Her Double Punishment

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Her Double Punishment Page 11

by Daniella Wright

  Marco smiles. “I am glad.”

  Chapter 8

  Over the next few weeks life falls into a fairly predictable routine. If we wake up to a sunny day, we’re out in the groves, raking the olives from the trees. If it’s wet and raining we’re in the mill, processing the previous days’ olives.

  I take turns with the brothers making breakfast, Stefano on day one, Marco on day two, me on day three, and then the cycle beginning again with Stefano the following day.

  I learn how to use every machine in the mill, and how to fill and label bottles, and package them for transport to markets and stores across Italy and even further abroad.

  I laugh when I recognize the label as the brand of olive oil father always insists we buy, though now I understand why he cared so much about that particular condiment, when he didn’t care at all about the rest of the groceries.

  And I learn more about Marco and Stefano, and the rest of their family.

  It doesn’t take long before I feel like I belong, helping Rosa cook in the kitchen, or doing the dishes after a meal. I help the brothers clean their little house, and keep my own room and bathroom spotless, something I would never have even considered back home.

  I start to feel content with my life, like I’m one of the family, like I’ve never lived anywhere else.

  I even manage to push aside my attraction for the brothers.

  After all, they make no moves towards me. And if they’d been interested in me, surely one of them would’ve given some indication by now?

  But then Stefano and Marco and I are the last ones cleaning the mill after delivering another harvest.

  I watch them, making sure the crates are stacked neatly so they won’t fall over, sweeping all the fallen leaves and other debris from the floor.

  They are both so confident, so certain of themselves. There’s something so sexy about the way they move, even doing such mundane tasks as what we are doing right at this moment.

  I lean on my own broom and watch Marco, imagining what it would be like to kiss his full lips.

  “Everything okay, Savannah?”

  Stefano’s question pulls me from my reverie, and I realize I’ve been biting my lip as I watch Marco work.

  My face burns.

  “Ah. Yeah. I’m good. Fine. Just… just a bit tired, I guess.”

  “You looked like you were lost in thought,” he says, watching me.

  Marco comes over to where we are standing.”

  “You are different tonight?” he says, his eyes seeking out mine.

  “Am I?” A high pitched nervous giggle escapes my throat before I can clamp my mouth shut. “I don’t know why.”

  Stefano comes to stand by his brother.

  “You seem nervous, jittery,” Stefano says.

  Damn these brothers and their observations.

  “Why would you be nervous?”

  A sudden breeze pulls a strand of hair across my face, and Stefano reaches up to brush it behind my ear.

  I close my eyes. I wish they’d kiss me. One of them, both of them, at this point I really don’t care.

  “If I’m not wrong,” Marco starts, and I open my eyes to look at him. “I would say you are attracted to us.”

  My cheeks flush, and I want to deny it, but when I open my mouth Stefano places a finger on my lips.

  “Both of us?” Stefano asks, a strange grin on his face. “I think she’s attracted to you, Marco.”

  Marco shakes his head. “Definitely both of us. I’ve seen her check you out, too.”

  “No. No, I’m not.” I finally find my tongue. “I mean, you’re both attractive men, and Marco, you’re so kind, and Stefano, I can see that you’re fair, but I’m here to work, and I’m here for a whole year, and then I’m going home, and I don’t want to start anything that might make this uncomfortable for anyone, and—”

  Stefano cuts off my babble. “What could be uncomfortable?”

  Is he kidding? Is he teasing me? I don’t know whether to answer him seriously or hit him, right now.

  Marco saves the day, as usual. “You’re a beautiful woman, Savannah. And yes, you are here to work, but you are also here to have fun, no? You should let yourself have fun. My brother and I, we are both open to fun. Couple fun, threesome fun. And we are grown men. We realize that not all relationships are meant to last forever. But we also know that you never know who might be the love of your life, until you give them a chance, get to know them properly.”

  “I…” I don’t know what to say. Marco’s words are a blur. Fun? Threesomes? Love? Wait, did he say threesome fun? An image enters my mind, Marco kissing me from behind while cupping my breasts, Stefano’s head between my legs, and instantly I’m wet. Surely that’s not what he meant?

  I close my eyes, trying to process what they’ve said.

  “We’re moving too fast,” Marco says. “But we can both see that you are attracted to us, Savannah.” He gives me a smile.

  “You don’t have to do anything about that, of course,” Stefano speaks up. “But if you want to, then you should know that we’re attracted to you, too. And we don’t get jealous of each other, so if you want a bit of attention from one or the other of us, then that is fine, and if you want to have fun with both of us, separately, then that is fine, and if you’d like to have some fun with both of us, together, well, that is fine, too.”

  Stefano’s words fill my brain, but I’m not sure they’re really sinking in right now. They’re both attracted to me? And they don’t get jealous, so I could pick one over the other, or I could swap? Is that what they really mean?

  Marco’s hand covers my shoulder. “We just want to let you know your options, Savannah. Everything out in the open, so you aren’t left wondering what’s going on, or stewing over what we are thinking when we look at you like that.”

  My gaze flicks from Marco to Stefano to Marco again.

  I close my eyes, and take a breath. “You’re talking about having fun together, just two of us, or all three of us. And you’re talking about attraction. When you say fun, you mean…?”

  Stefano grins down at me, his blue eyes shining. “Love, Savannah. Intimacy. Sex. It will be infinitely superior to anything you’ve ever experienced in your life, that I can guarantee. But it’s also your decision. You tell us to leave you alone, and we’ll reign ourselves in, no more longing glances, no more innuendo. Certainly no more of this type of conversation. But if you want to take things further… well… let me know.” He winks.

  Marco continues. “That option will always be open. Even if you tell us to leave you alone now. If you change your mind later, we’re all for it. And the same the other way, if you want to start something, and then later decide to stop it, there will be no hard feelings. We will not make the remainder of your year here uncomfortable for you. You have my word.”

  “Woah.” Stefano frowns at Marco, then glances at me. “I want to know one way or the other. No back and forth. If you’re attracted to me, then we should act on it, make the most of this short time we have together. If not,” he raises his hands, “I’ll leave you alone.”

  I nod, a thousand butterflies dancing in my stomach.

  What to say?

  “You don’t have to decide now,” Marco says. “Just be aware of your options. Okay?”

  “You’ve got a week,” Stefano adds. “Else I’ll start looking elsewhere.”

  I nod again, my mind in a whirl, and they turn away.

  “Wait,” I say, and they both turn back. “I’d like to experience what you were talking about a few weeks ago. Being wooed.”

  Stefano raises his eyebrow. “You want us to woo you?”

  I nod.

  They both grin. “That we can do,” Marco says.

  “Hey, you finished down there?” Alessandro’s voice carries from the house, and Marco puts a hand on his hip, and offers me an elbow, so I slip my hand inside. Stefano does the same.

  “On our way.”

  At the house I drop my ha
nds, and let the brothers go through first. My face feels like it’s burning, but no one else seems to notice.

  “The weather report has changed,” Giovanni notes as we sit down together. “Another fine day tomorrow. Another day out in the grove.”

  Stefano nods. “That will be good. We’ll have to press the olives we’ve harvested soon, but it will be good to have one more day’s pickings to press. I think we have much to celebrate this year.” He glances at me, his gaze so strong with desire that I can’t suppress the shudder that travels my body. I glance around the table, but no one else seems to have noticed, and for that I feel a sense of relief. What would the family say, if they knew I was thinking about sleeping with both of these brothers?

  The conversation carries on around me, but then, as dinner ends, Marco disappears into the other room, returning with a guitar.

  “I thought I might sing a song, for Savannah,” he says, glancing at me.

  “Oh do!” Anna says. She looks at me. “Marco has a beautiful voice. Has the women throwing themselves at him whenever he performs.”

  “You don’t play often enough, Marco.” Rosa rests her chin on her hands, and watches her son as he tunes the guitar.

  “This one is just for you, then, Mamma.” He grins, and begins strumming a soft and soothing rhythm.

  Anna is right. Marco does have a beautiful voice. I’m mesmerized from the start, though he sings in Italian and I have absolutely no idea what he is saying. His eyes roam the room, but he always brings his gaze back to me, and I can feel how much he wants me, just from his look alone.

  As he finishes the song he holds my gaze, and for a moment I forget that there are other people in the room with us.

  “Beautiful, beautiful.” Rosa begins to clap and I glance up to see she has tears in her eyes.

  “What is it about?” I ask.

  “It is about unrequited love,” Rosa says. “About a young lad who falls deeply in love with a beautiful maiden, but can never win her heart because she has given her heart to another.” She wipes her eyes and smiles at me. “It is my favorite song of all time. Marco knows it always brings a tear to my eye, I’m sure that’s why he plays it.”

  Marco smiles at his mother, then glances at me. There’s that unreadable expression again, and I push away the nerves in my stomach. We’re having fun, that’s what Marco said. Having fun. Nothing more.

  Though if this is how Italian men woo a woman, I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist falling for either of them.

  Anna stands to head into the kitchen, but Stefano stops her.

  “Marco and I will do the dishes tonight,” he says. “Savannah, would you like to help?”

  The butterflies in my stomach pick up their frenzied dance as I nod, and follow the brothers into the kitchen.

  Stefano gets straight onto dishes, filling the sink with hot soapy water, while Marco pulls out a couple of tea towels.

  “Nice moves, Marco,” Stefano says, his tone teasing. “I was hoping to be the first to start wooing Savannah, but you beat me to it.”

  Marco grins. “Got to beat you at some things, brother.”

  “Anyhow,” Stefano turns to me. “Seeing as Marco has beaten me to song, perhaps I can be the first to recite you a poem.”

  He pauses for a moment to take a deep breath, turning off the taps streaming water into the sink. We hear Stella and Sofia’s high-pitched laughter from the other room.

  He closes his eyes, and begins to speak.

  His language is lilting, his tone beautiful.

  I’m transfixed, just listening to the sound. At one point he opens his eyes, his gaze holding mine.

  When he finishes he closes his eyes again, just for a moment.

  “Beautiful,” I say. “Can you translate it for me?”

  Stefano shakes his head. “I am not that good with poetry in English,” he says. “But I can tell you it is a poem about the fleeting life we have on this earth, and about grasping every opportunity that comes your way.”

  He rolls up his sleeves ready to start the dishes, but first he reaches up to brush hair back behind my ear. His gaze holding mine. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my life, it’s that people are one of a kind, and if you do not make the most of your time with them, you will come to regret it when they are gone.”

  His gaze is so intense. My lips part, and I lean in closer towards him, but then he pulls his gaze from me to someone behind me.

  “Ah, Papa. You are looking for something?”

  I look down at the tea towel I’m holding, embarrassment burning through my whole body.

  “Just a glass of water, Stefano. Our jug is empty.”

  Marco hurries to fill the water jug, and Giovanni leaves the room.

  “I think we ought to focus on these dishes,” Marco says, one eyebrow raised.

  I take a deep breath, and nod.

  When we return to Marco and Stefano’s house, Stefano holds the door open for me, so I can go through. They take one of my hands each before they go to bed, and almost as one press their lips against the back of them.

  “Goodnight, Savannah. Sleep well,” Stefano says.

  “See you in the morning,” Marco adds.

  I’m convinced I can’t possibly get to sleep with all the nerves jittering about inside me. How could a woman not fall instantly in love with a man who sings songs about broken hearts, and or one who recites poetry about the fleetingness of life?

  I shake my head. I can’t think like that. I’m here for another ten months and then I’m going home. And it’s pretty clear that Marco and Stefano both have done this before, having ‘fun’ with their female workers. I can’t let myself believe this is anything other than that, fun.

  But despite the nerves, I’m still tired from my hard day’s work, and it doesn’t take that long to fall asleep, my mind whirling with emotion.

  I dream of the brothers, how could I not? Of kisses and caresses, and songs and poems.

  I’ve known them such a short time, and yet no one in my entire life has ever made me feel anything like these men have. Not even the boyfriend I had in senior high school, who did write me love letters, and give me flowers he’d picked from his mother’s garden.

  I awake to my alarm, and get up to shower as usual, but when I emerge there is a rose on my pillow.

  No indication of who left it there, and I guess it doesn’t matter, not if they’re both going to be leaving gifts.

  I take it out to the kitchen, when Marco is cooking breakfast.

  His face lights up when he sees me.

  “You found my rose.”

  “I did. It’s beautiful, thank you.”

  He nods his head. “A beautiful rose, for a beautiful woman.” He tilts his head towards the dining room. “But I think I’ve been out done by my brother.”

  I venture into the dining room, where there is a huge bouquet of flowers at my usual seat.


  He’s setting the table, and he glances up at me.

  “It’s too much,” I exclaim, lifting them to smell the sweet scent.

  “Nothing is too much for a beautiful woman.” His eyes meet mine, and his pupils dilate. I lick my lips. Surely he’s going to kiss me, now. He lifts a hand, and brushes his thumb across my lower lip.

  “There is nothing more I want to do more right now, than kiss you, Savannah.”

  “Then do it.” I can hear the neediness in my voice, and for a moment I think he will.

  But then he shakes his head. “If I give in to that temptation, I am not sure I will be able to resist going further. And we have work to do.”

  He pulls away, leaving me shaking.

  I close my eyes, aware of Marco entering the room and setting down our breakfast plates.

  “Savannah, are you all right?”

  I take a deep breath, pushing down the desire that coiling in the pit of my stomach.

  “She wants a kiss. But I am not sure I can stop at a kiss,” Stefano explains


  I open my eyes, and take my seat.

  “My brother is a tease, no?” Marco grins. “He knows exactly how to lure in the ladies.”

  I force myself to eat breakfast. I’ve never felt so… so frustrated in all my life. How stupid was I to even suggest this. I should’ve told them both to stop, to leave me alone.

  Marco must sense my thoughts. His hand covers mine. “It’s early days yet, Savannah. And you asked to be wooed. This is how we do it. Through connection. Kisses come later.”

  I nod, and eat my breakfast. I can’t even speak to them, because I’m certain I’ll cry, and that would just be daft.

  We finish eating, and Stefano gathers up the plates to take them to the kitchen. I hear the water fill the sink, the sound of the few items being washed.


  I turn to see Marco watching me.

  “We don’t want to hurt you in this. If you want it to stop. It can stop.”

  I shake my head. “What is there to stop? Nothing has even started.”

  Marco laughs. “Would a kiss be a start, for you?”

  I catch his gaze. “I’ve never felt this way in my life. Perhaps a kiss is not a good idea. Perhaps it will only lead to heartache.”

  Marco takes a deep breath, and licks his lips.

  “If I can be honest with you, for a moment?”

  My heart starts pounding in my ears, but I nod.

  “If it leads to heartache for you, then I can assure it, it will lead to heartache for me, too.”

  My breath catches in my throat as Marco leans forward, and presses his soft warm lips against mine. I lean in to him, and reach up to rest a hand on the side of his neck, but he stops, and pulls away, his breathing shallow.

  “Stefano is right. We can’t get lost in this now. But tonight… tonight we can continue. If you still want to.”

  I groan in frustration. Of course I want to. But now we have a full day of harvesting to get through, before I even have the slightest chance of touching either Marco or Stefano.

  As expected, the day drags.

  I risk a glance at the brothers whenever I get the chance to. Marco stops to chat on a couple of occasions, setting his heavy crate of olives down to help me with my tree.


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