The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 30

by CJ England

* * * *

  Kira awoke the next afternoon, violently aroused. She didn't slip from her slumbers, but was jolted awake by the feel of Gallegar's hands on her. His strong body was pressing her back against the sheets as he touched and caressed her. His arousing mouth moved slowly, hotly down her body, until he could nip at her breasts. He swirled her nipples into his mouth, causing her to arch against him in reaction.

  For a long moment, she was completely disoriented, not understanding what Gallegar was doing in her bed, touching her the way he was. She tried to pull away from him, but he held her tightly to him, shifting so he lay over her.

  "I need you, A Ghra ... I need you now!"

  When she heard his hoarse voice, she suddenly remembered all that had happened between them. With a cry of gladness, Kira came fully awake and her arms went around him, pulling him even closer to her.

  That was all the permission Gallegar needed. He had been awake for almost an hour, looking at her sleeping beside him, enjoying the knowledge she was his. As the need built, he couldn't help but touch her, stroking down her body, to find the sweet, sensitive areas that made her gasp, even in her sleep.

  He'd started out slow, but her unconscious responses to him pulled at his control. By the time she finally awoke, he was rock hard and close to erupting. When she put her arms around him, he let go of whatever control he had left and with one hard thrust, joined his body with hers.

  She cried out as he moved rapidly inside her, growling her name. Her body began to shake as desire overcame it and she screamed out her pleasure, calling his name as she came apart underneath him.

  Gallegar groaned as her climax caused her to clench down hard on him, milking his cock as he thrust against her, out of control. He tucked his head into her shoulder and let the pleasure swamp him. His vision grayed and he cried out, as he gave one last plunge and buried himself deep inside, filling her with his seed.

  Afterwards, they lay panting, still wrapped in each other. When he tried to shift away from her, she gave a little whimper and held on to him. He was more than happy not to move. Instead he gathered her closer, nuzzling her neck as they slowly got their breath back.

  "Good evening, A Ghra ... ” he murmured into her hair, once he could speak. He gently swept it off her neck to kiss the wound he'd made last night. “I hope you slept as well as I did."

  She giggled, snuggling closer to the vampire. “I did indeed, but it was the waking I enjoyed more."

  He rose slightly, looking at the sleepy satisfied face of the woman who lay beneath him. Her eyes glowed with love and a remnant of their shared passion. He gave her a sexy smile. “Did you, now?"

  Kira reached out and ran her fingers through the soft hair on his chest. “I thought I was dreaming. I did not understand how you could be loving me.” She sighed. “And then I remembered."

  The vampire bent and brushed her lips with his own. “And the memory? It was a good one?"

  "Oh, yes...” she murmured, circling his dark male nipple with one finger. She peeked up at him, seeing the heat reenter his eyes. His shaft, still nestled inside her warmth, twitched and began to swell again. “But I am having trouble holding on to the memory.” She lifted her hips, and felt his body's response.

  "Perhaps then, I should remind you,” Gallegar muttered hoarsely, as he pulled her completely underneath him once more.

  * * * *

  "What time is it?” Kira's sleepy voice echoed in the darkened room.

  "It is early yet, love.” Gallegar stretched his muscular form, feeling her body close next to his. “We have several hours before the others arrive."

  "Ummm, it feels so good to just lay here."

  He lifted his hand and cupped one of her breasts. “Yes, I must agree. It feels very good."

  She giggled and rolled over so her chin rested on his chest. “Aren't you tired?"

  He pretended to look astonished. “Of you, my sweet? Never!"

  Playing again with his chest hair, she sighed happily. “You make me feel so ... I do not even know how to describe it."

  Grinning, the vampire ran a hand down her naked back. “You can try, A Ghra ... A man needs to hear these things from his lady."

  Lovingly, she kissed him. “You make me feel loved and cherished and wanted. When you look at me ... what I see in your eyes ... I feel beautiful."

  He lifted her hand to his lips. “You are beautiful. And loved ... and wanted.” Rolling her again so she lay underneath him, he took her mouth in a long drugging kiss. “And it shall always be that way."

  Kira gasped as Gallegar nudged her legs open and easily slid inside of her. She arched against him, already feeling the pleasure take her. “Show me, Mo Chridhe ... Please, show me."

  * * * *

  "Do you think they're up yet?” Benjamin questioned as he and the other Chosen stepped into the elevator at the loft.

  Lucas snorted. “If Kira belonged to you, would you be?"

  Benjamin laughed. “You got a point there.” The elevator opened and they walked out into the living room of the loft. Everything was quiet.

  Patrick had a brief conference with Jon, one of the Ethereal protectors that had been guarding the loft that night. “They are still upstairs. But they heard the shower running a while ago."

  Danolas grinned. “That doesn't mean they will be down immediately."

  Koran cleared his throat. “Let us get a drink and see if we can find something else to occupy our minds until they come down."

  "What's the matter, faerie?” Lucas snickered. “Don't like us talking like a bunch of high school jocks?” Lucas grabbed a beer and passed it to Benjamin.

  Koran turned red. “She is my sister."

  The men all laughed, Koran included.

  "I don't think Gallegar and Kira will mind,” Danolas said, as he sipped at a glass of cold white wine. “They will be feeling far too pleased with themselves to care about our smart comments."

  "I hope Louie is making dinner,” Lucas thought aloud. “We have a good reason to celebrate."

  Patrick popped out and then back in again. “Yep, Louie's there. He's got all his people running around like crazy.” He sniffed loudly. “Somethin’ sure smells good."

  "Maybe you smell the sweet scent of Gallegar's success,” Benjamin kidded slyly.

  A clearing of the throat had them all turning, and Benjamin choked on the swallow of beer he'd just taken. Gallegar and Kira stood behind them and, judging by the lift of the vampire's eyebrow and the pink of Kira's cheeks, they'd heard the teasing words.

  Benjamin stumbled for something to say. “Ahhh..."

  Gallegar held up a hand. “Don't bother.” He narrowed his eyes at all of the men, before suddenly breaking into a huge smile. “As you said, we are both feeling much too pleased with ourselves to care about how you amuse yourselves."

  Kira giggled beside him.

  Benjamin pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead. “Whew, I thought I was a goner that time."

  Kira ran over and hugged the big man. “No, but next time...” Benjamin laughed and hugged her back.

  Danolas stepped forward and clasped Gallegar's arm. He grinned at his brother. “No need to ask if all went well."

  Gallegar returned the smile. “No, all is as it finally should be.” He took the congratulations of all the Chosen, ending with Lucas, whose smile didn't quite meet his eyes.

  "Are you well, my friend?"

  Lucas shrugged. “I will be. It'll take some time.” He chuckled half-heartedly and took a long swig of beer. “But you may want to tone things down from now on. No need to make it a group effort."

  Gallegar and Kira both froze. Seeing her distress, the vampire reached out and folded her into his arms. “I beg your pardon?” he said and this time his tone was cold.

  The Chosen all looked at them and then at each other. Lucas shoved a hand through his short cropped hair. “Oh, boy."

  "You don't know what happened last night, do you?” Danolas looked back and forth between the tw
o lovers.

  When he saw Gallegar's cheeks turn ruddy, he realized how he'd phrased it. “My apologies. I think we have something to talk about.” When Louie called dinner was ready, the witch sighed. “Perhaps, as we are eating..."

  * * * *

  Danolas explained everything, keeping it as low key as possible. He didn't want to embarrass Kira any more than he had to, but she was still uncomfortable. To know her Chosen had shared such an intimate moment...

  "So that is how you knew Kira and I had mated. It wasn't just a ... guess?” At their nods, Gallegar took a deep breath. “If I may ask? Did it ... did it happen only once?"

  "Well, yes...” Danolas answered, his frown showing his confusion. “Why would it...” Understanding dawned in his eyes, and he swallowed the grin that threatened. “I see."

  "Ohhh,” Kira moaned, hiding her hot face in her hands. “This is not happening."

  Patrick, who had also picked up on Gallegar's concern, chuckled out loud. “Well done, Gallegar."

  Benjamin was turning an interesting shade of red as he tried to hold in his mirth. “Ahhh ... and you too, sweetheart."

  Koran and Lucas were looking everywhere but at each other. When they did, they both burst into laughter. Hearing them, the rest of the Chosen joined in.

  "Sorry, honey...” Lucas chortled. “But if you could just see your faces."

  Gallegar fought his own amusement as he squeezed his beloved's hand. “A Ghra ... It was only the first time they felt it, just as we did."

  She moaned into her hands. “I know I said I would share everything with you from now on ... but this is ridiculous."

  Lucas laughed again. “It's okay, honey. Maybe quantity does count."

  Gallegar gave up the battle to hold in his laughter. “If Kira would like to boast about the quality of my—” His words were stifled as she clapped her hand over his mouth. His green eyes twinkled at her.

  "That is quite enough,” she said firmly, sitting back down. A smile flirted on her soft lips. “I think we all have the picture of what happened."

  There was a pregnant silence and then Kira buried her face back in her hands, as the men all burst out laughing over her phrasing.

  When Gallegar finally stopped chuckling, he pulled her into his lap possessively. “Do not be embarrassed, my love. It is only because we care that we tease you."

  She pouted up at him, the smile still lurking in her eyes. “Maybe you all care too much."

  Gallegar smiled smugly as he bent and pressed a passionate kiss to her mouth. “There is no way I will ever care too much."

  After his kiss, Kira willed her heart to stop pounding. She could feel Gallegar's reaction beneath her soft bottom, and she wriggled a little just to pay him back. When he groaned, she smiled sweetly.

  Leaving the vampire to his thwarted desire, she turned to Danolas. “Can you tell me what that wave of power was?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Without any snide remarks."

  Danolas grinned. “My Lady, I believe I have discovered what happened last night."

  "What was that?” Gallegar tried to think of anything else but Kira's soft bottom snuggled against his groin.

  "As I said once before ... innocence is the strongest magick, but love also has much strength. I believe the Power kept Kira untouched until the time came she truly understood what love was."

  Kira and Gallegar looked at each other, their smiles conveying their thoughts for all to see.

  Danolas cleared his throat and continued. “When she and Gallegar realized the depth of their love for each other, it was time to bind the innocence and the love together. When they joined their bodies for the first time...” Danolas glanced apologetically at Kira, “those two strengths combined and a new power was formed."

  "That is what Kira and I felt last night?” The vampire lifted Kira's hand and smoothed a kiss over it.

  The witch nodded. “Yes. And because we are joined with her and linked with you, we also shared in the power.” Danolas poured himself some more wine. “We talked about it after the wave hit us. It changed us all."

  Gallegar frowned. “What do you mean?"

  Benjamin pushed his chair back from the table. “Watch.” Closing his eyes, he concentrated.

  Everyone gasped as he faded from sight. He reappeared, standing near Lucas.

  "Before last night, I didn't have the power to turn ethereal like Patrick. Now I do. And I can do other things as well."

  "And look at this...” Lucas stood up. His jaw clenched and then suddenly he was ten feet tall, bumping his head against the ceiling. He grinned down at them. “Cool, huh?"

  Patrick laughed as Lucas shrank back to normal size. “I find I have more feelings when I turn corporeal. I can scent things, feel things, I couldn't before.” He reached down and took a slice of chicken off of Kira's plate and chewed it. His eyes shut in ecstasy.

  "And this ... I can taste it again."

  "Patrick...” Kira's eyes filled.

  "Koran and I are stronger. Our powers are more varied. Where we once were strong, now our powers are tremendous. Together, we are close to unstoppable.” The witch looked at the vampire. “This all came from the wave of power that hit us last night."

  "We believe your powers will have increased also,” Koran put in. He smiled. “I know you didn't have time to test them out, but..."

  Gallegar sat thoughtfully. He remembered how strong and alive he had felt after he and Kira had mated. He'd thought it was just the joy of her finally being his.

  "I will examine this further. If you all are more powerful, then we will be also. We need to discover just how much before we go against any of the enemy."

  Benjamin grinned as he sat back down at the table and picked up his beer. “Of course, we're always open to getting stronger. If you and Kira want to—"

  Kira gasped as she leapt from Gallegar's lap. “Enough, really...” She walked toward the kitchen then turned with a forgiving smile. “I will see if dessert is ready."

  Lucas rose as well. “Let me help, honey. I need to wash up now anyway."

  As they walked into the kitchen, Lucas touched Kira's shoulder. “They didn't mean anything, you know. They're just happy for you both."

  Kira looked at the shapeshifter. “And you, Lucas?"

  Lucas shrugged. “Gallegar asked me the same thing. I'll be okay. It just might take a while.” He touched her soft cheek with a finger. “You're not so easy to get over."

  Touched and hurting for him, Kira put her arms around his narrow waist. “I love you, Lucas. I am sorry I hurt you. There was a part of me that wanted it to be you."

  Lucas clenched his jaw. “You belong with Gallegar. He's an all right guy ... for a vamp.” He held her away from him for a moment. “But if he doesn't treat you right, you let me know."

  Tears filled Kira's eyes as she wrapped her arms back around him and pressed her face against his broad chest. As she held him, a picture came into her mind and with it came the telltale fragrance of the Power.

  Kira smiled through her tears as she saw what the Power was saying. “Oh, Lucas ... I have a vision of the future for you. You will find a mate. Somewhere where you least expect it. And she will need you far more than I ever could. She will show you what true acceptance and love is. You will love her back and want to protect her. She will be what you have always looked for."

  Lucas swallowed hard. He could smell the Power as it hovered over them and knew Kira's vision was a true one, but he fought against it. He wasn't ready to love anyone else ... not yet.

  A clearing of the throat had them turning to the door. Gallegar stood in the doorway, his brow lifted, an amused smile on his sensuous lips.

  He eyed them as they stood close together. “A Ghra ... I missed you."

  "Oh, Gallegar,” Kira said. She smiled as she stepped away from Lucas, not noticing Gallegar's slight stiffness. “I just saw the future for Lucas. The Power has not forgotten him. I saw his future mate.” She looked back at Lucas. “She is beautifu

  Gallegar opened his arms and immediately Kira went straight into them. The vampire relaxed and hugged her to him. Then, he looked at Lucas.

  The shapeshifter grinned. “I think this is where I came in."

  Gallegar and Kira laughed, as they realized he was referring to their first meeting.

  "We have come full circle, my friend.” Gallegar said, with a satisfied smile.

  Kira nodded. “Yes, but this time, you will stay with us. This time we are already joined."

  * * * *

  They spent the next several days trying out their new powers. As Koran suggested, both Kira and Gallegar's powers also increased dramatically. Gallegar was twice as strong, and twice as fast as he had been. His power could literally stop a freight train in its tracks. He was easily the strongest of all the Chosen because of his mating with Kira.

  The change in Kira's powers was more subtle. While her power's strength had increased, it was the giftings she received from her Chosen that changed the most. Love, vision, passion, faith, strength and acceptance had new meaning to her.

  She and Gallegar were rarely apart. When those times came that Gallegar had to go back to Sanctuary to solve some problem or deal with the club itself, she was at his side.

  At night, they went back to the loft and celebrated their love anew. And Kira found Gallegar was right. It did get better every time.

  A week after Kira and Gallegar's mating they gathered around the dining room table at the loft. Kira suddenly stood and slammed her hands down on the table in front of her. All the Chosen froze, staring at her in surprise.

  Gallegar left his place where he was arguing strategy with Koran and came to her side. “A Ghra ... What is it?"

  Kira shook her head angrily. “I have sat here and listened as you share what is happening around us and I find I am tired of always being on the defense. Ever since this war started, we have chased after them."

  Koran sighed wearily. “You are correct, sister. We can't seem to get ahead of the game. It is frustrating."

  Danolas tossed the book he was reading onto the table. “We don't know what they are planning. The Power said all I needed was in front of me but ... I can't see it."

  Kira looked at her seer, as his words struck a cord in her memory. “What did you say, Danolas?"


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