive shudder that had Gallegar pulling her against him to warm her. “The demon tried to weaken me by taking my blood, but the mark Gallegar put on my neck scared him off."

  The vampire nodded his satisfaction. “The mark shows you have been claimed by another vampire. It is taboo to feed on one who is already claimed. In our case, because it was part of our joining, it has power as well. It would not allow it."

  "You have told us this, sister. What else happened there?” Koran stood and moved closer to her.

  "He dug into my mind. It hurt so badly. Like he was ripping the very thoughts from my head."

  She looked up suddenly. “I forgot ... he said they knew my innocence would have been my strength. They sent the incubus to take it from me. He was pleased to see it had worked."

  "Then the spell was successful. But, go on, A Ghra..."

  Kira took another deep breath. “I was weakening. Then he made this comment about how he would be able to reach deep inside my mind and find out everything ... even things I had hidden from myself."

  She touched Gallegar gently on the cheek. Her eyes glowed slightly. “That is when I knew."

  His eyes began to glow as well and his body tightened. “What did you know?"

  "I knew then, what I had hidden from myself, was how I truly felt about you.” She leaned up and kissed the corner of Gallegar's sensuous mouth before she continued.

  "I was in love with you."

  Gallegar couldn't help himself. With a muttered mind-apology to his brothers, he took Kira's mouth in a deep loving kiss. It was only when he felt her complete surrender he raised his head and looked possessively down at her.

  "You are mine."

  An exaggerated clearing of the throat was heard. “Sorry, Gallegar, but ... going on...” Benjamin grinned at the couple.

  Kira blushed. “I knew if he discovered I loved Gallegar, the vision in the Gate would come to pass, so I buried it deep inside of me. He must have caught a glimpse of it. He got close enough to know I was protecting someone I loved.” She paused, remembering the helpless feeling she had in those moments.

  "What happened then, honey?” Lucas asked.

  "You happened.” Kira smiled weakly. “You all burst in and saved me. But I was never sure what he had pulled from my mind."

  "That's why you wanted us to kill him,” Danolas breathed, finally understanding. “You didn't want him taking the information of your true love back to his masters."

  "Yes ... but then he escaped, and there was only one way I could think of to keep Gallegar and the rest of you safe."

  "By pretending none of us were important to you.” Koran paced across the room and back. “You hid yourself away so even if you wanted to, the spell would force you to keep your distance."

  "I do not understand about the mounds you showed me.” Kira looked at Gallegar in confusion.

  Danolas answered for him. “You cast the spell unknowingly, as you lay fighting with the demon. When you thought showing your love might harm us. Your mind cast the spell, burying your love from sight. You were not strong enough to keep both spells intact. So, neither survived completely."

  "And rightly so!” Gallegar said, giving her a little shake. “You should never have kept this from us."

  Kira stared at him, her heart in her eyes. “I did not think I had a choice. I could not lose you.” She looked around at her Chosen. “Any of you."

  She paused, knowing how they would respond to her next words. “I wanted them to take me for the sacrifice instead."

  "What?” Lucas jumped up, his fists clenched.

  "Don't you see, Lucas?” Koran said through gritted teeth. At last he understood Kira's choice. “She wanted the wizard to think the only thing she cared about was herself, so they would kill her instead of Gallegar or one of us. Sister, how could you do such a thing?"

  "I had to.” Kira looked at each of the men's faces and saw matching anger in all of them. “It was the only way I could keep you safe."

  Gallegar struggled to keep his emotions even. It was a long time before he could s
peak, and even then his words were rough and uneven. “Do you think we would have just stood there, while any of this company was sacrificed? Do you think us so weak, A Ghra ... We would have fought until the last one of us fell before allowing such a thing."

  Kira stared at him, her mouth open. She'd never thought of it that way. She felt a flush of shame go through her. Suddenly, she saw how she had dishonored them, by not trusting them with the whole truth.

  Tears fell again as she bowed to the knowledge that she alone had almost destroyed the company. Looking up at them, she just shook her head. “I am so sorry."

  Danolas took the time to check her aura. What he saw made him smile, flushing away most of his anger. Gold was already beginning to seep though the muddy fields.

  "The prisons that were holding Kira's love are gone. The spells are destroyed. The truth has set us all free. This is a time to celebrate, not for holding onto anger."

  She nodded, her eyes going from one man to another. “I thought I was doing right, but I forgot what type of men you are. Why you were chosen in the first place."

  Turning to Gallegar, she put her arms around him. “I should never have tried to separate myself from any of you. We are joined. How could I expect to fight this war without you by my side?"

  At her words the room suddenly filled with a soft white light. A breeze blew gently through the room and the sweet scent of flowers filled the air.

  "It is the Power,” Gallegar said softly, his arms tightening around Kira. “She has come to us."

  Kira took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrance of her creator. “I am sorry. I almost ruined it."

  "You now understand what these joinings truly are,” the Power said so all could hear. “You are all new creations, formed to stand against the evil that is threatening this world. Separate, you are strong, but together you are a force that may not be defeated. Fear is the killer of the soul. Love casts out that fear. Use your love for each other to defeat the evil that is coming. You have the power to win not just the battle, but the war."

  "Lady ... if I may?” Danolas stood hesitantly.

  They felt the Power smile. “Yes, Danolas ... you wish to ask me a question."

  "There is so much we don't know,” the witch said fervently. “Where do we find the information that may help us? We are fighting blind."

  "All you need to know is within your grasp. You ... Danolas, are a seeker of knowledge, of insight. The world is filled with it. Do not be afraid to look in places you might otherwise ignore. Find your answers in those you may not truly understand ... or accept. Your destiny is in your own hands."

  While Danolas was left pondering that answer, the Power breathed over each of the other Chosen, filling them with the awareness of who and what had sent her.

  She smiled on Lucas and he knew his sacrifice would not go unrewarded.

  Finally, she moved to Gallegar and Kira who still sat, holding each other close. “You have learned a painful lesson, my child.” The Power touched Kira's bright hair with a soft hand.

  "I was foolish. I am sorry."

  "And you, Vampire King ... What say you now?"

  Gallegar tried to relax. “I did not take care of her as I should have. For that, I cannot forgive myself."

  The Power chuckled, surprising them both. “You are so hard on yourselves. Loving someone is not easy. And your journey is harder than most because of the circumstances surrounding you. Would you ask me to take this love away? It is in my power to do so."

  "No!” Kira and Gallegar answered together.

  "Please,” Kira said with a gasp. “Do not punish him for my mistake. I—"

  "Hush...” soothed the Power's rich soft voice. “I see what you have gone through has made your love stronger, which is what was intended. Do not forget the power of that love. It alone will see you through the hard times ahead. You are ready now."

  They both felt the coolness as she moved from the room.

  "Remember ... “ the Power said in a mind-voice only they two could hear. "Remember what I told you at your joining. Your strength will come from your love for each other..."

  * * * *

  For a long while no one moved, each reflecting on what the Power had said to them. Finally, Lucas stood and stretched. His bones popped in the silence of the room. “Well, I don't know about you ... but I'm hungry. Hey, Danolas, whadda ya say about taking us home and feeding us, since Kira doesn't have anything but leftovers?"

  Danolas raised an elegant brow. “You want me to go to Louie at...” he checked his timepiece, “two in the morning and tell him we are hungry?"

  The shapeshifter pretended to look confused. “You got a problem with that?"

  The company all broke into laughter. “It is a good idea.” Koran nodded, also standing. “I must admit I am hungry as well."

  "Yeah, and we can give these two lovebirds some time alone together.” Patrick floated over and gave Kira a hug where she still sat on Gallegar's lap. “I think it's a long time coming."

  "My friends.” Gallegar chuckled. “This is a cause for celebration, yes, but you don't need to run away to do it. Please, stay with us."

  Lucas watched Kira's face. She hadn't taken her eyes off the vampire since the Power had left. “Thanks, but I think if two's company, seven has got to be, well ... just downright strange. We will meet up back here tomorrow night. Unfortunately, we still have a war to figure out. We'll see ya tomorrow."

  When all had left, there was silence in the loft. Gallegar chuckled again. “I thought they'd never leave."

  She turned to him in surprise. “But you wanted them to stay."

  He laughed and kissed her gently on the nose. “A Ghra ... I was just being polite. I wanted to be alone with you.” His eyes went dark. “It has been so long since I was able to just hold you."

  She smiled and snuggled against him. “I am so happy I do not have to pretend any longer."

  He swallowed a knot that suddenly appeared in his throat. “Would you tell me again, now that we are alone?"

  She looked up at him, seeing the vulnerability in his face. She traced his firm lips with one finger, watching the heat warm his green eyes. “I will tell you everyday for the rest of my life if you wish me to. I love you, Gallegar. I have always loved you."

  "And I love you, A Ghra ... Since the stars first showed you to me in a dream. I have loved you for a century. You have always been mine."

  "I am sorry I did not understand it sooner. I am so sorry I hurt you."

  He smiled and bit her questing finger, causing her to gasp in surprise and something more. “Sometimes, it takes hardship to bring forth the full flavor of desire.” Bending, he took her lips in a gentle kiss.

  Kira moaned, immediately surrendering herself to him. Her mind was filled with only one thing. She loved him, truly loved him and he ... he loved her. Her lips opened to his searching tongue, feeling his breath quicken, as he plundered the sweetness within. She moaned again and arched up into him, needing to feel his strong body against her own. His response was electric, as he pulled her hips to him, fitting her against the notch of his thighs, his penis swelling against her.

  Gallegar tried to control the longing that had leapt up in him the second she touched him. It was difficult, now he knew she loved him and him alone. He groaned deep in his chest as he felt her move against him, her warmth pressing against his cock. His hands moved slowly over her body, wanting to touch and caress her.

  Pulling them back up to her face, he shuddered as he kissed her again, all the pent-up desire and longing spilling out into her.

  Kira felt the iron control he was using. It made her feel safe and protected, but it was no longer needed. Looking up at him with eyes filled with love and passion, she reached down and taking his hand, she placed it on her sensitive breast.

  "A Ghra ... ” the vampire groaned, instinctively squeezing before releasing her. “I ... I cannot. My control is not what it should be. Tonight is..."

  She placed her finger
s against his lips to silence him. “Tonight is the beginning, my love. It is time."

  He froze. “I don't understand. The Power said—"

  "The Power...” she interrupted him softly, “said we were ready.” She ran her fingers through his hair, undoing the band that held it back. “She said our strength would come from us loving each other."

  Her hands on him were making it hard to think. “But ... your power will only stay strong if you are chaste ... a virgin,” he said hoarsely.

  She smiled, looking up at him. Her golden eyes were mysterious in the low light of the loft. She lowered her hands and started undoing the buttons on his shirt.

  "We assumed that, Mo Chridhe ... but that was never the Power's intention."

  "It wasn't?” He groaned as her hands pulled his shirt free of his pants. His eyes crossed as she traced a finger across his nipples and down his belly.

  "Gallegar,” she said as she teased his mouth with her own. “I needed to learn what love truly was before I could know what it was we felt for each other."

  He grabbed her hands. His eyes were glowing with desire, as he began to grasp what she was saying. “And now?” he asked.

  Kira's eyes filled with tears as she reached up to kiss his hard mouth. His lips softened and clung. “Now I understand,” she whispered. “Without you, I am not whole. You have my heart. I belong to you. It is only as one truly joined, our power will find its strength."

  "Are you sure, A Ghra ... Once I begin loving you, I fear I will not be able to stop."

  She smiled and, freeing her hands, put her arms around him. “Please ... I have been waiting for such a long time."

  Gallegar's whole body tightened. He groaned, her words inflaming his need, his lust. Rising quickly, he swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her bed.

  As they walked through the curtain that surrounded her room, he said, “Once you are mine ... I will never let you go. Be sure of what you do here, A Ghra ... This is forever."

  When he laid her gently on the bed, she looked up at him, her eyes already glowing a bright gold. Running her finger down his naked chest, she smiled. “Promise?"


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