Calico Palace

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Calico Palace Page 16

by Gwen Bristow

  “So me and the other boys, we decided to go by land, around the bay like you did. There was a lot of people going that way, with horses and mules or covered wagons, or even walking and carrying their outfits on their backs. We got around the bay all right, but when we had to cross Carquinez Strait—you must know, you crossed there, didn’t you?”

  “Why yes,” said Marny. “By Semple’s ferry.”

  “Did you have any trouble getting over? I mean, was anybody there ahead of you?”

  She shook her head.

  “When was that?”

  “About the end of April,” said Kendra.

  “I guess it was about three weeks after that when we got there,” said Foxy. “And do you know what? There was two hundred and forty-three wagons—I counted ’em, didn’t have anything else to do while I waited my turn to go over. All those wagons were waiting to cross, besides the horses and mules and the men who rode them and the other men who had walked all the way. I didn’t count the people, couldn’t, they kept moving around, but I guess there must have been five or six hundred, men and women and children and babies, waiting for the ferry.”

  The girls marveled, thinking of the strait as they had seen it, the wide green landscape with the willows and wild flowers, and the ferryboat splashing on the quiet water.

  Foxy sighed. “And nobody to run that ferryboat,” he said, “but Semple.”

  “What about those young men,” Kendra asked, “who worked for him?”

  “He didn’t have any young men when I was there,” Foxy returned. “I guess they were off to the diggings. He was working day and night, still is, I reckon. I don’t know what he does for sleep, but if he lives through this he sure will be rich because he puts his prices higher every day and still the people pile in. Us boys were lucky because we didn’t have a wagon to take over. The boat carried two wagons at a time, and on each trip Semple would tuck in a few extra men like us. So we didn’t have to wait but three days to cross.”

  Foxy sighed.

  “Then,” he said, “we came to Sutter’s Fort.”

  “Are Bates and Cunningham still running their raft?” Marny asked.

  “No, I heard tell of them but they’re gone now, gone prospecting. Mr. Sutter has a rowboat, with a crew of them so-called Indians—”

  “We call them Abs,” said Kendra.

  “Abs? Well, the Abs take this rowboat back and forth across the river, and it’s all right if you can stand the lice. But you have to stand ’em because that’s the only way to get over, and when you do get over you find the river around the fort is full of men who came over before you, washing off the lice, so that’s the first thing you do yourself.”

  Foxy chuckled ruefully in remembrance.

  “The fort,” he said, “was full-to-busting of people on their way to the mines. And that store of Smith and Brannan’s, you should have seen the business.”

  Kendra and Marny nodded in amused understanding. “Was Gene Spencer still there?” Marny asked.

  “Yes ma’am, he was there, but he said he was coming up to Shiny Gulch pretty soon. That store sure is raking in money. And gold dust, pounds of gold dust. And you know where they keep that dust—oh gee, excuse me, ladies—”

  Kendra and Marny began to laugh. “That’s all right,” said Kendra. “We saw it.”

  “Saw it?” repeated Foxy. He began to laugh too. “There’s a whole row of ’em now.”

  “Marvelous,” said Marny. “Go on.”

  “Well, we rode to Mormon Island. There’s forty or fifty men there, rocking cradle things like the one your menfolks are rocking up yonder. They told us every man of ’em was taking at least half a pound of gold a day. So now we want to get to work too. Mrs. Parks, do you think Ted would explain to us about that cradle?”

  Kendra said he would be glad to do so.

  Foxy looked along the strip, a slow grin spreading over his bony face. “It sure is wonderful,” he said. “Half a pound a day. But there’s some,” he added eagerly, “who say there could be even more. Ladies—have you heard anybody talk about a Big Lump?”

  “Why yes,” said Marny. “They talk about it at my place. Every day or two I hear of somebody who’s gone to look for it.”

  Foxy sighed. “Gosh! I say, Marny, do you believe that?”

  “No,” said Marny, “I don’t believe it.” She gave a shrug. “They used to shout with joy at a hundred dollars a day, now they complain because they aren’t picking up a million dollars a month. So they go looking for the Big Lump. Some people,” said Marny, “are just plain greedy, and they’re going to be sorry for it.”


  IN THE NEXT FEW days Kendra heard more talk about the Big Lump, but not from Delbert. What he talked about—when he talked at all—was his need for more liquor to sell at the bar. A man known as Stub Crawford, a weaselly character with a dirty face and a voice like a cat’s meow, came up to Shiny Gulch with a load of liquor, expecting Delbert and Marny to buy it at a fancy price. Delbert bought one drink, tasted it, and threw the rest on the ground. “That stuff,” he said, “would pulverize tin.”

  To the rage of Stub Crawford he refused to buy so much as a pint. Delbert had no scruples about selling rotgut, but he agreed with Marny that the Calico Palace ought to keep its good reputation. Now and then a peddler came up with a keg of drinkable gin or brandy, enough to keep the bar in business. Marny told Kendra the Calico Palace was doing better than they had dared to expect. More men were coming in every day to hunt gold, and they found it. They found it in such abundance that many of them forgot it had any value, and spent it or gambled it away as fast as they gathered it up.

  Even Ellet of the great beard, who had started the talk of the Big Lump, seemed to have forgotten it, for Ellet too was getting rich where he was. He had brought two wagonloads of goods from the fort, and opened a trading post.

  He set up his business at the lower end of the strip, about three miles below the high end where Ning’s party had made their camp. Ellet placed the post here because the Ab village stood close by, around the turn of the stream. The men at Shiny Gulch—and even more the women—did not want the Abs roaming through the camp, scattering stinks and vermin, and carrying off anything that caught their fancy. Everybody, however, was willing to trade with them because the Abs came to the trading post with their hands full of gold.

  Through their uncounted centuries in California, the Abs had not paid much attention to the bright sand they saw in the creeks. But now these strange new people wanted it. In return the strangers offered all sorts of delights: raisins and tobacco and face paints, colored glass beads the size of walnuts; dried beans, which the Abs pounded into a delicious paste with fresh grasshoppers; silver coins, which they loved to pierce and hang around their necks.

  For a handful of beans or raisins, Ellet charged them as much gold dust as he could pick up between his thumb and his two first fingers. As Ellet had big hands, this was a good deal of gold. For coins the Abs would give even more. The bigger the coin the more they wanted it. Ted had a silver dollar he had been carrying as a luck piece, but now he took the dollar down to the trading post, where an Ab joyfully bought it for its weight in gold. Ellet kept ten per cent of the gold as his commission, and all three were happy.

  Kendra wondered about the rightness of these transactions. She did not ask anybody, for she liked to answer her own questions. When she had made up her mind she told Marny what she thought.

  “It’s as fair as any other trade,” she said. “It’s as right for Ted to take gold for that dollar as for a jeweler to take gold for that spray of opals I’m going to buy. It’s as right for Mr. Ellet to take gold for beans as for a man in New York to take it for caviar. What’s anything worth except what somebody is willing to pay for it?”

  They were sitting on the grass, waiting while Ted saddled a pair of horses so he and Kendra could ride down to the trading post. Their food supplies had to be replenished, but the men dreaded going all the way to the fort to bu
y more and leaving the rocker while other men gathered gold. Kendra had suggested that if they would spare Ted for an hour or two this afternoon she would see what Ellet had for sale.

  Ted brought the horses, and he and Kendra rode down the strip. About two hundred men were here now, working with picks and pans in the water or with rockers and shovels on the hills. By this time there were also about thirty women in camp. Most of these were sturdy sunbonnet pioneers like Hester and Sue. But several, Ted had told her, were the sort you might expect in a place where there was such a surplus of men. As they rode they saw Mrs. Posey washing clothes, and Kendra asked what she was doing about those women.

  With a chuckle Ted said he didn’t think she was doing anything. “My dear,” he added, “it’s not Marny’s morals that Mrs. Posey objects to, its Marny’s sizzling self. Haven’t you noticed, she objects to you as much as she does to Marny.”

  Mrs. Posey did not look up to greet them. They rode on.

  The trading post was a rawhide shed. Close to the mountainside Ellet had set up poles with the bark still on, laid crosspieces over them, and made a roof of rawhides thatched with leaves. The mountain made the back wall of the shed, and more hides hung at the south side, for shade. The other two sides were open. In the shed, a wagon stripped of wheels had been turned upside down for a counter. On this Ellet had placed a tin cup to serve drinks to men who did not bring cups of their own, and a pair of scales for weighing gold.

  Near the shed Stub Crawford sat on a rock, smoking. Kendra had not been close to him before, and now she thought whoever had called him Stub had named him aptly, for he did look like a useless leftover. Stub was a smallish fellow with a sour little face, dandruffy hair and black fingernails, and clothes that looked as if he had been wearing them for weeks. As she dismounted, his nasty little eyes crept over her as if he could see through her dress.

  Ted and Kendra went into the shed, and Ellet came around the wagon-counter to welcome them. “Howdy, folks! Come right in. Make yourselves at home.”

  Though not much cleaner than Stub, Ellet had a big hearty friendliness that made him far more agreeable. With a backward glance at Stub, Ted asked, “What’s he doing here?”

  Ellet shrugged his big shoulders. “Oh, the damn fool. Keeps begging me to buy his liquor. I don’t want it, got my own. Told him to set up a saloon for hisself, but he won’t take the trouble. Too lazy to work, too lazy to pan gold, grumps all day long because the Lord ain’t running the world to suit him.”

  To give Kendra time to look around, Ted said he wanted some kerchiefs to keep the sun off his neck. Ellet had a variety of goods—salt pork and jerked beef, salt cod and herring, coffee, seabiscuits, liquor, flour, dried peas and beans, besides mining tools and trinkets for the Abs. But the minute she had set foot in the shed Kendra had known she was not going to eat anything that came out of it. Ellet was affable enough, but she had never smelled a stench like that of his trading post and she had never seen so many crawling things in one place. Already she felt as if they were crawling on herself. Maybe they were.

  The shed was fiercely hot, and the smell was making her sick—stale food, stale sweat, hides reeking because they were only half cured. She heard a greedy buzzing of flies, and saw black beetles creeping in and out of the cracks in the barrels.

  A man came in carrying a pail, saying he wanted flour. Genially booming, “Sure, right here,” Ellet reached into a barrel—it had no top—and brought up flour in a tin scoop. Kendra saw a cockroach wiggling in the flour as Ellet dumped the scoop into the pail. The customer paid with gold dust. Kendra looked after him as he walked off, wondering if he had seen what she had. Maybe he had not, maybe he did not care. Well, she cared. Outdoor living had made her less squeamish than she used to be, but she was not going to eat cockroaches. She thought of the store at Sutter’s Fort, where she and Marny had talked with Gene Spencer. It had not been elegant but it had been reasonably clean. At least it had not smelled like this.

  She said, “I’ll wait for you outside, Ted.”

  She went out and mounted her horse, and when he had paid for his kerchiefs Ted followed her. He was laughing. “I don’t blame you a bit,” he said as they rode away. “Ellet is not a bad fellow, but we’ll get our food supplies from the fort.”

  Ted went back to work at the rocker. When Kendra had scrubbed off the memory of the trading post, she built up her fire and put on a kettle of beans and jerked beef, seasoned with the sage that grew in thick purple beds on the hills. While the stew was simmering she filled a pot with leaves of the wild mustard plant and set it on the fire with a scrap of her shrinking store of bacon.

  The shadows were lengthening, but the sun had not yet gone behind the hills. As she looked down the strip Kendra could see other women stirring their kettles, and children bringing sticks for firewood, and men gathering in groups with their pots and pans. Other men were going into the Calico Palace, to buy a drink or to risk their day’s takings with Marny. The air was full of coffee and bacon, and whiffs of salt fish bought at Ellet’s trading post. Ted and his friends were dragging their rocker up to the spot where they would let it stand for the night. They all four waved to her, and went on to a pool behind a jutting wall of rock, where they liked to take a plunge after their hot day’s work.

  Kendra put on the coffee pot and set the eating-pans by the fire to be ready when the men appeared. The odors of sage and bacon and wild mustard were making her hungry.

  She heard a sound of hoofs, and looked around. Riding up the strip on an ugly sort of nag she saw Stub Crawford. He had a saddlebag, from which he was trying to sell liquor to the men around the campfires. But not many of them were buying it; evidently they had heard of the dreadful quality of his liquor and those who wanted a drink could get a good one at the Calico Palace, for no more than Stub wanted them to pay. As he drew near Kendra, Stub dismounted and ambled toward her, carrying a tin canteen that smelled of booze.

  “Howdy,” he greeted her in his fretful voice.

  Kendra, bending over her kettle, glanced up at him with distaste. “Good evening,” she said. She said it with a snap, and returned to her task of stirring the beans, to let him know he was not welcome.

  But Stub was not one to take a hint. “Where’s your menfolks?” he drawled.

  “They’re taking a bath,” Kendra answered shortly, wishing Stub would take one too.

  Stub wiggled his nose. “Mmm—mhmmm!” he murmured. “What’s that you’re cooking?”

  “Beans, said Kendra.

  “And meat too, ain’t it? Sure smells good,” said Stub. He sniffed hungrily. “And coffee. And—what’s that?” He pointed his dirty finger.

  “Wild mustard,” she said tersely, wishing her friends would hurry.

  “And bacon. I smell bacon. Aw!” Stub whimpered. “Help out a pore man, can’t you? Just a little somp’n?”

  “No,” said Kendra.

  Stub stuck the canteen into his pocket. He drew nearer. “Oh now, you could spare a little somp’n.”

  “No!” said Kendra. “Go away.”

  Stub was pleading. “How can you be so mean? A pore man that ain’t got nothing to eat and nobody to care about him. What makes you so stingy?”

  Kendra turned to face him, the ladle from the bean kettle in her hand. “Go away!” she ordered him. “Let me alone. I’m not going to give you anything.”

  She spoke clearly, in a voice that meant what it said. A drop of gravy fell from the ladle and splashed on the ground.

  “Let me alone!” she repeated through her teeth.

  But Stub bent and picked up one of the pans that stood waiting. “Aw, you’ll never miss it,” he whined like a spoilt child. “Just a little bit.” He reached for the ladle she was holding.

  “No!” retorted Kendra, and gripped the ladle with all her might. But Stub wanted supper and saw no reason why he should not have it. With a cackling laugh he wrenched the ladle out of her hand and gave her shoulder a push. Kendra fell backward on the ground. />
  No man had ever touched her roughly before. Blazing with fury, a gasping noise of rage in her throat, she sat up. Pan in one hand and ladle in the other, Stub was about to help himself to beans.

  But he never did. Kendra heard the crack of a gun. Stub let out a howl, the ladle dropped, the pan tumbled on the ground and went clattering away toward the gulch.

  Several men, their attention roused by the shot, were running toward Kendra to offer help. But she did not need it. From the direction of the pool Pocket was walking toward her, pistol in hand. Pocket was smiling sweetly. Finishing his bath before the others, he had come around the rock that hid the pool, in time to see what Stub was trying to do and prevent his doing it. With the same exquisite marksmanship he had shown when the sailors had approached Marny at Carquinez Strait, he had shot the pan out of Stub’s hand without hurting the hand itself, as he had shot the hat out of the hand of the sailor.

  Yelling with terror, Stub was running toward the spot where he had left his horse. The canteen fell out of his pocket and the booze trickled out onto the ground. The other men burst out laughing. Kendra laughed too, in admiration and relief.

  “Pocket, you’re a wonder,” she exclaimed as he reached her.

  Pocket put the gun into its holster. “Glad to be of service, ma’am.”

  “Weren’t you afraid,” she asked in some disquiet, “you might kill him?”

  Pocket answered with innocent surprise. “Why no ma’am,” he said. “I never kill anybody,” he explained, “unless I mean to.”

  Before Kendra had time to ask him if he had ever killed anybody, Ted and Ning and Hiram came running from the pool, pulling on their clothes as they ran and calling out to ask what the shooting was about. Kendra explained, Pocket borrowed an eating-pan from somebody, and she served the supper.


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